The Covenant and Fusion of Angels
Yujin Pak October 31, 2021 Seoul, South Korea
Two days ago we had a Servers Gathering by Zoom. There were nineteen of us, including a few who couldn’t participate in the Zoom call because they had other important responsibilities. Sometime last winter we had planned to have something of a first Servers Congress and for a variety of reasons we were unable to have that. This Servers Gathering is, in a way, a beginning towards that. We have spoken about beginning a new cycle here in Korea. This Servers Gathering, leading toward a Servers Congress, is one part of this new cycle.
A second part of this new cycle here in Korea is the beginning of training beyond our LTW (Living the Word) class to pass on the core teachings of the Emissaries. We called LTW a “class,” and it was the highest level we offered until now in Korea. But it was really only the bare beginning of deeper training. In some ways it’s unfortunate it took us so long to begin more advanced training, but it’s good we are beginning now.
The third aspect of the new cycle for us here is the deepened and heightened tone of the Sunday services. Probably all of you felt something of that in the past several services. This is a time I have wished for and waited for, for a long time. My longing had been to be able to more deeply and fully be myself in and through the services and speak from my deepest core, unfiltered, but in many ways I have thought that needs to wait. Well, it clearly is no longer time to wait.
The fourth element for the new cycle in Korea is the delegation of a range of our seminars to those of you who are ready to take them on and offer them. Some of you may think, “Oh, I’m not quite ready or trained enough for that yet.” There was a time when I thought the same thing about myself. I looked around for others who could do this better, but I couldn’t find them. And inescapably it dawned on me: “I need to do this.” Thus, the true learning began for me. In society, there is a saying that you have to teach to truly learn or know. It’s true!
Even for Martin there was such a moment. In 1954, Uranda suddenly left this sphere of things through an airplane accident. Suddenly Martin was alone in the position of primary leadership. He had been prepared a lot, but there were aspects of his relying on Uranda. Then suddenly it was all on him. Very likely there were some walks that Martin took after he heard the news and realized the situation, long walks in which he absorbed the fact that the responsibility was in his hands. Thankfully, Martin fully accepted the responsibility that was now on his shoulders. Likely he asked himself the question, “Am I truly prepared for this?” Likely he felt elements of inadequacy also. Feeling a sense of inadequacy at the beginning of awakening to a larger responsibility is natural. It’s okay. We just need to accept and take a step at a time in that responsibility, and we find that the provision to carry it out comes. The fact that such resources, wisdom and guidance comes is amazing in some ways, but it happens. In history there are many who reached such a point and had this exact experience.
These four things mark our new cycle in Korea: 1) Servers Gatherings leading towards forming a Servers Congress, 2) deeper Servers Training, 3) Sunday services of a deeper tone and vibration, and 4) delegating to some of you the seminars and other ways of offering education to others.
I have also been thinking about the name we have used: “Art of Living School.” We have said of our educational program in the Art of Living School that the first two levels focused on personal awakening, healing and transformation. The last two levels were learning leadership to assist others in awakening. But among those who have gone through the four levels, there were probably ones who were still largely focused on personal awakening. Now it’s likely our program could be called—though we may not do so formally—“Awake Servers Leadership School.” Leadership School. If individuals just want to improve their lives, then our program is not for them. Many other programs primarily focus on doing that and they will serve well for them. Our program will focus principally on those who seek to awaken enough to offer leadership in a world undergoing rapid change, that needs such leadership. This world going through accelerating change will need such leadership.
Last week I spoke of Melchizedek’s blessing and said that was vibrational leadership, the height of the example of such leadership. Vibrational leadership is leadership that is not so visible outwardly to people but provides a decisive and transforming influence into the world. In Won Buddhism one part of their teaching speaks about “invisible action,” that invisible action is taken first, and over time it comes into form. Vibrational leadership is action at an invisible level. At times people think that what is invisible doesn’t have much value. Sometimes people say, “Show me the money.” By the way, they say the same thing in Korean. They just say, “Show me the money.” What that means is, “Show me the form.” But that shows a relatively complete lack of understanding of the energy and vibration which precedes form.
In regard to this, I want to speak for a moment about material consciousness and spiritual consciousness, which is very similar to Cain consciousness and Abel consciousness, referred to in the Bible. Spiritual consciousness is a channel for God’s / Heaven’s wisdom and design to come into the earth. There is no need to reject material consciousness. Material consciousness can simply be under the control and guidance of spiritual consciousness. Within us individually both aspects are present: material and spiritual consciousness. When spiritual consciousness is the master, things work out. But we have known what it is like when material consciousness has controlled in us and what the results of that were. Likely we got to a point where we understood that letting material consciousness control was not the way because it was bringing havoc in our life, and we began to look for another way.
Often those with material consciousness predominant are quite arrogant, including arrogant toward those of spiritual consciousness. Material consciousness in its arrogance says, “Show me the achievement, something more flashy!” But we see in the world the result of that arrogance in plain sight. Part of the results is showing up in what is being called “the Great Resignation,” which is a mass wave of people around the world resigning from the work they were involved in. “I can’t do it this way anymore. I won’t do it this way anymore.” Some are calling this “the Great Strike.” It is unorganized but it is taking place—a rejection of what hasn’t been working. In the days ahead I think we will see the increase of problems that are not solvable by human effort, and more people will begin to recognize there is another level of wisdom called for than the human intellect.
