November 21, 2014

The  White  Ray  of  the  Christ  Plane

from   Steps  to  Mastership

Uranda  1936


White is the pure radiance of the Christ Plane, the highest Spiritual Vibration possible to mankind, and the brilliant reflection of the sunlight from snow on a cold, clear day gives some hint of the glory of such Radiance.

The FINENESS of White Wool gives a good indication of the FINENESS of the Radiance from the Christ Plane. The head, being the highest part of the body, symbolizes the Seventh Plane of Being, and mention of the "hair" carries a very important Truth. The hair is a symbol of the many Spiritual Radiations which grow, or "go," out of the Christ Plane. The hair of thy head forms the "aerial" by which the Life Essence of the Cosmic Atmosphere is absorbed into thy Being; and the finer vibrations perceived are, to a great extent, transmitted to consciousness through the hair, through the same principle that is operative with the radio. Thus it is that the Cosmic Vibrations may be received into consciousness in thy Being. 

Meditation upon the Cosmic Principles of Light, Love and Life, keeping the attention centered in the Seat of the Soul—that is, IN the Throne of thy Father within thee, in the center of thy head—seeking the while to detect the INFLOW of Cosmic Vibrations through thy hair, followed by the OUTFLOW through thy WHOLE body in a glorious Radiance of the Christ in which thy WHOLE, HOLY BEING is enfolded, will speed thy conscious comprehension of the ONE TRUTH that thou art ONE with the ALL that is ONE. 

The closer attunement to things Spiritual which has been manifest in women in times past has been to a great extent due to the fact that they carefully preserved an abundance of hair upon their heads and gave a great deal of conscious attention to their hair. Because of this they had a dynamically charged "antenna" attuned to Conscious Thought Forms, by which they were held close to Cosmic Being, even though their perception was imperfect and incomplete in most instances because of erroneous preconceived ideas. This also reveals the true secret prompting the vow of the Nazarite, which forbade the cutting of the hair. 

The "flame of Fire" issuing forth from the eyes is the natural result of a centering of the conscious activities of the Life Essence in the head, rather than allowing the conscious activities to be primarily in the lower part of the body. A practice that is of extreme importance is that of directing, consciously, a Spiritual Flame of Fire, or Beam of Light, from the Inner Eye, out through the center of the forehead just above the eyes. Centering the creative attention upon such Radiance will increase the active response of the body, and especially of the Pineal Gland, to the Will and Power of the Master-Self within. Also it will give marvelous increase to the effectiveness of all Master-like activities. This is the concentration of the Auric Light which Jesus directed all Christ-minded individuals to "LET" shine. 

As thy body conforms to the Law, that it may be an open channel for the Radiation of the Flame of Light, thou shalt find that the Inner Truth and Wisdom of all things, upon which thou shalt center "THY LIGHT," shall be revealed to thee, and all those who come under thy conscious Radiance of the Auric Light of the Master-Self will feel and know a wonderful uplifting influence which will assist them in the Attainment of ONENESS. It is through this, "THY LIGHT," that thou mayest attain a conscious UNION with all things, that the secrets of all things may be revealed unto thee. Herein is revealed to thee the great secret of the Attainment of Wisdom IN Love's ONENESS. Therefore thou art granted the sacred privilege of establishing within thyself the conscious application of this Master-Practice, that thou mayest be thus Love-minded and Christ-active at all times, under all conditions, while thou art doing all the things which are daily performed by thee. 

In this lesson thou seest the Secret of the Inner Mystery revealed, and we send it forth to thee in an abiding Realization that the White Ray of the Christ enfolds thee and draws thee INTO the perfect application of this One Truth, that thou mayest consciously radiate the White Ray of the Christ to others, even as we radiate IT to thee.

© Emissaries of Divine Light