December 12, 2022

Malignancy or Health

Malignancy  or  Health

Martin Exeter   October 5, 1986  a.m.

As the sound of the music continues to reverberate in the atmosphere of this Dome, bringing praise and thanksgiving to the Most High, there is a stillness in the hearts and in the minds of those who are yielded in repentance for the arrogance of human nature which has prevailed and still does prevail throughout the body of mankind, and even in our own personal experience. In that stillness within oneself there is a voice which speaks the word of truth. That word remains unheard until there is stillness. The voice may be said to be the voice of the spirit of truth which, to start with, is with you and shall be in you. It must be with you in the external sense first, that the spirit of truth, which is present in you and in everyone, resonating with what is spoken by that spirit externally, may emerge increasingly in living expression through each one on earth.

We are perhaps aware of these things, and have been. Merely to be aware of them is not sufficient, obviously. When the spirit of truth does rise up in resonance from within oneself there is no more questioning or uncertainty. The rising up of the spirit of truth into expression clears the facilities of mind and heart, step by step. While that clearing is occurring it is vital that one should remain humble and repentant, because until there is clear space within oneself, whatever it is that finds expression through oneself, and is therefore known, will continue to be conditioned by the human nature which has prevailed in experience on earth for millennia past, even to this day. As long as human nature prevails, the truth can never be known. Human nature is not only reluctant to repent, but dead set against it—and that is a very accurate way of describing the condition: dead set.

In this hour we have the opportunity, as we have no doubt had in many hours in the past, to repent of arrogance, the arrogance which assumes that one knows and understands. The spirit of truth knows and understands, but human nature does not. It never has and never will. In order to mitigate this state of affairs, which is realized as being present subconsciously if not consciously, many mental concepts and ideas and beliefs have been developed as a substitute for the truth, the truth which could not be known as long as human nature was present and dominant. There was a word spoken long ago. Usually only part of it is recalled, namely, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand,” which is true enough. But it doesn't mean anything until the little word which preceded that statement is recognized and acknowledged: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Otherwise it is impossible to know that it is at hand; one can only have a belief about it. Some people believe it and some people don’t; it makes very little difference.

The difference comes when the kingdom of heaven which has been at hand is brought forth into expression in daily living. But that is quite impossible without repentance—repentance from the self-satisfaction and self-righteousness of human nature, which thinks it knows so much, when in fact all its knowledge is self-generated and has little or no bearing upon the truth. Only by reason of the expression of the spirit of truth in living does there begin to come a knowing of the truth. One only knows what one expresses in living. One may have a whole host of fanciful beliefs, but the very fact of belief is indication of not knowing. So to know, the truth must be expressed. Human nature is totally incapable of expressing the truth. Its very existence is based upon the fact that the truth is not expressed.

There is another nature available for human experience, but as long as the arrogance of human nature prevails, that other nature seems no more than a pipe dream. The fact of the matter is that human nature is a pipe dream. It’s there because of an addiction, an addiction to the idea that the human mind is capable of determining the way things should be. Regardless of how much one may have experienced of the spirit of truth in expression up to this point, I am sure each honest one would have to admit that the large majority of experience is still based in the idea that the human mind knows how it should be. As there are these days some five billion human minds on earth, it would not be surprising if there was a little conflict, each human mind considering that it knows how things should be. What unmitigated arrogance! Repent. “Forgive me, for I know not what I do, in human nature. I may have many lofty ideals. I may even consider that I have a rather brilliant mind, but I know not what I do.” In this sense each one may say, “I am totally ignorant.” That’s a good starting point. There may be some space then for a little wisdom, the wisdom that comes by reason of the expression of the spirit of truth in living; not any other way. There isn’t any other way. So in these moments we have, as usual, a wide-open door for repentance.

