According to the Original Pattern
from Functional Reality
Uranda July 23, 1953 Class
Today in our Class work we introduced the subject of nullifying wrong vibrational factors, in the first Class; and in the second we carried it into the pattern of intercessory function. Now, it is of vital importance to all of us that we have a clear realization of the opportunity that is afforded to us individually and collectively in relationship to this particular phase of function. Nullifying wrong vibrational factors which tend to appear and intercessory function. And I thought tonight we might well give some definite consideration to this pattern of meditation as it relates to the Magic of Living.
We have recognized that we are not supposed to be subject to the various conditions round about us, whether we classify them as good, bad or indifferent. We recognize that we cannot be instruments of control in any real sense until we have come under the control of the Kingdom of Heaven that is at hand. We have recognized that Truth is the abstract design and potential of control in relationship to the Kingdom, which is the form of Truth made manifest. The Kingdom of Heaven at hand, made manifest on earth, is in reality the Truth given form and function on earth in the realm of physical substance. Thy Kingdom come — the manifest form of Truth, in design and control, allowed to come into expression, into action, into being on earth. And as we have realized that Heaven and Earth are One, and we only need to come into awareness of the basic truth that it is so, we see that the invisible vibrational factors that give form to Truth in Heaven provide the Spirit, or essence of Being, by which the Truth may be given form on Earth as the Kingdom. So, whenever we say the Kingdom we mean Truth made manifest in form, in relationship to both design and control.
If your hand is functioning in the right control and if the design of your hand has not been impaired by distortions of some kind, so that you can move your hand correctly, it can function correctly, then your hand is a part of the Kingdom made manifest — that is, of course, providing the control is in harmony with Truth — if the hand is used for the purposes of the King. Then your hand, in such a case, is a part of the actual physical manifestation of the Kingdom, in fact. If that is true of your hand it is true of your whole body, it is true of your mind, it is true of your emotional nature. Whatever there is in physical form that is correct in design, that is not subject to distortion, and that functions on the basis of the control of Truth, is a part of the manifest expression or revelation of the Kingdom of God on Earth. So, we recognize that Truth, invisible Truth, must be given visible form, and our bodies are the starting point for the manifestation of that form.
Now, whatever human beings may do that is contrary to the Divine Design that tends to produce a distortion is wrong, and needs to be nullified. Whenever we begin to let the patterns of distortion have effect in our lives we are producing, by the use of our bodies and our facilities, our minds and hearts, we are producing by reason of our opportunities that which makes the world an ugly place, unlovely, unsatisfactory, that increases suffering, turmoil, discord. But these same capacities of body and mind and heart can be used to bring forth the manifestation of that which is beautiful, lovely, wonderful, that carries blessing to all who will receive. The way in which our capacities are used, in actual fact, determines our value in relationship to reality. If our capacities are being used to produce discord, unloveliness, ugly things, then we depreciate ourselves — we make ourselves to be of less value.
We might say that the value of human beings should be established, and from the standpoint of God is established, on the basis of the gold standard — gold being the symbol of God’s Love. Our valuation as human beings should be based on the gold standard. But human beings tend to devaluate their medium of exchange, which we call money. We can have a silver standard instead of a gold standard, and under the various standards there can be depreciation of value, fluctuations in value. The gold standard of God’s Love should be the basis of value for every human being, but human being tend to depreciate themselves because they do not let themselves be used to produce that which increases value on earth.
We might note from an economic standpoint that one of the problems that we have in relationship to fluctuations in valuation is that the medium of exchange is utilized for that which does not increase values on earth. The uses of money that depreciate values — buying food that is not food, drink that is not drink, just to illustrate. It can manifest in many ways, but money spent for so-called food that is not real food, money spent for so-called drink that is not a beneficial, constructive influence, lowers the value of the money — it removes the pattern of foundation; it upsets the economic balance. If we spend money for entertainment that is not entertainment in a constructive sense, it doesn’t increase the value of life, the joy of life, then that tends to upset the balance and bring about a process of devaluation. So, we can see this principle at work in relationship to everyday things but let us see it work in relationship to ourselves as human beings.
