We have been considering something of the principles
in relationship to Mother God. We have been in the habit, in time past, of speaking
of Mother Earth. Realizing how much of the blessings of life come from the
earth, how essential, we also realize that nothing could come from the earth
except by reason of the sun. So actually, if we are justified in saying Mother
Earth, we will be justified in saying Father Sun in relationship to the
physical sun of our Solar system, would we not? Mother Earth and Father Sun,
because the earth could not bring forth anything except for the sun. And the
basic energy pattern which we utilize in life, physically as human beings, and in
relationship to food and heat, everything, all derives from the sun. So if we
are going to talk about Mother Earth we should just as freely talk about Father
Sun—andwe must not let ourselves get confused on that basis
in relationship to Mother God. But these two aspects of creation give us an
out-manifestation of the basic principles in relationship to invisible Being.
The Father aspect of God is symbolized by the sun and
in that connection we note that while there were religions in time past that degenerated
to a mere worship of the sun as an orb, that most of the reference to so-called
sun worshippers of the past, is misleading. To call them sun worshippers is a misnomer.
We recognize that they recognize, that the sun was a symbol of God, and while
they acknowledge the symbol of God, they did not conceive the sun as such, to be
God. Our modern students of ancient beliefs and peoples have not adequately recognized
that distinction. But we need to bring it into the pattern a bit in our own understanding
in order to better comprehend the significance of the pulsation of cycles—the
pulsation, the rhythm in nature. We think of spring and fall, winter and
summer, as aspects of the pulsation that works through the earth. And now that
we are in the springtime, we feel the bursting forth of the life forces in the
earth because the earth has been warmed and given new energy by the sun.
Beginning to feel and to know harmony in the rhythms
of Being is vitally essential. If we are going to understand the science of
real being we must recognize the relationships between visible and invisible
Being, and we must recognize the part that is played by these rhythmic, pulsing
cycles. Such pulsations originate in what we call the invisible realm, because
they are invisible merely to our physical perception. But to what degree do we
as human beings, allow the pulsations from Deity to extend out into the earth?
In the days to come, when you are giving an attunement, you will probably
notice some very interesting factors in relationship to rhythm, pulsation, and
cycles. What are you doing when you give an attunement? We say we are
undertaking to help the individual come into attunement with God, and that is
true. What am I doing as I Serve you here? I am working to help you come into
attunement with God, the Father aspect of God and the Mother aspect of God.
We remember the commandment, “Thou shalt honor thy
father and thy mother that thy days might be long in the land which the Lord
thy God giveth thee.” And instead of thinking of a geographical location like Palestine
or United States or Colorado, or some other place, the land which the Lord thy
God giveth thee is the land of your own body—your physical body. That thy days,
thy life, may be long in the physical body. "Thou shalt honor thy father
and thy mother that thy life may be long in the physical body which the Lord
thy God giveth thee." And if we are going to honor Father and Mother God,
how can we do it better than to begin to receive into manifestation the atmosphere,
the meaning of Father and Mother God.
And so, bringing you into attunement with God means
what? Bringing you into attunement with the cycles, the natural, Divinely
ordained cycles—the pulsations of Being. And what do we mean when we say Divinely
ordained? All too often the human mind limits the concept of something Divinely
ordained to something arbitrarily established by some Being somewhere, that is
called God. But these things are not arbitrarily established. They are established
as the only means by which the given result could appear at this level of creation.
No other way. It could not be any other way. The Laws of God are not arbitrary
Laws. They are the Laws of Being, not to be resisted as if we were compelled
like slaves to conform to unreasonable demands, but the very laws of our Being
which should be eagerly recognized and accepted in relationship to ourselves because
we know that any deviation from correct function under those Laws in the pulsation
of Being, is going to bring difficulty of some sort. And so, my work here is to help you to come into
attunement with, in harmony with, the pulsations of Being—of real Being.
