March 26, 2022

Focus For The Creative Process

Focus  For  The  Creative  Process

Martin Exeter   February 15, 1987

We have no telephone connection this morning with any grouping, so those who are here gathered have the total responsibility of providing a focus of the creative process. This is shared vibrationally with many, and will be shared by video and transcript a little later in a more direct way. All those who share in this way allow for the greater radiation to occur, vibrationally speaking, to all who will participate in giving form and meaning to the already present and focused creative process. Here there is an expanding awareness, insofar as we are concerned, of what it is that is actually occurring—invisibly one might say. Nevertheless we are keenly aware, from our own experience, that the creative process has effect. And it has a very specific effect when there are those present who are willing and capable of letting it be drawn to a point of focus in the manner which is present with us now, and is specifically our responsibility now.

All that transpires because of the working of this creative process does so inexorably. We are aware of how it works. Necessarily it must work through the state of consciousness of people, wherever they may be, and produces results in form accordingly. Mankind as a whole is responsible for what has emerged into form on earth. It is there because of their own state of consciousness. Our state of consciousness is included in this of course. There is a distinction, to the extent that we have become aware of our responsibility, not only to provide focus for the creative process in an hour such as this, but to let that creative process and the focus of it continue in our experience during the course of our daily living. It seems that people are sometimes willing to initiate something, but seldom are they willing to carry through in what might be described as backup. It isn’t backup either; it’s simply a continuing creative movement of this process which is maintained in focus by those who let it be so in their daily living.

We may have a particular responsibility now in this setting to be aware in a very conscious way of the fact of this movement of the creative process. We share in it in this moment. Our attention is being drawn to the fact that we share in it, and we are aware that it is the quality and character of our living that determines the extent to which we may share in it. It has little to do with what concepts we may have about it, what beliefs we may have, what mental activity may be involved in thinking about it, or what emotions may be involved also. It is what actually happens in our experience, in these moments and in the moments of our subsequent living, that tells the tale. Most people shy away from this recognition as it relates to themselves personally. Someone else is always supposed to have the responsibility; and because this attitude is so widely taken, then it is always possible to blame somebody else for the troubles that seem to ensue.

The working of the creative process, amongst other things, brings trouble, because human beings certainly resist that working in favor of trying to have their own way, of trying to do the things they want to do. The whole of the human civilized state, as it is called, is based in this endeavor. Sometimes human beings have a wide scope of license in this regard. This is present in what is called the free world. The free world is far from being free! And in other conditions by reason of other systems in the human world, the active action of human beings is somewhat restricted. Nevertheless people think what they want to think, even though it may follow out the lines of popular thought, and they are subject to the emotions which arise in reaction to what is going on in an external sense. This a confused state of affairs, as we well know. So something needs to be brought to focus in the midst of this, which is not confused, which is a clear expression of the creative process—the clear expression of the creative process now, for us together in this setting, and a clear expression continuing as we take the responsibility of this expression in our individual daily living. It seems that there are very few who are even interested in doing this, and even fewer who know what it is they are doing.

We are present here, in order that we may provide a conscious awareness of the factual movement of the creative process being brought to focus in ourselves and moving in radiation beyond ourselves—beyond ourselves in the sense of permeating the consciousness of the body of mankind as a whole. But we have our responsibility. That penetration will take care of itself if we accept what is necessary from the standpoint of our own encompassment of the focus of the creative process, now, in this moment. You can’t do it at any other time—it’s always now. That’s wonderful, isn’t it because it’s always the moment when the focus for the creative process may be provided. It never slips away from us. We may slip away from the focus of the creative process, and we suffer the consequences if we do. But we have sufficient understanding and awareness to maintain position in this natural place where we belong. As this is done it may be said, in analogy, that the windows of heaven are opened.

We ourselves provide those windows. There is a tendency on the part of people in general to look somewhere else for something to happen, for a window to be open—in the Christian world maybe for the second coming of Christ. It’s been long delayed, seemingly. But there is still hope in some that a magical occurrence will put in an appearance: a window will be opened in heaven, or perhaps a door in this instance, through which this imaginary character may come to save all good professing Christians. This is a very self-centered view.