The central topic I wanted to touch is still ahead and much time has passed, but we’ll at least enter into this topic. In our Deepening seminars we have spoken of the covenant made in heaven by angels before coming into the earth: a promise made in heaven by angels, by Light Beings. For entirely complete and whole Beings of Light, incarnating into this world means losing almost all of that memory. The reason for that is because humanity is still in such a deep state of fear and trauma, a shocked state, so higher levels of memory and awareness are largely absent. Because of that large loss of memory, what I will speak about next, likely you largely won’t remember.
What you once knew, and most likely don’t remember now, is the Congress of Angels, Light Beings. This that I speak of as the Congress of Light Beings was the most important thing that was present in the experience of angels, Light Beings, before our incarnation. Before touching more on the topic of the Congress of Light Beings, I want to talk briefly about the composition and function of Light Beings. First, Divine Beings, Light Beings, angels, bodhisattvas, before incarnation were one body. They were one body, one heart, one consciousness. While they were one, they were supremely unique in their distinction, color, vibration, and were of great stature. They were also focalized. That they were focalized means that, though they were one, there was within that oneness a central point of focalization that was of the highest vibration, the deepest vibration, towards which they were aligned. While they were supremely unique and great Beings individually, they also participated in powerful currents of response. The response of such Beings had the purpose of creation. They participated in creation through response. They did not only respond, they also radiated as well. And there was a pulsation, oscillating between response and radiation.
As I speak about these realities at a higher, less visible level, it’s okay for you to just hear this lightly. Don’t make a theology out of it. The Congress of Angels took place in what might be called the Central Shrine of the Light Beings. Sometime this month my friends, David Barnes and Anne Blaney, gave a service that was titled “The Central Shrine of the Whole.” [] David didn’t speak about some of the detail that I’m speaking of, although he spoke of other details. From what he said, I felt inspiration to share a little more from my own experience and understanding.
Angels, Beings of Light, from time to time gathered in the Central Shrine of Light. As these Light Beings gathered in the Central Shrine, the angels individually entered into the highest vibration in them, their highest fire, highest passion, their highest love, as they came together. As they gathered, the vibration of their togetherness pulsated into higher and higher octaves of light, pulsating as the time deepened in their oneness. As they came together and the octave of their vibration oscillated and pulsated in greater intensity, there were vibrations of higher levels of octaves—that normally would not emerge—which emerged.
As the pulsating, oscillating intensity of their love came together, the Shrine was transformed. The Central Shrine glowed with pulsating light and transformed, as though increasingly transparent. In the center of this oscillating, pulsating intensification of the light was one Central Being in whom this process was focalized. And in that process the reality of the deeper and higher frequencies of that Being came forth within the Central Shrine. This event of the intensifying, pulsating, contracting, expanding light reaching higher and higher was like a controlled explosion of light. These controlled explosions of light, in fact under perfect control, had a purpose; and the purpose was achievement of specific creation.
In recent years for the first time—probably only in the last decade or so—with the Hubble telescope human beings have been able to see the explosions of light in the sun. In some ways they look like explosions of such a magnitude, reaching so far out from the sun, that the scene looks scary. Perhaps we can see the sun emitting these solar flares as a demonstration. Perhaps it has also some association with the reality of what we are speaking about of the controlled explosion of light in the coming together of angels in the Central Shrine of Light. But there wasn’t just the Central Shrine alone. There were many connected Shrines that pulsated together—connected to the Central Shrine—and participated in the fusion reaction together.
For human beings in the state of shock on this planet, this is a reality that is entirely lost. But in a time when humanity was in a state very different than the current one—when the trauma was not present, when consciousness and vibration were so much higher—human beings, as angels incarnate on earth, participated in the pulsations of contraction and expansion of light in the Central Shrine in form on earth, and in many other shrines in many places. They participated in one event in this way. One day I believe this will return. That return will obviously be after so much of what is present of human construction on this planet is in fact dissolved. But until that time there is work that we need to do on earth now.
What we need to do on earth is in a small way, in essence, to bring about among us the essences of the generating chamber of light. The generating chamber of light is, first, the shared consciousness of those who are increasingly awakening and aware of attunement with higher vibration. As humanity enters a time of greater turbulence, the presence of such generating patterns of light will provide a magnetic field, a vibrational magnetic field of consciousness, guidance, influence and direction within that increasing turbulence.
I want to show you this picture. In it you can see a person in the ruins of a house, and there’s a shining globe inside the house with which he looks like he’s sharing an attunement. It’s a picture of perhaps a world experiencing increasing ruin in which there are those present who are sharing an attunement, invisible to others but providing lines of force for guidance and encouragement in such a time.
The work we need to do now is the agreement of conscious angels—the passion, commitment and agreement of angels—who agree to provide such lines of force of light and guidance even as the world enters more deeply into turbulence, and provide such as a safe crossing to the world that must come beyond that. For me personally, I am present to assist in the deepening of that commitment, agreement, and manifestation among those who are ready to awaken. There are others who are doing this in various places and they together, and we together, provide this.
Those who fully awaken to who they are on earth remember the passionate will and commitment in their heart. This is a passion and a will of angels that David Barnes in a service a few weeks ago expressed at the end of the service in just a few words. That passion and will is that one day there will be a moment when we the angels—conscious, present on earth—will be able to say to the One whose home this planet is, to the One who is in the center of the Central Shrine: “Lord, your home is prepared. Welcome back to your home.” So that one day, there will be a home on earth—that is not only safe for Him, but is fully His home—for that purpose we, the angels, have come on earth again and again. Let us prepare that home. For the highest vibration and spirit that focalizes this world, let us prepare His home again.
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Transcribed by Suzanne Core