How easily human nature jumps to its own defense. How fearful human nature is—rather naturally because there is a sensing that it is in the process of passing away. What a fearful unfoldment of events! Human nature always passes away. It has been doing it in every generation for millennia. Strangely enough, it seems that human beings have accepted the idea that when they are born into this world they are born on death row. There are some very fancy beliefs about a loving God, but this peculiar idea which human beings have, and which they prove out generation after generation, contradicts the view of the loving God. Why would He condemn people to be born into a world on death row? Everybody feels they are in prison. They try to break loose; there are all kinds of techniques for this; but they remain in prison, and the day comes for execution.

Yet there are those who believe in a loving God. Whether one believes in a loving God or a wrathful God makes no difference to the way God is, if God exists. We ourselves have some awareness of the fact that there is the Supreme One. Our very existence, even though temporary, is evidence of the fact. Yet, should it not be recognized by now that belief in a loving God, even if that’s true, is totally inadequate? Human nature is maintained on this basis, the state which has been self-created and which passes away, individually. We would all acknowledge that. There may be hopeful beliefs that something is preserved beyond what is called death, but who knows? So human beings have put themselves in this self-created impasse. It is in fact a pipe dream, but deemed to be reality.

We have an interesting condition present on earth in human experience, a condition which apparently keeps increasing in spite of tremendous efforts to stem it. This condition is called cancer. Related to this is another condition putting in an appearance, where the immune system breaks down. Is all this the natural experience that is being foisted upon human beings by a loving God? Such an idea should be seen as completely ridiculous. It is a self-created condition.

Mankind is now a malignant tumor in the body of the earth, a malignant tumor that sucks all the nourishment that is present in the body of the earth into itself. It’s an interesting fact that those individuals who may die of cancer also experience the death of the cancer. The cancer becomes very healthy for a while by extracting all the nourishment out of the host body, but in doing so it kills the host body and kills itself. This is a very graphic picture of human-nature behavior. It is what is happening all over the face of the earth in the body of mankind. Here is a vast malignant tumor. Isn’t that a very accurate way of describing the behavior of human beings? It’s a malignancy. It’s destroying the life of the planet. This is all based in the behavior of individual human beings.

I’d like to read a familiar passage out of the Book of Genesis, made available a long time ago, describing something which has very close application to present experience. What is happening now is not something that hasn’t happened before—maybe not in exactly the same way. Here is a story that very accurately depicts what is happening now—it happened before. “And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.” This story relates to a gentleman of old called Noah. “And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.” This is the way it is put, but it may be easily recognized that the earth was in the process of being destroyed by reason of what was occurring in “all flesh,”—human flesh.

The scourge of cancer is merely the evidence of the behavior of human beings in general, brought out in specific, individual form and expression. But it is what is happening to the whole earth. All that human beings do is to try to stem the scourge in individuals, when the whole pattern of behavior is what has produced it, the behavior of all flesh—not just of this individual or that individual but everybody. The destruction comes because of the malignancy; and the malignancy, the tumor, is mankind in the process of destroying the earth. Whatever this story refers to out of the past, somebody understood what it was all about. So here it is portrayed. But human beings have continued blindly in their human nature. The malignancy has grown. There is an immense tumor in the earth now, composed of five billion cells; and very rapidly and in a multitude of different ways, the host, the earth, is being destroyed.

That is a rather graphic picture which seemingly has no end other than death; and that is exactly what mankind is faced with, obviously. It is necessary to look at these things. Some people find themselves very fearful when they look at these things. They don’t want to look at them: “This can't be what’s happening! There must be a solution; it’s just around the corner. After all, we have many brilliant minds on earth working upon the problem!” But it is the brilliant minds on earth that have produced the problem. Is more of the same going to solve it? Of course not.

