November 11, 2018


Chaplain L.A. Meeker, CAP   June 22, 1953

Remember that the Shekinah Pattern, without any exception, manifests in its trinity — the manifestation of the evidence of the One Who Dwells. There is the Cloud, and to the human eye which does not have any comprehension of the Light, the Cloud seems to be something that isn’t, or it seems to be darkness, and the human being never sees through it. But once you begin to realize something is inside of it, you begin to see what is inside of it, because you can see through it — and your eye is single in such a case.

When you have reached the point of letting your eye be single your whole body is full of Light. Why? Because you begin to comprehend, to see and to receive, the Light that is within the Cloud, and you can see through the Cloud, and you behold the Light. And truly perceiving the Light, and functioning according to the Truth, which is the essence of the Light, you can begin to be aware of what is contained within the Light that Glows. And finally you begin to see the Fire, and seeing the Fire you may think that that is all there is, as so many have.

Even reaching that point of spiritual perception and understanding one might simply see the Fire and assume that that is all. But if you realize there is something inside of the Fire you will be enabled to see through the Fire, and you will be able to walk in the Fire, you will be able to step forth into the Fire and not be burned. There will be no fear there. You will not only be able to see into it, you will be able to walk into it; you will be able to live in it. And walking into the Fire, you will find One like unto the Son of Man — One like unto the Son of God. And the first time you see into the Fire, and walk into the Fire, it will not be our LORD and KING whom you see. It will be One who represents Him.

You begin to realize the working of the Pattern of Shekinah, and you begin to see here that at all levels, with respect to all focalizations, this key works. In the beginning was the Word. In the beginning was the Shekinah, and the Shekinah was with God, and the Shekinah was God. The same — the Shekinah — was in the beginning with God. And without this Pattern there is no creative action, there is no fulfillment, nothing really worthwhile. Without this Pattern we cannot overcome the evil in the world, we cannot accomplish that which is necessary, we cannot restore this world to the Kingdom of our KING. Remember these things.

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