What To Do
Martin Cecil August 24, 1982 p.m.
This is an evening when the sons and daughters of God have come to present themselves before the Lord. Perchance Lucifer comes also among them. What has been present in human minds and hearts has maintained a state of darkness. Lucifer, the light-bearer, was absent. The absence of Lucifer is called satan. If there is to be light there must be the union of the positive aspect of spirit and the negative aspect of spirit. I think there has been an idea that it is simply the positive that radiates. There could be no radiation, no light, without both aspects of the spirit being present.
There is a well-known formula of which every Emissary is aware—radiation, response, attraction, union, unified radiation. How do you think that the original radiation occurred? We presume that this radiation comes from God. Human beings are supposed to respond to it. But God would not contradict His own laws or the nature of His own being. The positive and negative therefore must be in God if this original radiation proceeded from God. We have taken note of this truth by reason of the fact that man was created male and female in the image of God. So male and female, positive and negative, are present in God. It is because of this that there may be radiation. Radiation has its effect, calling forth response. It called forth response from us and we were attracted toward the source of the radiation, wherever that might prove to be.
Something giving evidence of the source finally came within the range of our awareness—it wasn’t simply an invisible radiation. There has been the invisible radiation present constantly, for all people in all ages, but nothing very much has occurred merely because of that, until that invisible radiation became visible at the level where human beings might most easily respond to it. We have taken note of various occasions when this has occurred in a particular sense down through the ages and there was a certain amount of response, something moved. But thus far it never came to fruition. We have become aware of the way it works.
I would suggest that most of those who are associated with what we call the Emissary ministry actually know more than they think they know. Mind you, there have been those who thought they knew more than they actually did. But there has occurred a conditioning process over the years, making available spiritual substance which has been present with those associated with our ministry and of which they were not fully aware. I am not speaking of concepts about the principles of reality, but of an actual sensing and awareness of what we have called the Tone, so that if one were to act in a way that was off-key one would quite quickly become aware of it. The stubbornness of human nature sometimes entered into the picture, and even though the individual is aware of it he still persists for a while in the off-key state. This is very unnecessary. It causes a lot of trouble and tribulation, for the one concerned and for others associated as well. And it is in this sense that I say that most know more than they really think they know.
I emphasize this point because many things are brought to us as individuals. The inclination from the human standpoint is to judge what is brought to us, to say, “This is good, I like it. That is bad, I don’t.” Well it has nothing to do with likes and dislikes, to start with, or judgments of good and evil. Whatever is brought to us is brought to us. Here is something that we know, really: that we accept whatever it is. If we don’t accept what it is we will find ourselves living in a world of fantasy, trying to live in a state that doesn’t exist. Whatever comes to us comes to us for a reason. Mentally speaking we may not always know what that reason is; in fact very seldom do we. It is wise therefore not to try to figure it out, because that merely embeds us more firmly in our mental state.
We are here as spiritual beings to take care of our creative responsibility in the collective sense, and in the individual sense too. So whatever comes to us comes to us, and it doesn’t require any judgment as to whether it is good or evil or as to whether we like it or not. It may factually be that we prefer one thing to another, but that’s beside the point and should have no influence upon the way that we handle what comes to us. If that comes into the picture and starts to exert an influence upon us, then we will not be able to take care of what needs to be taken care of in the current of the spirit. Preferences remain firmly in the background until we come to a situation where we could rightly go either way. Then we might consult our preferences, but only when we have reached that point, not before.
So we approach what comes to us from the standpoint of Lucifer, from the standpoint of the light which is already shining in us illuminating the way. The inclination is quite often for a person to say, “Well I have no light; I don’t see clearly.” What is it that allows the light to shine? We understand the principle involved. There is the positive aspect of spirit present now in this very moment, and in every moment. It is always there. We no longer assume that this is the source of radiation. It is merely the positive aspect of spirit present with us, awaiting the negative aspect of spirit in order that there might be light, in order that there might be radiation.
Now clearly, following out the formula, there is response, attraction, coming to the point of union. Here is the door opening, through which the negative aspect of spirit rises up to meet the positive aspect of spirit at the level of the conscious mind, so that there may be illumination. Illumination is of two basic kinds: One, it lights up whatever is present so that we can see clearly to take care of the spiritual responsibility, whatever it may be; and the other is radiation. Radiation is now possible because there was union between the positive aspect of spirit, sitting there waiting for the negative to rise up, and the negative which has risen up because there was response, attraction, and union. In that union, unified radiation occurs. There is no other kind of radiation. It never proceeds merely from one point. There always must be the fulfilment of the Law.
The block has related primarily to the subconcious mind and heart,
through which the negative aspect of spirit must rise up
to come to the point of union with the positive aspect of spirit that is waiting there for it.
The experience through which all of you have been passing over the years relates to this matter of the rising up of the negative aspect of spirit through your own subconscious minds and hearts. While you were busy thinking you were learning a lot of things consciously and getting some really fine Emissary views about this and that established—you were distracted consciously in that way—the negative aspect of spirit was at work, unbeknownst for the most part, clearing a way for its emergence through your own subconscious mind and heart so that it might, if not in fulness yet, reach the level where a certain measure of union could occur with the positive aspect of spirit that had been sitting there waiting for it.
