October 19, 2022

Maintaining The Focus Of True Essences

Maintaining  The  Focus  Of  True  Essences

Martin Cecil  November 4, 1979 am & pm condensed

We have used the word “essence” to describe the reality of God within the range of human experience. The reality of God is also beyond the range of human experience. Undimensional God is a way of describing an ultimate reality. It is only as this ultimate reality comes into the range of experience as essence that we may begin to have a knowing of it. We are vitally concerned with essences. Human nature has been concerned with forms. Essences always precede form. The form is the most peripheral aspect of whatever this creative process is, which doesn't proceed from forms; it proceeds from essences. The right handling of essences permits the form to reveal what has been established in the essence.

We are aware that the physical approach, what has been termed the First Sacred School, is not the one that will now achieve what is necessary. It wouldn't really have achieved what was necessary at the time of the Israelites, but it would have then offered a useful starting point which was acceptable and capable of being understood at the level where people were then. Step by step, changes could have been wrought so that a larger vision might have been known, leading into the point where essences would come into the picture insofar as human consciousness was concerned. Of course essences have always been in the picture, whether anyone knew about them or not. We have noted how the initial steps toward this true spiritual experience were rejected, so that there was only one approach left. This required a direct participation in the reality of essences. In the First Sacred School or the Second Sacred School, the approach which was offered there made possible—if it had been allowed to work, which it wasn't—a conditioning of human consciousness so that the experience of the handling of essences might have easily come on a widespread scale. Because those opportunities were lost, then it became obvious that the approach would necessarily have to be made in this field of essences on a very small scale because there would be very few human beings whose consciousness was adequately conditioned to make this approach. For anything of value to occur there must be the right handling of essences at the level where human beings are, even though it be but by a few.

We find ourselves at this point, with this matter of essences being emphasized to us. The use of the word essence relates to the use of the word Word. It relates also to Spirit—but spirit is incomprehensible to human beings in the human state until there is the essential vibratory substance with which it may combine so that it comes within the range of human awareness. I am not speaking at the moment of the range of the human mind. The human mind has some definite restrictions. There is something beyond this. God is beyond the human mind. The human mind is a very little thing relative to the vast field of essences. Some essences are at the level of the human mind, but there is far more of essences beyond the human mind than is capable of being encompassed by the human mind directly.

Essences may be seen as a combination of spirit and vibrational substance, from the very finest levels to the very coarsest. The true essences are a revelation of the spirit of God in action. In order for that action to occur dimensionally speaking the spirit of God must be in combination with dimensional substance. The spirit of God cannot be in combination directly with physical substance. The flesh of the human body is not merely physical substance. We have recognized that mental substance is not separate from physical substance. All the levels of vibrational substance are not separate from each other. They interpenetrate each other from the top down. At the physical level there is an interpenetration of all the vibrational levels of spiritual substance in this dimensional universe. We have recognized the fact of a veil, which excludes experience of the higher levels in the present human state. This does not deny that all the vibrational factors are present; it is just that, because of the veil, human function ignores what is available for the expression of the spirit in living—ignores essences.

Essences always precede form. The lower vibrational levels of substance are moved by the higher vibrational levels of substance; therefore if function is from the standpoint of the highest level of vibrational substance everything is under control. Here is the reality of the dominion which man was created to exercise in the name of the LORD on earth, and it involved no sweat of the brow, just the handling of essences. On this basis all the other levels fell into their natural order according to what had been established for them. So we come again to essences. There begins to be a clarification of the veil of the impure heart to a sufficient extent so that there may not only be a recognition of the fact of essences but an experience of the essences. Our concern has been to let a purification come in the heart so that the veil might be dissolved sufficiently to bring a sensing of the reality of the essences. The essences are the quality of God.

We could take the human form and recognize that there are some essences present there of which we have an awareness—the character, the quality, the nature, which is made evident by the form. Judge not by the appearance—first of all not by the form, but not by the surface essences either. How deep do you think you can penetrate into the essences of someone else? Generally speaking human beings are not capable of going very deep, because they cannot penetrate further than the level of those essences at which they themselves function. So there are various levels of essences even within the scope of the human experience, and this is a very small part, a distorted part, of the total range of essences.

