September 16, 2022

We Are Not In The Old World Any More

We  Are  Not  In  The  Old  World  Any  More

Uranda   September 16, 1946

Services Number One & Number Two  10 am & 3 pm

Closing Day of Summer Session — Sunrise Ranch

In this our Ministry New Year’s Day I greet you, that this may be such a New Year as you never knew before—because the LORD makes it so through you. Remember ever your point of polarity in the LORD Whom we adore. This marks the beginning of a new cycle that has no precedent in the memory of man, but that cycle can have meaning only to the degree that the significance of this dawn has meaning to you. On the morning of the Third Day, and as I mingled with you this morning, and watched your faces, I found there the expression of life that springs from Love. Many wonderful things have been working this morning. In the early hours of the morning, while it was still dark, the angels rolled the stone from the mouth of the Tomb. It was done for you, and as I have watched this morning, I have seen the Light of the Resurrection in your faces, a blended Unit in the Fire of the Christ Love, and the works of God in and through you brought you forth from that Tomb. The meaning of my words may not be altogether clear to you if you try to think of them intellectually, but as you respond to the Spirit of them, you will feel the Truth and know; for though you have come forth from that Tomb, you have not yet ascended unto the Father in fullness, but that also has begun, and the vibration of the cycle set, so that in it you may share as you follow through all the way.

There are many things that cannot be described in words alone. The LORD hath truly worked in His mysterious ways His wonders to perform. That which you cannot yet see because your eyes are not yet accustomed to the fullness of the Light of Day, having just emerged from that darkness, I have seen and I have known, and in season you shall see and know, that all who come after you, that all who follow through that open door, may come to know with you that we all adore the LORD of Salvation. I am very happy this morning, but it is a subdued happiness, for the solemnity of the hour is too great to overlook.

As you abide in that current of Divine Love which fills you this morning, the fullness of that creative power shall surely bring the fullness of your own life expression in the LORD. He said: Abide in Me and let Me abide in you. If you had not been abiding in His Love, these things could not be, and even yet you do not see them fully and clearly; but as you respond to the Spirit within my Word, you know that my Word is true. The LORD has not planted the seed of a mushroom, that it should spring up in its fullness at the moment and be gone with the heat of the day. Abide ye, therefore, in His Love, and let the fullness come in its season. This period of your coming forth corresponds vibrationally in the cycles with the Master at the age of twelve when He entered into the Temple to converse with the elders. He then had the realization that He must be about His Father’s business, but He was subject to His father and His mother, thereafter, and He grew in grace and stature to the full Glory of the Son of God made manifest on earth. So, likewise, must it be with you.

In this day, the cycles of thousands of years past are focalized, and from this day, the cycles of the hope of the future must emerge, and only that which is focalized can express in reality. He is the God of our Salvation. He has prepared the Way and made this day possible. This is the day the LORD hath made, and this is the day that He called That Day—and only as you as members of the One Body let it be in you and through you and for you That Day can there be the fulfillment through you to the Glory of God and the blessing of the children of men.

You belonged in the days past to the LORD of Love. He gave you to me, as He gave all things on earth into my hands, and I have received you in His Name that in season I might give you back to Him. Vibrationally and in Spirit, I have been giving you to Him ever since you have known me, but you would not let me give you fully to Him. There is a difference. As I watched early this morning, I knew that the day was near at hand when you would let me give you fully to Him, that you might be His forevermore, and that through you His Will might be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Day by day, as you have shared the dawn and the eventide through this summer, I have watched. I knew that which was needful, but if I had told you too much of the outworking you would have started trying and it would have been spoiled—but now we come, by the Grace of God, before the Throne of Grace. Let us ascend unto the Father. As we turn our hearts and minds, yea, and all that we are, to the Throne of the God of the Living, to the Throne of the LORD of Love, let us worship Him in Spirit and in Truth; for only they who worship Him in Spirit and in Truth can come before Him and know Him as He is, and the enfolding vision of that which He is is not something to be completed in a moment.

I have known Him since before the foundation of the world, and I find that which He is still unfolding. Think not, therefore, to know Him in the fullness in a moment, but be content with the unfolding of that which He is moment-by-moment in the expression of His Glory and His Will on earth; for as you let that which is of Him manifest through you, you are a part of Him, and you are in Him and He in you.