Your value — your value from the standpoint of the King and the Kingdom — depends on what you bring forth, what manifests because you live. If you are producing ill things you depreciate, devaluate, yourself and make yourself to be of little consequence. As long as there is a potential of changing the tide we may say there’s a potential value, but it is not real, it is not yet realized, it’s paper money, it’s paper-wealth, something to be realized in the future, which may not manifest. It might turn out to be a loss because the potential value does not necessarily appear. That gets into the realm of life’s gambles. We trust that every human being will become of worth, of value, of meaning, but we know that many will not. But to start with, we are concerned about the right pattern of function through ourselves because we cannot influence others in the right way unless we are functioning correctly ourselves. And, what is our value? The mere fact that you are a human being does not cause you to have real value — potential value, paper wealth, yes, but does it become real or does it become a loss?
The real value is all that we can actually work with now. The potential is not enough. The future is not enough. That which is coming out of the future is important, but what is the present real value? What is it we can use that is coming out of the future in this instant, that is manifesting now? What has already taken form — it’s too late to change it. The critical point of change is at the beginning point of manifestation. It is coming out of the future, out of the vibratory realms, and beginning to take form. In this sense we may say that we have an illustration from the standpoint of thought and the words and acts which result from thought. In true thought you have a contact with the future. If thought is centered in the past then it is not functioning as true thought and does not permit constructive changes. It will bring about destructive changes but not creative, constructive changes. But true thought relates to that which is coming into form out of the future, and the changes that are possible are in the instant of birth from the future to the present. You cannot make a change in the far distant future, other than changing your pattern of polarity — that will have an influence on the far-distant future. But in actual fact the manifestation of change is something that is right here, at hand, all the time, whether you realize it or not.

If you are trying to work with what is already in form as it is passing into the past — if you are working on a lag basis — you will never succeed in building that which is of a higher Pattern of Being, in yourself or in your environment. If we work on a lag basis, just as it is going into the past, we may be disruptive but we cannot be constructive. That which is going into the past is already set; it’s too late for that — too late! We have to learn to let that which is going into the past go — let it go! We may say that we are living in the narrow margin of this moment, but if we are not functioning on a lag basis, but on the basis of that which is coming out of the future, being born into the present, we can there change the pattern of manifestation. How? By trying to make the Truth work in relationship to ourselves? No, the Truth is working! Everything of God is working. Changes are taking place. Everything is changing. You do not have to institute change; you do not have to get God to do something; you do not have to ask God to do anything.
God is doing. As soon as we conform to God’s doing, and share it, we begin to be creative. Truth is in action. All of the elements are present — they are at hand, right at the point where the future begins to be the present, the point of birth. And if the substance that is attuned at that point is being caused to conform to the Divine Design we have a healing pattern. But if the point of manifestation for the future is being ignored, and we are working on a lag basis with that which is passing into the past we have a degeneration pattern at work. That which coming into the future is not under dominion, it isn’t under control, it isn’t being caused to conform with the design of Truth and, here in the past, trying to work with it, trying to change it — it’s too late! And it’s in a pattern of degeneration.
The point where we are working in relationship to the present determines our effectiveness. Man was made, or created, brought forth, to be a means by which dominion, control, might be exerted on earth in relationship to physical substance. God has a means of providing control in the invisible realms — that is, in the realms that are invisible to us. Those realms have form that are meaningful in those levels of Being, but without man God has no means of establishing dominion in this realm. Man has refused to be the means of control, and then has blamed God because there was no control, because things happened as if by chance, because ill things resulted, evil is made manifest, suffering, misery, sorrow — all the things that lead to death. And they blame God; but God is not to blame. He provides all things necessary all the time, whether we use those things or not. They are at hand, within our reach, at the point where the future is becoming visible to us every moment of every day. And what do we do with that?
If we live on a lag basis we are trying to do the impossible. It won’t work. If we are trying to live in the middle of it — that is where we should be, in the middle of it, yes — but if we are trying to live there we find that we die there. Now can we grasp this point? If your consciousness has been attuned to the Truth, what we have been considering together in classes and services, here you have something of vital importance. If you try to live in the middle of the pattern of life, in this instant even, what will you be doing? You’ll be watching that which is going over the edge into the past. You are supposed to be in the middle of this present instant — yes, actually you are — but are you watching that which is coming in, out of the future, out of the east, or are you watching what is going over the edge, like a falls, into the past. Are you looking down into the falls or into the fountain that comes out of the east? There is something fascinating about a falls, about water going over the edge and flowing down. It’s very fascinating. I’ve watched it over Niagara, over many different falls. It’s fascinating.
