In The Land Of The Enlightened Ones
Uranda March 29, 1948 Salinas, California
I questioned in my own mind as to what would be the most useful tonight. What could we do, or what could I say, that would have the greatest possible meaning in this hour? I felt that it was not so much the expounding of new visions of Truth that is now needful, nor even, for this hour at least, the reviewing of words already spoken, and when I considered the Bible and all of its beautiful passages, it seemed that even the Bible did not provide what was most needful for this hour, at least not in the sense of just reading some verses and talking about them. As I have considered these things it seems to me that this hour, carrying forward the focalized realizations of the days gone by, needed an expression that would, by the fact of its beauty, give a consciousness of the Pattern of Reality that is superimposed upon all things, and an expression that should carry the currents of Divine Love whereby there might be a vivid awareness of the directionalizing, controlling Supreme Intelligence, by reason of which the power which we have felt and sensed in varying ways shall be caused to accomplish all things essential to the fulfilment of the Cosmic Plan. And I wonder by what means, through what words, this need might be best fulfilled, that the manifest form might reveal the Pattern of things to be. It is not needful that I should undertake to convince you that there is power—you know it—neither is it needful that I should undertake to convince you of the Pattern of Truth, for you carry in your hearts and minds a conviction of the reality thereof; nevertheless, having carried forward to this point on a higher level of consciousness and feeling and recognition, there is need for a deeper sense of At-Homeness therein, so that, as you walk in the Borderland of this Promised Land, [] you shall not be as strangers therein, but, rather, as those who abide in the Land of our KING.
If I were to speak as a Sage in this matter, I would perhaps simply say, “When you have lived in this Land long enough to let your roots penetrate deeply into the soil of the Kingdom, you will feel At Home. Let, therefore, the At-Homeness come through living here.” And the word so spoken would be true. If I were to speak as a Guide, showing newcomers to the Land, that they might begin to gain a sense of At-Homeness, I would perhaps speak thus: “Here, in the Land of Light, in the Land of Love, and in the Land of Life, the innermost recesses of your hearts, being opened, will reveal the fact that this is the Home for which you have longed through these many years, for though you may have thought that you were finding a home, or making a home, or building a home, as you came along the Way you found that, no matter what you built, no matter how you worked, no matter what devotion you gave, the homes that you thought to make did not fulfil the Allness that is necessary, and the spirit of such homes as you have known did not reach to these innermost recesses of your heart, where, in the secret chambers, there has been locked the treasure chest of the awareness of your true and lasting Home. And it is well, for otherwise you would have been self-satisfied, content to linger in the way-stations, and you would never have reached this Land—the Land of the Living, the Land of the Loving, and the Land of the Enlightened. So, therefore, though it may be true, as the Sage has said, that living here will truly bring you a deeper awareness of At-Homeness, nevertheless, the Spirit of At-Homeness is in your hearts even now, as you look upon this Land, and, though it is vast, there is no reason for feeling as if you were back on earth, alone in a desert place; and, though there is so much to see, there is no need to feel a conviction as if back on earth you were at the busiest intersection of the world’s greatest city.
Behold, in the timelessness of this Land there is Eternity in which to view, and the vastness of this Land gives promise that, no matter how great your expression of Life may be, no matter how penetrating your vision may become, no matter how wonderful the accomplishments which may manifest through you, you will never outgrow this Land—the Land of the Living, the Land of the Loving, and the Land of the Enlightened Ones. Seek not, therefore, to find that sense of At-Homeness that you may have known back along the way, as if you had encompassed your homes and fully comprehended them, controlling them, and causing them to be according to some arbitrary plan or purpose. In this Land the sense of At-Homeness springs not from having encompassed the fulness thereof, and having contained it within yourselves, but, rather, in the awareness that the At-Homeness that is in your hearts will find a place to abide, a place to express, a place to share, no matter where you may rightly move within the Borders of this Fair Land. The At-Homeness here is not because you possess the Land, but because you are a part of the Land—in its Spirit, its formation and its manifestation, which, in one sense, is beyond possession because it is limitless, and yet that limitless fulness, that unmeasured bounty, that unconfined beauty, finds true focus, control and coordination in our KING.
