Glory to God in the Highest
Instructions For Married Couples
October 16, 1939
Since man was created male and female,
in the image and likeness of God, it at once becomes evident that all God
Beings are under the Law of the Positive and the Negative, and so are they male
and female. The Great Master pointed out that there is no marriage in heaven,
neither giving in marriage. He was pointing out that because God Beings are
eternal, they have their eternal cosmic mates. So there could be no cause for
marrying or giving in marriage, because
all those who are in heaven, or are in the inner planes, already have their
cosmic mates; for they are the angels of God in heaven.
The Great Master came into the
outer planes to bring the truths of salvation to mankind, but His place was and
is in the inner planes. He was revealing the Father from the standpoint of the
inner planes. If He had married in the outer planes it would have indicated that
there is marriage in heaven. Therefore He could not marry during His life on
earth, though His cosmic mate incarnated to be with Him during His outer
ministry. Mary of Bethany and the Master Jesus, being cosmic mates, were very
close sweethearts during all of their outer life manifestation.
Let it be
noted that Mary of Bethany was not
Mary Magdalene, and that it was Mary of Bethany, and not Mary Magdalene, who anointed Jesus, as recorded in Matthew
26:6-13; also, that Mary of Bethany was of all women most beautiful, holy and
So it is that it was necessary for them, under cosmic law, because of
their mission, and because they were and
are our great KING and QUEEN, to wait until after the resurrection and
ascension of the Master for the time when they might properly experience the
completed union. But such a limitation does not, and cannot, apply to any being
other than Jesus, and certainly does not apply to any person living on earth
©Emissaries of Divine Light