God's Atomic Bomb — The Way Of Christ
Uranda August 26, 1945
The family of nations in the allied cause gave all their scientific resources to finding a means of utilizing atomic energy. Under the stress of war, scientists were brought together from many nations, facilities were made available, millions of dollars were spent in construction—money did not matter. Under the ordinary circumstances in peace time, do you think that anyone would have put up those billions of dollars to back the research as in war? No. It means that under the stress of war the scientific resources were focalized, brought together, for one purpose and that purpose was achieved. That which has been called the atomic bomb was produced.
Man, in a prodigious effort by many nations, has reached out, as it were, into the future, to produce something that in the normal course of events would not have been discovered for many years. Under ordinary circumstances there would not have been money enough, and the scientists would not have worked together. I cannot say how long it would have been but let us say about 100 years in the ordinary course of scientific progress—but it was needed for war as a means of destruction. We have heard the scientists talking about utilizing their findings for peacetime purposes and no doubt there are many efforts being made along that line. We may say that we have retained the secret for ourselves but the scientific facts are known and it will not take long for other nations to discover it.
We cannot guarantee that that secret will always be under the control of God-fearing men and used only for righteous purposes. That means, then, that the world of man has achieved something that is, in a sense, away ahead of this hour, this day, and that places a responsibility on every man, woman, and child, and especially Christians, to catch up with that discovery in a Spiritual sense. In other words it means, more than ever before, that man must not go to sleep. He must not say: "Well, we will leave responsibility for world peace to the President and others," so that he forgets his responsibilities and begins to get lost in what he wants, and in things he would like to do, so that he makes the same mistakes that we made after the first world war when Christians forgot to pay attention to the things of God and to pray for peace.
If we are going to be able to shoulder the tremendous responsibility that rests upon us because of these discoveries, it means that morally and spiritually we must grow; we must continue to stand firm, continue to support the forces of righteousness so that the forces of evil cannot slip in at the back door and spoil everything, and plunge us into another terrible conflict. Whether we like it or not there is going to be another conflict unless Christians have peace in their hearts, unless they pray and work to maintain peace and righteousness and to support those who are in places of authority. I feel that we have a man truly called of God in the place of the Presidency of our Country at the present time, but there is no guarantee that he will always stay steady because there is no guarantee of anything about the human expression. The only right way is for Spiritual Leadership to dominate in all Christian nations, and do not let us say that this does not matter to us.
Now let us look at another story—a story about a world, beautiful and glorious, a world created by a perfect God and peopled by those whom He had created after His own image and likeness, but who by reason of disobedience plunged into sin, suffering, sorrow and death. After a time the LORD raised up a people to represent Him in the earth but before long the people of that nation became so engrossed in the things of their own individual lives, they became so indifferent to the efforts of those who sought to do the right thing, that they did not support the movement according to the Plan. They forgot to watch and pray, and forgot to give heed to their Spiritual lives. The nation split in two and scattered over all the earth. (That is what happens in the atomic bomb—it splits in two and scatters.) Because human beings did not follow the Way, the Plan and the Will of God, the children of Israel failed. Today we have a greater calling, a greater responsibility than has rested on any people at any time in all history. There is a greater necessity that we watch and pray than at any time in the past.
Let us continue with that story. Darkness came over the world, there were captivities, difficulties arose and it looked as though God had forsaken the world. There was no way, no light, the world was in darkness as in the beginning. Then, a Babe was born—it made all the difference in the world because a Babe was born. He grew and waxed strong in the LORD and at the age of about thirty years He began to Minister to His people. He called His disciples. He talked in the synagogues. He spoke of the things of God. He pronounced woe upon the scribes and Pharisees and hypocrites, and drove the money changers from the temple, telling them that they had made His House a den of thieves. He called the sinners to repentance, and revealed that He had power in God to forgive sins. He healed them in body, in mind and in Spirit, and gave those associated with Him the most glorious opportunity that has ever come to human beings in this world.