Our responsibility, which we recognize, is not to try to be saved in some fashion. If we take a good honest look at ourselves in the mirror we might doubt as to why it would be necessary to save us! Seldom is that good honest look taken by anyone on earth. We have a recognition that playing our part in allowing this focus of the creative process to occur in oneself as an individual permits a window of heaven to be opened, not particularly for oneself but because one is the window of heaven being opened. Most people seem to anticipate a window of heaven being opened somewhere else for them—this is continuing self-centeredness—whereas the acceptance of the responsibility of being the window of heaven is something else again.

The facility of body, mind, and heart may be the open window of heaven, or the closed and shuttered window of heaven. It has, for the most part, been closed and shuttered. Now the shutters are opened a little crack and there begins to be an awareness that there is something to be poured forth—not to me but because of me, because of what I am, because of these human facilities which are provided in order to be the window of heaven—not a window closed and shuttered but a window wide open, so that there may be radiation. This has been described: Let your light so shine. Radiation. The words have meant very little. The light is already present. No one needs to go anywhere to get it. There are human beings who are searching high and low in an endeavor to find the meaning of life. Let us be an open window for the radiation of life. Then we will know what the meaning is.

No one can find the meaning of life by searching for it. One can only find the meaning of life by living it, without any human distortions. The human distortions arise because of this human self, which is permanently afraid, inadequate, and all the rest. It tries to put on a big front sometimes. But this fearfulness is present because there is a subconscious awareness at least that this human self is in the business of passing away, a business which is completed somewhere along the way. And if one is identified with that, well you’re gone. But obviously we are well aware that there would be no human self at all, there would be no body with its mind and heart, if it was not for the fact that there is a focus of life present.

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We have seen this in terms of an angelic presence. To start with, there is the thought that this angel is someone other than oneself, because one is so familiar with the human self, which is anything but angelic! It’s a pain in the neck, isn’t it? It’s a pain in the neck for ourselves, and for everybody else too! How about letting the window be opened? Well we are participating in the creative process by which this may occur. This does occur as there is a willingness to participate in the process. We have had some willingness at least. I think we would all have to admit that it hasn’t been all that much heretofore. Let us not be proud of anything that we suppose may have been achieved, because what needs to happen certainly hasn’t happened yet. The window is not fully open, and what is ready to come forth has not consequently come fully forth. It has been restricted in various ways by all our human hang-ups. Of course we have been very earnest in an endeavor to dissipate these human hang-ups. We have struggled with them a certain amount. We have been intent upon being good people. There are lots of human beings on the face of the earth, millions of them, who are earnestly endeavoring to be good people. But the truth the beauty, of what should be present cannot be present on that basis, because the window is being held firmly closed and shuttered.

It isn’t that there should be found some sort of a cure for human nature, so that this human self might be corrected and do what it’s supposed to do. Well what it is supposed to do is pass away. That should be obvious enough, because that is what it does. That is what it is supposed to do. Most human selves don’t relish the prospect, or the process of it happening. But all have experience in that regard. Some of the evidences of this occur on a physical basis: the physical body decays. The process of decay is classified as disease. Let us endeavor to cure disease—this is the approach. The attempt is an attempt to do the impossible, for one thing, but also to defeat the creative process. And human beings may then say, if they are able to cure disease, “We did it! We don’t really need the creative process at all. We cured disease. We have everything under control without the creative process. Isn’t that nice?” The human self has then triumphed. But this is something impossible to achieve.

The whole effort to solve problems is a waste of time. As we have recognized, if you solve some particular problem, you find shortly that you have created ten more. The whole thing is becoming pretty overwhelming these days. Of course! Naturally so; it’s quite the way it should be. Let’s not object to it. It isn’t a matter of solving problems, solving the problem of ill health, the problem of human nutrition, the problem—all these problems. Whether they are deemed to be social problems or political problems or any other problems, it is futile to undertake to try to solve them. One may seem to solve a particular problem, but shortly you discover that you have half a dozen others.

It isn’t a matter of solving problems; it’s a matter of dissolving human nature. Human nature is the problem—you can’t solve it. You can’t make human nature be anything other than human nature; that’s what it is. There is no way by which you may correct your human nature so that it isn’t human nature. It becomes just another brand of human nature. It looks a little different perhaps, but it’s the same damned thing. It’s damned, condemned; it passes away. In one sense you could say that is the solution: Let human nature pass away. When human nature passes away, all its problems pass away too. That should give a clue as to how it is that these things that human beings struggle with may be dissolved. Let human nature be dissolved.

