February 14, 2015

Heart Awakening

Heart  Awakening

Martin Cecil   July 30, 1979    from  Assembly — Sunrise Ranch


Our words rightly carry weight, if they are the words springing forth by reason of spiritual expression. And words are found to be creative commands in spiritual expression; therefore we need to be very, very careful with our words. We have a tool here for spiritual expression, and if it is the tool of spiritual expression it will be used with competence and effectiveness. And the impact of it will extend way beyond the immediate situation. The One who sits upon the throne says "Behold, I make all things new." We let Him sit on the throne that we provide, and He makes this statement through our spiritual expression.

“And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.” It is so. “And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.” There is nothing outside of the competence of the One who sits upon the throne. He has lacked a throne upon which to sit in this human world. Now we provide Him with one. The throne is the symbol of authority. “I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.” That's spiritual expression. “He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.” What was the Master's statement? “I and my Father are one.”

“He that overcometh shall inherit all things.” In human nature the thought is “Oh goody; everything that I need is going to come to me; this will be a worth­while exercise.” Will inherit all things; it doesn't say all good things; all things, the whole range. All this is brought to us. It comes to us, part of our inheritance. If we look it over and say, “Well I rather like this but that I don't like so well; I'll accept this but I'll reject that.”—What sort of an attitude would that be toward the one who is providing us with this inheritance? The inheritance is of all things, that we may reveal the fact of our son‑ship, one with the Father, in the handling of all these things in the process by which all these things are made new.

There may be some things that come to you that you like. You say, “Well these don't need to be made new, I like them.” But there are other things that probably you say “Well I don't like them. Well clearly enough they need to be made new then.” However, of course what does appear, correctly, is not based in any human likes or dislikes. It simply is what it should be. And we have the responsibility of handling our inheritance.

Inherit the kingdom. All right, if that is to be done all things need to be made new. If we are taking the attitude that our inheritance is the kingdom of heaven on earth, well we have the responsibility of receiving it, and if it is to be received into outer form and expression all things must be made new. We have been looking at this from the standpoint of the field of education—it applies to every other field—but it is spiritual education that has been lacking in the world. The tools for the rest of the education are all there presumably. We are not particularly concerned with the form of things. We know that that is going to be transformed—that's what we're there for. That relates to form; it's going to be transformed. It is what it is.

The weight for us is in spirit. You know, if there are to be those who are spiritual leaders, it means that there must be an awakening to the reality of spirit in the individual's own experience—that is spiritual education. That can't be brought about by explaining the principles of reality. The individual may nod his head sagely but have no more awareness of spirit than he had before the explanation. There must be an awakening to spirit.

People say they believe in God, some of them. The only way that God may be known is by reason of His spirit. Therefore, awakening to His spirit, there is an awakening to God. But awakening to His spirit is not merely learning something mentally. It is the heart that awakens to spirit—the organ by which spirit may be sensed. This organ, as we know, has been occupied with other things; but when it is purely concerned with discerning spirit, then there is a spiritual awakening and the consequent possibility of spiritual expression.

Spiritual expression is impossible on the basis of intellectual learning. It is a heart awakening, a heart perception, a heart sensing, of spirit, so that we become aware of spirit. We become aware of many things by our eyes or by our ears or by the sense of touch or smell, but we become aware of the reality of spirit, and therefore the reality of God, by reason of the heart sensing. That's the organ that is used. If it's occupied with other things we have no tool for that use.

Because there is an awakening to spirit, there comes an awakening to the expression of spirit, because spirit is not static. You don't touch spirit—“Ah, there; now I see spirit. Not with the eyes but I sense it. There it is.” But spirit is not just sitting there waiting for you to sense it. Spirit is constantly moving. Life is one of the primary characteristics of spirit, isn't it? And life is characterized by movement. So sensing spirit we sense movement. We don't sense some ethereal structure. The sensing is of motion, of energy. And sensing that we are compelled into the expression of it, into movement with it.

You can't sense spirit without moving with spirit—without experiencing that measure of spiritual expression. You can’t sense spirit as some sort of an isolated, static entity. It isn't that. It is an experience of life, of motion, of energy; something on the move. And one finds that touching what is on the move one is associated with that. You would have to withdraw your touching of that in order to stop the expression of that. And this, of course, is what frequently happens, because the heart becomes in­volved with this over there, and that over here, and loses contact with what it is that is actually moving—the spirit of God.

When we are associated with that spirit and it is a habitual thing with us, then it doesn't matter where we are, what we are doing, that movement of life, of spirit is present there. And it has a strong effect. We may say “I am come that they might have life and that they might have it abundantly—because that's what I am.” Sensing spirit is not sensing something separate from our­selves. It's sensing what we are and engenders the experience of what we are, which is life in motion. So there's always a pressure brought to bear where there is spiritual expression.

You have known this from the standpoint of being recipients of that pressure, maybe in this hour, and you have known it also from the standpoint of the fact that you have seen evidences of the pressure that you have brought to bear in a situation. You may often not have associated what happened with the pressure you brought to bear, but you begin to see the creative word being spoken: “Behold, I make all things new.” Because you carry the authority of the One who sits upon the throne. You carry that authority in your living—spirit in expression, spiritual expression.

That is what happened to the disciples at one point, wasn't it. They were sent forth to preach the gospel. We begin to understand what that means. We don't retire into our ivory tower but go forth to do what needs to be done in the transformation process. “Behold, I make all things new.” That is the command. All right, the command has always been there. What has been lacking has been the throne, so that the One might sit upon the throne where the command is needed. And once that happens the authority of the One who sits upon the throne is conveyed by reason of the throne. The throne is a symbol of au­thority and in spiritual expression, as has often been said, the job gets done. But let us not look upon that as a platitude either. It's an active experience.

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