But what do we say about man? Man fell, or man is living in the fallen state. His centering of attention in relationship to the moment in which he is living tends to be drawn into this weird fascination for what is going over the edge into the past, and then it is too late to do anything about it. He is dying. He’s lost his contact with living, and though he is in this present moment his centering is in what is falling. It’s going over the edge into the past, and then it’s too late. But like a fountain out of the east, out of the future, there is constantly coming, for every man, woman and child, something that is of God. If we do not give it form we never see it. It’s there but it never has form and we do not see it. Then the human mind tries to deny that it was there. But it was there. It is there all the time, and it’s flowing past us all the time, that which is of God. We do not have to start it working; we do not have to cause it to come from God — it is coming from God; it is in action now.
So, if we try to live in the center without regard to what is being born — if we ignore that, we don’t see it and understand it, and function on the basis of dominion with respect to it, and try to live in the present instant — we will be dying there instead of living there, because in spite of ourselves we will be watching what is going over the edge into the past. It has that weird fascination. And it was man letting his pattern of function and polarity move away from the fountain of the east to the falls of the west that caused what we call the fall. Now, the vibratory factors are coming out of the east. We cannot give them form unless we are working at the right point. If you wait until they get up even with you, where you are in the middle of this instant, it’s too late. You can’t give them form no matter how hard you try, and you’ll see them go into the past if you see them at all. It’s at the point where they come into this present moment, the point of birth, the point where they have the proper relationship with substance that we can begin to let dominion be a reality. If we would live in actual fact we must be facing the east and letting control have meaning with respect to those instant-by-instant changes.
To emphasize this point: change is taking place! We used a few illustrations today, that will bear repeating, because they need to penetrate deeply into consciousness. There is the old saying that there are only two things certain, death and taxes. Now, why do human beings say these two things are certain? Because of the certainty of change. Change is absolutely certain. Things are going to change! How — for the better or for the worse? Things are going to change. Change is certain! That’s a starting point. We are not necessarily, we do not have to be, creatures of fate, so to speak, creatures of chance, hoping that the changes will be better for us, but not being certain. But changes are taking place.
We noted that every fourteen months the vital tissues of your body are changed. Now you are not particularly aware of it in consciousness, but the stomach you had two months ago is gone, absolutely gone — it’s passed away, for you have a new stomach about every sixty days, a new heart every month. The heart you had a month ago is gone, it’s passed away, it isn’t there anymore — you have a new heart, in a normal pattern of life. And so on, until all of the organs of the body and all of the vital tissues, with the possible exception of the brain substance itself, even extending into the spine — that has all changed! That body which you had two years ago has passed away. It’s gone! And you have a new body. If this new body took form on the basis of the distortions that were in your body then it’s not any more healthy than it was. If it has been taking form on a basis of distortion it’s probably a little worse than it was two years ago. If the substance has been taking form on the basis of the Design in Truth then you are better than you were two years ago. You have better health, better vigour, better strength. But that substance is changing regardless of what’s in control. If suffering, ill conditions are in control then the new substance comes in and takes form on that same old basis and it goes down and down, until it’s clear under. But, if the control element of Truth has been allowed to have meaning in your body, the changes have been taking place, not on the basis of the old pattern but of the new. And your body has been getting stronger; your body has been changing for the better.
Now, you do not have to make your body substance change. As long as you live it will be changing. Perhaps the changes have slowed down, but it is changing. You do not have to start it changing. It is changing! What has already become set for the moment, you can’t change that for the moment, until the changes come out of the east, out of the future. And then, at that point, how does this substance take form? What is shaping it? What’s controlling it? What has dominion? That which is of the ill vibration? You have the conviction that you have this ill condition, this trouble, this difficulty, and so you make all the changes conform to the difficulty. And we have sickness, degeneration, and finally death. But if these changes that were taking place in you, in your vital tissues, were all controlled by the Truth, according to the Design in Truth, it is easy to see that your body could life for a thousand years as easily as it can live fifty years. There is no necessity of man having a life span of threescore-years-and-ten, or thereabouts. If by reason of strength he makes it to fourscore years it’s generally considered to be remarkable. Why? Because man just lets the machine run down — no true control. He lets it be subject to every ill thing that comes along — no dominion, no control. He doesn’t know how to nullify the things that should not manifest, and he does not know how to establish the patterns with respect to the Truth that is at hand and working, so that that will control in relationship to himself.