But, I note, even those who have some vision in this regard still are very much concerned about preserving human nature. One of the first things that most people do when they get sick is to run to the doctor. Oh there is quite a wide range of doctors, mind you, that you can choose from, plying their trade in all the different healing arts, as they are called—healing arts, healing. What are they going to do? Cure human nature? Cure the state which human beings produce by reason of human nature? God forbid! Let that increase. Let it take out what doesn’t belong. That’s a pretty tough proposition, isn’t it, when you suddenly discover perhaps you’re the one who does not belong. Well that should cause a little awakening. How about becoming the one that does belong? And if you want to dissolve human nature, with all its associated states, don’t try to preserve it. That should be obvious enough. I’m sure we all claim that human nature should pass away; and we nod our heads in agreement, but “Not mine please!” is what we tend to say.

There is a resurgence of interest in what we have called attunement. Maybe there is something dawning finally in someone’s consciousness that when one is attuned with the creative process you don’t need to be healed, you don’t need to be cured of anything. If the approach to what have been called attunements is, “Well I’m going to be cured of what is ailing me,” you will find that attunement is no better than any of the other efforts that have been made in the human sense to cure what is incurable. Mind you, various so-called diseases are seemingly dealt with; but, as I say, they may vanish under their old names but they reappear under half a dozen new names. We see this certainly happening in the world now. It has always been so but it is somewhat speeded up and intensified these days, so that failures and the results thereof occur much more quickly. Human nature is rapidly passing away. It could take a lot of people with it, couldn’t it? If one is identified with that, out you go. This has been common practice in every generation, considered natural: everybody dies. Yes, of course. In human nature, that is the way it is. Human nature passes away. As the total identity of the individual has tended to be in human nature and in the facility which allows human nature to be made known on earth—namely human bodies, minds and hearts—then they pass away too. “Good riddance!” That is easy to say when you are looking over there. But how about what is present with oneself?

We have seen these things and we have undertaken to provide a certain focus for the creative process, which is in the business of dissolving human nature. This is what the creative process is doing. It is being intensified in these days. There are various obvious reasons why this is so. But in any case, one way or another, human nature is on the way out. Is that cause for rejoicing, or cause for misery? That depends on where one’s identity is, doesn’t it? Is one quite content to let human nature pass away, even if it takes you out, as a human body, mind and heart? Is that all the experience you know? It is a principal one, isn’t it? But there is some awareness at least that there is someone else present; and there is, with some, the conscious recognition that “I am present”. One is the one who is present, and the one who is present is not identified by human nature, is not identified by this human self. As long as the human self is big and fat it obliterates what I am, obliterates from its own experience—that is, from the experience of this body and mind and heart. But now, perhaps, there begins to be a certain openness in this regard where one no longer clings to all the things that have been present—good, bad and indifferent—all the things of human nature. These are good, bad and indifferent. They all need to go, because they are all what composes human nature. So we are not trying to be good; we are not trying to be bad either; and we are certainly not interested in being indifferent, mediocre. We are interested in discovering, in human experience, who I am.

I am the incarnate one. I am the angel. I am a son or a daughter of God. That is my identity. I am quite aware of those distorted factors that are present in my body and mind and heart, but I will not let those distorted factors determine my identity. They are not my identity. They are present there because of a very lengthy human heredity. They are present there because of that. I do not put any store in that identity which comes out of the past. It has been raising particular hell on earth for a long time. I come to the point where my body and mind and heart are at least considering obedience to ME. It could be said that I am an absolute dictator in that regard. My body, my mind, my heart have no say in the matter at all. They are simply the means by which I may be present on earth, allowing the outpouring of radiation, the sounding of the tone.

To the extent that there is such radiation and the tone is sounded, everything that happens is as a result. Everything that happens in me, as a human body, mind, and heart, happens as a result. But only when I am present, and my body and mind and heart are obedient to that fact, is the happening radiant, is there an outpouring of radiation, is there a focused sounding of the tone. When that tone sounds, and the radiation pours forth, everything that takes place in effect is a result of that radiation. How could you then judge it? How could you say, “This is good and this is bad”? It’s all exactly what it should be.

