October 06, 2014

This Body Is The Body Of Shekinah

This  Body  Is  The  Body  Of  Shekinah

  The Altar and the Shekinah #2  

Martin Cecil   January 10, 1971

"Have you been so long time with the body of the Son of God and have not seen Him?"

The altar of the Lord is being rebuilt on earth in this day, the body of the Son of God coming again into form in the world. Who has really seen this? So many claim to have seen it with respect to Jesus, or at least the story about Jesus; but how little meaning that has if the real body is taking form on earth and is not seen!

How many of you have seen the way, the truth and the life, by reason of this body which is taking form? have seen Shekinah, so that you could say, "I have seen the Father"? The Father is here through Shekinah—through the fire that burns, the light that glows, and the cloud of glory. Shekinah can only be known when the form, the body, of the Son of God, the altar of the Lord, is present, to whatever extent it is present. At what point shall a person recognize that the body of the Son of God is present on earth?

Those who know Shekinah through the body of the Son of God on earth are Shekinah. If you know the truth, you are the truth. If you are merely looking for it, expecting to find it one day, you do not know the truth. The only way to know the truth is to be the truth, and the only way to know Shekinah is to be Shekinah.

How vividly are you aware that this body is the body of the Son of God, the body of Shekinah? This is the way it's built. This is what it is. Do you know it? Do you really know that, that the Father is revealed on earth through the Shekinah of His body? That Shekinah is not separate from His body. The Shekinah builds the body and shines through the body. What do you see?

Some people see what they call a ministry. What is the ministry? Ministry is a function, isn't it? There must be someone present who ministers if there is a ministry. Are you the one who is present, that ministers? You are not then the ministry, are you? You are the minister. Those who are associated with whatever it is should know better than to speak of the ministry in this way, as though it were something you could join or leave. What we are really talking about, and seeking to experience, is the body of the Son of God.

Nobody can have a separate will in the body of the Son of God. There is the one will, the will of the Father, which is the expression of Shekinah. One cannot know this truth as long as a personal will is maintained. We have a growing consciousness of the reality of Shekinah. We know Shekinah just to the degree that we are that, so that there is no separation, no separate will certainly.

The body of the Son of God built by Shekinah for the expression of Shekinah—no other reason for being! He that has seen this, not just as a fanciful theory but as a present fact, has seen the Father. This body, the body of the Son of God on earth, reveals the Father, just as the body of Jesus did, but obviously, to see this truth there must be a seeing which looks beyond the physical form. Many knew Jesus as a physical form but never saw Him, never saw Shekinah.

We know that only as the altar of the Lord is built on earth does it become possible for the temple of God to be built on earth, for mankind to be restored as the temple of God—filled with Shekinah, built by Shekinah, Shekinah manifesting through the altar of the Lord, through the body of the Son of God. Those who actually participate in this are themselves Shekinah, the evidence of the presence of the One Who Dwells in His body.

The truth is here now; the body of the Son of God is here now. Do you respect it? Do you behold Shekinah because of it? Or do you just see it as nothing particularly out of the ordinary, just as many people saw Jesus as nothing particularly out of the ordinary. What do you see?

The body of the Son of God is taking form on earth because there are a few who know it, because they know Shekinah, because they are Shekinah—there is no other way of knowing it—are the evidence of the presence of the One Who Dwells in form on earth. To those the body of the Son of God is beautiful, precious, because through it Shekinah is seen. Shekinah is the minister, and there is a ministry because of the minister. The invitation is extended not to become a part of the ministry, whatever that is, but to become aware of being a part of the body of the Son of God—this! The fact of being proclaims that each one is a part of that body, but scarcely anyone has known it.

Our concern is with the One who ministers. The One who ministers is Shekinah. Our Master said, "I am Shekinah. I am the way, the truth, and the life. He that hath seen Shekinah hath seen the Father." He was not saying, "He that hath seen my physical form has necessarily seen the Father." No! When you look at the body of the Son of God taking form, what do you see? Just the form? Do you think that there is something wrong with the form? You don't think much of the form of the body of the Son of God. You're hung up. You don't see Shekinah. If the body of the Son of God is here, if it is emerging, it is because Shekinah is here. There couldn't be any body without Shekinah. "Without him was not any thing made that was made." How could one possibly come and go in the body of the Son of God? One either knows Shekinah because one is Shekinah or one knows nothing. One can mouth platitudes and follow out personal desires, and die!    

Here are some other words of Shekinah: "He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it."

How much do we cling to our personal lives? How much can the things that happen supposedly in our personal lives throw us? How much can we be caused to deny Shekinah by the things that occur in our personal lives? We are associated with something, whether we have consciously realized it or not, that is absolute. Finding one's life in the human sense is losing it in the divine sense. Now there isn't really any such thing as life in the human sense; there is only life in the divine sense. The fact of the matter is that the only life that is available to human beings is the life of Shekinah. "In him was life." There isn't any other.

The body of the Son of God is on earth. The very fact that it is on earth reveals the fact that Shekinah is here, because Shekinah creates the body of manifestation. And so the body emerges because of Shekinah. When we begin to know this, this body is seen with new eyes. It is the most precious thing conceivable to us. It would be beyond the bounds of imagination even to consider trying to separate ourselves from it. We do try to separate ourselves from it every time that we inject a personal will. We are saying in effect, "I want to keep my life, my human life"—my subhuman life actually. And on this basis I can keep it for a while. But I lose it, because it is not mine, in the subhuman sense. It is part of Shekinah, and it will never be disassociated from Shekinah. You can't get life away from Shekinah. Being Shekinah, it is inconceivable that one could be anything else; and that's the truth of the matter, because one can't be anything else, at least not for very long.

Have you been so long time with the body of the Son of God and have not seen Him? As I say, it is utterly inconceivable to a person who has actually seen the Father through Shekinah in the body of the Son of God to separate himself from that; it can't be done. The altar of the Lord is being rebuilt on earth—that's my total concern—just with this one thing: rebuilding the altar of the Lord that is broken down. It is the only thing that has any meaning whatsoever. If there are those who will associate themselves with this rebuilding of that altar, I receive them with rejoicing. I have patience, as most of you know, but fundamentally, if a person fools around and doesn't accept this priceless invitation, I don't care what happens to that person! Those of you who offer yourselves to Shekinah agree with me in this. Yes, there is patience, there is understanding, people are given time; but self-indulgence in personal nonsense is of no value, and those who undertake to follow out such courses are of no value to themselves or to anyone else.

The body of the Son of God is taking form on earth because Shekinah is here. Because this is so, the whole world has the opportunity of making a choice. The time is at hand for everyone. It's here now for many.

© emissaries of divine light