If we see it in terms of a seven-dimensional state, then this would relate to the first two dimensions only, and the higher intensity vibrational substance permeates the lower and always goes beyond it. So it is getting bigger and bigger as we go up, more and more range, more and more scope—a vastly greater field of essences. Essences are infinitely vaster than forms. The idea has tended to be that essences are small, narrowing down finally to nothing; but the smallest level of substance is the level of what we call physical substance. We can see this to be the fact if we look at the universe; there's scarcely any physical substance in it at all really. We may have a star-filled sky, and see more stars through a telescope, but relative to the amount of space there is it's nothing—just a gossamer. The same thing is true for each one of us sitting here: the form is the smallest part of us, and yet what a big thing human beings try to make out of it. Essences are the concern.

It isn't that we are going to take our consciousness up to some other level. Our consciousness the way it is doesn't belong at some other level; it belongs right where it is and it can't really get out of that. But it is possible to let the levels which are already present come within the range of our awareness, and this happens to the extent that the veil is dissolved, or the heart purified. As it happens we become aware of something vast. At the beginning of the service I emphasized the vastness, the majesty, the glory of God. It would be quite impossible for these puny little human creatures here to add anything to that. It is what it is already. However what it is can be allowed to appear in whatever the fitting way would be at the level where human beings are. The fitting way is what is creative at the level where it appears. The fitting way is not a destructive way. The intensity of the creative expression of the finest level of essences must be stepped down from level to level so that it may appear creatively at whatever level it should appear; and for the moment the least blaze of glory would likely be the physical level. There is quite a blaze of glory that we observe day by day, apparently going across the sky, but I don't suppose anyone is at the moment too much interested in emigrating to the sun. There is something which is fitting here at the present time.

Let us not imagine that what is known now on the face of the earth is supposed to be this way forever. The sorts of experiences that are known are certainly not what really should be known when the essences are allowed to be present within the range of human expression so that the dominion of God is established on earth. Then things would really move. We wouldn't be lolling around on the beach. The world would change in the creative sense. The first order of business is to find a few human beings who will allow these essences to emerge into expression in their own living, here and now, fitting for this state of affairs.

There is the necessity of the establishment of a sacred place in which the finer essences are safe. We gather to allow the borders of this sacred place to be expanded so that it is a holy place, a fitting receptacle for the finer essences to fill, which they will do. In fact they are doing it anyway, but not within the range of our awareness until there is a sacred place in our awareness; then there it is. It doesn't have to come from anywhere—it was there already. As that sacred place is maintained in our living no matter where we are or what we are doing, then there is always something being offered fittingly into the world around us, out of this sacred place of fine essence: the expression of God, which appears as a blaze of glory at a level where it is creative. It doesn't appear as a blaze of glory at a level where it would be destructive.

So we live out of this sacred place, aware of what is fitting to find expression by reason of our living in any particular circumstance. But we cannot know and we certainly cannot provide what is fitting unless there is a holy place, and when there is we will be living out of it; our expression will emerge out of it into the circumstance of the moment in whatever way may be fitting. And being aware of the reality of essences, we see that there is much more to our expression than the thing we do in the moment physically speaking, or even the word that we speak in the moment, or even the thought that we think—because there is something vastly greater than that. But there comes an awareness, as there is a sacred place and the fine essences are consequently present in our experience, that we are living at levels which we had not heretofore dreamt even existed.

“How great is God Almighty, who has made all things well.” We cannot really know God Almighty. This has reference to undimensional God, Supreme God. Because we are properly present here in a dimensional world we find no necessity to try to get out of it into some undimensional state in order that we might comprehend what is there present. There is undimensional God—and there is also dimensional God, described by using the word Jehovah.

We have before considered that highest spiritual substance of the most intense vibrational nature which merges into the undimensional state. This substance fills the whole of what we would refer to as the universe. There isn't any place, dimensionally speaking, where it isn't. This substance is of such a vibrational nature that it is capable of accommodating the spirit of love. The spirit of love is not separate from God—God is Love. So the essences of God in the dimensional world are the essences of love, the union between this highest vibrational substance and the spirit of love. Here is the substance that fills the whole of creation. It is undifferentiated. All is Love. Here is the union between the spirit of love and this substance which is capable of being one with love, so that love may emerge into the dimensional universe. At that level there is only love substance filling and composing all that creation is to be.