We ourselves have discovered, in the human sense, that all the things that have occurred in our human past to bring us to this point have brought us to this point. Is there something wrong with them then? Can we look back and bewail this or that? Certainly not, because everything that occurred brought us to this point. The creative process worked perfectly, in spite of all our judgments, and we’ve had lots of them back along the way. We have condemned ourselves for doing this and doing that, and we have certainly condemned other people for what they did to us—poor us. But whatever was done by anyone at any time during this period has brought us to this point. The creative process works in spite of human judgment.

We are in position to give focus to that creative process. Instead of unconsciously bucking it, as we did most of the time, we can consciously agree with it and let it work, so that there may be a window opened in heaven for the outpouring of radiation into the total consciousness of mankind. And it will have the exact, correct effect in that consciousness. It can’t do anything else. Everything that occurs in human consciousness will be a part of the process by which human nature is dissolved, because that is the purpose of the creative process: that human nature may no longer exist but that there may be Man, male and female, on earth, the open window of heaven through which the outpouring radiation and the sounding of the tone may be clear and true. Consequently all creation for which man is responsible may come into alignment, may stand up in the correct design. It happens because of the creative process. It never happens by reason of manipulation by human nature. We have all manipulated: and there is an immense amount of manipulation going on presently on earth. Let it go on! We can say that, the very moment we are identified with the creative process, because it will all be part of the process by which human nature passes away. And that is what we are here to let happen.

So we share this easy and natural responsibility, but only to the extent that we ourselves have accepted the state of being an open window of heaven. Then the radiation floods forth. If you mentally try to figure it out—“Well I need to look at this to see whether radiation really is going out”—immediately you are a closed window, so it isn’t going out. But as long as the window stays open you become aware very simply, very easily, very directly, of what it is that is happening. You begin to see the happening. You recognize the effects of what it is that is pouring forth in radiation and in the sounding of the tone, and you are delighted with that. It may be, and certainly will be, painful to human nature. Human nature never liked dying; certainly protracted dying it doesn’t favor at all. So if that looks imminent, sometimes it gets it over quick!

It isn’t a matter of what human nature likes or doesn’t like. It is a matter of allowing the creative expression of the one I am. That is the necessity for each individual: and when it is allowed to be factual for each individual, then it is factual for all of those collectively. There is a Body, and there is One incarnate in that larger Body. Because of that One incarnate in that larger Body, there is the radiation through the window of heaven which the Body provides into the consciousness of mankind. The sorting out process happens automatically. One may be in position as an individual to provide a helping hand here and a helping hand there, knowing what it is that is happening with people—but at the same time one is, in a sense, quite aloof from it because it is going to happen anyway. Our concern is that there should be as many people as possible who let themselves participate in the creative aspect of the happening. So we share a concern in this regard; there is a compassion in this regard.

There is no compassion at all, in fact, for the passing of human nature. That seems very hard to human nature—of course! it is—but for those who emerge out of that state it is a wonder of wonders; it is an experience of beauty and of glory. The restoration occurs. And this is not a concept of the mind. You can’t define it, you don’t know what it would be; but you can let it happen. And we let it happen moment by moment by moment in our living. We let it happen in a setting such as this to the extent that we are willing, and we emphasize it thereafter in every aspect of our living. All must be radiant, all must be characterized by the sounding of the tone.

Any moment when we try to get our own way, try to maintain some aspect of human nature that we are familiar with, we obliterate the tone. I have heard, and I’m sure you have heard, from people, “Well I really am this way. It’s because I…” They have a good reason as to why they are that way; they had something in their childhood, or whatever it was. But why sustain that? Why insist upon it? It remains as long as one insists upon it. The very moment you let it go, it’s gone. But human identity has been so thoroughly wrapped up in all these human nature factors that there is an awareness on the part of human nature that if it lets go of those factors it is going to pass away; and it doesn’t want to pass away! So there is the claim, “Well I am this way. I have always been this way.” Let it go. You don’t know the way you really are until you let it go. And if anyone needs assurance that the way they really are is an improvement, I would confirm the fact! There is no comparison, actually. But it is something one has to do for oneself.

I rejoice that we share a focus of these things in this setting, that this focus may be of the creative process and not of human nature, and that we may carry this focus of the creative process with us, individually, in our momentary living. We have no being, other than that, the being of the creative process. If we try to fool ourselves that we have some other sort of being, we find out sooner or later that we have fooled ourselves. So it is good to participate in the current of the spirit within the creative process in this hour, and individually and together in all the hours to come.

© emissaries of divine light