July 24, 2016

Mental  Intercourse    Mind  Generation

from  The  Mystery  of  Love  Unveiled  #2

Uranda   1937

The secret of lasting success and happiness in any line of life endeavor is found to be in generation in the mind, and exactly the same laws which govern generation in the physical also control generation in the mind. Mental intercourse has been indulged in as haphazardly and as ignorantly as has physical intercourse, and the results have been equally disastrous. He who would make great progress on the pathway of attainment must be careful to train himself to interpret all sex impulses in the physical body as a desire to enter into creative expression in the mental and spiritual phases of activity.

The life essence contained in the physical seed is always drawn to the point of expression to which the individual gives primary attention at the time the creative impulse is felt. The only way the attention can be successfully controlled at such times is through the process of keeping the mind attuned to spiritual realities at all timesThe spiritual realities are the inner values contained in all natural objects such as are found in nature, and in all helpful and constructive acts. The inner values of the little things that one must do each day must not be underestimated. The smallest task must be seen in a spiritual sense, and it must be done as nearly perfectly as possible if one would be successful in learning to control the life forces.

Mankind has degenerated to the point where the vast majority of people interpret the creative impulse as a desire for sex expression in the physical. This has resulted in the awful waste of the life forces which makes itself manifest in the prevalence of sickness and disease, in weak and ailing bodies, in premature death, in the general tendency to be wasteful in matters of food and general living necessities, in the evident inability of mankind to cope successfully with national and world problems, and in the woeful lack of individual initiative and stamina which results in the everywhere-present failure of individuals to meet and transcend the problems of everyday life.

There is no magic formula by which an individual can gain instant control over himself and the life forces which should be subject to him. The rich rewards and glorious happiness of the life of mastery are attained only by those who are ready and willing to put forth constant effort to harmonize with the Laws of Being. Attainment is more easily experienced when the individual knows the Laws of Life, and he finds such attainment to be a constant joy because he is enthusiastic about the goal before him; but that goal is reached only through perseverance and determined effort that never falter. No one can make this attainment for you. You alone can so attain in your own life, and you alone are responsible for your own development. Self-control must be attained before one can gain control over the forces and conditions outside of oneself. This is the only way.

The first step is the development of poise, and in poise is found peace, and out of peace comes true power. Such a person is aglow with radiant charm and that charming personality must be used wisely to uplift and serve mankind, else it will be fastened upon by some human leech who would defile the purity of such life expression. Therefore the next step is the development of that peculiar ability to radiate light, love and life freely, and give the bread of life to all who seek, and yet maintain that pure reserve through which nothing but the pure can penetrate.

That which we speak of as the spiritual is what might be called the second phase of mind expression. That which is a positive radiance toward the people of the world in general we call mental. That which is a negative receptivity toward God and higher persons, truths or things we call spiritual. These are the two functions of mind, and as long as the individual harmonizes with this Law of Life he cannot be "pulled down" or defiled in any manner. But when the individual allows himself to become receptive to those ideas and things which he knows to be below him, and becomes positive to—that is, refuses to be guided bythe ideas and truths of the higher realms toward which he is striving, he will find that his progress will cease.

Since the development of radiant charm and the attainment of generation in the mind are one and the same thing, let us give them further consideration. Persons who possess great charm of personality, and then allow themselves to use that charm in ways that lead to dissipation, soon find that their charm begins to fade and a hardness of appearance and character begins to show forth in their lives. This gives us the key to the attainment of charm. A magnetic personality and radiant charm are the results of directing the life forces into expression through the mind instead of allowing them to be wasted through the body.

One of the outstanding qualities of charm and magnetic personality is the obvious presence of a great amount of reserve energy. Many people, aware of this fact, have jumped to the conclusion that the way to increase magnetic charm is to develop more energy, and this has led to the use of all sorts of exercises and formulas which were supposed to increase the energy to the point where there would be a reserve sufficient to produce the desired charm. The right method is not concerned with the gaining of more energy so much as it is devoted to the wise use of the energy the individual already possesses. Increasing power is of little value when that increased power is wasted, and until the individual can wisely use, without waste, the energy and power he already has, he cannot use additional power to advantage.

You already have all the energy and power that you need at your present point of development. All you need to do is to learn how to use that which you now have. If you do this you will find that the energy and power available to you will automatically increase as fast as you develop the ability to use it wisely. In whatever you do, use as little energy as you can and still give perfect expression to the deed, and you will gradually develop a sense of reserve power, and with this sense of reserve power you will develop an attitude of self-confidence that is based on the absolute knowledge that you have available a sufficiently large reserve to carry you through any condition or circumstance.

