Steps To Mastership Lesson 18
Uranda 1936
The best way to enter into the impersonal expression of Life is found in Beauty. He who looks for beauty in all people and all things soon finds that which he can truly Love. The blending force which draws one into a realization of Oneness is Love, and the presence of Love in people and all creation is discerned through a perception of beauty. Beauty is not to be confused with surface prettiness. Beauty is that deeper quality which partakes of the Divine. The Inner Being of all things is Beauty. Look for beauty and you will find it. When you find beauty, you will have found the key to Love. When you have found Love, you will blend with that in which you find it. Thus is Oneness attained. The impersonal expression of Life depends on the ability to perceive beauty everywhere. Everywhere present, beauty will attune you with Love, and Love will blend you with God. Beauty and Truth are One. The Essence of all things is Beauty. The Essence of all things is Truth. Through the Pathway of Beauty, you can ascend to the limitless heights.
Set yourself to the pleasure of looking for beauty. Beauty is Reality. Behold it, and the clouds of darkness and illusion will vanish away. Fill your mind with beauty and there will be no room for the ugly things of the personal life expression. The Christ is Beauty. The Way of the Christ is Beauty. The Truth of the Christ is Beauty. The Life of the Christ is Beauty. You cannot Love that in which you do not see Beauty. Therefore look for Beauty and you will find Love. Look below the surface in contemplation and you will find Beauty. Beauty often hides beneath a veil of seeming ugliness, that it may remain pure and unsullied from the eyes of vulgarity, lust and passion. Surface seeming blinds unworthy eyes, that they may not behold Beauty. He who hurries sees not Beauty. Only those who linger long before the rose can see its Beauty. The hurried passerby sees only its prettiness. Follow Beauty and you will find Love. Enter into Love and you will find God. In God you will find the ALL in All.
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