December 15, 2015

Atomic Power

Atomic  Power

Correlation  of  Concurrent  Cycles

Uranda   July 11, 1954  Class

We have been considering together the principle of reciprocity, and through this pattern of meditation we have drawn closer to an understanding of that which is essential if we are to rise above that level of function and accomplishment which is already established and widely known in the world. There has been a beginning, as we all well know, in relationship to accomplishing that which is necessary in the Lord's service in the earth, but we also know that there is a need for greater power, a greater degree of accomplishment, than we have yet known. 

We have recognized that increasing power, as such, would not be helpful but would only bring devastating results. Increased power, in and through us, without the development of the control which makes use of that power on a constructive basis would be just as devastating, just as terrible. 

If the outworking of God's plan on earth had not moved forward, if there had not been real steps taken by which the spiritual power might be made manifest on earth, I do not think that man could have reached the point he has with respect to the physical manifestation of power which we might well classify as the counterpart of spiritual power. If we fail to see the correlation between that in which we are engaged and that which commands the attention of the world, we make that to which we are called in the name of our King to be of little or no value. By such an attitude we establish a basis on which our only hope can be defeated. It is difficult for me to approach this subject and deal with it without making some personal reference to myself, which could be misunderstood, and if it is misunderstood it will tend to hinder our program, rather than to help. 

Now if I came into the world with a divine commission—and there is the point of possible divergence of viewpoint and opinion, and that is the reason I put it this way, not because there is any doubt in my own mind but because I recognize that there has been, and can be, doubt in other people's minds—but if I came into the world with a divine commission, which has been the motivating factor in building this ministry to this point, it is obvious that the development of the program in the overall sense would not be left strictly to that which was directly involved in the sense of this ministry as such. This that we are doing here is of utmost importance, yes; but that which I came into the world to accomplish is not in any sense limited to that which is being done here. 

Many cycles were established and opened up in the world to be carried forward more or less simultaneously in many fields, not just that which was immediately in front of me in a visible sense, which has come to the point which we share in this hour. Now, to whatever degree any human mind has the idea that that in which I am engaged, and that for which I am responsible, is pictured here, that person has not yet caught the vision. From the standpoint of those who do not have a basis for that vision a statement with respect to anything else seems to be arrogant, seems to be egotistical, seems to be utterly fantastic, and I know that. My business is the presenting of the truth. But as we have continued to this point where we can begin to glimpse the actual working of the principle of reciprocity, it has carried forward to a point where I cannot refrain, and be true to that commission which brought me here—I cannot refrain from bringing to your attention certain facts, whether they seem to you to be fantastic or not. But if you imagine that that in which I am engaged is limited to that which is here known and here formed, you are very wrong. 

There are many fields where individuals have permitted themselves to be the means by which cycles have been initiated, where those involved have absolutely no awareness of any idea that I, as a person or a being, have anything whatsoever to do with that which they are doing. They do not know anything about it, and to those who do not have the true vision it would seem fantastic and ridiculous for me to suggest that I do have something to do about it, because in the external sense, shall we say, I am not in position—nor am I interested, in fact—I am not in position to offer what would be classified as conclusive proof.

But to those who have any vision here, it will not seem so fantastic to realize that the cycles initiated were not limited to that which was directly and personally under my hand in an outer sense. This is that, moving toward the fulfilment of the Law in human beings, so that spiritual power might manifest under control. Concurrently, other cycles were initiated through individuals who had no awareness of a personal relationship with me and the program, who had no idea that they were doing anything in relationship to a cosmic plan, generally speaking anyway, and who had no idea of any endeavor such as this.

Now I am not in the slightest degree interested in convincing them that there is any correlation. But if we are to understand the significance and importance of what we are doing we need to begin to see it, we need to begin to know, not just from the standpoint of what I know but from the standpoint of what we all know, because if this is not seen and accepted and realized, we are never going to reach the point where we can exert the essential control to prevent the other cycles, which have been opened up concurrently, from going clear out of control.