Most people use twice as much energy as is required in doing both little and big things. It is not a show of great energy that causes people to be attracted to you; in fact that drives people away from you. It is dwelling in a consciousness of a great reserve of energy that causes you to radiate charm that attracts and influences other people. Concentrate your attention on doing everything you do as nearly perfectly as you can and as easily as you can. As you develop this ease of motion you will find that you will naturally harmonize with the law of rhythm. With the development of rhythm you will find yourself working with the cosmic forces that carry the world onward to its destiny with irresistible force, and that same irresistible force will carry you to your goal. It is through the process of applying these laws to the little things of everyday life that the student trains himself to do greater things.

These are the first steps on the Way. You cannot leap over the first part and hope to land safely on the top rung of the ladder of life. If the student is not willing to use and keep using the process of mind generation in the little things of his everyday life, he cannot hope to attain the goal of true success. That which is called the superconscious mind is in reality that vast realm of mind within every individual which the average person never uses. By applying the methods already outlined the individual begins to use more of his mind power, and he gradually develops to the point where he is conscious of dwelling in the fulness of the super-mind, which is to say, all of his mind. The mind is present in the entire body and it is not limited to the brain. The flow of the life essence through all the body is absolutely necessary if all the mind is to be active. Many students of this subject have failed to make desired progress because they were not content with beginning to use the power in little things—they wanted to do some great things first, and because they failed they became discouraged and felt that such progress was impossible to them.

Every individual feels that there are certain voids or empty places in his life which he would like to have filled with those things which would give him happiness, health and security in well-being. When he seeks to satisfy the longings and desires within himself by giving attention to the things of the physical plane of being, and the physical sex expressions which include all the body appetites—a partial list of which is: sex union in the physical; food, the eating of food, the preparing of food; clothing and all bodily adornments; money, the making of money with which to buy physical comforts; and all things related to the satisfaction of all physical desires—the individual finds that he does not make the proper progress in life and he is constantly beset with sorrows, aches and pains, and all sorts of "bad luck." Man is a three-phase being and when he devotes so much of himself to the satisfaction of the first, or physical, plane only it is easy to see why human lives are so unbalanced and so unsatisfactory. This does not mean that the things of the physical expression do not have their place, but it does mean that the physical should be kept in its place and not allowed to fill the whole life.

He who would make progress on the Way must learn to see and understand the mental and spiritual aspects of everyday conditions and things, and he must stop thinking of the physical aspects only. There is nothing wrong with physical things, but they must be used rightly, and wise use of them depends entirely upon seeing and knowing the mental and spiritual aspects of them. Until a person begins to change his way of looking at physical things, he cannot hope to make much change in his life and environment.

It is in little things that great mental and spiritual lessons are revealed. Until a person has learned to see and use the mental and spiritual aspects in the things of everyday life, he cannot hope to be successful in using the methods which will be outlined further on. The person who is deeply in earnest, and who is seeking to let the Christ or cosmic light within him show the Way, will find it a joy to search for the spiritual meanings that may be found in whatever is at hand to do. It is not possible to attain the true joys of life by depending on one's own physical strength, but wonderful joys and progress are easily attained when one centers his whole attention in the fascinating search for the spiritual truths which are everywhere present.

Washing dishes becomes a happy and an educational privilege when one seeks out the inner meanings contained in such activity. And so it is with everything one does—they all reveal their mysteries to those who study them joyously. Working in the garden, one finds hundreds of wonderful opportunities to seek out the spiritual aspects of everyday things. There is no work or activity where this truth does not apply. Jesus used this method of study for Himself, and He expressed the inner meanings of little things when He was teaching others, and this is what made His teaching so interesting and helpful. This is the way to begin to use mind generation. The mind cannot generate power unless it is brought into activity. You now have all the mind you need, and it will generate all the power you need if you will but start using it as this lesson has already outlined. This is the way to begin to control and enjoy mental sex union.

As you begin to enter the mental sex union with all the natural objects around you, so that you can begin to feel the spiritual qualities of all such objects, you will begin to know what real joy is. This is the greatest source of pleasure, thrills and happiness that is available to you. Until you have uplifted your sex expression from the physical plane to the mental plane, you cannot begin to know the joy of the spiritual sex union. To the degree that one attains spiritual sex union one can do all the things which Jesus did, just as He promised when He said, "The things that I do shall ye do also, and greater things shall ye do."

© Emissaries of Divine Light