September 06, 2014

The Organization Of God Beings Composing God



The  Organization  of  God  Beings  Composing  God

Martin Cecil   April 25, 1960

Some points were brought up in connection with the pattern of God Being which need to be seen clearly at this level so that we may proceed intelligently in the days to come. 

These seven candles can be used to reveal something with respect to what we have spoken of as the divine organization. Emphasis has been placed upon the fact that while God is One Being, the fact that He is One Being is consequent upon all the parts of being being in place. God is not one person. God is composed of all the God Beings in the whole of the cosmos. The collective pattern of God Beings, who are all individual, compose God. Now, God is not in any sense, within His own being, in conflict with Himself. All the parts of God being fit together.

There are in relationship to this planet God Beings who are responsible for it, and insofar as we are concerned the sum total of those God Beings constitute God. God, in this sense, in relationship to our planet, is then composed of perhaps some seven billion individual God Beings. These are referred to in the Bible by various words. The angels of God, for instance. God is composed of His angels, God beings; but obviously, if this body of God beings is to function in a manner that does not produce conflicts, there must be an organization; a pattern of some kind, which coordinates all God beings into one thing, into the One God.

This organization is made possible by reason of the principle of focalization, which we have been studying. All things are drawn to a point somewhere, and we have utilized the triangle as a symbol, a picture, a portrayal of this principle. The triangle has an apex, and it has a body. That which is at the apex focalizes the essences of the whole triangle. In a triangle you can keep reducing its size—the same triangle, only a different size—and gradually, as you approach the apex, it becomes smaller and smaller; but within that smaller triangle everything else of the whole larger triangle is focalized. It's exactly the same triangle, only smaller, until we come right to the apex. At that point the whole of the triangle is brought to focus; everything is there, But if we were to just draw the point you wouldn't know what it was. Just a point. We only begin to know what it is when we begin to let that point expand and become whatever the form may be. In this case we use the form of a triangle because it reveals the principles that are involved. This triangle could symbolize God.

We will think of God in relationship to this planet, this world, heaven and earth. The pattern of God Being is drawn to a focus at the apex. That apex focalization contains within Himself everything that may be expanded into the triangle as a whole. That apex focalization is One Being, one God Being. To identify that God Being we have spoken of Him as the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings. Contained within the rest of the triangle are the Lords over whom He is Lord and the Kings over whom He is King.


We have exactly the same principle indicated in these seven candles, the central one representing the LORD of Lords.

Contained within the Being of the LORD of Lords everything is drawn to focus insofar as the pattern of God Being is concerned in this world. There is one God Being incarnate in the body of every human being on earth. There are many God Beings who are not incarnate in human beings on earth. So there are those God Beings who are incarnate on earth and those who are not. In relationship to the pattern of God being there are those who are specifically responsible in relationship to the inner plane aspects of this world and there are those God Beings who are specifically responsible for the outer plane aspects of this world. Consequently we may see in these candles the indication of this truth. There are three candles on either side of the central one, the three on this side representing the inner plane pattern, and the three on this side representing the outer plane pattern, the one in the center representing that which provides the essential vibratory factors which unify the inner and the outer. Specifically, we see that in relationship to the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings, ruler of heaven and earth. 

He is in turn the representative of the higher focalizations of God Being as they are established in the solar system as a whole—specifically in the sun, of course; but He is the highest point insofar as this world is concerned. One individual God Being, the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings, that God Being, that specific God Being, incarnated on earth in the body of Jesus. So that which was made manifest through Jesus was a revelation of the highest point of God Being in relationship to this world. We can recognize, from the standpoint of the words which He spoke, either that that which was of the outer form recognized the Father as being the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings, in other words the God Being incarnate in that outer form, or, if the word was that of the LORD of Lords, expressed through the outer form and reference is made to the Father, then that would be reference to the higher point of focalization of deity which centers in the sun. It can be looked at either way. It is all one thing, but it is one thing because of all its parts. 

There is an organization of God Beings below the apex point of the LORD of Lords. Specifically we may recognize a focalization of God Being, one individual God being, bringing to focus each plane of being insofar as this world is concerned. The seventh plane is the highest. We sometimes speak of the LORD of Lords as the Lord of the Sacred Seven. These candles represent the Sacred Seven. We have a focalization for each of the three inner planes and a focalization for each of the three outer planes. That is what is represented by the seven candlesticks: either the focalizations of the seven planes or the seven planes themselves Each focalization focalizes something; in other words, there are God Beings who are focalized by the primary focalizations represented by these candles. 