Here you do not possess the Land, and neither does the Land possess you. Here you do not try to utilize all the manifestations of the Kingdom for your own purposes, as is so common out in the world. Here you let your expression of Being find relationship to the ALL, that it may be a part of the ALL, and that the ALL may find fulfilment in presentation to our KING. Here you labor not for yourselves, nor do you seek to get, nor do you undertake to establish, in self-centeredness, any confinement of the beauty and the wonder of this Land, for each finds his fulfilment in the sharing of the doing that brings forth that which we may, all in Oneness, present to our KING. Therefore, we are ever giving unto Him, but He receives not as unto Himself, for He serves not Himself, neither does He, as our KING, possess either the Land, or we who dwell in this Land, for it is not to possess us that He is KING, and His Joy is in giving unto us through that service which He renders each and all. The At-Homeness, then, is in the Spirit of this Land, not seeking to establish limitations here or there, not seeking to set boundaries or take possession, nor yet in being possessed, but in the Spirit of this Land, which is a Spirit of Living and of Loving and of the Shining of the Light—and he who lets the Light shine, he who truly Loves and surely Lives is he who truly Gives.
Here the power works, and the power is not because some human being takes hold upon it here or there to make it be thus and so, but because each and all abide in the realization of the working of the Law, knowing that the Law truly works in Heaven and on earth. Therefore, as you gain that sense of At-Homeness here, abiding harmoniously within the Law, there is no special sense of power which you may command for this or that purpose, according to some whim or fancy, but an abiding, whereby you let the power work according to the Law—and, being thus At Home, you Live, that the Land of the Living, the Land of the Loving, and the Land of the Enlightened may manifest through you on earth for all who have eyes to see. And so, in this you rest, and, being truly At Home, you find what it means to Rest in the Lord, to abide in peace and to know the wonder-working power of our God.
Home — His Temple On Earth
Uranda December 15, 1948
Tonight, the word “home,” contains a Spirit of fullness and significance which we might well meditate upon. First, I am reminded that many years ago our KING'S Home was divided. His Home originally was—and it was supposed to be—Heaven and Earth; that which we speak of as the Whole Holy World. Perhaps you have sometimes thought of Heaven as being His Home, and it has been, although it has been an incomplete Home for Him through all these thousands of years.
I am reminded that only a little under two thousand years ago He left one part of His Home and came to visit the other part, the part that was supposed to complete His Home. He was born into the world a babe—into the most humble of surroundings. He, the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings, when He came into this half of His Home, found no place awaiting Him. He was born in a manger in a stable because there was no room for Him in the inn. The people of the world were too busy following their own fancies and looking after their own puny affairs to pay any attention to the fact that the LORD of the world had come. He lived in this world, and grew to manhood, and He began His Ministry.
He began to tell the people how this world might become that beautiful other half of the Heavenly Home, and He assured them that that which was of the Heavenly Home was not far away. He made clear the Plan by which the two halves might be reunited; He made clear that the separation between the two did not have to continue: but the people of the world, instead of welcoming the LORD of the world, crucified Him. Nevertheless, on the third day He came forth victoriously from the tomb, and returned to that other half of His Home, where He has been waiting for nearly two thousand years, waiting for human beings to wake up, waiting for human beings to put into practice His instruction, to follow His Plan, so that He might have the privilege of coming again to this part of His Home.
Human beings, through their self-activity, selfishness and self-centeredness, have kept Him out of His Home, this portion of His Home, these thousands of years. These usurpers who prevent His free use of His rightful Home will not be tolerated forever. Sooner or later, in His own good season, He will return; but it is His longing, His great desire that springs from His wonderful Heart of Love, that when He comes again to this part of His Home it shall not be to drive out all who are living here. He does not want to return to this part of His Home and find nothing but empty rooms echoing with the deeds of evil. His Heart desires that those who are living here now should let themselves be so transformed and so prepared that they may remain here when He comes, that they will not have to be cast out, and that this part of His Home will not be found to be empty.
He wants to come to this part of His Home and find those He loves, and those who love Him. He wants that coming to be a family reunion between those who live in this part and those who live in that part of His Home, that the Whole Holy World may again be what it ought to be—His Home, where all the Members of His Family live in their appointed places, in joy, in peace, in happiness.
This world, this part of His Home, must be cleansed and purified, the debris must be swept out; the mean and shameful furnishings that man has put into it must be cast out and burned; it must be cleansed, and the Sunlight of Love must shine into every room, and those who dwell here must let themselves be changed, so that they will not be uncomfortable in His Presence, so that they will not be annihilated when they come before His Face, so that they will find joy in beholding Him, and so that they may rejoice greatly, without fear, in the holy privilege of welcoming Him back to this part of His rightful Home.
Until we, in our home here, begin to let the Spirit of His Home manifest, we will not be doing very much toward preparing the way for the union, for the reuniting, of Heaven and Earth. We have made progress, it is true. Something of His Spirit of Love is manifest, or you would not be here; and you have recognized something of the vision of the beauty of the Pattern of Truth, or you would not be here; but those old patterns of the world have no meaning here. Here the Spirit of the Home of our KING must manifest, so that when He comes again He will be at Home, and we will be at Home with Him.