Of course the conscious mind has had a part to play. It has to be willing to allow what is necessary to occur in the subconscious mind and heart. It has to be willing to stay steady long enough for what needs to happen to do so in the subconscious mind and heart—perhaps to endure discomfort, a certain amount of tribulation. However, to the extent that the negative aspect of spirit has been filtering through, a little light began to glow and you consciously could become aware of why it was necessary to hold steady, to stay as unreactive as possible, while this process was proceeding. You couldn’t do anything to hurry it up but you could do quite a bit, and probably have done quite a bit, to slow it down, by becoming enamored consciously with other things than the creative process that was in operation. The conscious mind forgets about that at times, doesn’t it? And it becomes overly interested in this and in that and forgets altogether why the person is present. But gradually we have been learning to remain centered without great expectations of anything. Whatever was to occur could only do so as the subconscious mind and heart were sufficiently purified for the spirit to emerge in increasing expression at the conscious level—emerging out of the subconscious levels to the conscious level where the union with the positive aspect of spirit could then occur. To the extent that that has occurred in you, you have a new awareness.
This is another approach to what we were considering this morning. [] It is not divorced from this, because it is only as there is illumination that there can begin to be a correct translation of the electrical charges and fields of which mention was made this morning; not only a correct translation of these but a clarification where there has been some mix-up in that vibrational field. We have called it a vibrational field all along; this is what was being referred to. And there is a layer of mix-up; there is the layer of what has been called the veil. It was a veil because it prevented the rising up of the negative of spirit from reaching the positive of spirit at the level of the conscious mind. So the conscious mind remained in darkness. What did reach the conscious mind for the most part was not a holy spirit but an unholy spirit, out of all the mixed-up state in that realm, with the result that what one was consciously aware of was a realm of mix-up, a realm of shadows, a realm in fact incomprehensible. With the exercise of the brilliant human intellect there have been valiant efforts made to make all this comprehensible, but you can’t make comprehensible what is fundamentally incomprehensible—which is what has been attempted and has involved a great deal of effort. A multitude of theories have evolved out of all this, endeavoring to make sense out of what was fundamentally nonsense.
So we set that aside in order that there may be a willingness to let the heart be purified, to stay steady, and perhaps ignorant if you please, for a while. Some people became a little concerned about this when they began to see what was happening, that they really didn’t know anything. They didn’t want to admit it. Well what was known in this way was perhaps useful in the nonsensical world, but now we come to the point where we have had a certain willingness to be ignorant. This relates to humility. The conscious mind must be humble, so that there is space provided for the union of the two aspects of spirit. Then the light comes on. When the light comes on, you begin to see things in a new way and you discover that it was quite unnecessary to try to figure things out, because it couldn’t be done.
I’m sure that you have been consciously a bit stubborn on occasion and wouldn’t move until you had a satisfactory explanation—in relationship to anything. Well there is no such thing as a satisfactory explanation in that state. Sometimes, maybe, you have even been fooled by the spirit a little, into believing that you had received a satisfactory explanation, so that you would stop fussing, stop trying to understand. True understanding is impossible until the light comes on, and the light won’t come on as long as there is no space for it at the conscious level and no willingness at the conscious level to hold sufficiently steady so that the purification process can take place below the conscious level. And who is to tell how long that is going to take? Someone may say, “Well I have been holding steady for five years, ten years, and still I am not illumined.” You’re not? I wonder.
This is what I was mentioning before, that those who are associated with the Emissary ministry know a great deal more than they give themselves credit for at times. I am speaking of the spiritual understanding of how, in a practical sense, to handle what comes to one. When something comes to you, do you feel inadequate? Well, not with everything of course; you have some experience of handling things, so in all fields you are not entirely inadequate. But there are many realms of experience in which we function where we are inclined to imagine that we are inadequate. Are you really inadequate? You’re the only one who can do what needs to be done, and you actually know how to handle it. The fact that one may initially feel inadequate is beside the point. Don’t believe a word of it, because it’s not true!
You are aware of the quality of the Tone, and you can look at any situation from that standpoint and know what it is you need to do. This is true of each and every one, because you are never required to do what you don’t know. If you deny that you know it, then you have an excuse, and you say, perhaps, “Well I’m waiting for someone to come and explain this to me, or to tell me what I should do.” Oh no! If whatever it is has been brought to you, that’s your responsibility and you handle it from the standpoint of your already existing awareness of the quality of the Tone sounding in you. You may have to do a little true thinking. It seems to be so much easier for most to abrogate this right to think and hand it over to somebody else: “You think this out for me and tell me how I should handle it.” Nobody else can do that. They may try, and you may be foolish enough to try to act on that basis, but it won’t work, because one must be responsible for what is brought to one, and nobody else can substitute.