The tumor needs to pass away. About the only experience in this regard has been to let it pass away because the host body dies. Then the tumor is dead too. That is the inevitable conclusion of human nature, collectively. It has been the inevitable conclusion of human nature individually for millennia, but now collectively, because there has been a refusal to face the fact and to repent: “Whatever I have been doing has been destructive, no matter how good I think it is.” And there are all kinds of good things that people are doing on earth. Of course the people who are doing what they deem to be good things think other people, who are doing something else, are doing bad things. But this is all part of a human-nature condition: judgment, judgment of good and evil, the eating of the forbidden fruit which brings death. It does; it always has; it always will.

Yet there must come a time when there is no more room for the continued nonsense. And that’s all it is; human-nature nonsense. “Oh there are so many good things that people are doing.” But it is all malignant, all of it. It is the human state that is malignant, and the human state is composed of individual human beings. Can the malignancy be dissolved, do you think? It could only be dissolved if there are a sufficient number of healthy cells in the body to allow the current of life moving through them to be sufficient, so that the current of life moving through the tumor may be withdrawn. That is the way the tumor dies. That is the way that cancer is, not cured but simply passes away, because there are healthy cells available through which the life current may move, to the exclusion of the life current moving through the tumor.

This is the creative way by which mankind may be restored to the state for which it is present on earth. The state for which it is present on earth is not the state which is exemplified by the malignant tumor, and that is the whole shooting match of mankind’s state. Let’s not imagine that the “good” malignant cells, if they are allowed to increase, will do away with the malignancy. That’s ridiculous, isn’t it? They’re all malignant cells. Let there be healthy cells present within the body of mankind, with the life current moving freely through those healthy cells because they have no relatedness whatsoever to the malignancy. Then something can happen—not otherwise. Otherwise the malignancy destroys everything. And it is well on the way. How much time do you think there is to fiddle around, to try to sustain our “good” human-nature state? Everybody has a “good” human- nature state, after all. We’re all good people aren’t we? Are we? I think it might be better described that we all have been, at least, malignant people, destructive people. Violence and corruption fill the earth. “Oh, that’s those wicked people over there; they’re doing that.” What arrogance. What arrogant judgment.

Until one reaches the point where one may say in human nature, “I did it; I’m responsible for it,” nothing whatsoever will happen. It doesn’t happen collectively without happening first individually. My concern over many years is to find some who would be willing to be healthy cells; that’s all. I can’t make anyone be a healthy cell. I can’t make myself be a healthy cell. All I can do is to be willing; and if I’m willing I will repent of my malignancy, because every human nature in expression is a malign influence on earth, a destructive influence on earth. And it all builds to, what? Nothing. The tumor dies with the earth. Do you think this planet was created to die? No, human beings are insisting upon this. And they develop, in their human-nature ideas, how they’re going to save it. They’re going to save it because we’re going to institute laws which will preserve the wilderness, or whatever. There are all kinds of ideas that human minds have, how they’re going to do it. What arrogance. They don’t know how to do it. They brought the world to this pass, and everybody has participated in the process. No one is exempt. Repent!

There is one whose life it is, and consequently the planet and all that is present on it is His. “The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” That is the truth of the matter, constantly denied by malignant human beings: “No it isn’t; it’s mine! And I’ll be particularly good, because I won’t try to grab it for myself; but I think I know how things should be operated around here, so the desert can blossom as a rose”—when there is total ignorance in human nature, because human nature can’t do it. It doesn’t know. It doesn’t have the faintest idea. It is, in fact, trying to grab everything for itself, even though it won’t, at times, admit it. There are those who have a broad vision to make the world a beautiful place for mankind. Ugh! Who is speaking?