We want to feel at Home with Him when He comes, and when He comes we want Him to find His Home ready and waiting for Him, worthy of Him, with the Spirit of His Home made already manifest. That is our purpose here, and when we remember the true significance of Home, and the wonderful privilege and sacred responsibility that is ours in helping to prepare this part of His Home for Him, surely such a realization must have meaning by the very force and weight of it, by the very glory and wonder of it, through every thought and word and deed, through every hour of every day. We are here for that purpose, so that when He comes He shall find His Home in the condition that it ought to be.
If He were to come and stand among us tonight, in a manner that you might see Him as He is, do you think you would be ready to say, “LORD, Thy Home is prepared; we welcome Thee, and find joy and complete peace in Thy coming”?
Let us, then, be about our Father's business, that we may be ready whenever He deems it wise and proper that He should come. Let us remember always the meaning of Home and be re-dedicated through the Spirit of His Love to that Plan and Program whereby He shall nevermore have to come and be received in a stable or a manger, and whereby, when He shall come, in His Power and His Glory, it will not be to wipe out and remove all who dwell here, but that there may be those who shall await Him with joy, and welcome Him in Holy Love, ready to serve Him and make Him feel at Home in this part of His Home, from which He has been so long separated.
If we have been exiles from the Kingdom of Heaven, so also has our KING been an exile from this world; for, as much as we need that which is there, so does He need that which is here, that His Kingdom may be complete, and that all of His Children, all of His Subjects, in the Whole Holy Word, may know that glorious world which is according to His Will.
I feel that you have all come to a deeper realization and understanding of many things tonight. Everything worthwhile is contained within the true meaning of the word, “home”. We all love to be at home, but so does our KING; and how can we hope, anywhere, under any circumstance, to be at home until we can be at Home with Him, and He can be at Home with us?
Praising God for your response and prayerful meditation, and for the spirit of realization flowing through you, I must remind myself that it is needful that we go our several ways to find rest for the morrow. A time is coming when, as a Unit, we will let ourselves be so engulfed, with one accord in one place, in the Spirit of our KING, that the passage of time will have less meaning than it does now. Day by day each one is learning more of what it means to hold the vibration, to stay centered in the Central Current of Being; and when we can rest in that Current without letting it break, or without causing it to break, in its relationship to ourselves, we will be ready for something that cannot be described, and I feel that that day is coming. Constancy and consistency in our worship of the One God in Spirit and in Truth, according to the One Law, surely opens the Way, it opens the door, so that, for us now the floodgates of Heaven may be opened, and the Spirit of our KING’s Presence may be made manifest in and through us, that we may become, in Oneness, so accustomed to the Spirit of His Presence, in the full wonder of His Glory, that we will be able, and know how, to welcome Him Home.
That which the world calls home, or the people of the world call home, has meaning to me only to the degree that it helps toward preparing this world for the return Home of our KING. Anything that human beings call home, or imagine to be home, that does not do that, is meaningless, a waste of time and a futility. Here we have the privilege of proving the Reality of Home on earth, but I cannot conceive of any place or any circumstance that could be called home, or that could be of any satisfaction, or of any meaning, if our KING be excluded therefrom.
So, in these realizations, we are privileged to rest this night because we are nearer Home than ever before, and because the Day is nearer than ever before when we can have that Blessed Privilege of welcoming our KING into His Temple on earth, that Temple not made with hands.
O LORD of Lords and KING of Kings, we thank Thee, we thank Thee, that here tonight there is, as never before, a realization of the weight of that responsibility and of the wonder of that holy privilege which rests upon us, that we may, in all things and at all times, be diligent about our Father's business, preparing the way for that glorious day when Thou shalt come again to receive Thine own unto Thyself, and to be received by Thine own. We remember that, in the hour of Thy birth, the Angels sang, “Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men”. We remember that it was in that Spirit Thou didst come, and that the world rejected Thee, and yet that, nevertheless, Thou didst prepare the Way, and make it possible for all who would enter in, to share in making this Thy Home restored. We marvel at Thy wondrous Love, Thy patience, Thy willingness to wait until indolent human beings should awake to the glorious opportunity that awaits, that we may let that One Vine manifest, that we may let Thy Body be on earth, that we may let Thy Temple, the Temple not made with hands, be established, that Thy dwelling place may be with men and that all who will may share in that glorious fulfillment, IN the Christ. Aum-en.
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