God Beings Were There Down Through The Ages
Creation and the Fall of Man
Loveland Fireside Talks #1
Uranda February 27, 1944
Uranda began the consideration of the recorded Biblical story of the
creation and the fall of man and stated that the only picturization we have
from the beginning of creation until the flood is given in the first four
chapters in the Bible, covering exactly seven pages in the Scofield version,
and four or five pages in the ordinary Bible edition. In other words,
everything that took place up to about 12,000 years ago, or approximately over
a period of 300,796 years—that is, up to the time of the flood, or the
submersion of Atlantis—is pictured for the Bible student in condensed form in
the first few chapters of Genesis. Such being the case, it becomes obvious that
much is left out, or unrecorded, and therefore the student of the Bible should
not form any definite or dogmatic views concerning this portion of Biblical history.
Using a school globe, Uranda then proceeded to briefly picture for us what
took place during the above stated period, filling in those portions unrecorded
in the Bible, certain phases of which are considered by the world as being
purely legendary. The Gobi Desert in Mongolia, for example, was the portion
where fallen man was banished to. The Oriental civilization, particularly in
China and India, developed from remnants of people living at the time of the
submersion of Lemuria, and later, the submersion of Atlantis. They developed as
tribes within this area that was segregated for fallen man, and because of
that, we see how the Oriental tribes functioned. We go back to the Law of the positive and the negative.
The earth itself must have a positive and a negative phase. The hemisphere
dominated by the Orientals is the negative phase of the earth itself, and the
hemisphere dominated by the Occidentals is the positive sphere. From the
standpoint of history the records are Occidental, not Oriental. As regards man
and woman, the positive and the negative, the negative phase was ignored except
as she related somehow particularly to the positive phase. There are a few
exceptions, but primarily women were ignored and
history deals mostly with the history of men. The important thing in
relationship to this is that the Oriental development or the negative phase,
comes directly from tribes growing out of remnants of those who escaped
destruction at the time of the submersion of Lemuria first, and Atlantis later.
The only means by which any did escape destruction was because the Himalaya
Mountains were thrown up at the time of the submersion of Lemuria. Only a few
escaped into these mountains, and from these the Oriental peoples developed.
The sea gave way in both directions, north and south from these mountains,
which permitted a few of those belonging to that earliest settlement of
segregated individuals, fallen man, to live through that period.
It is to be noted that certain portions of Lemuria remained above the
surface of the sea, forming what is known today as the South Pacific Islands,
which retained a more or less responsive attitude toward the source of life, so
that prior to the coming of missionaries and the inroads of our civilization
these islands were practically free from evil and from the diseases of the
so-called modern civilized white race. We see, therefore, in the Orient a
decided expression, or manifestation, of what we call the negative phase of

Uranda — When a human soul reaches nirvana, according to Oriental philosophy, it
does not incarnate anymore. It is just like a drop in the ocean, disappearing
into the vast body of something or other. It is supposed to be tranquil, but
there is never any real expression of itself in creation out here in the world—which
shows that there was an attunement only with the negative phase of life itself.
Arriving at the edge of the negative phase, and being attuned to that, the
positive phase is ignored, as if it did not exist. They did penetrate as far as
the negative went, and from there on, as far as they were concerned, there was
simply nothing; nevertheless this state of attunement with the negative phase,
or the Mother God expression, was something greatly to be desired, according to
their concepts.
On the other hand, in accordance with the Occidental idea, we have the
concept of God as the positive concept of being. There we have a positive
conception of a Divine Being of specific form, and so on. A conception of that
which is beyond the physical is altogether different in the positive phase than
in the negative phase, and the Orient constitutes the negative phase. We now
see the great conflict. Russia belongs largely in what we speak of as the
Oriental sphere, and we see the influence of the Oriental concepts and
attitudes in the development of atheistic viewpoints. That would come out of
such concepts of nothingness, in the elements of ruggedness, where there is
danger from cold and the constant necessity to fight for life itself—sufferings
from hunger, cold and labor. An individual would tend to develop a denial of
this Oriental type of concept of Deity. It is because of that that we see the
atheistic trend so prominent in Russia. We see that there is a terrific
struggle going on between the Orient and the Occident. This war that now rages
has part of its bearings in this struggle.
In the earlier periods of the development of civilization, as in Egypt and
points in the Babylonian region, we have the legends that relate to the period
of creation of the world, to the flood, to the submersion of Lemuria. We may
say that in some of the records preserved in the Himalayas we find the same
story, but they did not come there purely from an Oriental standpoint. For 7000
years prior to the submersion of Lemuria, sections of Lemuria were going down.
There was a spread out of Lemuria into various parts of the earth, evidenced by
the legends that we find now, for instance, in reference to the North American
Indians, the records contained in Mexico, Honduras, South America, the
Himalayas, Babylonia, Egypt—all spreading out from Lemuria because of this
submersion and because of upsets that were taking place in Lemuria during these
7000 years. The other half of the world condensed the stories that were all
virtually identical. And so we are not dependent upon the Biblical story only.
These legends, etc., all tie in.
The God Beings were there, down through the ages. These legends and
records, wherever found, all point to the same story. There are many things
which serve as evidence; for instance in the Easter Islands, which was the
eastern portion of Lemuria, they have found quarries of solid stones which
simply could not be quarried by the best engineers today. How are such things
to be explained? All these things indicate that there is something overlooked,
that is not given in the Bible. This does not detract from the Bible, or from
its validity of course. It points to the fact that the condensed history as
given in those four chapters of Genesis cannot be treated as if it were a
detailed history covering that vast period of time.

You will observe, as you look at the globe, that Lemuria extended over the
globe, binding, so to speak, the negative and the positive spheres of the
earth; that is, it extended from a point not far west of California over the
Pacific Ocean, including the remaining South Sea Islands as they stand today,
as well as Australia.
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