O LORD of Love, as these Blessed Ones humbly bow before Thee, Thou knowest their hearts and Thou knowest the measure of Love wherewith they come unto Thee, and I have assured them that according to their measure of Love for Thee, Thou wouldest this day receive them unto Thyself, that they may know Thee as the LORD of Love and that I am Thy prophet in the earth. O LORD, our God of Love, we remember Thy word that the Day would come when Thou wouldest sit down with us in the Kingdom on earth, and share with us the Wine of life, so that there might be that oneness in Thee and that expression of Thy Doing through us into the earth. O LORD, these who were Thine whom Thou gavest unto me from out of the world, I have gathered in Thy Name and I have brought to their remembrance all the things which Thou didst say on earth, that they might know Thee, and I have considered with them the Word of Truth and the Word of Love, and they have come freely and of their own volition to be here this day. I have not drawn them by promise, nor have I persuaded them through thought of reward, but through Thy Love they have come to Love Thee and through my Word, they have come to Love the Truth, that they might be willing to give themselves to whatsoever Service Thou shalt call them now or in the days to come. They know that by Thy Power and in sharing in Thy Victory, they have come forth from the Tomb this day in a realization of the expression of Eternal Life, but it is not for themselves that they have so come, but for all who shall respond and follow after them.

And if it shall be that any member of this Body shall lay his physical life upon the Altar in the expression of Thy Service before the day shall come when the fullness of Eternal Life shall manifest for all Thy children, they shall not falter, nor be afraid, but shall know that they are of a Truth Thine, now and ever more; that leading the Way in Thy Holy Name, following after Thee, they may truly let Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven, and let Thy works be accomplished; for we seek not unto those blessings or unto Eternal Life for ourselves alone but that all men may share therein, and we await Thy good pleasure until the day of the fullness of that sharing when all may come together with Thee in Thy Kingdom on earth, adoring as we adore Thee, that from that day thenceforth, forevermore, righteousness may cover the earth as the waters cover the sea; and moving toward that day, we know that the dragon shall be utterly destroyed and removed from the face of the whole earth, and Thy Bright and Morning Star shall again shine in the opening of a grand New Day, wherein Thy Whole Holy World shall again take its place among the family of worlds, and the Sons of God shall shout for joy and all the Cosmos shall ring. To this end we await upon Thee and we would let Thy pleasure be our pleasure. We would let Thy Will be our Will. We would let Thy Love be our Love, that all things may be accomplished to Thy Glory. Aum-en.

When we emerge into the Light we have to begin to see according to the vision of the Light, we have to begin to hear according to the sounds of the realm of Light, and we have to begin to speak the language of those who dwell under the Banner of the Prlnce of Peace. The other day a certain blessed one expressed that at last he had found the place of the One Language. And I agree with him. There is a recognition that, having emerged, it does not mean that you are fully prepared to function according to the ultimate or absolute state of perfection. Perfect function now is the fullness of that which is required of you in this place, at this level of consciousness, with this degree of vision, requiring only that there shall be ever a fullness of polarity in the LORD of Love, response to the Word of Truth, so that you eat not of the fruit of the forbidden tree, for that tree is still in the Garden. The LORD is good and greatly to be praised. There is that great requirement of steadfast love to the LORD of Love, the fulfilling of the first great commandment.

This is the Third Day. On the morning of the Third Day He arose. On the morning of the Third Day you come forth from the bondage of the world darkness, truly into the glorious liberty of the children of God. But that freedom is not something that cannot be lost, and it is something in which you do not, as yet, know how to fully function. I told you that these present cycles as now focalized correspond, in relationship to the expression of the Master's Life, to the time when He, at twelve years of age, went into the Temple. He was absent from his parents three days. And these three days correspond to the three days of my own Ordination fourteen years ago. This New Year's Day brings to an official close the cycles of the past, and officially opens the cycles of the future. In a recognition of those things, it should be understood that growth into the full stature of the Christ Body through its many members is yet to come, but day by day you should grow in grace and in the expression of the Christ Love. It is not in fulness of manifestation yet.

