March 16, 2023

In Your Sacred Hour

In  Your  Sacred  Hour

Uranda   December 29, 1937

Beloved. As you have responded in rejoicing to the Call, and have set forth upon the Central Way in the Light of the Fire of Love which shines forth from your Father within you, I salute you and bless you in the Holy Name of our Great Master, the LORD of Lords. Through these words you are privileged to let your vision be enlarged as the expanding consciousness goes out into the world. I would direct your attention to the sacred confidence placed in you, and the part which Service in Secret has to play in the Great Plan.

Our purpose is to reveal the Truth in the most effective manner possible—and that does not require that we keep the Truth secret from any. However, it does mean that our Unified Function is in Secret, according to the direction and instruction of our Great Master: “But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.” Our unified purpose is to release the greatest possible amount of the Christ Power in Love into the world for the blessing of our Brother Man.

Abiding in poise, power can be released through us collectively. As you prove to be worthy of greater power, you will find it released through you. First you are to realize that one word spoken in the Christ Power of Love is far more worthwhile than ten thousand words spoken according to the human concept. Therefore, you will speak less, that idle words may be removed from your conversation. This does not mean that you cannot be joyous and happy—and you surely are not to ignore people, nor go about as one lost in a fanciful dream.

You will always be ready to speak according to the need, but you will stop wasting words. The same thing is true of your thoughts and acts. You will watch to let your every act be constructive, and you will stop all waste of motion. In this you will find a greater rhythm and grace of expression in thought, word and action. As you do this, allowing the Pressure of Cosmic Power to be increased in you, you will cease being like a noisy leak in a steam boiler, and you will begin to feel the surge of power from within. At that point you will likely be tempted to try to do something big, but you will remember Who You Are and you will let that increased power find primary release in a Love Response to the LORD of Lords.

Thus, you will help increase the Pressure of Cosmic Power, leaving its directive use to me for the time being, for your response through me to the LORD of Lords will allow a greater manifest expression through the New Naacal Core. To the degree that you respond in Love to the LORD, you become an active Negative Point which allows a greater out-manifestation of the Christ Power. In that you are consciously a part of the Focal Core, you become the contact point between the Core and all the people of the earth who are responding in any degree of Love on the same vibration upon which you are functioning. So it is that your first part of Service in Secret is to allow a focalization of the incoming response of the world, leaving the out-going expression to me for the present insofar as the Focal Core is concerned.

You now begin to realize that you are to give twenty-four hours every day to the activities of the Core Body, in that the right doing of all your rightful daily activities is a part of such Service in Secret. To you in the Core Body is assigned the right doing of all that rightly comes to your hand, whether in your home, in your business, in your profession, or in your recreational relaxation and diversion, doing all as unto your Lord within you. As you begin to conserve and rightfully use the energy now in you, continuing in the Love Response in recognition of your Oneness with all the other faithful ones in the Core Body as focalized in manifest expression in Me, and through Me to our Beloved LORD of Lords, you will begin to feel the Cosmic Rhythm in the Core, and a new realization of power will fill you. As far as you are concerned let that increase of power remain in the Core, remembering that all of your daily activities now come under that classification.

Each day, set apart thirty minutes at any hour that is most convenient to you, when you will be least likely to be disturbed, and keep that half hour sacred unto the LORD. At the time of your Sacred Hour, go apart alone to whatever place you are directed from within to use. Begin by a period of Devotional Response and Radiance, using the Devotional Card and your own Spirit directed expression, and then meditate upon the meaning of the Master’s Words.

Especially during your devotional period of the Sacred Hour, as well as all other times when you think of it as you go about your work in general, give thanks for the rapidly increasing Pressure of Cosmic Power that is being generated within the Core through the unified Love Response to the LORD of Lords, and rejoice that thereby the Way is prepared for the Core Body to become a Blazing Star which shall take over all the focal points of world consciousness, drawing them and the mass of humanity into harmony with the Cosmic Plan.

Do all this in secret, refraining from talking about it to anyone, but sharing your realizations with Me—and as you are faithful you will find something that will fill you with great joy, so that you feel like bursting—but keep it secret from the world, and write to Me about it. We are in the world but not of it. Above all, in our unified and individual expression, we are to prove that we are a Core Body of the New Earth State as it shall manifest in fullness in this Age.

Let your voice be low and well modulated. Loudness of voice does not indicate power of Radiance. The depth of Love which vibrates in your voice is that which determines the power of your expression. Let your Sacred Hour be used as if you were sitting before Me, here in the Secret Sanctuary, so that your prayer to your Father and to the LORD of Lords is in accordance with what you would like Me to hear, and your reading is as if you were reading to Me. Let your Sacred Hour be a time when you come apart with Me from the turmoil of the world.

Let your expression be in the realization that your Sacred Hour is a Holy Assignment in the New Naacal Core. After you have expressed according to the Inner Urge in you, and have relaxed into your Father’s all-enfolding Love, it is well that you should listen for the Voice of Truth, for in Spirit I AM with you, and My Word shall come unto you. Not as a voice spoken by human lips, nor as the hearing of so-called psychics, but as an Inner Realization of Truth—and you shall surely rejoice in the Spirit of Truth that is in you.

As you abandon yourself to the radiant joy of your Lord during the Sacred Hour, you will find that the Spirit of Love, and the Spirit of Truth, will enfold you all through the day and night—and you will begin to be aware of Who You Are.

You need not be interested in past incarnations to find out Who You Are—that would only reveal who you manifested as. Your old, cast off garment does not contain the secret of your identity. Your life today carries that Secret! Forget yourself as the one whom the world has thought you to be. If you were to find a name for yourself you still would not know Who You Are. Your name does not tell Who You Are—for only your place in the Cosmic Plan can reveal Who You Are. Forget about names—past, present, or future.

You are an Emissary of the KING of Kings. Remember that. You are in the world to represent our GREAT KING. What the world thinks of you cannot change that—but you can be a true representative only to the degree that you let your Father come forth in you and through you, that He may bring the New Jerusalem down from Heaven within you, into manifest expression in the world. Beholding you as a Star under the Bright and Morning Star, I Am Uranda

© emissaries of divine light