The point is that these cycles that were opened in various fields, the cycle that developed and came to a head in relationship to atomic power, that was shaped into atomic bombs and the H-bomb, etc.—all of these things, they are the result of cycles opened on earth for which I am responsible. Whether anyone else on the face of the earth knows it or acknowledges it or not, I am. I am responsible for these cycles that have opened, the cycles that are working in the field of medicine, in the heart of the medical profession, cycles that are at work in the armed forces of our country, cycles that are at work in the realms of government—not just in the United States, by the way—cycles that are at work in every field of human endeavor that appears to the world to have any significance or importance.

In every cycle of endeavor which the world thinks to be important I have a personal responsibility—with respect to cycles that were initiated and opened and set in motion concurrently with this development which you share here consciously. And the control factors essential to keeping those cycles moving correctly depends upon what I get done here. It cannot be controlled in a direct sense through those cycles themselves.

The control factors have not developed as rapidly as I had anticipated and they have not developed as rapidly as some of these other cycles have developed. A number of the cycles that have been working concurrently with this program are behind us in development, not enough to make it a matter of concern; they are not pushing us any. But some of them are getting too much ahead of us. We have reached a point where actually I did not have any choice left but to bring this to your attention, to help establish in your consciousness a deeper realization of the real significance of that in which we are engaged.

Why do you suppose I have had the attitude I have had with respect to the outworking of all these factors in diplomatic circles and world controversies? If you look back and analyze it, you will see that I could not very well have had the attitude that I did have on any basis other than this, knowing that if we function correctly and establish the machinery, there would be a control factor beyond and above anything that the world has conceived of.

From the standpoint of the fulfilment of the divine plan, it is expected that my part in it, or the relationship between this and that, will not be known for a long time to come. I am not interested in establishing any idea of relatedness.

Now if you do not like such a big responsibility, if you do not like to be associated where this idea exists, or where the leader has such a fantastic idea, or where there is such a great responsibility, now is the time to pull out. If you don't want to share it, now is the time to pull out and sever connections with me, because as far as I am concerned that is what it is, and whether you are aware of it or have been or not, it is my responsibility, and if you are going to continue to share this ministry with me you are going to have to share that responsibility.

If we take a good look at it you will see, I am sure, that any ideas that just this program right here, immediately at hand, could somehow, all by its little self, accomplish what has to be accomplished in the world—that would to my mind be fantastic. I don't think one of you can look back and say that I said that we were going to have to do it all by ourselves. I have suggested that there were other people in the world who would have a part and a share. Perhaps I didn't undertake to tell you just how. But these other cycles were opened and they have been working concurrently with this one, with the idea, as far as the divine design is concerned, that this one would develop rapidly enough to provide the essential spiritual control to keep the others in hand, without their knowing anything about it. It is not at all essential to the accomplishment of our purpose that they should know anything about it, at least not for quite a long while.

But if you look back, I did tell you, that every activity upon the face of the earth, every church, every school, every educational institution, every philosophy, the whole works, was in one way or another—insofar as its initial aspects were concerned, or the truth that was contained in it was concerned, or insofar as its value was concerned—it was all a part of the program of the Third Sacred School. Did any of you ever hear me make a statement to that effect? Certainly you have. But these programs are moving concurrently. If we had to wait until we reached a point where we had all the control and could be assured that you and you and you would be in your place and all completely prepared, and then we would open up these other cycles, do you know that before we could get to the point of using them you would be dead? And it would have to be done all over again, and there wouldn't be any chance of doing what we set out to do.

The only hope of doing the job was to initiate the cycles concurrently. And there were qualified individuals in the realm of science, and all of its different phases, etc., to initiate and carry on these other cycles, and they were used for that purpose. Whether they knew anything about it or not is beside the point. But it was left to me to personally oversee the development of the program which should reach the point where the vibrational or spiritual pattern of control should arise and in season be made manifest, so that it would be there when the time came when it was needed, so that these other cycles might be kept in a range of control and accomplish that which was needed. I am forced to admit that we are not as far along as we ought to be.