Physically? Yes—mentally and emotionally, spiritually. As the mind begins to be
aware, consciously aware of the pulsations of Being in relationship to the
level of intelligence, you find it easier to think, easier to see things to which
before you were blind. And in the feeling realm, as we become aware of
pulsations so that we can harmonize with them, we feel a richness in life, a
fullness, a beauty which before was unknown.
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These pulsations—we see them in relationship to the
sun and the earth, the seasons which God ordained. These seasons as they now
manifest are a distortion of what God ordained for He did not ordain the severe
wintertime, He did not ordain the severe heat of the summertime. There were
changes of climate in the earth as God established it, yes—some places warmer than
others, some places cooler than others. In the higher elevations there were variations
from the lower regions, and it was cooler in the northern parts than in the equator,
but we did not have the extreme wobble in the axis of the earth. The equator as
we speak of it, was nearer a constant centering.
If we have something that changes the physical earth
as such, so that it goes through this complete wobble, shall we say, every
year, once a year, a complete wobble—and in this wobble, what happens to the
atmosphere? The forces that control the wobble are not centered in the earth's
envelope of atmosphere. It is centered in the physical earth itself. So the
atmosphere has to follow the earth, and as it follows we have various patterns
of turbulence in the atmosphere, not altogether established on the basis of
heat and cold, although that is the primary force that we are aware of. But the
thing that we are considering is that as the earth wobbles, there are
constantly changing patterns of depth in the atmosphere in relationship to the
earth. The deepest part of the atmosphere is over the equator. The thinnest
part of the atmosphere is over the poles. This is the result of centrifugal force,
etc., as well as gravitational pulls.
But now if we had just a little wobble instead of
such a big one, just enough to keep the changing seasons in a rhythmic pattern,
enough to get away from sameness, monotony, the basic pattern of the earth's atmosphere,
being thick at the center over the equator and thinning toward the poles, would
allow a pattern of heat distribution over the earth that would be quite
different from what we have now. That is what we had in the days of the
Motherland. The heat distribution through the atmosphere, because the
penetration where the atmosphere is thick would be slower, and where the
atmosphere is thin it would be more rapid. And the radiation pattern would be
different. Instead of having one pole at a time in darkness for so many months,
where the cold collects and becomes severe, to be released in currents out over
the earth, the poles would be virtually in daylight all the time instead of in
darkness six months of the year. That would mean that we would not have the
severe development of cold at the poles to disrupt the pattern of the earth's atmosphere.
Consequently, the whole situation would be different.
I point this out briefly, only to emphasize the fact
that the seasons as we now know them are not the seasons as the Lord ordained
them. They are exaggerated. But we still have the illustration of the
pulsations, the natural ebb and the flow, and with everything there must be a
pattern of pulsation if there is to be a pattern of life. When we contact an
individual, a person, we recognize that no matter how healthy that person may
be in body and mind and heart, the seasons, the pulsations there, are at least
a little off key. There is no such thing as a person living on the face of the
earth today, where the pulsation patterns are perfect, no matter how good that
person is—no matter how well Centered. Now you say, if that is true, why should
we be Centered? Because in the first place the nearer we are to the perfect
pulsation pattern, the better health, joy and happiness we will have.
But the Lord needs someone to work through to give
the earth itself an attunement. It is not merely a matter of giving an
attunement to human beings in a scattered or personal sense. It is a matter of
developing a pattern which will permit the physical earth as a planet, to be
given an attunement, so that we can establish a control pattern that will begin
to modify the difficulties we have in relationship to the elements. People talk
about God controlling the elements. Well actually, the elements are not
controlled in the sense God would control them if we would let Him. They are
functioning on a more-or-less haphazard basis under the conditions which are
prevalent, and if we say, “Well now, if we have the proper power or proper
prayer or something, we could cause it to rain or stop raining, or the wind to
blow or stop blowing, or something of that nature”—as if the localized
condition were the thing to be brought under control, we are functioning on a
basis of ignorance. It does not work that way. The control pattern in
relationship to the elements goes back to the fact of the earth's wobble. We
can have a certain degree of modified influence or control in spite of that
wobble, in its extreme expression, but if we were going to have dominion over
the elements, we would first have to establish dominion over the earth so that
in the pattern of attunement it could be brought out of its extreme wobble.
