December 24, 2022

The Continuing Incarnation Of The Archangel

The  Continuing  Incarnation  Of  The  Archangel

Martin Cecil   December 21, 1980 p.m.


I spoke this morning about the Christmas season being a time of conception. This I related to the winter solstice and also to the day set apart by Christianity to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Celebrating the day when this particular individual was born has been looked upon simply as celebrating His individual birthday. [] Let us pause and consider a moment to see what was actually happening. The heavenly view encompasses the whole. Individuals are only seen as they relate to this whole. Individuals in fact only have meaning as a part of that whole. Nobody has an isolated meaning, not even the One who incarnated a long time ago and was called Jesus. As an individual He was born into the world, but looking at it from the larger perspective, we may see here a point of conception insofar as the whole is concerned, a conception taking place within the body of mankind.

A conception in the individual sense of each of us, for instance, began with one cell, two halves blended into one cell, but there was something more than that. The focus of spirit was present; the one who was to incarnate was on hand at that point. This is true of all of us, each person. An immaculate conception in consequence took place. There was such an immaculate conception for the One called Jesus, and the babe came to the point of birth into the world. Here was the point of conception in the world: one cell, one person. The outer form, as well as the impregnating spirit, combined in the babe called Jesus, who was born on this particular day, whatever it was, within the body of mankind. Then conception, immaculate conception, had taken place. The further development springing forth from that one cell involves a multiplication of cells, but throughout, the same incarnating angel, the same focus of spirit, is present all the way through.

In the case of Jesus we speak of Him as LORD of Lords. We recognize His position relative to the identity of man. He is the One who provides the focus of man's true identity. Man is not just one person but, rightly, the collective body of mankind, however many that should be. That collective body has an identity, just as our own individual bodies, which are a collection of parts after all, have an identity. We have referred to the identity of the body that was conceived at the time of the birth of Jesus as the Archangel. It is necessary to use words.

Now we are thinking of this one cell, this one person, who provided the evidence of conception in the body of mankind on earth, the Archangel providing the focus of spirit at that point so that conception would take place. And it is the same Archangel, in this instance, throughout the whole operation, just as with respect to each one of us individually, from the point of conception on, the same angel was present right to this present time. The incarnating Archangel, who has been identified in human consciousness relative to Jesus, is rightly to be revealed through His body. The Archangel is to come forth. []

When any of us was conceived the angel was present but certainly wasn't coming forth at that point. Here was the focus of spirit making possible the continued building of the flesh form. If we are considering this now from the standpoint of the Archangel being present with His focus of spirit at the point of conception within the body of mankind, seeing this as transpiring in that one individual, that one cell, called Jesus, then we may recognize that the Archangel has been present all through the operation. Everything that has transpired since has transpired because the Archangel was present and in the process of incarnating: first of all in building the body of incarnation and then experiencing the birth of that body and continuing on to the point where the Archangel might come forth through His body. That would be called "the second coming," wouldn't it? Most people don't see it this way. It isn't really a second coming at all, because that One has been present in the midst constantly ever since conception took place.

I'm sure you can see that there has been the conception of this body of incarnation for the Archangel, and following conception has come the continuing development of that body by the spirit of the incarnating Archangel. He said, "I go to prepare a place for you"; in other words this was a matter of building a flesh body essential for the coming forth of the Archangel. The initial coming forth was simply at the point of conception, but the ultimate intent is that the Archangel should be revealed in expression on earth in all His glory. Because the first point of initiation in this cycle has been looked upon as the coming of the Christ, then the idea would be that this coming forth now would be the second coming, but of course it's all the same thing. These are not separate events; the Archangel has been present over the last 1,980 or so years and something has been happening because of that within the body of mankind.

Seeing the creative cycle in this light, then at Christmas we are indeed celebrating the conception of the Archangel on earth which took place many centuries ago, and without the presence of the Archangel all along nothing could have emerged as it has emerged now within the range of our own experience and the experience of many other people. We are concerned with the coming forth of the Archangel. In the individual sense this angelic coming forth has really never occurred for a long time. I suppose you could say that there have been varying degrees of that coming forth through people as individuals, but it certainly has never been a complete revelation of the coming forth of the angel in any given person. It was, in the case of the One called Jesus, but this was only a point of beginning, a point of conception. It seems rather peculiar, doesn't it, that one should take that initial cell and enshrine it, or try to enshrine it somehow, which is what Christianity has tended to do. The initial cell is useless unless it is allowed to multiply, unless the continuing development takes place in the darkness of the womb. That development is not out where everybody can see it.

The coming forth of individual angels, of course, is related to the coming forth of the Archangel. If something of rather more cosmic proportions is viewed by human consciousness there tends to be the idea that God establishes what is happening on a more or less arbitrary basis, regardless of human beings. There is a certain truth to this, because human beings have undertaken to go their own not-so-sweet way, which cuts right across what is actually unfolding in the cosmic sense; but as has been repeatedly emphasized, God so loves the world, loves mankind, His creation, that He takes them into account with respect to everything that is happening. He doesn't come striding into the earth without regard to people and just stamp them down. His coming forth relates, obviously, to people. There is a coordinated state of affairs here. We ourselves have some experience of this, knowing our relatedness to what it is that is happening. I'm sure that all of us are quite agreeable to the happening, partly because we have some understanding of what it is, and we are quite willing and happy to go along with it and to provide what is necessary from our own individual standpoints in the various fields of our responsibility. So, whatever it is that is unfolding, it takes us into account. Everything that is happening relates to what it is that is unfolding. But of course the experiences of people vary; we recognize the factor of human response in this whole affair. But there is the coming forth of the Archangel to occur. It is occurring in fact.

There is present a new identity within the range of the consciousness of mankind. We ourselves participate in allowing this new identity to be our experience and to be drawn more and more to a point of focus. Ultimately that point of focus is in fact the Archangel. If we look at this from the individual standpoint and the coming forth of the angel, we may recognize that there is a growing-up process through which we have all passed in the usual sense; but obviously more than that is needful, because human beings have grown up to adulthood, never having allowed the angel to come forth. Our concern is to allow the angel to come forth because he has a sufficiently mature facility for it to happen. So the angel comes forth as there is a means for that coming, and in the coming forth there is the increased intensity of the expression of the angelic spirit. This has been illustrated in terms of fire, Shekinah for instance: the fire that burns, the light that glows, the cloud of glory. This is to come forth, and in the coming forth there is the increased intensity or heat generated.

Perhaps in times past when we viewed the possibility of the greater coming forth of the angelic presence in our own experience, we may not have thought of that in terms of fire. Here is the creative expression of the spirit of God, making all things new. That's true. But how? Well the earth and all that is in it needs to melt with fervent heat, to be transmuted, so the more the coming forth of your angelic selves occurs the more fire there is and the more rubbish gets burned. Sometimes we may think of ourselves as being caught in the fire. Well, of course, that is an attitude taken by human consciousness which has allowed the true perspective vision to be obscured. In such case there is a return to whatever measure of self-centeredness: "Poor me; I'm getting burned." Yet we proclaim that our concern is to let the angel come forth, and then when the angel begins to come forth: "Oh, don't come forth anymore; I'm getting burned." But the fire is required to permit the experience of transmutation. In the burning process there is that which rises up and there is that which is waste, ash. So we have been concerned individually with this matter of our angelic coming forth into expression.

This, in the collective sense, relates to the Archangelic coming forth through the collective body which He has built for His own incarnation. This is true, angelically speaking, of each one of us individually. We as angels built whatever we have, that we might incarnate and be in expression on earth. It happens in the collective sense, and this Archangel who comes forth is the same Archangel who incarnated or provided the starting point, the focus of spirit as a starting point, when Jesus was born on earth, the same One. We begin to see now that however great that starting point may have been, because of the presence of the Archangel to make it possible, how vastly greater is the experience when that body has grown to the point where the Archangel can come forth into expression on earth through His complete body. All that was possible in the original sense was the coming forth through that one cell. That coming forth initiated the cycle in the womb as the point of conception, but the same One is present, and we may have a much keener awareness of the immensity of this One. It's rather a travesty, isn't it, to see human beings trying to fit Jesus into their hearts. But we do share the creative cycle of coming forth, because the coming forth of the Archangel is not an isolated occurrence. It is made possible by the coming forth of the angels individually within the scope of the flesh body which He has built and is still building.