In order for creation to take place this undifferentiated substance must be differentiated. The essence of truth is present initially in the process of differentiation of the original love substance. At all the vibratory levels of substance below this highest substance the essence of truth is present. It is by reason of the spirit of truth in union with the essential substance that the differentiation of the original substance of love may transpire. So there are the essences of love and the essences of truth. At every level below the essences of truth, are present the essences of life. Here is the Holy Trinity: Love, Truth and Life in the dimensional world by reason of the substance with which these spirits may find union. These essences rightly pour forth through the substance which is present at lower levels, initially what might be referred to as heart substance. When the heart is pure there is an open door of connection between this holy trinity and the earth, the world of form as we understand it. This pouring forth is spiritual expression in this world of form—mental form, physical form.

The largeness is at the highest levels. Here is the creative process by which something is coming into the world. It is being differentiated and consequently narrowed down, brought to focus; and we ourselves have a responsibility for allowing this differentiation to take place at the level where we are. We may well return to those simple words: “How great is God Almighty,” who in this process of creation has made all things well. But there is a very specific way in which it happens, and properly we are a part of the happening. Otherwise within the range of human experience the true happening is absent and there are voids on every hand. Essences are not something all on their own. This highest substance is present throughout the whole universal creation, everywhere. If it is brought to focus at some point, that fact doesn't extract the essence from itself; it is still the essence but merely brought to focus—it is still the universal essence. Here is the Word that was with God in the beginning, the Word that is God dimensional. There could be no God dimensional if there wasn't first God unidimensional—but you cannot separate the two; there's no line of demarcation.

This universal substance at the highest vibratory level merges into the undimensional. It is useless for us to try to examine the undimensional. Insofar as we are concerned it would be nothing. It isn't nothing; we discover that it isn't nothing by reason of dimensional God. Dimensional God relates to these essences at the highest vibrational level, the love essences, which in the creative process must be brought to focus, differentiated into the various levels dimensionally speaking. We have noted how this is achieved—the emergence through the connecting substance of the pure heart into the world of creative action when we have a sense of the reality of dimensional God, the essences of love. These essences of love are not only brought to focus on this little earth, but everywhere else in the universe in various ways. Essences brought to focus throughout the whole universe emphasize the majesty, the greatness, the vastness, of dimensional God; and dimensional God is only an aspect of God.

It has sometimes been felt by those who were associated with this ministry that it was a little thing. But to the extent that the heart opens and yields and the creative processes of purification take place, there comes some sensing of the smallness of this external world in which we dwell; the insignificance of it when seen in the light of the reality of dimensional God revealed by reason of this highest vibrational substance filling the whole universe. God is omnipresent in the dimensional sense. The substance is here where we are. If it is anywhere and everywhere in the universe, it is here where we are.

As the windows of heaven are opened, or as a door is opened in heaven, we don't go through into heaven; we become aware simply of what is already present with us. The wholeness of God is already present with us, brought to specific focus in the reality of the truth of our own Being, so that this differentiated aspect may find expression in a fitting way according to the part which we are here to play. But what it is that enables us to play this part dwarfs into insignificance the circumstances, the environment, in which we play the part. The circumstance, even the earth itself, becomes scarcely discernible from the standpoint of true perspective, because whatever comes to focus of dimensional God in our own expression is not in any way separate or apart from the whole of dimensional God.

If we see relative values here, then where's the problem about handling the affairs which are brought to us to be handled? We may recognize again that these matters which do come to us do not come to us by chance; they are brought to us. The true essences call to the material of this world to come home. As we give focus to these true essences, that's the call. We have a new outlook then with respect to what it is that comes to us, what it is that is present in our environment. It is brought to us, it is coming by reason of the call of the essences to which we give focus. Here is the material answering the call.

