To the degree that you have recognized and learned to live in your own inner reality you are coming into a clear understanding of your appointed place of service within the Temple of the Three, through its sacred function in the Temple of Light. You are beginning to truly see that the Temple of Light is the fulness of all seven planes of being which make up the Whole Holy World, at the head of which stands our beloved Master, the LORD of Lords, who is the Lord of the Sacred Seven. You also see that the Temple of the Sacred Three is that which is called Mother God, or the three planes of the negative creation, wherein we are functioning in that divinely ordained service whereby man is being drawn into his perfect position in one-pointed polarity between negative reality and positive reality.
You begin to see that each one is at this present moment in that place and situation best suited to a free release of the Father's Christ radiance into the world consciousness, and so it is that each of the blessed ones has a glorious and sacred opportunity of service in this present time and place. You see, also, that each one fills that divinely ordained place in the Great Plan to the degree that he or she lets go in the directing impulses of the Father’s action, so that the outflowing of the Father’s action is made manifest as the Body Temple action, and thus is the Father’s will done in earth as it is in heaven.
As we have harmonized in the realization of reality in being, we know that all things needful to our life expressions are already provided, but we have not as yet fully harmonized with the actual use in expression of all this equipment which we see that the Lord has provided. The expression equipment with which the Lord has provided us may be recognized from the standpoint of negative reality as thought, word and act, the trinity of expression through the Body Temple.
As the Body Temple is a trinity, expression through the Body Temple must likewise be of the trinity. We see that this holds true, and that action is of the physical plane, words are of the mental plane, and thought is of the spiritual expression plane. As we begin to recognize all three of these planes of expression as the channels of release which they are, and cease thinking of them as if they were something of themselves, we find our vision expanding and our lives becoming increasingly effective.
We begin to function in accordance with the cosmic principles which were so gloriously exemplified in the functions of the Third Sacred School in the Third Sacred City of the Motherland.
Initiation of the Third Sacred School
from Opening Day of 1954 Class
Uranda April 2, 1954
The opportunity to have such a Class here on Sunrise Ranch is something that appears by reason of the fact of the Church of the Emissaries of Divine Light. The Church programme is a part of the work of the Third Sacred School. This programme of special training for which you are now here is also a part of the Third Sacred School.
You might say that any really constructive endeavor—this may sound fantastic to you to start with—but any constructive endeavor, anything that has a part toward moving to the fulfillment of the Divine Design, anywhere, through any person upon the face of the whole earth, is a part of the Third Sacred School program. Every church on the face of the earth, every religious body that has any meaning in truth, or that is being of any service in blessing to human beings, whether they know it or not, is within the pattern of the Third Sacred School. Every human being, whether in the scientific world, or the industrial world, or the professional world, or anything else, regardless of place on the face of the earth, color, creed, language—it matters not, everything little or large—that has a part toward moving the mass of humanity toward the fulfillment of God's Will on earth, is contained in the scope, the program of the Third Sacred School.
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This program is not something that was recently inaugurated. The application to the present problems was initiated at the time of the Fall. Our program does not just date back to the time that Jesus came into the world, or some such period. His coming into the world was a part of the Third Sacred School program. The prophets before Him, who revealed in the current of the Holy Spirit some of the truths of Being, the patterns of the Divine Design, were a part of the Third Sacred School program. The application to the world's need in the fallen state was established at the time of the Fall, but the Third Sacred School was not initiated at the time of the Fall—only in application of it's purpose was it altered to meet the need.
The Third Sacred School was initiated at the time of the creation of Man. In the beginning of the history of this world, from the time of the creation of Man, there has been a definite program working. Most human beings know little or nothing about it, but it is there—and coming here you have accepted a degree of responsibility in the conscious realization of relationship to this great program that has been in action down through the millennia. The Third Sacred School was functioning long before the Fall of man, and has continued to function, both with respect to the truepurpose—which you will understand more about as we go along—and the specific immediate purpose of saving man from the results of his wrong function.
We look back in history and see that which was accomplished by great men and women, and we recognize that they had a part to play in making this hour possible. They may have made mistakes, and what they did may not have in all things been perfect—but they had a part. Those who have worked to build, say the railroad, or to develop the highway system, in any capacity, whether designing, developing in any fashion, or working as a laborer—any man who has ever worked upon a railroad, or a highway, between here and there, wherever that may be, has had—unknowingly probably—but definitely has had a part in making this here possible. And in that pattern of life expression, there may have been many things that ought not to have been, but there was a contribution to the program of the Third Sacred School.
It is impossible for any human being to live upon the face of the earth—whether he knows it or not—it is impossible for any human being to live upon the face of the earth without doing something, without contributing something, to the program of the Third Sacred School. He may, in some respects, do things that seem to, or actually do, hurt it. There may be opposition, but even oppositions are used. But there is in every life, wherever there is anything that could in any sense be called normal, or natural, or that unheard of thing, average—there isn’t any really—but every person has contributed something constructively. Even those who may be classified as evil, by reason of their life pattern—they may not know it, it may not be immediately evident to the human vision, but every person that has lived on the face of the earth, before or since the Fall, has contributed to the program of the Third Sacred School.
We begin to realize that while it has been a seemingly slow process, all who have gone before us have had a part, and all who live on earth now have a part. We begin to realize something of the integrated factors, so that you are not thinking of yourself on a segregated basis. Others have gone before us to make this possible. People have lived and died and suffered, gone through all sorts of things, so that we could have this hour. So there are factors of appreciation to God and to the working of His Will in the children of men, extending in all directions in all fields. You begin to realize what it means to be a citizen of the world, and a citizen of the Christ Kingdom, by which you may be a good citizen of your country, whatever it may be.