April 12, 2015

A Focus Point Of Continuity

A  Focus  Point  Of  Continuity

from  Assembly Session — Sunrise Ranch

Martin Cecil   April 23, 1981 

We are concerned with creative processes. In all fields we need to have a conscious awareness that there is a creative process at work, quite apart from the specific nature of what it is that is opening up. It all relates to a basic creative unfoldment to which we are responsible for giving direction. Zeal, enthusiasm, are very useful states of experience because they bring substance together—the essential spiritual substance generated—and make it available for right use. We need to be very sure that it is used rightly.

We are all aware that whatever may be emerging in the field of differentiation does so on the basis of the fact that there is a point of centering, a point of orientation, from which it may happen. It has taken many years for the development of a sufficiently stable core point of spiritual centering to enable a certain proliferation to begin to occur. This differentiating process all springs out of the fact that we have a central core point capable of encompassing the creative spirit of God which may then have the opportunity of specific differentiation in various fields. We are beginning to see this differentiation take place but there is a continuing necessity to recognize that it is part of the same creative process that went before. It's easy for human beings to go off in all directions. I'm sure that all of us have creative imaginations—imagination is fine when it is held in the creative design of things. It is all very natural. It's something that's springing out of the fact that we have a base or a foundation from which to work. We have the sensing that things are moving in a general sense quite rapidly. 

This is chiefly because the movement has come within the range of our conscious awareness—some of it at least. Let us not imagine that it was not moving before we became aware of it. It was already on the move. We have some consciousness now of the nature of that movement. Mention was made about going around and coming in the back door, so to speak—there is the spirit of God which bypasses the conscious mind and works subconsciously. This is the creative process that has been at work. It had to be this way because the focus of the Son on earth was rejected so what was to happen couldn't happen primarily from that standpoint. The conscious mind of man had to be bypassed. You can see that necessity. We have something of an awareness of this in our own fields of action.

It is what penetrates the heart that opens things up.

If you come up against the conscious minds of people, they're ready for an argument or even a fight. So it's much wiser not to deal in conscious confrontations if possible. We let it come around from another direction where the conscious mind is not aware. As long as people don't know what it is—or think they know what it is that is springing to them, something that they could easily accept—they will accept it. But the very moment the conscious mind gets in there they won't have anymore to do with it. Of course it has been necessary to have a focus of continuity all the way through which will be a continuing fact—whether anyone likes it or not is beside the point. It's what has to be there. Differentiations are only meaningful because there was something out of which the differentiation could occur. So, we need to be very careful that we never deny that in our own consciousness. We may not stress it in the consciousness of others—probably wise not to do so because they have their concept—but it isn't necessary for us to try to argue anyone out of their idea. What we know, we know; and that's what should be, and
there is the foundation. 

So what's happening comes around from another direction in human experience, and what has been happening has been happening for a long time. It didn't just start yesterday or a hundred years ago. It's been going, in a very specific sense, for over nineteen centuries. We become aware of something moving quite rapidly now. It comes out into the open; we know it. Before we didn't know it and there was perhaps a certain complacency—there certainly has been a certain complacency in the human world—but now nobody can be complacent anymore because things are emerging to a level where there is some consciousness at least of something happening. Before it was so deep down that nobody knew anything much about it consciously. But now it's coming out and consciously a lot of people are becoming aware of something. 

From our standpoint we can take advantage of what is happening. It isn't that this wholistic thing is all that important. None of these things are anything of themselves. They are just the way human beings presently interpret what is happening. Coming more to the level of consciousness, they begin to put forms on these things and it is revealing to those who have some awareness of spirit as to what it is that is happening, what these forms are that are putting in an appearance, and we can take advantage of them. We didn't invent wholism. We didn't have to invent any of these things because there were all those round about feeling something moving and ready to put a form on it. Some of these forms may be valuable—not for themselves but for the people who are associated with them. So we can take advantage in various ways. 

Always there is a very exact creative process if it is allowed to work the way it should, if we don't go off half-cocked as they say. This creative process always starts with a point of focus—developing out of the fact that the core of things is present—and it moves out to this area of differentiation. As there is a specific differentiation, that becomes the core for whatever is to happen next. Therefore, it is most important that whatever that core proves to be it should be firmly established, be a stable point, out of which differentiation can further come. Here is something very specific happening, and let that specific happening provide the focus, the core, for whatever is to differentiate out of that. We need to see that these things work in a very exact way and we need to be careful not to run before the Lord. Things can be helpfully developed. Development is occurring because there is a point of centering for it. Before it begins to proliferate into facilities here, facilities there, for doing what hasn't yet been done at the center would very easily abort the creative cycle that is moving. Let it be done at the point, wherever that point may be—let it be developed, let it be established, in that form so that there is a focus of something that is being done, and not hope that something will be done here, there and everywhere. Let it be done at center first! 