Also, we have 365 days, roughly speaking, in a year.
That is not what God ordained. We are just a little bit further away from the
sun than we are supposed to be. We are supposed to have a year of 360 days. We
are five and a fraction days out, five and a fourth, approximately. Now if we
had a day for a degree in the circle, so that being just a little bit closer to
the sun, moving at exactly the same speed around the sun, we would complete
this cycle or circle in 360 days—we would have a basic pulsation correct, as
God ordained it. Now if the earth had been thrown out of pattern another five
days shall we say, so that we had a 370 day year instead of what we do have,
man would have been destroyed from the face of the earth. In other words, there
is a comparatively narrow range there. If we got too much closer to the sun we
would break the vibratory rhythms upon which man was created. This basic
pulsation of the rhythm of our movement around the physical sun is of first or
primary importance in movement toward the absolutely ideal state.
Now, our job is to produce as nearly the ideal state
as we can under these vibratory patterns, the cycle of the earth around the sun
and so-on, which for the moment, we cannot change. But if we will produce the best
possible conditions under the vibratory factors as they exist in the solar system,
we will reach a point where we can begin to cooperate with God in restoring the
body of the earth itself to its proper rhythms, the proper cycle around the sun—360
days, just a little bit nearer the sun, and the proper degree of wobble
involved. Now there are many interesting things which we might consider in that
There is a comet—and all the comets that we become
aware of, remember, are a part of our solar system. Those comets which come in
the range of our perception are just as much a part of our solar system as the
planets are, and that is something that most people do not adequately realize.
Some of those comets are supposed to be comets. Others, or one in particular,
is not supposed to be a comet. It is supposed to be a planet. That is another
one of the factors that has broken the vibratory rhythm in our solar system. We
will not take time this morning to examine into how, what was once a planet
became a comet, and how that that is now a comet must become a planet in the
solar system itself before we can have the absolutely ideal conditions upon the
face of the earth. But briefly recognizing that, we can see how the lack of
this planet in our solar system, functioning as a comet, is disturbing the
vibratory factors of the planet and the solar system as a whole.
The fact that we are off key five and a quarter
days, disturbs the vibratory factors in the solar system as a whole. Not just
this earth. We are inclined to think of our personal salvation as human beings,
or perhaps, with a larger vision, the salvation of humanity upon the earth—but
we forget that what may be called the plan of salvation involves a correcting
of ill conditions which extend throughout our solar system, because these
breaks in the pattern influence not only the earth but every other planet in
the solar system, and it breaks up or disturbs the vibratory rhythms and
pulsations which come to us from the sun. So until we have the earth back where
it belongs, until we have the wobble pattern corrected in the earth itself,
until we have this planet back into its orbit so that it is functioning as a
planet instead of a comet, we are not going to have the absolutely ideal
conditions on earth.
Now you say, "This job is getting bigger all
the time. I did not know we were concerned about such a big task. It looks
impossible." Well, it is not at all impossible to start with, and if we
blind ourselves to these basic factors in the solar system we will be trying to
do something here which cannot be done, and that is futile, is it not? Effort
which cannot possibly have fulfilment is a waste, so we need to at least briefly
recognize these factors so that we get away from trying to do the impossible, recognizing
that the pattern here is not ideal. Let us not imagine it just relates to the earth
here, that it is confined here. It is not, because this distortion pattern on
earth involves the distortion pattern on Venus and Jupiter and Mars and Uranus
and Mercury and all the rest of the planets of our solar system. We need to see
that, to know it, not because we are going to quit and say it is an impossible
task, but because we need to understand the factors with which we are dealing.
