December 26, 2021

The Coming Of Heavenly Government #1


The  Coming  Of  Heavenly  Government  #1

Martin Exeter   November 11, 1984  a.m.

These words I speak to you who are present in person, also to all those who shall read or hear these words in the days to come: I love and appreciate all of you. I am thankful for your love and friendship, for all that is genuine in our association. To this extent we are indeed one and the world waits for what we know. We take no credit for what we know; it is simply what we are.

Here is the heavenly government, first in the cycles of transformation of hearts and minds. The door to share such transformation is opened by reason of the purging of heart and mind in our own individual experience. This is the initial offer of heavenly government to all who will receive it, for the most part subconsciously at present. Then as that purging is complete there comes the absoluteness of living. This absoluteness brings with it a knowing of the ordinances of heaven and the ability to set the dominion thereof in the earth. The restoration of true heavenly government, coming as it does first through the changes which must occur in our own hearts and minds, does so gradually, but when absoluteness is known that government comes totally.

There is a period now when the state of affairs on earth is partially consequent upon the continuing impurity of heart and disobedience of mind which has been in force for many millennia past even to this day, and partially because something new is emerging by reason of such transformation as has occurred in our own minds and hearts, bringing with it the experience of increasing oneness. So we have a state betwixt and between. Surely we would not linger in this condition within ourselves but proclaim absoluteness through purified hearts and obedient minds. This is the eternal state of the true and loving expression of life. Once again this provides the heavenly government on earth.

In our times of service, as we call them, we have the opportunity to allow the greater purging to occur, that we might come finally to the point of absoluteness, so that what is undertaken together at these times might be the genuine expression of heavenly government on earth. This remains as yet something unknown because the purging is not complete and absoluteness in experience is not the fact. However the purging itself opens a door of creative movement for all whose hearts are yielding to the genuine expression of life. So there is a level of heavenly government being extended on this basis, but there is something far more to be known. There is this aspect of heavenly government emerging into expression by reason of the willingness of you and others to pass through the process of purging, but there comes a time when the purging is rightly complete. Then the state of absoluteness is present, and in that absolute state there is absolute government.

For millennia past, what has been occurring on earth has occurred simply on the basis of the fact that there is life in human beings, but impure hearts and disobedient minds have determined what has been brought forth. This is the nature of the government that has been in the world as long as conscious human memory goes back. We already have some dawning awareness of what we recognize as true government emerging out of heaven. Allowing that to emerge brings with it the purging process, that hearts may be purified and minds might learn what it means to obey.

Obedient minds are impossible—obedience to the ordinances of heaven—as long as the heart is impure. The heart has been the controlling element in human experience; and the mind has been obedient to the impure heart—disobedient to the ordinances of heaven. Impure hearts, unruly emotions, have governed human existence and the mind has assumed the role of justifying this state of affairs. It has become so expert in this field that it is convinced of its own false reasoning and logic. A state of deception is what is known in the world. We have all known it ourselves. We have begun to see that it is so to the extent that we have come clear of the deception. As long as one is involved in the deception that’s all that is seen, and it seems as though that is the way things are. There has been some emergence out of that deception, so that we may stand apart from it in some measure and see it for what it is. The question arises in our own continuing experience as to whether we still accept the emotional compulsions of the impure heart and the seemingly logical justifications of the mind disobedient to the ordinances of heaven.

The impure heart, the disobedient mind, tries to lay on us a false role, and gullible human beings have swallowed the bait and maintained that falsity while proclaiming that they are being honest in doing so. The fact is that they are denying the truth, betraying the truth. We have a certain awareness of these things, but if we have awakened to what true honesty is we could never again be deceived into accepting what is so patently false. I have noted that many of those who really know better have allowed themselves to be duped in this fashion. One trusts that they will emerge eventually on the other side of such deception. But how can anyone tell you something that you know is not true and convince you that it is true? That would be absolutely impossible if there was an absolute state of alignment with the truth in yourself. If there is a bit of uncertainty present and emergent at times, you know that there is more purging to occur. So we still find ourselves in what might be described as a transition process, where the heart is still in the cycle of purification and the mind discovering what it means to be obedient, not to the heart but to the ordinances of heaven.