The earth was not created for mankind. Man was created for the earth. There is a vast difference. Now we awaken to the awareness that the spirit of truth is present, has been with you, and is in you. If there is space for the spirit of truth to come forth into expression, then the truth makes free. Free for what? Free for participation in the fulfilment of the reason that this planet exists. So we rejoice, rightly, that this is so. That event which I described by reading these two verses out of the Book of Genesis had along with it the way by which a new state could appear. The next statement after what I read was this: “Make thee an ark.” [] I don’t want to go into what was needed to keep people afloat in a flood. The question is, what is needed now? But the same statement, in principle, is true: Build thee an ark. And you’ll note, in this description of how this was to be done, it was very specifically indicated—dimensions, the type of material to be used; everything was very specific. It wasn’t just a haphazard thing. And Noah was subjected to a good deal of ribaldry, because he was doing something that didn’t conform with the ideas and expectations of those who were round about in their state of violence and corruption.

One might see a parallel here to what it is that may be experienced now. Human nature instantly rejects the truth—of course, because human nature will pass away if the truth prevails. And as you, each one, well know, human nature is not too anxious to pass away. What do you do whenever you get sick, for instance? Oh you rush over to somebody who is going to make you better. Human nature is going to pass away, yes, right. No loss! Let it go. It needs to pass away. That doesn’t mean that your physical flesh needs to die right now, but it does mean what occupies your mind and your heart needs to be released into oblivion, that what is available of the spirit of truth may have space and come forth into expression. And immediately there begins to be a healthy cell, and as these healthy cells experience what they naturally do in the expression of the spirit of truth they are drawn together into a design, into a natural pattern, just as originally our physical bodies were drawn into a design.

But this design is not based in a heredity out of the past. There isn’t any such heredity available out of the past for the design of truth. The design of truth is available now, and begins to put in an appearance now, as there are individuals who will let it because they have repented from human nature and are willing to experience a natural resonance from within themselves to the spirit of truth, so that what finds expression is of that spirit. That brings life. That brings life to a renewed cell of a renewed body. And the more renewed cells there are in this way, the less malignant cells there are. It looks like an immense task, to absorb this vast and awful malignancy of mankind. There is a way, but it isn’t the malignant way, it isn’t the way of human nature. It isn't the way that any human being knows anything about, simply because they never experienced it. The only way to know about it is to experience it, so let’s go ahead and experience it! Anything is better than the malignancy, isn’t it?

So we share something of a vision, and something of an experience of this. It is real. We know it is real when it is totally real for us. Most people are a little doubtful: “Well it may be all right, but then in the practical sense it doesn’t really work.” How do you know? You never tried it; you never experienced it. But the door is wide open. The door has been wide open in this way for the last two thousand years, but now it is finally coming to point, because everything is reaching a climax, and either the body is going to die or it is going to live, one or the other. The malignancy is going to die anyway. Regardless of what happens, the malignancy will die. Will there be a living body left when the malignancy is dead? That is the question. And here we have some understanding, at least, of the way things work, but the understanding is of little value in and of itself unless we participate in the way things work. That’s the only way we know anyhow. Otherwise it’s just a belief, and lots of people have lots of beliefs, which certainly show no sign of healing the earth.

I am thankful that there are those who are repentant. That is something that is necessary for all of us. We can’t help but be involved in human nature, merely by being born into this world: so no one is exempt from repentance: “I’m such a good person, I don’t need to repent.” Repentance is not confessing one’s supposed sins, by the way, except as one recognizes that the sin is the sin of human nature—good, bad and indifferent, all of it. That’s the sin. And who is going to give you absolution, do you think? The absolution comes because you repent, that’s all! It’s there. It doesn’t require someone to say, “Now you're absolved of your sins.” When your sins of human nature are dissolved, there you are. You don’t need anyone to tell you. Then you may make the statement, and speak truly, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”

© emissaries of divine light

This  One  Life

Don Hynes  December 3, 2022

How the trees strengthen

in the cold winds of winter,

the slanted light and driving rain

while consumed in silence.

Why not emulate their courage?

The risk as always is to your soul,

what the beast seeks to devour

and starlight longs to support.

Brothers and sisters

in the soil of Earth,

let us stand together

in the forest of courage

and renounce the chains

of the unreal victim.

We have this one life

and with it we may sing!