discerning and working with
Creative Pulsations
Martin Cecil February 13, 1977
We are here present once again in this beautiful building to offer a vessel into the hands of the LORD, that He may pour out that blessing which pleases Him this morning. The outpouring of blessing relates obviously to the action phase of the One Law. We speak of radiation. We may participate in this creative process to the extent that we have an awareness of the oneness of radiation and response, the oneness of heaven and earth. Obviously there could be no radiation in the immediate sense of our experience if there was not response present also. Radiation and response are one.
However in the creative cycle there are pulsations, pulsations somewhat analogous to the beating of the heart. There are times when the action phase of the One Law is dominant and there are other times when the reaction phase is dominant. In between there is a period of rest. Participating as we are in a service here this morning, we may recognize that the action phase should be dominant. We are here to let love radiate. Later there will be a dominance of the reaction phase of the One Law. We may see this particular cycle as relating to the period of a week, but also of course there are other cycles at work, each of them including the dominance of each aspect at the appointed times. Gradually, as one learns to discern what is actually happening in the field of our responsibility as sons and daughters of God, we may be in position to distinguish the various cycles that are occurring within the range of our own experience, so that we function intelligently in relationship to these things rather than being swept this way and that by our judgments of the appearance of events.
So we have this morning another opportunity to let the LORD pour out a blessing because we become aware of the dominance of the action phase of the One Law at work in our own experience. We may participate in this. The blessing is to be poured out, to go forth. We are assembled here presumably in a consciousness of the truth—namely the sons and daughters of God. There was a time—there is a time—when the sons and daughters of God come to present themselves before the LORD. In this collective sense this is exactly what we should be doing now. We are assembled here to present ourselves before the LORD, but as it was at the time of Job, no doubt satan comes also among us. We can identify satan by using the words human nature. Human nature is still present in this room—you all recognize this, and not merely because you notice it in someone else! But the real point is that the sons and daughters of God come to present themselves before the LORD. We're not too interested in satan, rightly; we're not going to pay too much attention to him except as it may be necessary to let him be cleared out of the way so that the blessing of the LORD may be poured out by reason of the presence of the sons and the daughters of God. In virtually all human experience in the world the way it is now the blessing of the sons and daughters of God is obscured by satan, by the fact of human nature dominant and in control, so that what comes forth through human beings is a very distorted, limited, restricted thing. It is not for the most part the blessing of the LORD.
If we begin to have a consciousness of the truth as it relates to us, so that we are aware of being present here this morning as sons and daughters of God even though there may be some human nature hanging around, then gradually there may be an intensification of this experience of radiation. I mentioned before the matter of pulsation. There is a high point when the action phase of the One Law is dominant. And this high point may be seen in relationship to our service times together, but it doesn't immediately appear the moment we move into a service on a Sunday morning such as this for instance. There is a gradual intensification, a building up, so that there may be an increased awareness of participating in the action phase of the One Law on the part of all concerned. This may not be identified as an awareness of being a son or a daughter of God, because when you participate in true radiation you forget yourself. To the extent that you have forgotten yourself in human nature you are the expression of angelic nature, or that of a son or a daughter of God. And so in a service, if we are participating in providing a vessel in the hands of the LORD, we find that there is a buildup to the point where the action phase of the One Law is obviously dominant. We forget ourselves and we move with what is moving. We are to share this experience this morning, that through the vessel which we offer, being in the hands of the LORD, a fitting blessing to this occasion may be poured out.
As this buildup occurs satan tends to recede into the background; human nature begins to be dissipated in the immediate experience of those who are participating in the buildup. However, obviously, to the extent that human nature is present in a person what occurs by reason of that person will be somewhat conditioned by the particular quality of human nature that may still remain, so that what goes forth of the blessing of the LORD is conditioned by this to some extent. And consequently it will tend to connect up with that pattern of human nature which may be present in other people in the body of mankind. The Word of the LORD goes forth to accomplish that which He pleases but the LORD necessarily has to utilize whatever is available to accomplish whatever may be possible on this basis. He is not blind to the fact of continuing human nature; however, seeing that there are those who begin to have a consciousness of the truth with respect to themselves, there is at least a starting point for actual radiation. And even though that radiation may be conditioned by human nature it is still an outpouring of blessing offered into the world.