It is an acceptance of what comes from the external field that is required. But it is also an accepting of the truth you know, which comes from above; something you already know because you are familiar with the sounding of the Tone. You have heard it in your own living. You have been associated with people who have also heard it, and there is rich substance in this regard. These two aspects, what is coming to you and what you know, relate to the two aspects of spirit. When you accept the position of the point of union, because you are the one who knows what needs to be done in that circumstance, you are at the point where there is light. You have allowed the two aspects of spirit to find union in you. The light shines, and you see therefore more clearly, more vividly, what it is in a specific sense that needs to be done.
Maybe you see specifically that nothing needs to be done. Very often human beings do get hooked up on the idea that if anything comes to them there must be some great thing to be done. More often than not nothing is to be done, at least not in an overt sense. Something is to be done internally, because you are handling this situation in positive radiation by not doing anything. On the other hand there may be something to be done, something to be said; but you find that you are in position to do, to say, what is required when you let it work the way it works. But you can’t have one aspect of the situation, the thing that is brought to you, without bringing the other aspect to bear also, the fact that you know how to handle it.
One of the poets said something about assuming a virtue. One might suppose that that was a dishonest thing to do: “I don’t know it; therefore I would be dishonest if I gave it expression.” But how else are you going to know it? The only way one knows anything is to give it expression, even the wrong thing. So we have an awareness of the quality of the Tone. Give it expression, and that is the acceptance of responsibility in the particular circumstance which has been brought to you. The two aspects of spirit will unite, so that you have the light shining. No problem! Where did the inadequacy go then? It was a figment of fancy in the first place.
I think you are aware that you have far more understanding than virtually anyone else you may meet in the ordinary course of events. I am always delightedly surprised if I happen to meet somebody who really has some true understanding—such a rare occurrence anyway. I’m not speaking of present company, of course, but of those one runs into as one is associated with people. Occasionally someone will stand out. What a wonderful thing, cause for thanksgiving. I’m very thankful that all of you stand out in various ways and to varying degrees in this fashion. I love you for it, and we need to love each other for it.
I asked a question at comment period this morning, as to how many angels populated your world? Or was your world populated by the other thing—devils? I am speaking of people now. What do you see? Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see angels wherever they look. They may be aware of other elements that are present but these carry no weight. The angels carry weight, don’t they? Or do we give weight to those things that we deem to be wrong or evil? I trust not. When we look around we need to see angels because angels carry weight with us, and we populate our worlds with angels—we are in the business of transforming the world, of making all things new. Where? Out there somewhere? You will have quite a job, won’t you? Where would you start? You can’t start anywhere out there and get the job done, because the job is in one’s own consciousness, and the quality of that. So if we observe in our field of responsibility around us some certain thing needs to happen, some certain quality needs to express into this situation, and we think we haven’t got that quality to express, we might think again and try expressing it. We might be surprised, even shocked, that something was brought forth that you didn’t think you knew. Well your conscious mind didn’t know it, but when the light comes on, then you see it with your conscious mind. There it is!
No one is inadequate to do what is required. One might perhaps judge that a person is inadequate to do something that isn’t required. You may have speculated, at times, as to what you would do if you were faced with this or that situation. Well, you don’t know, because you are not faced with it. One has to have the real thing, and then you find you know sufficient to handle the need. It wouldn’t have come to you if you didn’t know what was necessary. Remember that! So we provide what is necessary with respect to everything that is factually brought to us.
So I rejoice that we might spend a little time considering these things in an awareness of the Tone that is sounding. It has been sounding while we have been moving along here. Part of that Tone is an awareness of the way things work. We can be very conscious of the fact that the spirit is moving in our subconscious minds and hearts. It’s rising up and it’s bringing something to the level of the conscious mind, and as it does that the light goes on and we are able to do what we are here to do. I don’t think the Lord has fallen down His provision. Everything is there, if we really noted what we were considering this morning.
The whole of whatever it is—space—is full of electrical charges and fields, everything that’s needed at every level. Our responsibility is just a certain level. We could say that the universe as we think of it, as it appears to be to us, is a human invention. If there were no human beings that’s not the way it would be at all. There would just be electrical charges and electrical fields. At least that’s a way we could describe it; it’s not exactly what it is. The sun shines, the moon reflects the sun. Astronauts go to the moon, and they find the moon there, they stand on it. But it’s a human creation just the same. Mind you, there are electrical charges and fields which relate to what we call the moon. We only think of it as the moon because something bounces off the moon to us, off that level of vibration to us; so we say there’s something there. And because we are composed of similar sort of material, when we get there we can stand on it. But some other being who was at some other level would go right through the moon—and the earth as well, as far as that is concerned.
We live in this created universe. It’s the way it is to us. It is a reflection of something. The reflection isn’t the reality but it may be very beautiful. And we are charged with the responsibility of letting what is naturally reflected in this way be beautiful. We can do it. We have a little mess to clean up here on earth, as we think of it, but there’s no great problem to that if we will take personal responsibility for it and not leave it to the other fellow. The other fellow may or may not do it. There is only one person who can be sure that it will be done, and that is you. Let us all be sure in that way. All that we do is to the glory of God, not to sustain human fancies.
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