Do you suppose that if you and I had lived then we would have followed Him just for the loaves and the fishes? Do you think that we would have been so quick to forget and turn aside? I wonder. And so the multitudes that had acclaimed Him scattered. They were no longer present. They had called "Hosanna!" before Him, and now when He was in trouble they did not show up. And the Master of us all stood before human judges, suffered indignities, was spat upon, and a crown of thorns was placed upon His brow. The people were offered a choice between His release and the release of a criminal. They said, "Release the criminal!" They cried, "Crucify Him!" Let us not be quick to judge those back there. Let us remember that we here tonight face the same tests, the same necessities to stay faithful and true, to stand steadfast instead of ignoring our opportunities and privileges.
And then they made Him carry His own cross until He fell under the weight of it and a certain one was called and he carried it for the Master. Sometimes I think, Blessed Ones, that of all those who served according to the Biblical record, the one I would have rather been than any other was the one who carried the cross. That is one of the most beautiful and glorious incidents in the Bible, and yet there is not much space given to it. A certain one carried the cross for Him to Golgotha, the place of the skull, and there they crucified Him.
Darkness came and covered the earth; there was lightning and thunder, and when they had crucified Him the Veil of the Temple was rent in twain. Man already staggering under a load of guilt, man having already proven through the centuries that he was not a true child of God, had placed upon himself the final black mark—man had crucified the Son of God! And yet in that very thing, in that very step by which human beings thought to be supreme, they defeated themselves. There were those who were faithful enough to place His Body in the tomb, and Jesus was faithful and true, and He came forth from the tomb according to the promise. The stone was rolled away and He rose again, and defeat was changed to Victory—a Victory in which every man, woman and child is invited to share.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." God so loved the world—that Love, that Divine Fire of Love that has been present down through all these centuries, has remained in the world as a Light to the children of men, as a promise of the Way of God, as an assurance to those who dare to accept the promise. And what do we find? We find that human beings in their efforts to fight against God in the game of life invariably do those things by which God gains the Victory; for evil human beings always play into the Hands of God.
Man thought to gain the Victory over God when he crucified Jesus, but he did not. All the way down through the ages we find that man has done things in order to be as great as God, according to the promise of the serpent in the Garden when man fell. The serpent said that when man ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil he would be as God. God said that when man attempted to use knowledge according to his own ideas he would destroy himself and die. Century after century and generation after generation, God's Word has proven to be true. Generation after generation has come into the world saying, "Well, we will still gain the victory over God and still prove that we can do as we please and have things the way we want them whether God likes it or not." Those generations which have neglected God in a world-wide sense have passed away. Once again, God's word has proven true.
What is the force of this atomic bomb that man uses today? The atom has a positive center, a positive nucleus called a proton and when by bombardment of the neutrons that positive center is split in two. Two positives repel each other. That principle is known in electricity and operates all through the universe. In the atomic bomb, man has not used a hundredth part of its potential energies. All he has done is split it in two.
Atoms are constructed like solar systems. The positive center, or proton, is surrounded by one or more electrons. That is the secret which operates all through the elements—ninety-two of them. In uranium, which is the ninety-second element, we have what may be spoken of as the outer fringe classification. This process of breaking down has been going on all the time; man did not cause it to be; he simply discovered something that was already taking place in nature and has been going on all through the centuries. He simply discovered that he could utilize the process that is present in nature.
I am not belittling the efforts of man but only pointing out that this accomplishment is something in which man has not gained control over the atom. Man has only discovered a process in nature which has been taking place continuously. The process in nature relates to the Source of Light, to the Source of Life. It relates to the creative processes; it relates to the method by which God permits life to manifest on this planet. Man utilizes this process that has been taking place all the time, and uses it to destroy life. God is using what we may properly call atomic energy in the cosmic rays coming into the earth. The earth is being bombarded by alpha particles, or cosmic rays, and those rays from the sun are part of the process of nature by which we have life, by which heat is produced and by which we are privileged to know that there is a God.
If we as a world, if we as a people, are to avoid destroying ourselves with the atomic bomb and the developments of the atomic bomb, we, as a world, as Christian peoples, will have to live the Christian life more fully and with much more earnest zeal than we have ever done before. According to the Book, the world of man is going to be destroyed by Fire. We read here in Peter: "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up."
