We Are The Holy City
Martin Cecil May 17, 1981 p.m.
So is it we come with one accord into this Holy Place. How great is God Almighty. May we willingly and joyously reveal this greatness on earth; let this greatness be revealed factually. It has long been believed by many that God is great; but the truth has remained unknown, because the One who could reveal that truth had no physical form or yielded mind and heart to make the truth known. Once again there are those on earth, represented by you here present, who offer their individual bodies and minds and hearts into that wholeness of form which reveals the greatness of the Lord God Almighty in righteous action on earth once more.
There are many events reported day by day in the press which are considered to be great and important events. But the greatest event of all remains unreported. This event which is describable as the coming of the Kingdom of God on earth far outweighs any of those earthly events which are reported on the front pages of the newspapers of the world. This event would never be so reported, because it is only known by those who have accepted the responsibility of the factual revelation of the greatness of God on earth. Perchance there are those in the newscasting business who might sense something of the sort, but they would never report it. How wise is God Almighty, who keeps hidden from human eyes the truth of His Kingdom and His Greatness. But there are those who awaken to that truth and that greatness and who begin, consequently, to see with a different perspective.
The events of the world reported on TV and in the newspapers pale into relative insignificance when seen alongside the factual coming of the Kingdom. We share something of this awareness and understanding so that, while we may observe what is reported in the news, so called, this in no way changes our consciousness of the wonder, the beauty and the glory of the factual coming of the Kingdom. We know this fact to the extent that we are associated with it. If our association is primarily with the events of the world, then the truth is obscured and the tremendous, and indeed majestic, happening that is present now is hidden again behind the veil.
But that veil dissolves for those who offer themselves in fact—body, mind and heart—to the experience of the Holy City, which then is known because it is being conveyed through human form—human minds and hearts, our own and those of others—into the world. Here is the event of events. [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2024/04/having-glory-of-god.html] Participation in harmony and alignment with the creative action of the spirit of God Almighty is the fulfilment to which all the faithful servants of the Living God over the ages have looked. Could any greater honor be bestowed upon anyone than to experience the dissolution of that darkened veil which has hidden the truth from the experience of human beings lo these many millennia? But now the truth comes into the awareness of those here present, and many more besides.
We have taken note of the fact that the creative spirit of God inexorably and inevitably brings to pass what must come. But the form events will take is dependent on the attitudes, responses, reactions, of human beings the world around. If in the movement of this creative spirit there are those who yield and openly associate themselves with that movement, then there emerges, as we have seen, a focus of life toward which others may orient, consciously or unconsciously, and let themselves be brought into alignment and harmonious participation in the creative working of this great and majestic spirit. The gates are then open for all people everywhere, in a factual sense.
In the description of the Holy City contained in the Book of Revelation there are various factors outlined. Here is an allegory, because, as we recognize, it relates to what is experienced in the minds and hearts of human beings. It isn’t a city built of blocks made of gold, with a wall around it great and high, and gates in the wall. The coming of the Holy City is the experience of the truth in human minds and hearts, so that there are those present on earth who represent and reveal the truth of this allegory, a factual dwelling in this new state of consciousness which, as we have often noted, is not merely an improvement on the old.
It seems that with all too many there has been somewhat of a reluctance to allow anything much more than what was deemed to be an improvement on the old state of consciousness. Human beings sometimes take pride in the changes that they consider to have happened in themselves, saying perchance, “I am now a much better person than I used to be.” It is not a matter of merely experiencing such changes. People, after all, have gone through these experiences in every generation and the world has remained the devil’s domain. It has been said that one must move from the known into the unknown. This can apply to the mere matter of allowing certain changes to come in human nature. One may experience a difference in this regard and look back at the old person, saying—with a certain amount of pride, no doubt—“How could I ever have behaved in that way? But now look at me!” This is human improvement, absolutely useless.