Just as there is a dominant time with respect to the action phase of the One Law, there is also a dominant time with respect to the reaction phase. This is likely to occur later. If we really participate in the action phase now, then the reaction phase will put in an appearance with respect to the momentary factors that are present in our daily living. What goes forth goes forth through all who are now present. What returns returns through all who are now present. And what returns will come on the basis of the conditioning which was present when it went forth. This is something that is not usually recognized when the returning aspect of the matter puts in an appearance. The individual may be inclined to say, “Why does this have to happen to me? Why is there always this seeming repetition?” This is so because the human nature conditioning that is present in the individual has not yet been allowed to be dissolved, so the human nature seal is placed upon the radiation that goes forth and it will be present with respect to what comes back.
There is seldom recognition that the individual himself determined what it was that was going to come back, because what it is that goes forth of the blessing of the LORD will inevitably be conditioned by whatever of human nature is still present in a person. You can't just set it out on one side and say, “Well all that is going forth through me now in this service is going to be pure and perfect,” because you are there—and heaven and earth are one. The radiation-response reveals unification, so that whatever is present is present and will be a conditioning factor with respect to radiation, and therefore will be an evident factor with respect to what comes back later. If you have an awareness of this as a son or a daughter of God you are naturally willing to accept the situation as it is.
Human beings tend to rebel against things the way they are, thinking that they should be some other way. Maybe they should, but they are not. The point is, things are the way they are and a real person will accept what is really so without attempting to imagine it into some different state of affairs. So, as a son or a daughter of God there is the attitude of accepting things the way they are. And if satan happens to be present still, well that's part of the picture. In the story of Job, the LORD didn't ignore satan. The first thing He did was ask satan a question: “Whence comest thou?” And the answer was, “From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.” This is a very good portrayal of the way human nature fills human experience the world around. That's the way it is. And if we find ourselves conditioned by human nature, where does it come from? It comes from the state of mankind of which we are a part. So there is a recognition of this fact and from the divine standpoint it is taken and used to advantage. It is useless to try to work with something that isn't so. The only thing to do is to work with what is so. Human nature is so. And it is so with respect to ourselves as well as everybody else.
So we recognize that there is some conditioning of what is released in radiation when that aspect of the working of the Law is dominant, perhaps at a time such as this. Because the conditioning is thus and so according to the individual state, what goes forth, having activated whatever it should activate in the body of mankind, will return; it will return through the same person through whom it went out. So it comes back to you. They say that chickens come home to roost. Well we're happy to let the chickens come home to roost—maybe they will lay an egg! The point is that when they come home to roost we use the situation to advantage because we see what it is. Most people don't see what it is because they are all wrapped up in the appearance of things. The circumstance which arises in the individual experience is looked at simply as a circumstance all on its own and then it is judged accordingly: I don't like this circumstance, or I do like that circumstance.
We were considering this matter from the standpoint of appreciation. Whatever it is that comes back in this creative cycle needs to be appreciated for what it is, not objected to for what it isn't. It isn't merely the appearance of a circumstance; it is actually the returning aspect of the creative cycle in which one had before been participating. We need to see it as that. Then we can accept it, receive it with appreciation because it gives us an opportunity to let something clear in the matter so that what we bring back to the LORD in the completion of that cycle is as pure as it was when it went out from Him.