The changes are taking place. It’s not a question of whether changes will take place — they are taking place! It is a question of what is going to control in relationship to these changes. Will that control be according to the Divine Design of Truth or will it be according to the distortions that manifest on earth in human beings? If we do not know how to stop producing distortions, we are going to be on the degenerating side, we are going over the edge, gradually wearing down, slowing down, ready to drop off and be gone. But if we are living at the right point, centered in the right control, according to the right design, that isn’t true. We can let the past go into the past without a bit of concern, because we are attuned with that which is coming out of the future from God and we are letting it have form; and the dominion, the control, of God is established in relationship to that which is taking form.
Now the human being wants to see it manifest all at once. It doesn’t work that way. It takes about fourteen months for the vital tissues of your body to be changed. It takes seven years for the skeleton itself to be completely changed — your teeth, the bones in your head and your feet, all through your body. The body you had seven years ago is gone; it’s passed away. You have another body now. The cells that were in your bones seven or eight years ago simply are not in your body any more. Its been changed, at a normal speed, in a normal cycle. So, the change does take place. Does the change take place and reproduce the same old thing? You’ve inherited an ill condition; you have an ill condition, so you make your body inherit that ill condition over and over again — the same old thing, going down, a little bit worse every time.
If you cut a length of board exactly and use that for the measurement of the next, but use the one just cut to measure the next one, and so on; the last one you cut you use to measure your next cut, and you keep on cutting boards. In an hour-or-so, how far will your board be off from what it should be in length? Quite a bit. It will vary on the basis of the one who is operating the saw. But it will not be exact; it will be off, the pattern getting a little bit worse every time because the old pattern was used. Not the first pattern, not the one that was measured with exactness, according to the Truth — that pattern, we left it behind a long time ago. And the pattern, a little bit off but we still use it, and the next one’s off a little more, a little more, a little more, until the body is so far out of pattern that it can’t function any more. And then we say that’s death. The body dies. It stops functioning.
What pattern are you using? The one that was manifest just before, or a new pattern, regardless of the pattern that now is, no matter what’s wrong with it or what’s right with it? You may say, “Well the board I cut half an hour ago was pretty close. I’ve been working hard and it should be alright.” Keep the Original Pattern — and if every board you cut is according to the Original Pattern, and you’re careful, the hundredth board will be just as good as the first one. We can have every board you cut illustrate a year, if you want to. You can cut a thousand from that original pattern and if it’s rightly done that thousandth board will be right. Well how about using the Original Pattern? The changes are taking place in you! Are those changes going to be shaped according to the last pattern you had? And it will be getting a little worse and a little more out, until it stops functioning. The changes take the body substance back into the earth so that it won’t be so far out of balance.
We see then, that trying to be exact with the old pattern, moving it along so to speak, will not work, no matter how hard you try. It isn’t enough. You may be able to make the changes of degeneration go more slowly but they’ll still be there, with the coming of the changes. The only way is to use the Original Pattern that came from the hand of God — the Pattern established in Truth. Once we begin to let the changes that take place in the body be measured, shaped, controlled according to the Original Pattern we’ll be all right.
You may say, “But my Original Pattern was for the body of a baby, and I’m a grown man. That won’t work.” The size is beside the point. The Original Pattern included your size as a mature man or woman. Usually human beings are far from the Original Pattern before they become mature, so they imagine that the Original Pattern was just for the babe. But that is not true. The Original Pattern had in it everything necessary for you as a man or a woman, fully mature, a complete design, and all the elements necessary for perfect function in Truth — control, dominion. You may say, “But I was born with this limitation; I was born with this trouble. I had this happen to me when I was a child, thus and so.” Those limitations, if you think you were born with one — maybe you were; maybe you just imagined it; but suppose you were — that does not change the fact that the Original Pattern for you was perfect. If the pattern didn’t take form perfectly in the womb, that does not deny the fact that your Original Pattern is perfect; and if you are willing to accept the Original Pattern, that with which you were born, if it be a limitation, can be changed. The mere fact that you were born with it is beside the point. The mere fact that it happened to you when you were a child is beside the point, if you are willing to accept the Original Pattern.