There is a new state, which was described as coming down from God out of heaven. Obviously this meant that it didn’t come out from the earth; it didn’t come up from below. We have a present experience which includes various elements, one of which I’m sure is prominent in your consciousness: that of the Music Conference. Now of course, as we have noted before, this does not stand as an isolated event. You have seen that it certainly could not have been held on Sunrise Ranch if Sunrise Ranch had not existed. The facility of this Dome could not have been used if the Dome had not been built. There was the necessity of the setting. But any setting is there by reason of human beings. There are those who dwell on Sunrise Ranch who have acknowledged their position of leadership and who are wholeheartedly concerned, therefore, with providing whatever is necessary for the continuing unfoldment of the cycles of resurrection. Because this is so, it has been possible to hold a Music Conference. But as we have already noted, the Music Conference is not merely a matter of the consideration of music.
Music relates to the heart, and it is the heart that is of particular concern; for only through the pure heart, clear as crystal, can the needed transformation be known. And those who let this happen in themselves find themselves in a new state, capable of observing the old state, seeing it round about, taking note in the further reaches of that old state of the various events that are reported. Such events are of little concern except insofar as people are involved in them; and we are concerned with those people. They have gotten themselves involved with these events, either deliberately or by reason of circumstance, and they are thereby trapped, prisoners of events. That describes, more or less, the human state, doesn’t it? The population of the world has become the prisoner of events.
We are concerned with opening the prison doors for people. The doors which are to be opened are the gates in the walls of the Holy City. There are no doors in the state of the trap, through which human beings can come to get out of their entrapment. There is nothing outside of the trap in human experience, so everybody stays there until the gates of the Holy City are present. They are open, but they need to be present; and they are present because there are those of whom it might be said that they dwell in the Holy City. They are the Holy City. [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2024/05/glory-unto-glory.html] Then the gates may be known to be open on earth. This becomes a fact. And whether there is an understanding of these things or not, on the part of the population of the world, it still remains a fact. It remains a fact of course, to the extent that it is a fact, because there are those who do dwell in the Holy City. They are the Holy City in their experience. Their attitude, their viewpoint, their experience, is all of that nature, of that quality. They may still recognize, certainly, that there is the possibility of another experience, of another quality, but there is no personal relatedness to that, merely an observation that there are many people on the face of the earth, virtually all of them in fact, who are caught in that situation. And there is no relief in sight, no change possible of any truly creative nature, until the Holy City is present.
We find ourselves charged with the spiritual responsibility of letting it be present, of having the attitudes that are known in the Holy City, of having the outlook that is known in the Holy City, of having that viewpoint, that experience of encompassing love which characterizes the Holy City and those who compose it. The composition of the Holy City might be said to be flesh, because with flesh go minds and hearts which may accommodate the creative spirit of the living God—this to be done, to be experienced, to be known, in the world just the way the world is. Do you think that is possible? I’m sure we all sense that it is, or we wouldn’t bother to offer ourselves as we have.
So we share an awareness of the truth to this extent, to the extent of our actual dwelling in that state, a state which is not the state known in the human world around us; but it is a state that is known to us. This relates to the matter of being in the world but not of it, rather of another world, of another state, another state which is not dependent at all upon what is happening in this world. And once there is this state represented on earth, then what is happening in this world begins to relate to that other world. A reorientation takes place; and we observe that happening.
We have some awareness of this because, obviously, there must be a focus of life providing orientation for that other world; orientation for the world in which human beings exist, but orientation primarily for the human beings who exist in that world. We don’t care about that world, but we do care, rightly, about the human beings who exist in it. Until there is a factual focus of the Holy City on earth there is no point of orientation for anyone. There now is such a point of orientation; there must be, because we see something happening. Why not let that point of orientation be filled out? We have the present opportunity to so participate.
We see something happening, the creative movement of the spirit of God through all human beings everywhere, including us. We awaken, align ourselves with that movement, provide a focus of life on earth, the essential point of orientation. And we discover that these things do not happen by chance. Everything happens because of the movement of this creative spirit. But we see present experience in this light. Whatever we are offering in our present expression of that spirit in daily living allows for a creative unfoldment of new events. But the events emerge because of the cause of those events, the creative spirit of God, which no one can get hold of, nobody can grasp. But it is the reality, the one reality. Being associated with it we have the experience of it, to the extent of that association, and we know the reality to that extent. We can look at events in the world from a position which is unmoved by those events.
