Martin Exeter
April 27, 1909 — January 12, 1988
As it was in those days after the Master returned to the Inner Planes, when it was assumed that His Body was dead, but it proved not to be so — thus it is in this current era. Though it may have looked to many, in the 1990's, as though the Body was dead, it has proven not to be so, and today we see that the Archangel continues to incarnate through His Body, and His Angels come forth in this Day. Our good friend Alan Hammond put it this way, in a few written words received earlier this morning:
Good morning David.
Today is the 32nd Anniversary of Martin’s departure.
Praise the Lord for his Presence in our lives! God’s greatest personal gift to us.
Love, Alan
Certainly, in accord with these simple words from Alan, we praise the Lord for the gift of Martin’s Presence in our lives! The silver cord of the Body of the Archangel was not loosed with the death of Martin’s personal body and his departure from this immediate earthly scene, and over the years since that time — thanks in large part to the enduring and mighty work focused by Alan and Jean Hammond, in selfless service, and in conscious agreement with a few others whose living and words are a vital part of the Great Cosmic Story. Here we are now in 2020 with increasingly clear hindsight and foresight, where we see and experience the evidence of the coming forth of His Angels, in sufficient number and with the generation of sufficient fine substance that the Light of the evidence of His Presence might be seen in the dawning sunrise, in vivid heavenly contrast to the perished, man-made night. With thanksgiving to the Lord, we move together in the Way of the Master, opened all those years ago, and brought to remembrance in this current era by Uranda and Martin, clear evidence of the coming of the Comforter. db