But most people, if they are born with some limitation, have an awareness of limitation as soon as they begin to be aware of themselves, and that’s their pattern. It becomes fixed, and they let that control all the days of their lives, getting a little worse each time the body changes — every fourteen months, and sometimes it doesn’t take that long. But all the time, the person says, “But I am getting older, and I am getting worse; I am not as good as I used to be.” Old man, old woman, old this, old that — old patterns getting worse — dying! Well, if that’s the way you want it, okay. But that is not the way God provided it.
Death as we think of it is a completely unnatural thing. Death as we see it in relationship to the body of humanity is a perfectly natural thing. Now does that sound contradictory? It’s perfectly natural that substance should come into your body and go out of your body, that your body should pass away every fourteen months. If God arranged so that you could die every fourteen months — isn’t that enough? Your body passes away every fourteen months. That’s the death that’s natural — perfectly natural. The substance coming into the body and out of the body, but the whole body doesn’t have to die all at once, unless you make it so.
Now, I am not suggesting that we can develop a pattern of control so that we can just arbitrarily say, well our bodies won’t die. I can’t say that my body won’t die, in the ordinary sense of the thing. But we can begin to look at the facts and begin to establish control patterns, because we can live if we will begin to function on the basis of the Original Design — and what you were born with is beside the point. It is not what you are born with, it is what we live with. Do we live with the Original Pattern? Do we live with it and keep it close in our hearts, or do we have the distress pattern, the ailments, the difficulties? Is that the thing we feel most, see most, cling to most — degeneration, a little worse every time?

There is a change. We can nullify the wrong vibrational factors in our own bodies and in the bodies of others. Sometimes, if we are going to work on the basis of intercession we have to accept something into our own bodies, and then nullify it there, in ourselves, rather than out here. If I hadn’t functioned on an intercessory basis for you as you have begun to move along the way, and met things in my own body, accepted your limitations into my own body and then met them there, we wouldn’t have gotten this far. The time will come when I won’t have to do that. It’s becoming less and less, and I am very thankful. If I had insisted however, that every limitation had to be met in your own body it wouldn’t have been met. You didn’t know how to do it and you didn’t know how to let me do it in your body. So, in order to give you a chance to move out of the world pattern — there wasn’t any Christ Body to work with — I had to depend on my body. So I took into my body, many times, over and over again, your ailments, your difficulties, things that needed to be nullified in you. You wouldn’t let me nullify them in your body so I had to accept it into my body and nullify them in my own body. That’s intercession.
Now, once we have a true Christ Body we won’t have to accept these things into our bodies as individuals, but into our Body as a Unit, and nullify them there, for others — and extending on out into the world, to open a door for them. But the door is not open for any human being, I don’t care who it is, without intercession. I have worked on an intercessory basis for every one of you or you wouldn’t be here — every one of you — and I have nullified things in my own body for you or you wouldn’t have the state of health you have. You wouldn’t have had some of the healing you’ve had, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. I’ve done it over and over again, saved your lives, so that the ill thing could be nullified in your body. You wouldn’t let me nullify it there directly. It can be done that way, but you had to learn how to respond. You had to grow first. You had to get through the door.
I am not objecting to that, not in the slightest. I knew when I started my ministry that I’d have to do it. Our Master did it, and if you’re going to truly minister you have to know something of the principles. But in the larger sense, we are working it out so that you don’t have to nullify it in your body for someone else. That’s my business, not yours. I have not undertaken to train you for that. And if you think you are nullifying something in your body for someone else, you are probably deluding yourself. If you think that you’ve taken someone else’s ill condition so that you can nullify it you’re probably deluding yourself, because that is not your place. You are not supposed to do it. I’ve never asked you to do it, and if you are trying to do it you are interfering.