All too often this is not what happens. The individual reverts into his old human nature habits, so that this distorted thing is what is offered to the LORD. When this is done, of course, that human nature trait in the individual is reemphasized and is still present when the next occasion of radiation occurs. So it will go forth again, conditioned by the same thing, and it will come back conditioned by the same thing, until the individual receives it in the way it should be received. A lot of people have complained about this matter of repetition—the same things always seem to happen. “Why does it have to happen to me?” Well, because of you! For no other reason. No one has it in for you. Each person determines what his own experience shall be. And when we begin to take responsibility in the matter, recognizing that it is so, then we may behave as sons and daughters of God. We behave as sons and daughters of God insofar as the blessing that goes forth is concerned and we behave as the sons and daughters of God insofar as what comes back is concerned. Something rises up in our experience. How are we going to handle it? First of all we need to have an attitude of appreciation that it is rising up so that we may handle it. If it didn't put in an appearance we couldn't handle it. And if we couldn't handle it, let it be cleared, it would be there forever. So there is an attitude of willingness in a son or a daughter of God to receive what comes back.
There is delight to receive it because here is an opportunity to let the particular human nature conditioning that is being presented be cleared in one's own experience. And if it is cleared in your own experience the impulse of clearing then may be released insofar as others are concerned as the cycle continues to move. But if it isn't cleared you behave in the same old human nature way when the circumstance arises. Then the next time you participate in the action phase of the One Law the radiation released through you will emphasize again the same thing insofar as those in the world for whom you are responsible are concerned. You just hold people thereby in their trapped condition.
I have many times in the past pointed to the Master as a vivid example of the right way to handle such things, because certainly what ultimately came back to Him because of His acceptance of the responsibility of clearing it was far greater than is likely to come back to any of the rest of us. He accepted what came. He didn't complain about it, He didn't object to it. He had an attitude of appreciation, actually, for the opportunity that it provided to Him; not an opportunity that He needed in a personal sense—He could have well done without it in a personal sense—but because it provided Him with the means of extending a blessing absolutely clear insofar as the rest of mankind was concerned. He did this. He let it clear in Himself, and of course the evidence appeared with respect to His own experience. He undertook that, not for Himself—there was no necessity—but for the rest of humanity.
And basically that is what we do. We do not have the same position of Supreme Focus as He did but we all have our worlds for which we are responsible. And we are in position therefore to do exactly the same thing that He did, according to our respective fields of responsibility. These fields of responsibility are differentiations of His field of responsibility, which included them all. So that was a really tough thing insofar as He was concerned. But insofar as we are concerned, particularly as He has provided the focus for the clearing, it isn't really anything—the yoke is easy and the burden is light. But we need to see how the creative process operates.
Now we've been looking at it particularly with respect to what comes to focus in a service, by means of which the blessing of the LORD may be released, and then what comes back in consequence of that release. If it goes forth through all of us it comes back through all of us. And individually we have a responsibility with respect to whatever it is that comes back, because what comes back is an exact indication of what it was that went forth from us. However, it is in the returning cycle that we have the opportunity of letting something be cleared, not only for ourselves but for all those through whom this creative cycle moved as it went forth into the world. When we begin to see this as it really is, we are sharing the outlook of a son or a daughter of God and we're no longer hung up in the appearance of things. You can look at the appearance of things and try to figure it out, judge this way or that, feel justified in your judgments, but that is all nonsense; it is just a surface play, not what is really happening at all. As sons and daughters of God we begin to see what is really happening and we work with what is really happening. That is the intelligent thing to do, after all. To try to work with something that isn't really happening is futile in the end.
So we have the opportunity of participating in these creative cycles. We've taken a look at one particular one because it is rather central to our experience, but there are many others which for the most part are not noticed now. If we can begin to notice this one then it can open a door to our observation of some of the others. But it is not just a matter of noticing it while I am talking about it here in the Chapel. That's perhaps easy to see—you may nod your heads in agreement—but you notice it in its other ramifications, particularly with respect to the returning aspect of the cycle, because it is going to come back for sure!
This is nothing to be afraid of. There used to be a certain amount of trepidation in this regard whenever there was a buildup in a service so that there was a more intense radiation. There was a certain trepidation about what was going to come back later and hit everybody concerned. There was perhaps a more violent experience in that regard in days gone by than there is now because those concerned didn't really know how to handle it then. Now we begin to come into position where we can handle it, where we know what we are doing, where we know what is happening and where we can allow our angelic intelligence as sons and daughters of God to take precedence over our stupid human reactions; because it is the human reactions that perpetuate the human nature conditionings present in ourselves. When we are willing to let these be cleared in ourselves the clearing is not then limited to us. The opportunity is extended to others, whether they are consciously aware of it or not.
