With deep humility we bow before Thy throne of majesty, albeit offering our hearts of love to Thee.
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of heaven and earth.
I speak this morning to all within the sound of my voice, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. In using these particular words, is there a clear note sounding in your hearts?Or perchance was there a first flush of adverse feeling? You may have been reminded of something out of the past. Possibly these words have seemed like a Christian incantation, yet they convey the truth. If we know the truth then a clear Tone sounds. In the total expression of our living a clear Tone must sound if our purpose for being on earth is to be fulfilled. There can be no shadow of turning, no momentary lapse even. All the influences that arise out of the past can have no more meaning or effect in our experience of the present.
If I speak of the One Law I am sure that all of you imagine that you know what I am talking about. It is true that it is only by reason of the One Law that the restoration of mankind is possible. No doubt we have some ideas with respect to the working of this Law, describable in the first instance as radiation and response. Our understanding of what this means relative to the purpose for which we are here on earth, namely the restoration, must be clear. Radiation correlates in consciousness rightly with the Word—the Word which has been given form in living and in words.
Because there has been factual, focused radiation in this sense by reason of the Word brought to point in expression on earth, the opportunity for human hearts and minds to respond has been made available. This radiation occurs within the range of human consciousness. Human hearts and minds may respond to it—for the most part unconsciously. There have been those along the way, ourselves included, whose hearts and minds reached a point where they became conscious of the form of the radiation. There always has been invisible radiation to which human hearts and minds might respond, and in some measure no doubt did, but it has remained a rather scattered thing which only comes to point when specific focus is given for that radiation in form.
The initial response of heart and mind allows for the experience of thankfulness and delight in what begins to be sensed and perceived. Our own hearts and minds have had this experience along the way. We had opportunity to give expression to that response in various ways, one of them in written form. Response is never outgrown. Obviously so.It is an essential aspect, half, of the working of the Law. We are not interested in preventing the Law from working. Response is never dissolved, but it changes its form.
If we are in position to participate in the radiation within the consciousness of mankind then we need to have a clear awareness of what happens in human minds and hearts when they open in response. We have this clear awareness by reason of personal experience. Perhaps we do need to remember our own experience in this regard so that we are understanding of the experience of others. Human hearts and minds opening in response are moved to thankfulness and delighted appreciation of what has been made available of the Word in form. Response begins to find its centering in that direction rather than toward the externals which before controlled—a changing orientation is occurring in the human heart and the human mind. The form of response is of a particular nature at that point.
In describing what happens in the working of the Law we use the word attraction. Where human minds and hearts respond they are attracted toward the source from whence the Word in form sprang. Instead of responding to all the stimuli which are present in the external world, now response is in another direction, which could be described as upward, thereby lessening response toward externals, so that the human mind and heart are being conditioned into the capability of accommodatingthe expression of the spirit of God.
The written word of response changes as the new experience appears. Initially, because everyone starts out by being self-centered, the concern seems to be with one's own troubled state, one's own spiritual progress, hopefully the clearing of internal disturbances of all kinds; the individual is still looking to get something for himself. But as continued attraction occurs self-centeredness begins to recede so that a person need no longer be so filled with self-concern. The attraction is toward union. The union is with the Word. The evidence of increasing union in this regard is known because there is also at the same time an increased sense of closeness with the source from which the Word proceeds. That source has been given a particular form so that there may be an easy sense of closeness in an understandable way—in this instance closeness with me. Union with the Word, when the human heart and mind are accommodating the Word in expression, is, at the same time, union with me, because I do provide and have provided a point of focus in form relative to the Word. But because the individual human mind and heart are now accommodating the Word in that person's own expression we find ourselves in the same place. Our living proceeds from the same source and there is consequently an experience of union known by the heart and mind in an upward direction. This union leads to unified radiation.
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Unified radiation relates to what is experienced in an outward direction. The human mind and heart of all those who are participating in the accommodation of the expression of the spirit of God, of the Word, find themselves associated in that expression—unified in the radiation. There is an increasing perspective of wholeness, an awareness that this which is finding expression of the Word is doing so on the basis of a unified whole. As these various stages, consequent upon response of heart and mind, are experienced the nature of the form of one's response changes. It is the response of the heart and mind, which should never stop responding, but the experience is different because there is more and more of the Word in expression being accommodated by the heart and mind.