But our Unit Body is supposed to function on that basis, but if it does function on that basis it does not affect your body as a person, your individual body. So, those things are supposed to be nullified externally to you. I have had to take them into myself for your sakes, and for the sakes of others who are not here tonight in person. But you are not supposed to do it that way. That’s my job, and its getting to a point where I don’t have to do it any more — and I am very thankful, because some of you are really learning how to work with me. And before long we won’t, any of us, have to do it. And you don’t have to do it now, even though I may.
Now, it is supposed to be nullified external to yourself. You are not supposed to take it into yourself to nullify it. It’s supposed to be nullified outside of yourself — unless it is your own. Unless it’s your own. But, that which is wrong can be nullified, if you will let it be. I don’t care what it is. You can say, “Oh, but can it happen with cancer; can it happen with this, that, and the other thing?” Yes! It can happen with any ill thing if you are willing to let it be. But these changes are taking place. Whether you like it or not, think about it or not, the changes are taking place in your body all the time. Up or down — which? The changes are taking place in your life, all the time, up or down.
How are you going to nullify the influence of the old pattern? You start using the Original one. You say, “Well, I don’t know the Original one. I never saw it. I can’t comprehend it.” No, I know. So, there is a way by which it begins to work without any more understanding than you have tonight. Any of you, young or old, it doesn’t make any difference. It is there for you if you will let it be. The Pattern is Truth. The Pattern is the Divine Design, and the control centered there. And there is a point of centering provided for you, if you will use it. If you try to do it on your own, that means that you personally must become aware of the Divine Design, the Original Pattern for yourself. You must learn how to function in relationship to it regardless of all the pushings and the pullings of circumstance, regardless of what happens.
Well, now, if you think you can do it, and you want to spend your time trying it, all right. Millions have tried it before you and failed — and you don’t need to. It is not necessary for you to do it. There is a point of centering provided for you, where the Pattern is, if you will accept it — already established. And you can begin to let that design that you are so familiar with, with respect to yourself, pass away.
It will take place gradually. We wouldn’t want it to happen all at once. You wouldn’t know yourself. It would shock your mind so completely that you’d lose your balance. It would destroy you. It’s not supposed to happen all at once. You may say, “Well I thought these things would happen in a moment. In the twinkling of an eye, and we shall be changed, it says.” Yes, some of the final changes will work out very speedily, but you have to let the basic changes work out first, so that you are centered in consciousness, otherwise your consciousness couldn’t take it.
And there is another thing. You are being changed in the twinkling of an eye, now. Every change comes in the twinkling of an eye. How big is the change? Do you want it with respect to your whole body all at once, in the twinkling of an eye? If you do, it will probably nullify you. And we’re not out to nullify you. We are out to help you come into the Pattern of what you are supposed to be. So, every change comes in a twinkling of an eye, in a moment, in the instant. I don’t care how little it is or how big it is. Every change, actually — you may not see it for a while, but its been taking form.
You may see a young person, and then see that young person again, boy or girl, a month later and you say, “My how you’ve grown.” You see the change that took place in a month because you weren’t watching it every day. The parent may be aware of it, but it tends to come to a point where he takes it for granted. After a while he wakes up, and my, you see your own child and suddenly you are aware of the fact of how tall he or she is, how big, how this, how that. You become aware of the fact that changes have been taking place. But that change that you observed didn’t take place all at once. You became aware of it in a moment but it was taking place all the time.
And every little change, every little cell coming in, every little cell going out — in the twinkling of an eye. Instantaneous things are going on in you all the time. Little changes — quick little changes, so tiny you don’t see them, but they are going on, changing all the time. Changing to what? The degenerated pattern or the Original Pattern. If you will let the factors of the degenerate pattern be nullified and respond to the basic principles of the Original Pattern you will find that you begin to be aware of them. But you will reach a crisis point in your body, in your mind, in your heart. And what do you do under a crisis point? Revert to the old pattern? Do the same old thing in the same old way, the minute the pressure of the crisis pattern appears? If you do, it goes down, and down, and down and gets worse, and worse, and worse.