But then we find ourselves participating in events of a different nature. These events may seem to be small things, like this Music Conference. In a world of such vast events, what does a little Music Conference on Sunrise Ranch mean? Well we know what it means. It is weightier than all the events that may be transpiring in the world, wherever. And this Music Conference has come about in a natural sequence of the unfolding creative cycle. It was immediately preceded, as we have noted, by the Assembly, which was concerned with providing a focus of conscious dominion on earth. Because there was such a focus established, in whatever measure, then what has followed has related to that fact. Because the point of orientation was there, what has been transpiring in the so-called Music Conference has ensued. What you who participate in this Music Conference have been experiencing you probably couldn’t explain. The human mind always wants to get things pinned down someway, thereby taking itself away from the experience of the reality, which is unpindownable. The reality is present. Let us rejoice in that and be satisfied with that. And we sense something happening.
I'm sure all have sensed a greater measure of easy relatedness, friendship, without anyone trying to be friends with anybody else, or without the attempt to try to be friends with everybody else. This Conference is not all that big yet, but if you magnified it ten times, or a hundred times, it obviously would be impossible to be friends with everybody individually. And yet the fact of the matter is that we are friends; the reality is so and we know it to be so. Whatever associations are necessary in the unfolding creative cycle, when they put in an appearance we find that the friendship is there. We didn't have to make it be there; we couldn't. It is a part of this factual reality which begins to come into experience. We rejoice to let it be so, allowing whatever is in focus now to be whatever it is. It cannot be defined by the human mind, but it can be known in human experience. And it is known in your experience; not only by those who are part of the Music Conference itself in a direct way, but by everybody here present who is aligned with the creative expression of the spirit of the Living God.
We cannot then separate ourselves from the whole and from all that is taking place within that whole. But our values get straight. And the supreme value is in God and the Holy City which proceeds from God. In alignment with this, we open the gates of that City for the nations of the world. But who are the nations of the world? Well, the people of the world. There wouldn’t be any nations without people. There is a tendency for people to classify themselves according to externals. This has seemed to be of value in the world which is passing away, but it can’t be done in the Holy City. You don’t need a passport from your country of origin to enter through the gates into the City. What you need is a pure heart; that is passport enough. But because a person came from this country, or that country, makes no difference; what is the quality of the heart?
So we find ourselves in this present creative cycle which focuses here on Sunrise Ranch in this moment. We may be able to lift our eyes a little toward the horizon and see other things in the offing. But whatever it is that is emerging out of the future is all a part of what we are associated with now in the sense of the creative spirit of the Living God. As we continue to be so associated, then the righteous acts of God are done because we are present; and the results of those righteous acts will come in the form of external events. This is a new quality of event then, which comes, one might say, on a deliberate basis, a controlled basis, on the basis of restored dominion rather than the mere swirling reactions of unpolarized human beings, who find themselves with no focus of orientation. Now the focus of orientation is here. Let all the world come again into alignment with that, that the creative cycles may continue to work, making all things new; not patching up the old, but making all things new.
With flexibility and understanding in the experience of that Holy City, we no longer try to clothe anything that is occurring in the dead forms which we have dragged out of the past. Nothing can be made new on that basis. Making all things new engenders new forms that the human mind presently cannot imagine. Praise the Lord! All it can imagine are the old ones. Forget it! Associated with this living spirit, all is well; unconquerable life prevails. [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2024/01/the-garden-called-to-remembrance.html]
The Holy City is here, the gates are known to be open, the invitation is extended to all people: "Come home where you belong. Come home, leaving the graveclothes behind, that you may be clothed with new linen, clean and white”—for only such can come in through the gates into the Holy City. Who extends this invitation if not those who have at least some awareness of the truth? Let us be willing to be counted among that number, now in this moment and consistently henceforth. For then, “Behold, I come quickly.”
How great is God Almighty; how great is His power; how wise He is. How blessed we are to have the opportunity willingly to associate ourselves with this greatness, with this wisdom, that the truth may be known, the fact may be established on earth in the body of mankind.
© emissaries of divine light