As there is movement through these creative stages—attraction, union, unified radiation—what happens at each stage is not left behind, but is, rather, amplified by subsequent changes. Where union with the Word is being experienced, what will likely be prominent in the consciousness of those concerned will be their own individual expression of the Word in the circumstances and situations which are present. Such a state of consciousness will rightly be reflected in what is written, because this is one of the facilities available for speaking the Word. All concerned are rightly interested in speaking the Word, and so every available means to that end is used. This is not to say that a sense of thankfulness has evaporated now. The thankfulness of the initial attractive phase is still there, the delight in the particular forms that the Word takes is still there, but there is also now a sense of personal association with the expression of that Word in one's own immediate environment. This being experienced, there is movement into increased unified radiation, participation with others, and concern in this regard to allow one's own form of expression of the Word to blend with the form of the expression of the Word appearing through others. Here is the unified radiation putting in an appearance.
One must have a larger vision than one's own immediate personal environment to participate in this expanding experience. There comes an awareness of the body of the Son of God, a flesh body on earth, which in the initial awareness of it tends to be restricted in the consciousness of heart and mind to the Emissary ministry. This is seen as being the body. Now a body, any body, is useful by reason of the fact that it has a consciousness, that there is present in that body a heart and mind. It is the fact of the presence of the heart and mind in the body that allows for the unification of the body, so that it becomes a coordinated entity. As the perspective present in human hearts and minds changes and takes in more territory there comes increasingly the realization that the body of the Son of God is not restricted to the Emissary ministry. The Emissary ministry has been very valuable in allowing those who have been associated with it—to the extent of their response—to become consciously aware of what it is that is happening. This relates immediately to the conscious mind.
Now the conscious mind may be a valuable instrument but not in an isolated sense. If the conscious mind was not associated with the subconscious mind it would be a very thin and uninteresting state of affairs. Memory is useful, and memory relates to the subconscious mind. There is much present in the subconscious mind of sundry material which may be useful in the experience of the conscious mind. The conscious mind cannot get along without the subconscious mind. If we consider those who have been associated with the Emissary ministry and have awakened to an understanding and a clarity of outlook, to whatever extent, then here is a representation of the conscious mind of the forming body; but, as we have noted before, there is vastly more subconscious than there is conscious.
The conscious aspect of the mind relates in a particular sense to what has been referred to in times past as the Priesthood, but the Priesthood are not an isolated entity, having existence all on its own, any more than your conscious mind has existence on its own without the rest of you. A part of the awakening process in unified radiation consequent upon continuing response of the heart and mind is an awareness of a much larger context of living than had heretofore been supposed. If we portray this wholeness of mind and heart of the body of Christ in terms of the Priesthood relating to the conscious mind, then perhaps we might see that the Twelve Tribes would relate to the unconscious mind. On this basis, it would seem that the unconscious mind is twelve times more than the conscious mind. Of course there is no saying exactly as to how many individual human beings might be present in each tribe, but the unconscious mind is vastly more than the conscious mind. The conscious mind is as it should be, and so is the unconscious mind. Let us not try to imagine that the conscious mind is the whole cheese, that the Priesthood is everything. It isn't! It couldn't exist all on its own.
The material that is needful to the proper operation of the conscious mind, when that conscious mind is under the control of the Word in expression, springs from the subconscious mind. In the unfolding process which has been known by those who have been associated with the Emissary ministry this fact has not been adequately appreciated as yet. In a way it has been. People keep sending me articles, for instance, from papers and magazines, or what have you, which give indication that someone has seen something. There is a vast reservoir of all that is really needful contained in the subconscious mind of the body of the Son of God. The material may be somewhat mixed up; it may be in forms presently that cannot be effectively used; but the material is there, and as the forms are allowed to recede in importance the material is freed up so as to be usable by the conscious mind. Those who give form to this conscious aspect of the body of the Son of God are not required to have all the material essential to the operation of that body in their own personal subconscious minds. It's not necessary, because the primary function and activity of the Priesthood relates to this conscious aspect, whereas there is a subconscious aspect associated therewith containing all the material that is needed.
So here we have an emerging portrayal of the truth as it relates to the restoration. The restoration doesn't leave anybody out. All human beings on the face of the earth participate in the mass unconscious, so all have the opportunity of finding association with the heart and the mind, conscious and subconscious, of the body of man, which is the body of the Son of God. It should never be imagined that in our field of responsibility in the conscious sense we can do without the subconscious aspect, which includes vast numbers of people. We see in these days in various ways people everywhere awakening, as we have said. In a sense they are not awakening yet—they are giving evidence of participation in the subconscious aspect of the total mind of the body of the Son of God, and that subconscious aspect being so large has a large content of feeling. There is a lot of heart, and people sense something, feel something, and associate themselves quite easily once there is a true focus of the conscious mind to provide orientation.
