October 07, 2022

Triune Chart Of Manifestation—Part One

 Triune  Chart  Of  Manifestation — Part  One

Uranda   January 27, 1938

Initial Key to the Triune Chart

Herewith is a Chart which reveals for you the Secrets of the Universe. When you fully understand this Chart you will be fully Illumined; for in full understanding is absolute Realization. So it is that you are not expected to understand this Chart in fullness, at once. When your response and release permits you to harmonize in the New Naacal Norm, or the Temple of Light, you will be provided Part Two and Part Three of the Triune Chart of Manifestation, that you may begin to realize the cycles of inner function in the Third Sacred School.

The Being who is the HIGHEST GOD of ALL GODS, and Who is Supreme Ruler of the CENTRAL SUN of SUNS, is the Central Focal Point of the Cosmos, and from Him issue forth all the vibrations of Being and Creation in all the UNIVERSE of UNIVERSES. His Place is indicated as the One (1) of the First Sun in the first section of the Triune Chart. His Radiation is received by the Highest God of this Universe Who Rules and Dwells in the CENTRAL SUN of this UNIVERSE, and His Place is indicated by the Two (2) of the Second Sun of the Triune Chart. His Radiation is received by the GOD of this Solar System Who Rules and Dwells in our Sun, and His Place is indicated by the Three (3) of the Third Sun of this Chart, and He sends it forth to all the Twelve Planets of this Solar System. One of the Twelve Planets is this Earth, meaning the Whole Holy World with its Seven Planes of Being, whose Supreme Ruler is our own Beloved LORD of Lords Who manifested as Jesus; for He is the LORD of the Sacred Seven.

Considering the Second Section of the Triune Chart, you begin with the LORD of the Sacred Seven where the diagram of the First Section ended. Here you see how our Great Master is the Ruler of the Seven Planes, and how the Seven Planes are One Plane in that the lesser Six Planes are all contained in the Seventh. As the Seventh Plane blends the Inner Trinity of Manifestation and the Outer Trinity of Manifestation in Oneness, so do we see again the function of the Positive and the Negative, or the ONE LAW. The Inner Planes form the Positive Triune World, or the manifestation of Father God insofar as this Whole Holy World is concerned. The Outer Planes form the Negative Triune World, or the manifestation of Mother God insofar as this Whole Holy World is concerned.

The Seventh Plane is the Christ Plane, and so it is easy to see how the Christ Spirit of the LORD of Lords interpenetrates all the Six Planes, so that His Radiance is, at all times, in all places of the Whole Holy World. Thereby is He present with and in ALL at all times, but the actual Place of His Being where He Dwells as an individual God Being is far removed from the Outer Planes.

The Seven Elohim are the God Beings Who are the Ruling Heads, or Focal Points, of the Seven Planes, all of Whom recognize the LORD of the Sacred Seven as being the Ruling Head, or Focal Point, of the Elohim. The Lord of the Sacred Six is the Focal Point of the Three Inner Planes of the Positive Triune World. Of Him, and the Two of the Elohim Who Serve in Oneness with Him you need not know more now. The Lord of the Sacred Three is the Focal Point of the Three Outer Planes, or the Negative Triune World, and the Two of the Elohim Who Serve with Him are under His direction.

The Lord of the Sacred Three is directly responsive to, and focalized in, the LORD of the Sacred Seven. Thus may you begin to understand the nature and function of GOD in this Whole Holy World—and you see how every God Being, whether incarnate or not, who dwells within the Seven Planes of this Whole Holy World is under the direction of One of the Seven God Beings Who are the Elohim, of Whom the LORD of Lords is the SUPREME LORD and Ruler.

The Third Section of the Triune Chart begins with the Lord of the Sacred Three, and shows how He Serves all mankind through the Seven Priestesses of the Seven Rais who Serve before the Seven Altars—and before each of the Seven are Six Priestesses through whom the Radiance pours out to every person on the face of the earth. Also, the Four-and-Twenty Elders are shown, and they are the Focal Points for the Priests who Serve the LORD of Lords day and night under the direction of Focal Point Three. By those functions the Unformed is lifted up into the physical, and the physical is lifted up into the perfection of Reality.

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