We know good and well that conditions are not what
they ought to be with any of us. We know that the conditions in the earth
itself are not what they ought to be, but, if we can make life music we will be
helping toward fulfilment. We need to do what we can do with conditions as they
are. And as we reach a point of true attunement with God, regardless of the
limitations, regardless of the things that are not right, we can begin to reach
a point where we can be the instruments through which God can work to give an
attunement to the planets and the solar system.
You know, I am so very thankful that this comet out
there, that should be a planet is still a comet, because if all the planets of
our solar system were in position and one of them at least, was not a comet, our
position would be hopeless—do you know that? We on earth, would be doomed to staying
in an out-of-tune position forever. There must be a physical means of dealing with
physical things. That comet out there is one of the great factors in
relationship to the process of restoration to which we are dedicated. In
season, and I am not going to attempt to tell you just how soon, but regardless of this, regardless of that,
the day is coming when that comet that is now far off in space, is going to
return, at a cycle, at a point, in the movement of the stars and the planets,
and it will establish a physical pattern if we are functioning correctly, if we
have reached a point of working with God, so that a control factor is established.
The return of that comet into our solar system will
produce gravitational pulls, rearrangements, some
cataclysmic changes, if you please. Oh, there will be some tidal waves and
there will be this and there will be that, and many people will be thinking of
it as catastrophe, but we will be thinking of it as a step toward salvation.
Why? Because we know that if we can, under those conditions, hold the right
vibratory polarity so that God has a means of working on earth in relationship to
this change, the earth will be pulled back to its 360 day year, the wobble will
be rectified so that it will be back the way it should be, and the planet will
settle in to its orbit.
Do you think that cannot happen? It did happen. You
know, back at the time of the Children of Israel when it was said—at the time
of Joshua, you know, they said, "The sun stood still.” At that time,
another planet, which was up to that time a comet, was restored. Do you realize
that two of our planets, both Venus and Mars, they were planets in our solar
system? In the cataclysmic changes that took place in the past twenty thousand
years, both of those planets became comets and they have both within the past
twenty thousand years, past three or four thousand years in fact, they have
both been restored to their positions as planets. There is another one to come and
if it were not so, we would be really in trouble.
But, stop and consider for a moment if you need a
little bit of connecting substance here, stop and consider how certain of the
ancients, as they are called, worshipped the planet Mars, and certain ones worshipped
Venus. There were two different periods involved. You look out at the sky and
you pick out Mars or Venus and can you by the wildest stretch of imagination, imagine
any human being upon the face of the earth now, being so impressed with either of
those planets that he would make them a god and worship them? You cannot, can
you? To imagine them as gods? Certainly not. Well they were not in that position
which they now occupy, in those days, and as they came in and there was wild
changes in the solar system. They were comets which came close to the earth,
disturbed the earth's pattern of pulsation, and while they were there, fiery monsters
in the sky, the superstitious ones worshipped them as gods. Venus was one and Mars
another. And they were not in the position where they are now, in the time in
history when those planets were being worshipped as gods. And if we stop to
think about it, we see how absolutely logical the idea is. We could go on and
see that it is actually so. But just to help you connect up a little bit.
So we realize that two of the planets of our solar system
have been restored already from positions as comets to positions back as
planets as God originally intended them to be. There is another one out there,
a planet that is still a comet, that will be coming in one bright day and it is
not too far away, and when it comes in close we are going to have some
cataclysmic changes on earth, and there will be a lot of fear, and a lot of
superstition, a lot of nonsense, but if we have a control pattern which understands
what is taking place, we can work with God at that critical time—and the
physical pulls of the planet, which is being slowed down and drawn into its
course as a planet, will help re-establish the pattern with respect to the earth
and we will have a new attunement, we will be back in tune with the cosmos in
the solar system. But that is a ways away and we had better be prepared for
that day when it comes. It is one of the great things of the future, and we are
not ready. If that comet came today we would be helpless to be of very much use
in establishing the right control pattern in the solar system. But it is to be
done, now.