Blessed Ones, I am more grateful to the God of Love than I can tell you that at this point we are on time, not a minute to spare, but we were here at the proper point, in the proper focalization of vibrational function, on time. That makes me very thankful to the LORD our God, for it was only by His grace, through His protecting care, through His abundant love, that it is so. And so, as we move forward into the New Day, be not hasty. In you there has been a great earthquake. The unreal has been shaken. There may still be scars of it, perhaps even remnants, but it no longer controls. But that means that a new pattern of life is in the formative stage. The outer mind will be inclined to try to determine what that pattern is, and to shape and mold. That is the serpent in the tree. It is essential that we let that pattern unfold day by day. Let me be concerned as to what its formation shall be. It is for you to be content to work according to that pattern within the range of your present vision. You are not asked to see beyond the point where you can see. I know that, since it has been acknowledged, you recognize that I have shepherded you to this point successfully, by the Grace of God. There should be absolute assurance in every member that I could not have brought you to this point if I did not know something of that pattern which is to be. So, in that assurance, and in the assurance of the abundant love of the LORD of Love, let go to Him.

The outer mind does not need to shape, mold, or determine what that pattern shall be. The individual who functions correctly in his place finds that all that is essential to him is revealed moment by moment, according to the necessities of his proper function. The LORD always reveals in each moment that which is essential, but if the mind is looking here and there and everywhere, trying to question as to how and why, it will not see or comprehend or realize that which is unfolding moment by moment, and then there is a lack of alignment, an out-of-attunement state where difficulties begin. We are coming out of the city of confusion, the city of death. We have stepped forth from that city. We are leaving it behind. Let us not look back. You may not see clearly, as yet, what it is you are moving into, just how it shall be, but if you demand that you shall know how it shall be before you move forward, you will never arrive. You have to arrive in order to know. If there has not been, through the ages, a sufficient revelation of things Divine, of the Way of God, of His power and His Love and His provision, and if there has not been by this time in our own experience enough to give absolute assurance in this regard, I do not know what it would take to satisfy the human mind. And frankly, I do not intend to do much more in attempting to satisfy human minds. They should be functioning by now so that, primarily, they simply do not need to know anything.

All that is necessary is to respond in love to the LORD, to let the Spirit direct, to let the realization come as it unfolds moment by moment, as it surely will as we truly let. Unless you are willing to leave the pattern in the hand of the LORD, you will never see or know the beauty of it. That is an absolute truth. You can only know it by arriving at the moment of its unfoldment, and letting it appear, and giving attention to it as it unfolds. Our attention must be centered at the point of unfoldment, because if your attention is centered in the past or in the future, in an effort to figure out the why and where-for, you will be missing that which is unfolding in the now, and you will never get oriented. In each moment there is revealed for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, that which is required. God never lets you down; but human beings let themselves down by centering their attention in places where they simply have no business. I have considered these things with you that you may to equipped with a compass for the beginning of our journey in this new land.

We are not in the old world any more. We are upon the earth, yes; we are not out of the world; but we are not of the world. The base in the old world simply does not count one whit any more. Any attempt to move in this land now according to any ideas or concepts or anything else that has its base in the old world will lead to trouble. “Behold, I make all things new.” You cannot make them new; it is not for you to try to make things new, or try to determine the pattern of that which shall be. It is for you to let God do the works in and through you. The former things are passed away—not going to be, they are, now, already, to the degree that you actually have experienced the true meaning of the past two days that have led up to this dawn. You are in a new land.

I say these things that your minds may be continually still before the LORD. This is not a land where an uneasy mind has any value. We are in a new land, functioning from a new level of consciousness, working in a new light, moving toward the fulness of the Promised Land, leaving the pattern of its manifestation in the hands of the LORD. You will find, as you watch the unfolding of each moment, that there is so much to see there, where your attention should be, that it never grows old, it never becomes monotonous, you are never left without something to be occupied with. If you imagine that there is nothing unfolding in any given moment, you have not yet learned to see in the Light. Every moment of eternity is unfolding that which is of itself for those who have eyes to see, and it goes forward through you into expression into the world, as you let it be so. Your mind was designed simply to provide a focalization of consciousness in the outer world, through which an awareness of that unfolding moment might be conveyed into the expression of life in the Negative Triune World; and when it soaks up more than that, it is out of bounds. In this land, we trust the LORD.

And so, we come now to that which is required of the remainder of this day. There were three things for three days, with respect to which the Master spoke concerning the Spirit of Truth. Two of those things I have emphasized in advance of the day: “Of sin, because they believe not on me; of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more.” But we come to the Third Day, and the point of this day: “Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.” Until your vibrations in focalization emerged from the tomb, any judgment upon the prince of this world would have been a judgment upon you. Any judgment of the prince of this world is a judgment upon all who dwell in his realm. Is it not so? If then, we are to begin our function effectively I wished you to be free, to the highest possible degree, of that judgment.

