Lens of One
Don Hynes August 7, 2021
During times of spiritual darkness
the light is obscured,
the default toward judgement and enmity
intensifies in clouded understanding.
Light is the antidote but must be welcomed.
To relish the darkness is to deny the light,
and to deny the light is to intensify the disease.
The more judgement and enmity
the less space for the light to enter
and a downward spiral intensifies.
For one who understands
an intercessory role emerges,
for to magnify the light within oneself,
one cell of the diseased body,
is to magnify the antidote in the body at large.
This silent service is the curing of illness
and ease of suffering through the lens of one.
It is the same with any singular act of charity,
the vibration extends from the one to the many,
and though unknown or unnoticed
each application of the antidote
tends the body toward healing and recovery.
The healing may be distant in time for the larger body
but for the one who knows the time is now.