When the crisis comes, what do you do? Stay true to the Divine Design. Stay true to the Truth, and trust regardless. There may be a physical hurt, there may be a mental hurt, there may be an emotional hurt — if you react to the hurt the old pattern is in control. If you hold true to the New Pattern, when the crisis comes everything will speedily change to the New Pattern and you are on the way to restoration. Crisis patterns do not ordinarily last longer than three days. Three days — three days in the tomb — three days for a crisis pattern. But generally speaking human beings won’t even hold steady for three minutes under a pressure. Something wrong — and they react, they don’t like this; they become subject to the wrong thing and immediately the old pattern is in control and the changes take place according to the old pattern. The dominion of Truth was not permitted to manifest.
Physical suffering, a physical crisis, a mental crisis, an emotional crisis — everyone of you will have crises on every level. What will you do? Revert to the old pattern? All right, you are going down, going down and out. Hold true to the True Pattern, true to the Truth, and the old pattern will be nullified. And the changes that take place in the crisis period when the changes are moving rapidly — and there you have the privilege of resurrection. Three days, when the pressure comes. Can you be trusted to hold steady for three days, no matter what the suffering? No reaction, no subjection to the old pattern.
These things come gradually, a little at a time according to your capacity, at first — at first it is generally measured according to your capacity, to give you a chance to get polarized and stay put. But if you break every time there’s pressure you will never go through the resurrection, you will never know the restoration to the Original Pattern, the Original Design. That’s what resurrection is — movement from the old pattern, the degenerate pattern, the distorted pattern to the Original Design for you — God’s Original Design, regardless of what you were born with, regardless of what’s happened to you anywhere along the line.
Now the purpose of attunements, the purpose of our whole Ministry, is to help you through those cycles of change — physically, mentally, emotionally — until you respond to the Original Pattern, and conform to it. But it won’t work unless you learn to be true to the Truth. As long as you are dishonest, true to the ill thing — it is always dishonest to be true to the ill thing. If you are true to the ill thing you are being dishonest with God and the Original Pattern. Do that and you go down, maybe slowly, but it will keep on going down. It will never change the tide. We might hold it a little while, we may keep it from going down so fast, but down it will go — regardless of attunements, regardless of anything I do or anyone else does — down it will go. That’s a fact. It can come up just as easily — in fact with a great deal more pleasure, satisfaction and joy, moving constantly into the Original Pattern of the Divine Design. Up or down? Resurrection or degeneration? Restoration or decay? That’s the choice.

Intercession, nullification, yes — because along the way you will do things and say things inadvertently, unwittingly, ignorantly, that are being true to the wrong pattern, and only as those are nullified, and you let it be done can you learn to let it be true to the Truth. But if you say, “I am this way; I have this limitation; I have this characteristic; I have this feeling; I have this attitude; I have this problem” — you have identified yourself with it and you are going to stay with it if it kills you. And it will. Make your choice.
You can let all of these old things go over the falls. You don’t have to go over the falls unless you identify yourself with what is going over the falls, into the past. You identify yourself with what is going over the falls and you will go with it, sooner or later, no matter how you cling to life, no matter how you try to do it. Something is going over the falls, and the body you have is going to pass away. But you don’t have to go with it. You’ve had a new body within the past two years. If you are fifty years old you’ve had seven complete bodies, including the skeleton. And this is the seventh — six have passed away, six bodies gone. You can let your body pass away without your passing away. You allowed those bodies to go without being too much concerned about it.
Let yourself be centered in the Original Pattern. Come under dominion, under control, and the dominion will begin to manifest through you so that you can have meaning, value to the King — not depreciating yourself — letting your value increase to the Glory of our King and the blessing of our fellows. Which shall it be?
Our gracious Lord. Our holy King. We would accept the Original Design, the Original Pattern of Being in relationship to ourselves, and let all things that do not conform therewith pass away, for we know that the Original Design is the true Life Line, and we would accept that Life Line, and let ourselves be drawn back from the brink into the Pattern of Living, that the resurrection may be a reality in us, that our value may increase, our worth to Thee and to our fellow man; that the riches of the Kingdom may manifest on Earth, that the beauty of the Kingdom, and the power of the Kingdom, and the glory of the Kingdom may be revealed in and through and for all who will let it be so — for Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever. In the Christ. Aumen.
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