As it stands today you are primarily witnesses, we might say; in one sense, the jury, although the verdict is not in your hands in the sense that you could change it one iota, but in the sense of a fair analysis to determine as to the justness of the judgment. On this day in which you have shared in the Master's Victory to such a wonderful degree, opening the way for all responding ones, we find that that very fact does, in itself, judge the prince of this world. Is it not so? That very fact does, in itself, judge the prince of this world. “Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.”

You have just emerged from the prison in which the prince of this world has kept you for many years. You have been learning how to be free within those prison walls, but now there is a place where you are free of those prison walls. Insofar as the world is concerned, it may be for a time that you will appear to be within. The world does not know that the bars of iron have been cut asunder, and though you may go in and out for a time with respect to adjustments of certain vibrations in the world, the prison cell ceases to be a prison cell as soon as there is a door through which you may pass any time you will. Is it not so? When you step through that door, the prlnce of this world cannot come into this land and take you captive again. If you are going to be his captive any more, you will have to step across the boundary line yourself, over into his shackles—it can be done. Having so recently found that the bars are cut asunder, so that you could step across the boundary line into the new land where the prince of this world cannot pursue, there needs to be the expression of this assurance, because he who has long been in prison finds it difficult to comprehend that he is set free; and unless he is careful he will act in his freedom as he acted in prison. Is that not so? And acting as if you were in prison when you are in the land of the free is not the right way.

You are beginning to see many things that you could not fully comprehend before with respect to my own function and my own actions, because while I have been working across the line with you, I have been living in the land of the free. Sometimes you could not understand why I did not act as if I were in prison, as if I could not step over the boundary line into the land of the free. Ofttimes, that was difficult for you to comprehend, but gradually you will begin to see, to know and to understand. Do not try to move ahead too rapidly. You will find that the LORD will move you ahead rapidly enough. If you are alert you will find each moment unfolding that which is needful to you; and sometimes a signal may come for rapid action, and then be sure to move in tempo; otherwise you might get hurt.

And so, having so recently stepped across the line into the land of the free, it should be easy for you to see and understand this point with respect to the Spirit of Truth, who should reprove the world of judgment because the prince of this world is judged. While you were in prison you could not comprehend, more than theoretically, that the prince of this world is judged. You accepted it theoretically, but until you could step across the line and be free, how could you know that he is judged? But now you know.

The prince of this world was judged when the Master suffered the agony of Gethsemane; when the Master stood before Pilate; when they cried, “Crucify him”; when our Master was hung on the Cross; when the KING of Kings said, “It Is finished”; when the body of our KING was laid in the tomb; when our LORD came forth that Resurrection Morn. There has not been a moment in all this time that the prince of this world was not judged. And yet, having been so thoroughly judged, and with the sentence of death hanging over him, awaiting only execution, the people of the world have slavishly obeyed him. That does not sound too good for the people of this world. Nevertheless, it has taken me a few years to get you out from under his yoke, and to the point where you would dare to step across the line.

The sentence of death has been upon the prince of this world all through these thousands of years. In the eyes of God, the certainty of the outcome was established long before that; but, regardless of the Prophets who came and whom the prince of this world slew, the absolute justice and the absolute necessity of the death sentence upon the prince of this world was not established from the outer standpoint of fallen humanity until the prince of this world undertook to judge and destroy the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings.

The LORD of Lords and KING of Kings, the LORD of the Sacred Seven, came openly into this world, not hiding His identity, and the prince of this world was dumb enough to not realize that if he touched Him he was doomed as certainly as the sun rises and sets. The prince of this world, with all of the supposed wisdom and knowledge, did not have sense enough to see that simple, obvious fact. And he has sought to hoodwink the people of the world into believing that he, the prince of this world, could escape that doom.

The prince of liars knows that the people of this world would rather believe a liar than to listen to the truth; and the prince of liars has sought to delude mankind into thinking that that sentence of death would never be executed. The long suffering of the LORD of Love, the fact that God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come into everlasting life, has been used as a basis for foisting delusion upon the minds of men. Because the death sentence was not executed immediately—has not, in fact, yet been executed—human beings have turned to scoffing and walklng after their own lusts, saying, “Where is the promise of the end of the world? And the prince of liars, does he not prove himself to be supreme?” And behold, all those who do not let themselves be reproved of sin, and of righteousness, will share in the judgment wherewith the prince of this world is judged and is brought to an end.