One can have developed possibilities in one's consciousness—but the focus always needs to be established first. It was when Sunrise Ranch was established here years ago that something could begin to gel in other places. So we need to be aware in our own conscious understanding of creative processes as to how these things work so that we coordinate whatever we do with the way it works and not try to cause it to work in a way that might seem to be useful but isn't specifically the way the creative process works. I delight with the desire to let things expand and this is what they must do, of course, but let us let it be done step by step. Maybe nowadays we're not so hesitant in our steps and maybe one step will follow another more quickly as we leap upon the mountains and skip upon the hills but obviously if you're going to do that you have to have a very developed sense of balance—otherwise there would be disaster. 

This emphasizes the point that always something needs to be done in what we have referred to on occasion as a miniature way. The happening will happen effectively to the extent that in the miniature situation it was done with understanding and done well. If there tend to be distractions, then it is because those concerned either didn't see or had forgotten what the real purpose of such a focus as occurs was. It was relative to something much larger. The doing may be a very small thing but it has to be done even in the very small thing exactly so, then out of that can spring far more; not as I say necessarily in the development of that little point as such but nevertheless that little point is the starting point for what is going to expand maybe in seemingly somewhat unrelated ways. 

We need to view all our fields of action in this way so that we don't merely see them as something in and of themselves. We can all do lots of things but we need to recognize that we are on hand to do always something more than the restricted conditions that are established by the seeming job, whatever it is. That is just a vehicle, a means, by which we can do what we are there to do, and doing what we are there to do is always the core point for what should subsequently, inevitably one might say, develop out of it. One is giving a focus to something that is already moving subconsciously on the basis of the working of the spirit of God, and if we are working with the spirit of God consciously, well these things come together. And they always start at the point of focus for the development of the core, out of which the expansion may then begin to proliferate. But the core needs to have done something before the proliferation occurs otherwise the proliferation will prove to be nothing. 

So we are conscious indeed of our spiritual responsibility for the development of these creative cycles and we see how it happens, and we see the importance individually of what we personally are doing in our own particular creative fields to allow what is happening subconsciously in the larger body of mankind to be given a focus. Who else is going to give these things focus? Only those who have awakened sufficiently to be conscious of their purpose, of their commission, of their reason for being here on earth, which is to give focus to these things. There's no use to have an imaginary focus. There's been lots of that actually, but it must come down to specifics. What one does! What one does in the specific field where one is—where something of a creative nature is our specific field of responsibility. There are those specific fields which come to point with respect to our own creative responsibilities. 

It's all the creative process that goes on by reason of our presence. Because we are here, it's set in motion—when we take responsibility for doing whatever it is we're here to do. And let us not indulge in vain imagination. Creative imagination! There's quite a distinction here. Vain imagination usually relates to daydreaming for one thing but also to hopes. What are your hopes and expectations? Hope is something that needs to pass away. We don't hope anything is going to happen. We know darn well something is going to happen and we need to make sure that what needs to happen does happen. We're responsible for that. Other people may have their hopes but sooner or later they need to let them go too. 

We handle what is here now. We don't use our imagination to think, “Well, it would be nice if something else was here now or there's more opportunity than I have right now.” We don't need any more opportunity than we have right now. We don't need anything different than we have right now. It is the way it is and if we accept the responsibility of doing what we are here to do now, then let tomorrow take care of itself. That will happen rightly but if you've got some hopes stuck in there somewhere, you're trying to influence things to move toward that fulfilment that you envision and you spoil it. Let it be what it is but do something now. The thing that can be done now; not the thing that can only be done in imagination now. 

How very practical and down to earth spiritual expression is. It doesn't carry us away into flights of foolish fancy but keeps us where we belong, doing what we are here to do. I certainly am delighted that there is quick movement, quick response, quick willingness to allow everything to happen. But everything is going to happen in its own creative way. We become aware increasingly what that creative way is so that we're right in alignment with it. Then it's allowed to happen the way it should and it will happen more quickly. We become experts because we become accustomed to moving in the creative cycle the way it moves. Heretofore our experience has perhaps been somewhat ponderous, but we have gained understanding and expertise and so we can begin to let it move more quickly but it moves the same way. So allowing this creative process to continue we do, as ever, find that all things work together to perfection.

© Emissaries of Divine Light