This power that I have been talking to you about for so long, the spiritual power, the power of the Holy Spirit, can manifest only on certain controlled conditions. The development of the counterpart of that power in the physical world has moved on apace and is ahead of us—atomic bombs, etc. I am not at all concerned about the atomic bombs if we reach the point where we exert the counterpart power correctly, but if we don't we will have helped to produce a Frankenstein monster which will destroy us. I'm not afraid of any such consequence; I just hope that we can get the job done so that it doesn't happen. Because a lot of people would suffer. A lot of people that do not need to suffer would suffer. It isn't for myself that I am concerned; it is for you and a lot of others—millions of them.

It is this counterpart power, in a spiritual sense, that needs to manifest. God works through human beings and the natural channels. And do you think you are the only human beings on earth? Not by a long shot. There are a lot of people out there, and they are doing something too—the scientists, all of the programs, the atomic power plants, the UN, and other cycles—they are a part of it. How is this power going to accomplish so much? By simply working through the human beings who are already in their respective fields in relationship to control.

Have I ever said anything to you about control that is important? And did I ever say anything about the secret place, or heavenly magic, or any of these other things—have I? You are not going to have to go out and do what Oppenheimer did, or someone else. They have done, or are doing, their job. It is wonderful. I have watched it with tremendous interest. Did you ever notice that, that I have an interest in all these things that are going on? Just casually, as a bystander? No, not at all. It is a part of my job. They are my people, whether they know it or not, just as much as you are. They don't have to know it; you do, because you were supposed to provide me with a means of having a control pattern that would keep them from hurting themselves and a lot of other people. What they did had to be done.

Some people imagine that the world would be better off if the atomic bomb idea had never been developed. I don't agree. It is important. I am not going to tell you how or why, or just what part it is going to play. Speculation will not get you anywhere. If you become fearful, that will not help. In human strength alone you can't do a thing in the world about it, and you know it. Can we do something about it? Is it so fantastic? Am I just suffering from an hallucination, illusions of grandeur or something, got an idea that I am much more important than I really am?

My concern is: Am I going to get my job done in time? If I don't, a lot of people will pay an awful price. It holds very little gain. It will not be all loss, but it could be a lot more tragic than it needs to be. There will be some tragedy at best. At best there will be tragedy; we cannot prevent it all. It is impossible, because there are too many things outside of the cycles, the primary cycles that are at work, and human beings are peculiar creatures and we have been pretty slow about getting that control pattern developed.

How is this control to come, the control factor in manifestation? I was commissioned to get that into operation. That was my personal project—control. Have I ever said anything about control, dominion, kingdom at hand, or any of these related subjects? What was I talking about? Just words somehow? I was seeking to help you reach a point where you could intelligently work with me in the discharge of this responsibility, and if you don't want to share that responsibility, now is the time to get out. If you do, then I will expect something of you—not just a little but much, not self-centeredness but selfless service, to the end that this control pattern will take form and begin to have more meaning.

In spite of all of the uncertain factors, there has been a good deal of control exerted in the world, whether you know it or not. A good many things have worked fairly close to the point that they were supposed to. There has been quite a bit of control, but not enough, and some of the cycles are getting ahead of us; and if we fail and they get out of control, then I fail, and that will be that as far as this generation is concerned, as far as possibly a number of generations are concerned. Even if a few people survived on earth—and there might very well be a few here and there—it might easily take quite a while.

I have pointed out that this is man's last chance, man as we know him, as we have his history for the past five or six thousand years. It is because man as we know him would not emerge in the next cycle. It would be somewhat different, but that would be speculation on your part if you tried to figure out what I mean. But it could easily take another five or six thousand years to reach a point where we would be this close to the victory once more, and there could be a lot of suffering in the interval, and God would have to wait. And even if a thousand years is as one day to the Lord, who wants to keep Him waiting for even a week? I don't. It is not my intent.

I am not saying that this is what is going to happen; I am only pointing out that there will be a tragic result if we fail and if that control pattern is not made manifest, if we are there with too little too late. That has been one of the tragic things in the world in the past in many, many ways: too little too late. What will it be with us? What will it be with me? We shall see what we shall see.

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