February 01, 2017

Obviously What Has Thus Far Transpired Is Not Adequate


What  Has  Thus  Far  Transpired

Is  Not  Adequate


Be  Awake  to  the  Potential  in  Each  Role  and  Task

Martin Exeter   February 22, 1987

All is well. The power of love draws this planet with its burden of life forms back into alignment with cosmic purpose. Because there has been this lack of alignment, the world over the ages has been filled with tribulation. During this time every individual who has been present on earth has experienced varying degrees of tribulation. We are well aware that this is consequent upon the human failure to remain aligned with cosmic purpose. But the power of love works and is indeed in the process of drawing all on the surface of this planet—and the planet itself—back into alignment with the Creative Cosmic Purpose.

The reason for our presence on earth is that we might awaken to what is happening and participate in the process, letting it be drawn to focus. We are aware that this is necessary—the focus has been absent. What human beings refer to as nature has been left on its own without the necessary direction, which was the responsibility of Man. It has been able to survive thus far in a very distorted state. Because of this it is quite useless to look to nature for human guidance. We are aware of the fact that it is the restoration of man that is required. Without that focus there is no control out of heaven to set the dominion of the ordinances of heaven in the earth. This is the responsibility of Man—a responsibility long forgotten. In its place has come the vast variety of human effort and the vast variety of consequent tribulation.

We ourselves have become aware that there is no way out of this state of affairs except as there is a return to the state and the condition of Man. So we have shared this recognition of responsibility—and have assumed a certain factual responsibility in our own living. Obviously what has thus far transpired is not adequate, but we are aware, to the extent that we have participated in this process, that there is an inexorable process which brings the fulfilment which is necessary. We recognize the nature of this fulfilment as being absolutely dependent upon what is experienced in the nature of our own living. This is not something that happens regardless of human beings. It is not an imposition from some supposed heavenly source upon the body of mankind. It may appear to be that way by reason of the tribulation, but the tribulation is the very just result of human failure.

There is a tendency for human beings to complain good deal about injustice and unfairness, and so on. This view is generated self-centeredly and fails to take into consideration the larger picture, fails to take into consideration even the smaller picture of individual human function. We produce our own worlds, and, as it has been, we suffer the consequences. There is always the potential and opportunity of allowing the production of the true world, but this is absolutely impossible until there is Man on earth. We could say that this is a fortunate thing; otherwise I am sure that the human race would long have departed. But there is always the expectation that somehow in the outworking of the Cosmic Cycles of Things man could be restored. This has always been the first order of business: the restoration of Man—not the restoration of the state of the planet, because the state of the planet is absolutely dependent upon the state of human beings. Until Man is restored there is no basis for fundamental change in the condition of the world.

So we present ourselves to participate in this creative process. This requires the necessity of letting go of the human nature which heretofore has dictated human behavior. It is a matter of letting go of that, but also letting go to the true nature of Man, which has always been present. When we cease to be so busy about our human affairs there comes a certain awareness that there is state transcending human nature. However we can’t be governed by human nature and by this true state at the same time. I suppose there may a mixture for a while, and we have all had some experience of the mixture—but along the way the truth must prevail, at least in the experience of some. It would seem like a tall order to expect it to be present in the experience of all. However, we would not judge in this matter but accept the responsibility individually, so that we ourselves may play our part. We are most thankful for all who play their part in this over the years. But it is our responsibility to make sure that we fulfil that task which comes to our hand.

We are together collectively to allow a focus of the role and the task which is necessary

for the continuing process of restoration

We are in position to do this only to the extent that individually speaking we bring with us the evidence of a factual acceptance of the role and task which come to each of us—then there is something to be drawn to focus when we assemble with one accord in one place, as we have opportunity of doing now. All that can be done collectively speaking is based in whatever has been done up to this point individually speaking. It is out of this individual experience that the focus comes. The extent of the clarity of that focus is dependent upon the clarity with which we have handled our momentary roles and tasks.

How beautiful to experience this state of oneness as a reality—no longer to be theorized about but to be experienced and expressed moment by moment, day by day. And so, in oneness of this creative spirit which we know, we continue to let it be in focus in our living consistently, rejoicing also in the opportunities that we do have when we assemble together to let all this which is a factual reality finally be drawn to focus, that the creative process may be present on earth, in expression to the glory of the One whom we love and serve, fulfilling the commission of which we have become aware here on this planet.

© Emissaries of Divine Light