“And when he (the Spirit of Truth) is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me. Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more. Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.”

And the day of the beginning of the execution of that judgment draws near. As the manifestation of the One Christ Body on earth, it behooves you to so abide in the focalized response of love to the LORD of Love, that you may be worthy and effective as an intercessor for those who are yet to come out of the world of darkness, lest they also be destroyed with the prince of this world. You will see some go down. Do not undertake to strive with any. Let the cords of love draw them, else they will not come. You cannot compel anyone to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Though you see some who choose to go down, you must stand and serve the LORD. The point is that the beginning of the reproving of the world is at hand. That is not your function—remember that—that is the function of the Spirit of Truth, as the LORD of Love hath said. So therefore, let your function be that which it should be, lest you be caught unawares.

The work of judgment is not the work to which you are called. All that you are asked, and that is for this hour, through your experience as you have come forth into the land of the living, is to answer this question: “Is the judgment which has been passed upon the prince of this world a just one?” There must be in your consciousness always, if you are to function correctly in your place, a constant realization and recognition that the judgment which rests upon the prince of this world is just. And be careful that you do not unwittingly attempt to stay the execution of that judgment, or to prevent it, because that would mean that you would share in it. If you recognize, absolutely, that the judgment which rests upon the prince of this world is absolutely just, then, though you may intercede in all love for those who respond in the world, you would never, under any circumstances, attempt to stay the execution of just judgment.

It is never for you to judge. I have been sent into the world to take care of that. You have had some sad experiences in undertaking to judge, and you have been admonished to judge not. But when the judgment is established, and you are drawn to the point where you can recognize it, then, of necessity, you let it stand, and you work the works of God in righteousness for those who respond in love to the LORD of Love. That is the only thing that you can be properly concerned about. “Of sin, because they believe not on me.” Unless there is love response to the LORD of Love, you have nothing to work with. If there is love response to the LORD of Love, you do have something to work with. That is your guiding light all the time, under every circumstance, with respect to every individual, because no matter how much you might like to have someone enter the Kingdom, that someone will not enter unless there is love response to the LORD of Love. That is absolute. It is the one guiding factor in all of your function.

Your function as the One Christ Body is to let His Righteousness appear in the earth, to let His Love Radiate, and to let the Lord of Truth sanctify you, and through you, sanctify all who respond to the LORD of Love. Only through sanctification by the Lord of Truth can anyone be prepared for the entering in, for the crossing of that line; but the only thing that can bring anyone to the point of sanctification is love response to the LORD of Love. There it is, simply, directly. These are guiding factors in all of your function. You are not called upon to either judge, or to execute judgment, because if you undertake to begin to take over the work of the Spirit of Truth you will not be a member of the One Christ Body very long. I am talking about the actual function upon this creative basis that is even now being established, actually has been established, but is not being utilized in the fulness as yet, in order to give you time and opportunity to be thoroughly established and grounded in your proper spheres of function. It is the work of the Spirit of Truth to reprove the world of judgment. That is not your work. It will be your function to coordinate in that work; but remember, let each factor be where it should be. You will have your hands full, being what you should be, doing what you should do, saying what you should say, in your place—and the rest, let us let it work out in the season of the LORD.

In our service tonight, I do not anticipate dealing with judgment. That judgment is established, and shall be executed. I am not very anxious about that. Tonight, I hope to have the privilege, in this closing service of our Summer Session of 1946—September 16th, our New Year—of considering with you something of this New Land, something of that to which you are called in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ our LORD. It was necessary that I focalize this point of judgment today. I do not expect to tonight, but you see its relationship to the picture, do you not; and you see that you are to leave it alone, except as you may be directed of the Spirit of Truth in relation thereto. “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged, and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” That is the basis. That is absolute.

Now, praising God for the wonderful and blessed privilege of welcoming you to the Land of Light, to the realm of the God of the Living, under the Banner of the Prince of Peace, for His Banner is Love, this little hour of communion in which we have shared the blessings of the LORD prepares the way for that which I would consider with you tonight. O LORD of Love, I thank Thee for these Blessed Ones, through whom Thy Will is being done on earth, according to their love response to Thee, that all who are with us in Spirit, and all who respond, may come to know Thee as Thou art. In the Christ. Aum-en 

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