The things of man that are contrary to the Way of God are going to come to an end. Did you ever read a more effective description of what the results of the atomic bomb would be than what we have read here? You will remember that the scientists said that a steel tower simply vaporized. You also know something of the results of the bomb in Japan. "... in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat ..." The Bible says the "elements," and so the Bible speaks of the atomic bomb because it is the same process. "... the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up."
We must face the fact that only in the Way of Christ, only as we remember to remember the Babe that was born into the world, the Babe that was finally crucified upon the cross, only as we remember that which took place and its relationship to ourselves, only as we remember our responsibility as Christians can we hope to be avoid being burned in the Fire, whether we like it or not.
The atomic bomb is a Divine warning to the world that the world had better repent, that the world had better turn to God, that the world had better live up to the Call of Jesus Christ, so that that which was made manifest in Japan will not be made manifest for us. My brother, my sister, this is not something to just talk about on Sunday and then forget the rest of the week. It is a challenge to every Christian, wherever we are. Sometimes we say, "But I stand alone and there does not seem very much that I can do." Or perhaps we say: "But there are so few in number." Blessed Ones, who stood alone at the cross? Suppose He had said, "Here I am alone. The people I came to save have all turned away; they have rejected Me and condemned Me and it is not worthwhile standing alone." If that had happened we would not have had an opportunity to stand alone, or with anyone else. So it does not make any difference whether we are alone, or what other people are doing. Because someone else does not do anything that is no excuse for us.
Excuses of any kind are going to look pretty thin and meaningless when we come face to face with the LORD. Just how many excuses could you offer to the LORD, looking Him straight in the eye? I wonder. No, that will not be a day for excuses. Each must choose for himself; and each must answer to the LORD for himself.
God's atomic bomb is going to destroy the world of evil and if we are a part of that world of evil, it will be the finish for us. Let us be a part of the New World that is to be, that New Paradise, that New Earth made manifest, where we may know the joy of living with the LORD, that we may know the joy of everlasting Peace, and that we may know what it means to have left behind war and misery and suffering, sorrow and death. There is a certain and sure promise here for each and every one of us. "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."
Explosion of Atomic Bombs #1 and #2
Uranda June 30, 1946 in Colorado [July 1, 1946 in the Marshall Islands]
[Uranda with a grouping at Sunrise Ranch, speaking in Radiant consideration about the two atomic bombs which would be exploded on July 1, 1946 and July 5, 1946 at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands. One bomb was exploded 520 feet above the ocean and the other was exploded 90 feet under the water.]
Those who have an opportunity to make their voices heard will be the ones that immediately shape the concepts which develop with respect to this atomic bomb test. I think we can anticipate that those who are sincerely turning to Spiritual things will meditate very seriously on the relationship between what we have just witnessed by means of radio, and Biblical prophecy. While we may be able to see that point to some degree, since we will not be able to make our voices heard in an outer sense to very many people; and since the condition is as it is in the field of vibrations through Radiation, and focalization of the world Response, in consideration of the Spirit of the Word, this afternoon we have had the greatest opportunity that has ever been given to man by outer means, to Radiate into the focalized attention of the mass of humanity, and that vibration which we are able to set up and maintain and release tends to permeate the consciousness of those who truly respond in Love to the LORD, regardless of race, color, creed or people.
The exact point of the focalization of world attention, the thing that everyone had in mind, the thing toward which thoughts were turned, was the bomb itself, and to the degree that the world mass as a whole was conscious of what was taking place, the atoms in that bomb represented their hopes and their fears. It represented the gateway to destruction or a key to a glorious future—and from that standpoint, that was the specific Current upon which I was giving my attention—and as the bomb exploded and the various phases of the manifestation of the phenomenon followed, it was as if the feeling attitude which each individual had focalized in that bomb was returned back to him by means of the explosion—as if the world vibration of attention had reached out, and the currents of fear or hope or whatever may have focalized at one point for a brief time, and then by means of the explosion, all of those focalized vibrations were scattered back to the points from which they originated in humanity. That means the intensification of all the feelings and attitudes that human beings have with respect to the future. It is more or less in the nature of plowing the ground, and tilling the soil of the mass consciousness.