If we see it in relationship to the solar system,
perhaps it will be easier to understand it in relationship to ourselves—and as
a matter of fact, you cannot understand such things as cancer, for instance,
cells going wild in the body, unless you understand this. You can search from
now until doomsday for answers and you will not get them clearly. In certain cells
there is a tendency—instead of the nucleus dividing into two parts, it will divide
into three, triplets instead of twins. Just one of the aspects of the problem of
cellular division as it relates to such problems as cancer. Well we are not
going to have, in an overall sense, a perfect control pattern in connection
with the one cell organisms of the body, or the amoeba, until we have a perfect
pattern established in our solar system. It is not there now.
We acknowledge that, but we do not quit because of it.
We do what we can so that the restoration pattern can be with respect to the
whole and not just humanly, personally, seeking for some Heaven somewhere where
presumably we are going to be at peace and everything is going to be lovely
because God made it that way for us. We are here to share with God in creative
work and if it is going to be lovely, God will do his part. But if it is going
to be lovely for us, we are going to do our part, or it will not be lovely. And
that is what makes the difference between Heaven and hell. If we do our part,
step-by-step it will become lovelier, more beautiful and more wonderful and the
living of life more thrilling.
But these rhythms are there, the pulsations are
there, and for the time being they are a bit off key. Not so far that humanity
has perished, but far enough so that we cannot have on earth today the same
condition that prevailed before the fall of man, and I think as you go along in
your studies you will understand more effectively how it was that this break
came in the pattern at the time of the fall of man—what happened and why. But,
we are considering the patterns, the pulsations, the seasons, the cycles as they
relate to us in this present day—our responsibility in
this field.
If we understand this background of the pattern and
realize that the music of the spheres, as it relates to our solar system, is
not perfect music, it is not perfectly in tune, perfectly on key, then we will
understand why there are certain irritating factors which everyone tends to
feel at various times in various ways, which are here, and we cannot change
them yet. They are there. Of course, they are there. We all feel them. Some
react more than others, but we all feel them. But we work around them, we do in
spite of them, and we can go a long, long way toward the perfect pattern of expression
as human beings without coming to the limit of what can be done in the present
vibratory pattern of the solar system. If anyone starts saying, "Well now,
I cannot be expected to do the right thing because the earth itself is out of
key in the solar system." If you start offering it as an excuse, I will
not accept it, because we can do a great deal that has never yet been done. We
have a wide-open field before us, much to be accomplished, before we reach the
limits of what can be done in the present situation. And if we function
correctly, if we will reach the limits of what can be done under this situation,
we will be ready for that comet's return.
That comet came fairly close into the earth's orbit
and made some definite changes close enough to shift things around a bit, at
the time of the Master's birth. The comet did not come because the Master was
born. The Master was born because the comet was coming. In other words, from
the standpoint of God, the time of His coming was established in relationship
to the movement of the comets and the planets so that the vibratory factors would
be right, so that the age cycles would be right as we have touched upon them
before. And they were caused to coordinate. The things that God does are caused
to coordinate if we let His Will be done. And that comet has gone back out
beyond the range of human view, but it came close enough to change things
around a bit at that time. Now, we are here in another cycle, given an
opportunity to do something so that what has been done already may not be in vain,
so that what is yet to be done may be accomplished—and it is a great task, a marvelous
task, a noble task, but it is not an impossible task as it might seem to the human
Now to get back to my starting point, when you are
giving an attunement. What are you doing? You are helping the individual come
into attunement with the true pulsations that are working through his own body
or mind or heart. That person being disturbed, depressed or troubled,
physically, mentally or emotionally, is not in tune with the pulsations of
being which are flowing through—they are not being connected or contacted, they
are not connected up invisible and visible. So, you are helping to establish a
field, a creative field if you please, which begins to help the physical body
and its parts, nerves and glands and tissues, organs, to come into the pattern
of rhythm with the Source of life, simply a pattern of harmonizing with the
rhythms in the body—and the body by itself cannot attain its own rhythms. Over
a period of time a person may do something in that direction by right diet and
by outdoor living and by proper rest, and so-on. All of these things are all
right and helpful, but they have a definite ceiling.