Can we see the celebration of Christmas in this light then? We would certainly love to celebrate the point of conception, because our present experience would not be possible without it; the coming forth of the Archangel in mature expression would not be possible. What a difference there is between whatever expression there could be in one cell hidden away in the dark, and the mature, divine man whose presence on earth was made possible by reason of that first one cell through which the creative cycle was initiated. We do not need to judge as to where in the unfolding of this cycle we may happen to be at this point and try to fit it into some concept of the mind in this regard. Let's let it be just exactly what it is. But we may have an overall view of what is occurring, and we may better understand such validity as there is to Christmas. The human view of Christmas has remained childish, but here is a real event, a real spiritual event, with which we are immediately associated, and the fire burns, the fire of transmutation.

This fire is an essential part of the creative process which is the responsibility of man in bringing the dominion of God on earth. Such fire as there has been in the experience of human beings has not been very hot. If the real fire was burning there wouldn't be anyone left on the face of the earth. So certainly there has been a cooling, shall we say, for the sake of satan-man who might participate in the process of transmutation. The human experience has been one of trying to exist at the level of the fire burning, trying to exist in the lake of fire and brimstone, which has been cooled a little heretofore; but as the Archangel comes forth, the angels come forth, the intensity of the fire increases and the lake becomes hotter, so that eventually it reaches the point where anyone who continues to try to exist at the level where this fire is burning will discover that it isn't possible and certainly the torment increases. But it is only torment in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone if there is someone in there to be tormented. At that point there is a very keen recognition of the torment involved in so doing, so who would undertake any such ridiculous excursions?

Let the lake burn with fire and brimstone. It's fine. It's part of the transmuting process, the creative process which continues on and for which man is responsible. But he's not responsible for jumping into the fire. Standing where we belong as angels, we discover that the fire is the expression of our own nature, the means by which the creative process may be continued and the dominion of God maintained. We are desirous of letting the angel come forth, but the more the angel comes forth the more fire there is, and the more we necessarily are compelled to relinquish what it is that is being burned. Here is the cleansing fire, the fire which cleanses the earth of all unrighteousness and leaves only righteousness.

The conception of this creative cycle, which is now well on its way, occurred when Jesus was born on earth, and the One who incarnated in that individual body is still present and incarnate in the true body which is forming and beginning to provide increased opportunity for His coming forth. What a wonder it is to know these things! Your human consciousness can't figure it out, but to the extent that the angel comes forth we know these things. We know by reason of the angel's knowing. When that knowing is present in human consciousness then we know. So we share this Christmas season with some awareness of these things.

Now we have observed the matter of conception and birth as it relates to this large cycle. There are all kinds of conceptions and births taking place within that large cycle, and we participate in these. Our concern is that all these lesser cycles should be held steady and carried through to their completion. This is done by reason of the foundation which is provided. The foundation is the heaven, isn't it? The heaven is established. We begin to understand the ordinances of heaven. We are aware of some of the qualities that are present in the heavenly experience. We touched upon a few of them recently in terms of serenity, tranquility, peace within oneself. The heaven must be sustained, the foundation must be there, if the true earth is to take form. If we allow the heaven to be established in our experience and then we get lured away into the torment, the heaven for which we are responsible is lost. Then there is no foundation for the earth, so whatever earth has begun to put in an appearance simply collapses. I'm sure you all recognize that this has happened over and over again in your own personal experience. It is only as the heaven is held steady that the foundation is present from which the true earth can appear.

By the way, heaven isn't such an all-fired serious place!

Part of the heavenly experience is mirth, I believe; certainly it's enjoyable. So we need to include that in the foundation, that there may be this present, because we are present, which sustains the creative cycle by which the earth is transformed and then transmuted. We surely do not anymore, when some aspect of this transformation appears, feel sorry for ourselves and say, "Well I didn't think it was going to be this way." Whatever is to appear will appear. Let it appear. And we handle it as it appears, without judging it and saying, "This shouldn't be this way," because immediately when we start to judge we pull some of the bricks out of the foundation. We are concerned to keep that foundation strong and steady and sure and present, and what emerges in the earthly sense because of that foundation will be acceptable, recognized as a part of the unfolding cycles, whatever they are.

Let the angels come forth, that indeed the Archangel may come forth. When the angels of God are present, incarnate and in expression on earth, here is a place of safety for the coming forth of the Archangel. Obviously that ultimate experience of transmutation is not yet present with us, but the time rightly comes as we continue in the creative cycle, assuming responsibility ourselves in the angelic sense. Again, as sons and daughters of God we shout for joy that this is so. Glory to God in the highest now and always.

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