And so we share the firm, undeviating absoluteness of the truth in expression. When there is that absoluteness, so that there is nothing that can come to us out of the wilderness to cause us to relinquish the absoluteness, then immediately there is the awareness of the ordinances of heaven. No one can be trusted with that awareness until the experience is absolute. I think you can well see that that is the case. The fact is that God, whatever that word means, cannot be defeated—an effort that has been put forth by human beings in every generation for a long, long time. How futile! We’ve indulged in this ourselves, maybe not defining it in those terms but doing it nevertheless. And it isn’t really important how we define things; it’s what we do that counts. We may be able to justify and excuse almost anything, but it doesn’t change the truth; it just fools us; it just deceives us. So, accepting the absoluteness that is essential, we come into what might be called the seat of government. []

Government—those who are participating in it probably have not yet reached a point of absoluteness, so the sort of government in which they are participating relates to the processes of purging within themselves individually. Things come up; they have to be transformed in that person’s individual experience, and that is an aspect of government—the most that seemingly can be experienced by those who are presently associated with the process—by which a door is opened so that others can let the same thing happen in them. They can accept that sort of a movement, a direction, a change in themselves. That’s a different level of government than that to which most are accustomed. So something is changing to the extent that it changes in the individuals who are participating in the focus of government at this particular level.

But you can well see that there is a government that is beyond that level, that isn’t involved with the matter of letting changes come in one’s own individual experience, because they’ve come. It’s not a matter of being in the process of change in this sense forever. There is a process of change that continues forever, but it’s the creative process, something different to what has occurred in the experience of human beings on earth. The human experience is simply a state of deception in consciousness which has to pass away, that the real thing may be present. And as individually the purging is allowed to happen, the door in the Ark can be opened so that others can begin to approach it. But somewhere along the way there must be absoluteness; then we have a totally new ball game, because once that is the fact and there is a body that is absolute, even if it’s only composed of how many? a dozen people, maybe a dozen dozen, there is the facility for it; but for it to be the truth it has to be proven.

The story about the so-called temptations of Jesus in the wilderness is an indication of the sort of things that come to human consciousness, either to be agreed with or to be disposed of. The disposition relates to the process of purging, and it only happens when one assumes the stance of the truth in one’s own expression. Then one cannot be led into temptation because there are elements in our own makeup which have been accustomed to deceiving us. Yes, there is a transition period, obviously.

A house divided against itself cannot stand. In the divided state one will inevitably fall; because of strength one may be able to prop oneself up for a while, but the fall comes. You are all aware that there is indeed something that is absolute. There has been evidence of it even within the range of your observation. That may be a starting point for something; because of that there has been an unveiling in your own personal experience of a sense of the absolute, which is your own. The truth is true. Emerging out of the deception we become aware of what the truth is. To the extent of that awareness we have the opportunity of expressing it. If we do not express it that’s our own choice, but making that choice we will not know the truth. We may have all sorts of fancy theories.

One of the characteristics of God is that in Him there was no shadow of turning. All right, isn’t that the quality of our own being? What other being is there but that one? It can be hidden by a fog of deception, but that would be our own choice, and it has been the choice of human beings in every generation all the way down the ages. But there is spirit on the move and people are being affected by it. The people are not doing anything; they are not going to achieve anything, but the spirit of God is. If there are those who let themselves align with that spirit, then there is a participation in the process. So we participate in the process, and because we participate we become increasingly aware of what the process is: how it’s working, where it’s working, through whom it’s working. But we give glory to the process, not to people. The process is the Word being spoken, and the Word is with God and the Word is God.

Glory to God in the Highest, because we share in providing the space for the working of spirit. We do it individually and we do it together. How great is God Almighty, and how great is His Presence in form on earth. We all are here in His Name. Let us honor His Name.

© emissaries of divine light