Let us see these things in the true light.  Here in fact is the material of this world coming again to associate itself with the true essences. The material of the world cannot actually help itself once the true essences are there. When we are giving focus to these true essences we see things in this way. We're not cringing as puny little human beings overwhelmed by their circumstances, trying to fend off giants. Those who have a right perspective couldn't possibly see any giants in this very small world for which we are responsible. In this sense nothing very much has been committed to our charge, certainly not when we begin to understand that of which we are simply a focus point of this vibrational substance in combination with the spirit of God, to which we have referred as the true essences.

When the true essences are here, when we are providing the focus for them and giving expression to what pours out because of those essences, then something is going to happen in our world and there will be what comes to us in consequence. We don't have to question what it is that comes to us. It is coming to us in response to the essences to which we give focus. And it is going to sort itself out: the material that belongs will come closer and stay; the material that doesn't belong will be set on one side. Maybe some of it has to wait awhile before it is capable of coming any closer; maybe some of it belongs somewhere else, at some other level where the changes are occurring; but we don't have to judge in the matter. We let it come to us. We're going to find out, on the basis of maintaining the focus of these essences in our living, what it is that belongs with us, what it is that is on hold, and what it is that needs to move out. It will do it automatically.

It comes to us all mixed up together. It's not as though we're going to swallow the whole mass, but we let it come to us, that coming closer into the fire of these essences to which we give focus it may have the opportunity of being sorted out—and this is what will happen. We will discover that we have things to do, we have things to say, we have things to think, and there are times when it is altogether the right thing to keep quiet! But we are responsible for this sorting-out process and we can only handle it when we have a true perspective. But if we have the true perspective and we have a sensing of the immensity of the essences which we represent, where's the problem? The whole perspective changes, and it doesn't matter what comes to us, it's a little thing. It can be handled with ease provided that we maintain the true focus. If we let that slip then there could be problems, couldn't there? Where we see problems there is the urge to manipulate, and wherever you manipulate it makes matters worse. Difficulties will multiply, and eventually the chickens come home to roost. If by reason of your action something goes out, it's going to come back somewhere along the line and, depending upon what it is you may find that it clobbers you. The Law works. We may not be able to connect the particular clobber that hits us with the cause of it back along the way somewhere, and it's always easy to find someone who is handy to blame for it when the clobber occurs. But that is foolishness.

So we hold the focus of these essences in the space that we have provided where it is kept holy, and we need to be willing, indeed anxious, to let that space expand so that more can be accepted into it, both from the standpoint of essences and from the standpoint of what is coming to us by reason of the action of those essences; for when the essences are present they are calling to the lower vibratory levels of substance to take form according to the design that is provided, and the material starts to wake up and come home. Here we begin to see the association that we have at the crossover point, with the true essences on the one hand and the material of the world for which we are responsible on the other. We are responsible for letting the essences cross over into expression in our living and we are responsible for letting what is coming back be drawn to us. It's being drawn by these essences, that what is drawn to us may give form to these essences. The essences will be taking their true form in this fashion. In order to take their true form there's a lot of stuff that needs to drop off that doesn't belong, and it will do so if we hold it steady.

We share this understanding in whatever measure our hearts are pure, so that we may participate in the process, very keenly aware always of the quality, the nature, the character, of dimensional GodLove, the vastness of that, the infinite power of that—so that we may be in position smoothly to handle whatever presents itself before us. We participate in the easy way because we have accepted the easy yoke, the yoke of the true essences in our living. As we allow these essences to be the essential quality of our living we become quite familiar with them and we find ourselves in position to work easily with essences—in an awareness of those essences, and of what is happening by reason of those essences.

What was it that the spirit of truth would do? Amongst other things, He would show you things to come. You know exactly what is to come when you are working with the essences that cause it to come. Your eyes are no longer fastened on the forms, fussing about the forms, worrying about the forms, trying to manipulate the forms, change the forms to make the world a better place for forms. You let the world alone in that sense; you leave the forms alone. You just let the material come to you, the material that composes these forms, and that material will be released from the forms which it had previously occupied, in order to give form to what is emerging by reason of the essences to which you give focus. Here is the creative process. We understand and play our part in allowing the Glory of God to be revealed on earth by reason of the forms which appear because of the essences that are present. How great is God Almighty, who does make all things well!

© emissaries of divine light