And with respect to certain peculiar focalizations, be they ever so small, we are reminded of this text from Second Peter: “But the day of the Lord shall come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness.” We do not anticipate that the whole earth is simply going to dissolve, as some have imagined. All it says is: “… in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.”
“The heavens shall pass away …” There will be that which is in the atmosphere above us that will be damaged, “… and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” Actually, in the focalization of the bomb, we see that the prophecy is fulfilled, not as if the whole world as an earth had experienced it, but from the standpoint of the atomic bomb and the place it was exploded—that was true.
Now, the Day of the LORD—insofar as we are concerned, every Day is the day of the LORD, and each day is a day wherein certain ones find or realize that the LORD is working in their lives, and the pressures of such circumstances as those that have been focalized today certainly hastens the focalizations of consciousness within the individual. Some will the more fully turn to the LORD and some will the more boldly scoff and follow in the way of their own fancy.
The smallness of the atomic bomb in comparison to the greatness of its power, the effect it produces in those who come into contact with it, correctly symbolizes that which is Divinely ordained for us. We are a comparatively small group, but just as a great force can be released through one comparatively small bomb, through atomic energy, so can a small group of individuals, focalized in the LORD and functioning actually as a manifest expression of the One Christ Body on earth, provide a release of Power that is greater than anything that man can dream of.
Human beings do not change because they come face-to-face with the fear of destructive influences. It only tends to bring out what is already in them. We realize that if we, having this recognition and knowing the significance, do not function correctly, so that those who are seeking the LORD and who earnestly desire to Serve Him contact Him through us, then what is there? It emphasizes again how we need at all times to be alert to every opportunity that we have to Let Love Radiate—to let that Light so shine before men that they may Glorify our Father which is in heaven.
Humanity as a whole will have to reap on the level of its own function. There are those who are responsive to the finer or more powerful vibrations of Radiation that will be influenced thereby, who are being assisted in their search for Spiritual Truth and an understanding of Life. But that portion of the human mass that is not turning to the LORD, by reason of these things which are coming to pass, continue to function on the lower levels. The political set-ups cannot reach or help or protect them from their own activities, or the results of these activities, our release of the finer Spiritual vibrations.
True Spiritual Power is effective only on the level on which it is released. It is comparatively easy, from the standpoint of one properly attuned, to release Spiritual Oower in the higher levels, and those higher vibrations are tremendously powerful, but they are active only on the levels on which they are released, and in connection with those attuned to such levels. This means that only as it can be worked out through the medium of human beings to release Spiritual Power on those levels to which human beings are more generally responsive, or in which they are attuned, can the release of that Spiritual Power be effective in meeting the issues of the world, whether of the atomic bomb or something else. So we have to realize that while the political structures upon which human beings are inclined to place all their dependence are of little value, there is not much we can do to prevent the destruction by such methods, except to Radiate the Christ Love in a true sense on all the levels of consciousness, so that those responsive to God may be influenced and blessed, regardless of where they are or who they may be.
Carrying things a bit further. We know that the next thing they anticipate is the release of the explosive just below the surface of the water. As some scientist pointed out, the real destructiveness of the bomb could be truly demonstrated if it was placed about a mile under the surface of the water. If such a thing were done it would come pretty close to destroying all marine life. The reason I bring this into the expression is this: As atomic energy releases its primary forces upward, so also do we find that to be true with Spiritual energies, and the level upon which it is released determines to a high degree that which will be accomplished by that release of force. As with the bomb when it is released at a point considerably up in the air, the destructive force is made manifest at the surface of the water to only a small degree of that which it is capable, but when we are able to release the true Spiritual Force, controlled and to the full expression of Power on the lower levels, then the very fact that its primary energies tend to appear in an upward expression would mean that we are more effective in the greater mass of humanity.
I have emphasized this point in many ways. There are those who think that if they reach a High Point and simply Radiate on that level that they will be doing humanity a wonderful good. That is ridiculous, because comparatively few are reached by a Radiation on high levels. That does not mean that the one who Radiates cannot be attuned to a High Point, for he must be if he truly Radiates, but he must Radiate on the level where he seeks to be effective, and then the release on that level will be to tend to make it move upward.