Only through attunement or attunement with the
vibratory factors which provide the rhythm of Being in the body and mind and
heart, can we begin to let the things of the Spirit manifest effectively. The
individual who is out of attunement in his mind and heart, considers something
that is, what shall we say, in the current of inspiration, the current of true
movement of the Spirit, and he says, "No matter how hard I try I cannot do
that. I do not believe I ever can.” Well, of course, you cannot do it that way.
The principle is to come into attunement with those natural rhythms and
pulsations of Being, real Being, by which the inner may manifest through the
outer. And that is the task before you in your future Ministry.
Let me illustrate just a little bit. I have on
occasion, given attunements to people of what shall we say, extremely distorted
patterns. Now what happens as you give an attunement. You may find that the
vibrational pattern is all jagged, but under the attunement pattern you find
that from the head down through the spinal column you begin to feel, as it clears,
a pulsation, a moving up and a moving down, and in conjunction with that, if
you are alert to the vibratory patterns, you will also find one working across.
But the true basic pattern of yourself as an individual shows up as a cross in the vibratory patterns of your
own being. If we have the true pulsations here, up and down and across, we have
the basic foundation for clearing the breakages in the other patterns that are inherent
in the body. But if you cannot re-establish that basic pattern of the cross in the
body, whatever radiation you give a particular part, it may help for the
moment, but it is positive in its nature, it is not corrective. You can ease
some pain, you can do this, you can do that, but bless your hearts, it is
absolutely impossible to establish an attunement or radiation current that is
of any real or lasting corrective value in the different parts of the body
unless you have the cross pattern in your body.
And you will learn to feel whether you have yet
detected it or not, learn to feel those pulsations, and you know as soon as the
pattern begins to get away from its jagged uncertain movement so that it is not
in rhythm, a faulty heartbeat so-to-speak, in the vibrational sense—and a
person's heart can be perfectly good from what you might classify as a medical
standpoint, and still have that break. I do not mean the physical heart. And
the pattern begins to have an even pulsing flow, it begins to settle down and
you may feel some whirlpool effect in various parts of the body. You feel these
jagged, uncertain, un-rhythmic pulsations. How desperately human beings want to
live. How many there are in the world that would gladly exchange their physical
condition of today for the physical condition in the life sense of anyone here
in the room. You have equipment, everyone of you has equipment necessary to
doing the job. For you, it is not too late, for any of you. But if you go along
far enough, that point is reached. Now, it was too late, that whirlpool was
there, there was no intelligence to understand, nothing I could do. So I
did not try to do something that I could not do. I let it alone. Let it work
out. The final cause of death in that case was classified as cancer. Cancer,
yes, it was. Why? Cells had gone wild, there was no control pattern in her
body, no real control pattern.
But here we have in the normal pattern, the rhythmic
ebb and flow up and down the spine and in the cross bar of your Being. And that
is the true significance of the cross, the rhythmic patterns of the pulsations
of life through the body. We could consider other types of problems but it is
not my purpose at the moment, to start you in trying to feel out the patterns—that
will come later—but rather to help establish in your consciousness an
understanding of the basic factors which are involved all the way from the
solar system to you, and on down to the cells—the natural rhythms, the pulsations,
the heartbeats in creation, and as we learn to harmonize with the heartbeat of
the Creator so-to-speak, we begin to be creative.
Now just a little point here, but such a big one. If
we begin to realize Father God and Mother God, it is not difficult to recognize
that between the two, or the two aspects of Deity, there is a constant, rhythmic
pulse of Love and Truth and Life. It is there, constantly, always, everywhere.
And as you begin to harmonize with that pulsing rhythm, begin to feel it, begin
to know it, you begin to find what it is to be in the arms of Father God and
the arms of Mother God—for Love and Truth are those arms, and the result that
appears from that embrace is Life. You begin to feel and know the rhythm of
Being, not just of springtime in the Rockies, but of Father God and Mother God.
Life—the Resurrection and the Life.