We Bring The Ill Things Out In The Open
from A Word To The Wise #11
June 4, 1941
Many people think that if they
ignore the ill things in themselves and others, that those ill things will evaporate, but such is not the case. A
person may, by such attitude, blind himself to the existing ill conditions in
himself or others, but those conditions are still there, and they still limit
the expression of Reality. It is only as the ill conditions are actually
brought to the surface, and dealt with frankly and squarely, that they can
actually be eliminated.
In the Third Sacred School we bring the ill things out
in the open, and deal with them, refusing to be ashamed of them. We are not
going to gloss over and ignore the ill things in any Student in the School. In
this Service you will not be permitted to delude yourselves into thinking that
you are something which you are not.
Of this one thing you may be assured, as
long as there is anything unreal in you, and as long as there is the least bit
of self-activity in your expression, I shall surely continue to stir you up and
uncover such unreal things. If you do not like to be stirred up, and cleansed
of the unreal, you will never be comfortable in the Third Sacred School.
world-body has too long been content to delude itself into a false sense of
self-righteousness. Let it be understood that we do not dwell upon the weak
points, but we do insist upon correcting them.
© emissaries of divine light