These seven are spoken of in the Bible, in the Book of Genesis, as the Elohim, one of the words of God, a plural word. "Let us make man.” That expression was forthcoming through the Elohim, the seven rulers of this world, the seven focalizations in God insofar as this world is concerned, the highest point, the LORD of Lords, and a focalization for each plane of being—inner and outer. There is organization. These six God Beings on either side of the LORD of Lords are responsible to the LORD of Lords. Those who are focalized by these six are responsible to the particular focalization under which they serve. And so the whole body of God is brought to the apex on the basis of focalization.

There are those God Beings who form the base of the triangle and they fill the whole triangle to complete the One God as far as this world is concerned. That triangle is a portrayal of the One God. Therefore, individual God Beings have specific places in relationship to that divine pattern; and it is that specific place which needs to take form on earth through you, so that that which is in heaven may be made manifest on earth. 

As far as possible I wish to clarify the nature of the divine organization which constitutes God. God is not one person. God is One Being but He is not one person. He is composed of a great number of individualized aspects of God Being, and there is one such individualized aspect incarnate in you and in every human being on the face of the earth; and there are many who are not, of course. 

The number of God Beings who are responsible for this world are a very small proportion of the number of God Beings in the solar system; and the number of God Beings in the solar system are a very small proportion of the number of God Beings in our galaxy; and the number of God Beings in our galaxy are a very small portion of the number of God Beings in the cosmos. But in relationship to the whole pattern, this principle works, and finally it is drawn to a point of apex insofar as the whole cosmos is concerned. 

There is an ultimate point of apex, what we might call the GOD of Gods—the central focalization of deity for the cosmos. But there is an uninterrupted pattern extending from that point throughout the whole body of God, right down to us here. We're connected all the way through, but we are connected through by reason of focalization. Insofar as this world is concerned we all come to focus in the LORD of Lords, and He provides the connecting link between that which is higher again. 

So the divine organization is not a haphazard affair. Angels don't just flit around wherever they please according to the human concept. They have definite places, definite responsibilities. It's the most wonderful thing, providing the experience of fulfillment in each moment throughout eternity. And there is a shifting and a changing to a certain extent. Obviously there was a starting point in relationship to the creation of this world, and there was something that went before. And when that for which this world was created is finally consummated, there's something that will follow. In other words we're not, so to speak, stuck with one thing for the rest of eternity. There is plenty of scope, plenty of divine provision, and we have the opportunity of beginning to find in outer form that which is true, that which is already a fact, in the inner sense, so that we allow that which is established inside to be made manifest outside. This principle in the triangle must be reproduced out here on earth if God's will is to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Exactly the same principles must be revealed in the manifest expression on earth, and anything that is contrary to the divine design simply doesn't work, doesn't achieve the results. 

What I'm talking about now is just a theory at the moment, insofar as you are concerned, but it needn't remain that way if it's true. You can give it form; then you discover what it is and you discover what your part and place is in that design, in that pattern. So you may see something of what is meant when I speak of the divine organization. It is a real thing. When it is the divine design coming forth, it is harmonious. It doesn't have to be made harmonious; it is already. All we need to do is let that which is, come forth, and then we discover what it is. And when we discover what it is we know it. All we need to know is the principle, and then we begin to let those principles find application in our own lives. 

We find these same principles within the human being himself. Here is the God Being—in you. Here is the spirit of God—in you. Here you are: body, mind, spiritual expression. You have exactly the same organization in you as an individual. The God Being provides the point of focus, properly speaking, in you for everything. Human beings have established a veil through here somewhere and have decided that this is God here, ignoring all the rest. Of course, it doesn't work. The human mind is not God. The human mind is a part of this pattern, and it's perfect in the pattern when it's allowed to work according to the design. Every part of the individual is required, but it only works and achieves the purposes of God when it is allowed to participate in the divine design. 

And so, here we have these principles portrayed for the individual, or for all of us collectively on earth, or for heaven and earth insofar as this world is concerned; and we could carry it on out further. We have everything that is needful under the focalization of the LORD of Lords. We are quite content from the standpoint of Divine Being to accept Him as the Supreme Point of Deity insofar as we are concerned. Each one is content in relation to the pattern as it is.

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