December 18, 2015
Let Your Light So Shine
human mind—what is it that shall characterize that facility? We are well aware
that the prince of darkness has occupied this mental capacity in the world the
way it is. His occupation involves a continuing battle. We have a recognition
that this mental capacity should be filled with the light rather than the
darkness. It is the same mental capacity whether it is occupied by the light or
the darkness. In the first heaven it is occupied by the darkness; in the new
heaven it is occupied by the light; but it is the same mental capacity in
either case. Obviously it is not a matter of shucking off our minds, because
then you would be left without any capacity at all. We have this rather
remarkable mental capacity, which heretofore has apparently chosen darkness but
which also is quite capable of choosing light. There is something that can
happen in the first heaven which may transform that facility into the new
the same capacity, which is either filled with darkness or filled with light.
It has been so customary to be filled with darkness that the idea of being
filled with light strikes terror in many hearts. Everything would then be
exposed. Are we still somewhat afraid of what might be seen if we were
factually filled with light? There would be no hiding place: to be completely
exposed. It seems that the original condition was one of nakedness, indicative
of complete exposure. That was natural because the radiance of light was
natural and there was nothing to hide from. In allowing our minds to be
restored from the state of satan to the state of Lucifer it is a matter of
participating in the radiance of light. After all, Lucifer is the light-bearer.
We could not have the experience of Lucifer without bearing the light.
So there is in this heavenly capacity the possibility of either
maintaining what has always been known in human experience since the fall, or
allowing the door to be opened so that the radiance of light may put in an
appearance. This is what is being described by "war in heaven." It's
war in the first heaven. That's the only starting point anyone has. If the new
heaven was already a fact in human experience there would be no problem. But
the fact is the first heaven, the heaven of darkness; so the light needs to
permeate that darkness. We ourselves have been willing, up to a point at least,
to accept the responsibility of letting the darkness be banished. Our main
effort in this regard was not so much to let the light shine as to get rid of
the darkness, but you can't get rid of the darkness without letting the light
shine. It is simply a matter of letting the light shine. The shining of the
light banishes the darkness.
is the fact that the darkness does not comprehend the light. How could it? It's
dark! But the darkness vanishes when the light shines. The idea has been that
there is some great struggle to go on, a great battle, an endless battle
apparently, between the light and the darkness. But there is no battle between
the light and the darkness. When the light goes on, the darkness is gone. Can
you imagine some situation where the light is having a hard time getting rid of
the darkness? It is simply a matter of letting the light shine. If one is
identified with the darkness, the darkness comprehends not the light. We have
much evidence of that fact all around us and we have much experience of that
fact within us. When it is dark it is very, very dark. But when it is light
there's no darkness. What a very simple thing this is.
The shining of the light prevails when it is present. The prince of
darkness does not prevail and is cast out of the heaven. When the prince of
darkness is actually cast out of that first heaven, which he has occupied for
so long, there is the new heaven. It wasn't something other than it was before.
The place is the same, the space is the same, but it's now occupied by light
and not by darkness. There is no question as to the outcome of the battle, or
the war, as long as the light is allowed to shine. Defeat comes and has been
maintained because there is a struggling within the darkness. We have noted how
the heads of the dragon contend with each other. They are vying for the minds
of men. That's the sort of battle we can do without.
We see people everywhere involved in this war. That battle is of no
concern whatsoever; it doesn't matter—IDM! Whatever is done it will have an
unfortunate effect. It doesn't matter which way it goes, it will have an
unfortunate effect, because here is the prince of darkness getting everybody
well confused so that he may maintain his position, which is that of governing
human minds. I don't care to have my mind governed by the prince of darkness.
How about you? One of his heads will tell you you should go this way and
another head will tell you you should go that way. What difference does it
make? I don't intend to go either way!
There is just one way, and that is the way of light. And when light is
allowed to shine in the realm where the prince of darkness has held sway
heretofore, there is what might be described as war. When the light begins to
shine because you let it shine, all sorts of dark things erupt; there is war in
this way. But darkness has no power over light. Why is it that so easily there
is a fearful attitude toward the darkness? "It's going to prevail. Oh dear
me! It's going to overwhelm me. This darkness is building up all around!"
What about letting the light shine, and where did the darkness go? It is the
constant radiation of the light that dispels the darkness. It's rather magical,
isn't it?