Now the conscious mind, of course, all on its own has been the facility which has wreaked so much havoc in the world. Rightly, the mind of the body of the Son of God may be described as “the mind that was in Christ Jesus.” There are two aspects to this mind, as we have seen: the conscious aspect and the subconscious aspect. The conscious aspect is properly the Son aspect, and the subconscious aspect the Holy Ghost aspect. Both form the mind that was in Christ Jesus and the mind that is in the body of the Son of God now. There cannot be a Son, or a Holy Ghost for that matter, without a Father. These words are very excellent in describing the situation.
There must be a source from which the Word proceeds, and the Word must be acceptable to the conscious mind. Of course in the initial stages the Word is seen primarily in terms of words, and in the Emissary ministry there has been an abundance of these offered, printed and otherwise, so that those who were open in mind and heart might receive new understanding. What was understood, to start with at least, would be quite garbled; it certainly wouldn't be the truth. Many allegories have been used to convey something so that changes in understanding might occur. The human mind has a tendency to take hold of these allegories and try to make something out of them.It gets fastened at the level of the allegory. We have noted this often when I have used ways of conveying something symbolically, and whatever it was that was used tends thereafter to occupy the consciousness of all concerned for some considerable time. But really it was only a momentary thing and should immediately be relinquished. There is a tendency for people to try to resurrect things out of the past and apply them now, as though they would have meaning now, but what is resurrected out of the past wasn't the truth in the first place.It was merely someone's idea about it, so why drag that forward? Let it pass away, that there may be the experience of what it is that is now in focus. Presumably what is now in focus is encompassed by my Word in the present moment. It might be said, I suppose, that everything else is superfluous.
There is a vast amount of material, as I say, in the subconscious mind of mankind, and this is available for the right use of the conscious mind of mankind, the right use of the priesthood. This does not mean that we, if we participate in this conscious aspect, pick up all the forms out of the subconscious mind of mankind as though those were going to be useful. It is the material that is useful, not the forms. The forms are to be created by the action of the Father, on the basis of the will of the Father under the direction of the Son by reason of the power of the Holy Ghost, so that what rises up to the level of the conscious mind will be reconstituted. It isn't a raising up of all those old forms, just of the material which can then participate in the bringing forth of the new form of the moment, and this is a momentary experience—moment by moment by moment.
There is in the body of mankind, rightly, the Son consciousness and the Holy Ghost consciousness. The Holy Ghost consciousness is not the Son consciousness, and the Son consciousness is not the Holy Ghost consciousness, but combined they are the mind that was and is in Christ Jesus—the means for creative action on earth. This we have described by using the word Jehovah. Here is a comprehensive view of what the conscious mind needs to know and understand.
Let the note which is sounded in the conscious mind be clear so that there may be unified radiation. Unified radiation relates to the action of the conscious mind relative to the subconscious mind. This action is effective and achieves what is needful when the conscious mind is the Son of the true Father. As was indicated long ago, right here in the Bible, there has been a false father. In other words the things that have been generated in the conscious and subconscious minds of human beings have derived from an untrue source. As heart and mind respond to the true source, on the basis of the facility that is made available for that purpose to bring all things to focus, then there may be the restoration of man: the body of the Son of God, with its heart and mind revealing once again the Son of the true Father and the Holy Ghost.
There is what is coming down from the Father to the conscious mind and there is what is rising up from the subconscious mind. These meet at the level of the conscious mind and there is the means for understanding and creative action.But it requires the total facility, not just the conscious mind, not just those who have adequately awakened in the Emissary ministry. It requires all others as well, that there may be wholeness. There is no line of demarcation in actual fact between the conscious and the subconscious minds. If we see this in terms of color, one color blends into the next color in the spectrum, and the next color blends into the next color, and so on. There are no arbitrary lines of demarcation.
There are those who reveal the fact of their understanding, their clarity of vision, their sounding of a consistent, clear note in living, and those who are more murky. As the creative process continues by reason of the Word all these things are clarifying themselves. There is the resurrection of the flesh body of the Son of God, but the flesh body isn't resurrected all on its own. What use would that be? A flesh body lying around? Well it was lying around in the tomb. No, it stands upon its feet because there is the unifying consciousness present, an open and yielded mind and heart accommodating the expression of the Father through the Son and the Holy Ghost, and on this basis our purpose and the purpose of all people on the face of the earth—the true purpose—is fulfilled. The restoration occurs, and it is occurring, not by reason of anything that unresponsive human minds and hearts can do but because there is the working of the creative Word on earth by which all things are made new.
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of heaven and earth.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven.