April 13, 2024

Peace Be Unto Thee

Peace  Be  Unto  Thee

Uranda  March 23, 1947  Riverside, California

As we all let each point of fulfillment become the inception of a new cycle of accomplishment, we find all the forces of the Cosmos back of us in the accomplishment which God ordained, and all that undertakes to oppose that fulfillment must necessarily crumble. As the stone was rolled away and our LORD came forth from the Tomb, so is the stone rolled away now, that all responding ones may come forth into a new expression of Life now, because the pattern is of the Truth rather than falsity—and vivid because the Current of Life is allowed to operate without those distortions which have brought suffering into the world. We know that as far as human beings are concerned, Love, as experienced by man, carries man to the highest height that he may know; but Love, misused, carries to the lowest depths.

I was thinking how very appropriate it is that this fulfillment [Ordination of Martin Cecil] should be in the Easter Season—in that Season when the world, or at least a portion of it, pauses for at least a moment to pay tribute to our Master’s victory over death. As He proved the reality of Eternal Life, and as He instructed that we are to follow Him, He surely included that victory over death, that proving of the eternal nature of Life. He came that we may have Life and that we may have it more abundantly. He said: “And ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free,” but though the Truth sets the individual free, that is not enough. What will the individual do with that freedom? Will he sell it for a mess of pottage and return to slavery, or will he utilize that freedom in the expression of Life—vivid, true and real—Life that glorifies the Source of Life, Life that in its expression brings victory over death and the things that lead to death. By the Truth men are set free. For what cause? That they may enjoy the glorious liberty of the Children of God, and that means the expression of Life as God intended that it should be.

The Pattern of Truth is made available to all, but only as that Pattern is used in the expression of Life can it have meaning on earth. And so it is that this Easter Season has special significance for us and for all who will hearken to the Call: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”—rest from the self-activity that wearies the human being, rest from the self-activity that is the heavy burden which human beings try to carry in their own puny strength; for he who receives the rest of the Lord, who enters into that Sabbath Rest, ceases from his self-active works and begins to let Life in its fullness, in its beauty, find expression, because such an one allows God to do the works. So it is that we follow Him.

In my Ministry I have, when needful, painted with such words as I could find, although inadequate, the picture of man’s rejection of our KING, and of the ignominy which was heaped upon Him in His journey to the Cross, because I have felt that no matter how callous the world, there must surely be those in the world who will not let His sacrifice be in vain. He Who loved us and gave Himself for us is worthy of our Love. That disciple whom Jesus loved desired to inspire Love for the Master in others, that they may share with Him the sacred joy of being loved by the LORD of Love. It is true that He loves all people, but so few receive that Love, and it is the receiving of the Love that counts.

So many people in the world feel lonely and long for Love, and, following the human pattern, they struggle to try to get Love, as if they thought they could reach out and take it unto themselves, as if they thought they could put it in a cage and bring it forth for their own pleasure when and as they might choose, but that cannot be done with Love, and any imitation of Love with which it can be done is too poor a thing to satisfy. If human beings could only realize that their loneliness, that their longing to be loved, is really the answer of the soul to the whispering Spirit of God, they would stay still long enough to hear the nessage of the Spirit, that they might begin to know where to find Love. They would cease their frantic efforts, their struggling and their trying, and they would find that Love is offered to all who will receive.

I think that tonight, more fully than ever before, you can appreciate the longing that has been in my heart, through the years, to share with you, and with all, the joy that can come only in the receiving of Love from the LORD of Love. It is a blessed thing to share this joy of receiving Love from Him, and the more there are to share it, the more of His Love will appear on earth, and the more of His Love that finds expression on earth, the greater will be the manifestation of His power. I have known people to act and speak as if they thought they were somehow doing me some special favor when they listened to the Word of Truth that I have offered to all, as if they were doing me some special favor in even pausing to consider the possibility of getting into line, so that they might receive the Gift of His Love. Why do I minister? First, because I Love my KING, and, secondly because I love all those who Love Him.

Communion in Spirit and a sharing of that peace that is found in God’s Love fills us with joy, and that communion in Spirit reaches forth to the ends of the earth. Perhaps gradually, but surely, there comes a realization that in the true outpouring of the Spirit, when there is really a Radiation, distance, in any geographical sense, ceases to be a barrier; for those who are attuned in the Christ are privileged to share in the Spirit of the Christ wherever they are.

Martin Cecil — Yesterday in the car, as we were driving along, I was speaking to Kathy of Peace. Now, when we are actually resting in Peace, I feel that it is a Current flowing, and when we experience the flow of the Current through ourselves, we are within the Kingdom of Peace. It is not something that is static or meaningless. It is a living, pulsing, flowing Current which passes through the individual, and as long as he abides in that Current and is conscious of the flow of the Current, he is enfolded in Peace—he is abiding in the Kingdom of Peace—but in order for the Current to flow through the individual, it has to reach through the individual first, and it has to pass through the periphery of the individual sphere, because the forward moving edge of the Current is not, from the standpoint of the unreal, peaceful, because it constitutes a sword, and there is a battle; and to the degree that there is response to the turmoil, there is disturbance and uncertainty. The Current passes through the polarized individual eventually, and moves on out into the world, so that something may be accomplished—but unless it is allowed to flow through the individual in the first place, it can never reach out into the world and accomplish something out there, so the necessity would be to remain steady and on the beam during the process of letting that Current carry forward through oneself, and on out into the world. And when it moves on out, the battle is beyond, and the processes of accomplishment are carried on out there, while the individual through whom the Current is flowing abides in the Kingdom.

Uranda — Very well put. The LORD of Love is the Prince of Peace, but He said: “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I come not to send peace, but a sword.” In other words, until the individual lets himself be a channel for the Peace of the LORD of Love, so that the cleansing power of God is working in the range on beyond himself, he does not know Peace, even though he is in the Current of Peace.

As the vibration has worked out thus far, I feel that the degree of co-ordination made manifest in this little hour of meditation and general radiation could be used as a starting point for a little focalized radiation. In this instance I am not thinking of focalizations with respect to individual recipients of the radiation as with respect to the radiations themselves. The Master instructed that we should enter into the closet and shut the door and pray to our Father who seeth in secret—and He assured us that the Father who seeth in secret would reward us openly. The reward which is received openly is the result of radiation. Let us harmonize in the Radiation of the Word into the world:

“How long, how long, halt ye between two opinions?”

“Ye cannot serve two masters.”

“Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation.”

Let the irresistible cords of Divine Love take hold in thy heart and in thy mind, thou Responding One, whosoever and wheresoever thou mayest be. Turn thy thought and attention from the world of turmoil. Refuse to let adversities fill thy thought and mind and feeling realm. Let go now to the LORD of Love, that the power of Love may hold thee steady, while the Pattern of Truth is established in thee, while the Sword of Truth cuts asunder the bonds wherewith thou art bound, that thou mayest be set free to express the glories of Life in the Liberty of the Children of God. Let go of the things of the world and let go to the yearning of the Spirit—for the Spirit of Love would lift thee up, and the Spirit of Truth would set thee free, and the Spirit of Life would carry thee into the glorious Liberty of the Children of God.

He who loves God, to whatever degree, cannot be lifted up thereby until he lets the Spirit of Truth set him free, and he who lets himself be set free must let the Spirit of Life cause him to begin to grow into the stature of Divine Manhood and Divine Womanhood.

The LORD our God seeks those who will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. All people everywhere, in any moment, are privileged to worship Him in Spirit, but Love Response to the LORD does not lift the individual into the expression of Life in Reality until the Sword of Truth is allowed to operate to remove the unreal; for if any were lifted up by the Spirit of Love while still conformed to the patterns of the unreal, the power to do evil would be increased, and the currents of destruction would be multiplied—for the Currents of Love and the Currents of Life, moving through the individual, bring into manifestation that which is shaped and molded by the pattern within the individual, and if it be the pattern of the unreal, the individual cannot be lifted up by the power of Love, lest God should thereby defeat Himself. Therefore, there is one condition established unto all men that no matter how much they may Love God or seek to function in the Love of God, they cannot be lifted up until they conform to the pattern of Truth, that they may then express the fullness of Life in the Liberty of the Children of God.

Therefore, all ye who hearken to the Call of the Spirit, give heed now and know that worshiping God in Spirit and responding to Him in Love is of no avail unless you let yourselves be conformed to the Pattern of Truth, unless you let the Sword of Truth cut away the unreal. As you begin the journey upward, you are received of the LORD in the beginning with whatever burden of the unreal you may be carrying, but as you move upward, you must let the Sword of Truth operate—and if at any point along the way you cease to respond to the Spirit of Truth, there, at that point, you cease to move upward, and from that point the Current that should bring Life, if it were allowed to operate through the Pattern of Truth, brings forth the fruit of the unreal, and the unworthy branch is cut off and cast into the Fire. Therefore, respond in Love to God, let go to the irresistible cords of Divine Love, but shrink not from the Sword of Truth by which thou mayest be set free from bondage to this world, that thou mayest be lifted up and, in the Ascending Current, find that expression of Life to which thou art ordained of the Living God.

Peace be unto thee, now and forevermore, to the degree that thou dost let go in the Current of Peace, but that which is not in harmony with the Peace of God is not comfortable or at peace in the Current of Peace. Therefore, let the Sword of Truth cut away that whereby thy discomfort is made manifest, that thou mayest truly relax and rest in the Peace of God Eternal; for in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, it is established unto each one, now and forevermore. In the Christ. Aum-en

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