I'm sure that all of you have noted, as things have been continuing to unfold, changes in other people with whom we may have some association or relatedness in some way, without their being particularly conscious of what it is that is really happening. We find this occurring perhaps in the field of earthly relatives. They change their attitude. It's amazing, isn't it? We find a greater sense of true relatedness in that earthly pattern, because things change. And the things that change change with respect to us individually and the field of responsibility that is around us. Our earthly relatives are included in that field. A lot of people have tried to escape their relatives one way or another, but we have a responsibility, whether we like it or not, because we have the connection. And we have similar human nature conditionings, incidentally, in ourselves. That makes the connection useful. Because we handle what is in us we are at the same time handling what is in them. And because something is being handled in them, when they put in an appearance on the scene we suddenly find, “Oh they've changed, haven't they?” Oh they changed, but you changed first! We're not waiting for somebody else to change; we let the change come here in ourselves first because we take responsibility for it. We understand what is happening. And being present as a son or a daughter of God we do not follow out the same ruts of human nature reactions anymore. We are delighted to have the opportunity which the rut presents but we're not going to walk in it anymore. And when we don't, that clears the thing. When we behave as a son or a daughter of God there is something clear, obviously. Our behavior in that respect will no longer be conditioned by the human nature aberration.
So let us awaken to the reality of these creative cycles that are at work. They have always been at work but we and others have been blind to them. And we have not accepted the opportunity which they present, chiefly because there has been fear: “That which I feared has come upon me.” Well of course we see why! But being identified in angelic nature, we are no longer afraid of these things; we welcome them—“Here at last I'm in position to see how I can handle this and let it clear.” Then it's gone!
So I rejoice in this opportunity we have this morning to participate in the release of the LORD's blessing in this particular fashion. What goes forth, even though it may still be conditioned somewhat by human nature, will be coming back later, and we are looking for the day! Just let it come and we'll handle it; we'll deal with it as sons and daughters of God and clear it out of the way, so that increasingly what goes forth of the blessing of the Lord may be pure and perfect, opening the door for the experience of what is pure and perfect insofar as all who are moved by the radiation are concerned.
If we see the way it works we can see how very quickly changes can come. They have been rather slow heretofore because we ourselves have been so slow to let changes come in our own experience. We have continued to follow out the human nature ruts and so all we have offered back to those for whom we are responsible are the same ruts a little deeper. But now, as we let the ruts be cleared, filled in perhaps, then what is offered back is certainly an improvement, if nothing else, on what was extended before. We can see that if we actually let the clearing come with respect to some human nature pattern within ourselves, then the opportunity is wide open for that to happen in others; not just an improvement but something perfect, right off the bat. But if we plod along, letting a little change come here, a little change there, we may run out of life before it is all done, and everything is very slow in our fields of responsibility. But if we let the changes in us come quickly, then the changes come quickly there.
Here is the true meaning of our lives. We can begin to see what it is that is happening, rather than merely judge by the surface appearance of things. And playing our part, all things work together to perfection. This is what it means. All things are made new, to the Glory of God. Those words have been used over and over: to the Glory of God. What do they mean? Glory relates to life, we recognize. When we function as we should it is always to the Glory of God, because the life that is inherent in God is magnified in expression on earth where we are. The Glory of God is made known; the Life of God is made known in the world. The only reason for our existence is to let the Life of God be made known on earth. And if this is our reason for being here, then everything we do is to the Glory of God; everything we do reveals the increased expression of the Life of God on earth. How quickly the end may come, the end of human nature and the end of all reflections of human nature that come back to us out of the environment! Let us accept the responsibility in our living, moving easily in the creative cycles as they unfold pulsation upon pulsation within our continuing experience.
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