July 04, 2014

Stature Meter

Stature  Meter

Uranda  November 24, 1947

Herewith you will receive your copy of the Stature-Meter,

the use of which
 will enable you to more clearly see and know your own Stature in Christ.

The varying levels of consciousness from which an individual may express are outlined under three classifications: the Little Self, the Larger Self and the Higher Self. Your every feeling, thought, word and deed, through every hour of every day, springs from one of these levels, and all of these levels relate to all four phases of your Being, physically, emotionally, mentally and Spiritually.

The Spirit of the Higher Self is allowed manifestation through the levels of the Larger Self; therefore, function from the levels of the Larger Self is highly commendable as the indirect expression of the Higher Self, but the Goal is that Oneness which allows the direct expression of the Higher Self to manifest on earth.

It is well to imagine your point of motivation as being a small colored ball which moves from level to level according to your expression moment by moment. If this ball of motivation keeps bobbing down into the levels of the Little Self, your function in those moments is like that of an undeveloped dwarf, but when the ball of motivation consistently remains in the levels of the Larger Self, you are growing into your full Stature in Christ, that you may, in season, be in manifestation that Reality which you are. Thus it is that you are privileged to have a part in causing the Will of God to be done on earth as it is in Heaven, and thus it is that you share in the work of bringing the Kingdom into manifestation on earth, to the Glory of God and the blessing of the children of men.

As long as any of your feelings, thoughts, words or deeds originate from the levels classified as belonging to the Little Self, you are not expressing that true nobility of character of which you are capable.  Any feeling, thought,  word or deed originating in the levels of the Little Self is utterly unworthy of you. When forty percent of your feelings, thoughts, words and deeds originate in the levels of the Little Self, you may classify yourself as having twenty percent effectiveness, because forty percent of your feelings, thoughts, words and deeds originating in your Larger Self will have been nullified by that which has originated in the Little Self.  Until the expressions of life through you all originate in your Larger Self, or Higher Self, you are not living in the fullness of the abundant life which is open to you.

As you familiarize yourself thoroughly with the Stature Meter, and then look at it at least once a day, when you retire, and review your feelings, thoughts, words and deeds as they have been made manifest during the day, doing this fairly and honestly, you will begin to see yourself as you are. As you faithfully examine yourself, you will recognize that the petty, little things that spring from the levels of the Little Self are not a true part of you. They are contemptible and beneath you, wholly unworthy of you. Therefore, as you go through each new day, you will learn to function more cautiously, making certain that the levels from which you function are worthy of you, that your expression in life through feeling, thought, word and deed may begin to truly manifest that Reality which you are, as you function in harmony with the One Law in accordance with the pattern of Truth, letting God's will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

The point from which the motivation springs is the individual's true stature at the moment of his expression. The appearance of nobility that is made possible by favorable circumstance must not be confused with the nobility of character and being which manifests regardless of circumstance. Consistent function from the levels of the Larger Self allows the individual 
to be lifted up into the Reality of Being where he may share the function of the Higher Self in Spirit and in Truth.

© Emissaries of Divine Light