I feel that another phase should be touched upon, and that is that human beings are very likely to be lulled into a false sense of security with respect to these developments. Those who do not want to awake, those who do not like to look at facts, and those who want to settle down in some little niche or corner and live a crystallized routine of life will tend now to be lulled into a false sense of security. So, while it emphasizes to us that regardless of what conditions appear in the world we can and should be tranquil and continue to serve faithfully and effectively, nevertheless, there are those tens of thousands and millions who will pass by a great opportunity to let themselves be stirred into thought and consideration and resultant function.
This that is happening is something new, and the fact of something new should stir people to a realization of the fact that we are in the beginning of a New Age and a new era. But people dislike change. They resist it with all their might and close their eyes to it. If we were to depend on human beings as such for change, humanity would settle down into a rut which would finally be covered with the sands of time and humanity would be no more. It is those things that are bigger than humanity, those things that take hold of a few human beings and stir them up, and compel them to do things that finally shake the lethargic expression of humanity into some semblance of consciousness, so that what we call progress can manifest.
This emphasizes again the fact that unless we Let Love Radiate in our daily function, it will not be released on the level of expression where it can be of real value in the world. If we are able to gather and go up into a high mountain of consciousness, what we do there is of value, but the real value comes only when those individuals move down into the world of man and live in the everyday walks of life, letting that Spiritual Power find expression on those levels of activity.
The Master spoke of the mass of humanity that loves darkness rather than Light, and yet we know that there are untold thousands all over the world who are interested in the Light—they seek the Light and they are willing to walk in the Light. From the standpoint of those who love darkness rather than Light, the shining of the Light, to the degree of intensity made manifest at the present time, it is hardly perceptible, if at all. It is only with respect to those who are responsive to the Light that there is any appreciable result. The individual who is serving the LORD must remember that he must be in the world but not of it.
One who is serving as a member of the One Christ Body is not in position to judge or determine the degree of effectiveness made manifest by reason of whatever Light does actually shine through him. In other words, the Light that shines through you may not be of benefit nor blessing to those right next door, but it may bless and encourage and help someone on the other side of the world, on some other continent, and of some other race. These vibrations which we speak of as Light, Love and Life are not limited in their Radiation to such things as language. They are things that are perceived and felt by the responsive Chinese person just as easily as the responsive American. They transcend all limitations.
Another thing that the human mind is not in position to determine is the time elements involved with respect to the period from the time of the planting of the seed to the day of the harvest. If the individual says, “I thought a seed was planted, but there is no fruitage,” and he passes on and says it was of no effect, he may be wrong because the human being is in no position to judge the time of gestation from the time of planting and the appearance of fruitage. The Master’s words are true: “Judge not that ye be not judged.” We are not to be concerned about results. Individually, your responsibility is to so Love the LORD, to so respond to Him, that your Light does shine. It is not your responsibility as to who is blessed and who is not. The individual responsibility that devolves upon the Earnest One is that he be sure that his Light is shining. The only time that those who are consciously aware of the principles and the expression of the Christ Love as revealed in the Third Sacred School are not sure is when they begin to let their attention dwell upon the outer world, looking for results. A Member of the Christ Body is not to be concerned about results. The LORD of the Harvest is the One Who is concerned about the results, and He is able to take care of His responsibilities.
There is a great tendency for the human being to be over anxious about who is helped and who is not, or of outer evidence of results in some fashion. We do have outer evidence of results which should be sufficient for each one—lives that have been changed within the scope of this Service itself. The only place where you can have any idea of this is within the scope of this Service, and then only within the range of what you see. You recognize that your own course of life has been altered. You recognize the change in the lives of others. That means that there must be something, some Power, that is actually working to change lives, and you have experienced it. That is all the evidence that anyone properly requires. When he sees the Power of the LORD working within the scope of the Service, he should be able to abide in absolute confidence that that Power is working in those realms where he cannot see. So each one remembers, “Judge not, that ye be not judged”—and if he moves within the results that have been made manifest, then he can serve effectively and let the results appear in the world. I believe you have a great deal to contemplate and meditate upon.
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