August 04, 2016

Uranda and Kathy

Uranda  and  Kathy

August 4, 1954

Bishop Martin Cecil: Our most gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for the privilege of sharing together in the invisible things of Thy Spirit, that these invisible things may begin to take form and become increasingly meaningful on earth by reason of our lives, for we know that all things work together to perfection for those who love and serve Thee, and we would let our lives be dedicated to that purpose more fully than ever before, so that we may be in position to become what we ought to be, what Thou didst create us to be, and to fulfil those purposes for which we came into the world, to Thy Glory and to the blessing of all who will receive.

We thank Thee for the lives of these our loved ones, their precious lives, so precious to us, and let us keep them precious and sacred so that the same Spirit which was in them may be in us, and the same dedication that was in them may ever be our dedication, that Thy Kingdom, O Lord, may come on earth because it is given form, something invisible given form, something that is at hand which may be given form. And Thy Will may be done in earth as it is in Heaven, in the invisible realm. For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory forever, IN the Christ. Aum-en.