Let your light so shine. We are reaching a point where we begin to
understand what that means: no more fear of the darkness. Let your light so
shine. I am the light of the world, of my world in particular. If my light
shines in my world it's not dark anymore to ME. This shining of the light
comes, as we know, individually speaking. One must let it happen, for oneself.
But there begins to be a collective shining of the light in consequence. And
the darkness is in the process of being dispelled. Keep the light coming.
fearful creatures human beings are—I suppose in a way, naturally so; they have
been creatures of the dark. We've all been that way and we have suffered so in
that darkness: plagues, famine, earthquakes. All these things appear in the
darkness. When such things put in an appearance in our own experience, even in
our own flesh, what do we do? "Oh dear, this is the darkness! I must go to
somebody who will manipulate this darkness so it isn't dark anymore."
That's rather ridiculous, isn't it? Let the light shine—the only thing to be
done! But one must do it for oneself. There is a tendency to rush around, find
other people who are going to switch on the light somehow for us. No they're
not! They may provide momentary alleviation of something to give us the
opportunity to let the light shine.
If any of us have moved through difficulties of any kind—environmental
difficulties, circumstantial difficulties, difficulties in our own bodies, difficulties
of whatever kind—and someone has helped to alleviate whatever they were, one
may give thanks for that because one is still on hand to let the light shine.
Otherwise any help we receive went for nothing. What happens when these things
put in an appearance around us? Do we revert into the old state? Or is there a
recognition that the shining of the light is the only way by which wholeness
can be restored? The wholeness of our own physical flesh depends upon whether
the light shines or not, not upon whether you took your vitamins today. While
you are meditating upon the advisability of letting your light shine, the vitamins
may be useful. But don't meditate too long!
Let your light so shine. And, as I say, this is an individual matter
initially. As the responsibility is taken individually and the light does shine
individually, there is no more fear of the darkness. Then there begins to be a
collective situation, which we know something about, don't we? The
multiplication of the shining of the light is exponential in consequence, but
it can't happen if we let the light shine a little and then decide to duck back
into the darkness. If we have this on-again, off-again situation, the
multiplication collectively can't take place—very much at least.
shining of the light brings forth an awareness of one's own angelic identity,
which IS the light. The light is present because one still lives, the angelic
identity is present. As Lucifer is restored there is the transparency for the
revelation on earth of that angelic identity. It comes with the light. I am the
light of the world. I am the light of the world because I have a physical form
in the world, and through that physical form the light shines. But it reaches
the physical form through my mind, through the potential new heaven. As the
light shines, the darkness is cast out and there begins to be a new heaven on
earth within the body of mankind, a safe place consistently maintained by the
shining of the light.
is the shining of the light that permits creation to occur. Perhaps we would
think of that in terms of re-creation, but it's creation. And as there is the
clear shining of the light through a unified body, the prince of darkness is
cast into the earth. There is no heaven for him anymore, and all power is given
to this new heaven present on earth by which the creation occurs. Magic! Magic
to the human view. It's been happening all along in a way—as we noted, a very
sluggish way—but when Lucifer is in place and the light is borne, behold I come
light shines and creation occurs. The light shines in our individual worlds.
Whatever your world is, that is available for the shining of the light. It
doesn't matter what it is. The only world anyone has is the world where he is
now. It doesn't matter what it is, that's the world; that's where the light
needs to shine. It has nothing to do with the seeming circumstances; it doesn't
matter how the world may look. If the light isn't shining one doesn't see it
anyway. But when the light does shine in that world it will be found to be
something entirely different to what one thought it was.
One doesn't need to move anywhere. Let your light so shine exactly
where you are! Where else could you let it shine? To say "I will let it
shine if I go over there" is a cop-out. If you can't let it shine here you
certainly can't let it shine where you are not. Let the light shine exactly
where one is. One is there to let the light shine. That's why one is where one
is. And when the light shines creation occurs. Let your light so shine now.
That is always the natural thing to occur. And when it does, all things are
made new.
light is stable. It's always present—sometimes more intense, sometimes less so,
but it's always present. There is always that point of orientation. It's
obviously there when the sun shines but it's also there when the Morning Star
is present. It provides a point of orientation. The yoke is easy and the burden
light. The form of Man, is light. That is the nature and quality of the form of
Man. It's fallen quite a ways from that experience. But the light is the
creative power; by Him all things were made that are made. There is no problem
from the standpoint of the light. The problem has been in the space which has
been occupied by satan, but to which Lucifer now returns so that the light is
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