I Won't Let The Lord Down
from The Coming Of Heavenly Government #2
Martin Exeter November 11, 1984
What would happen if there really was agreement? Let’s just let it work the way it’s happening and, believe you me, if there is an openness in this regard the spirit of God is quite capable of carrying it through the way it should be carried through. We keep saying that what needs to be done must be done by the spirit. All right, let the spirit do it then! Let it change! Let it move! Free it up, that all may participate agreeably in the overall process and in every detail thereof. Spirit is acting; it never stopped acting. We’re not waiting for it to act. It is doing so now in the circumstances the way they are. Free it up! Don’t say to spirit “Well if you act, you’ve got to act the way I want you to act.” We don’t know what should happen. Let’s find out by giving spirit free rein because we agree with what is happening; we’ll let it happen.
What is happening within the range of our own experience, you may have noted, has a certain aura of control. Is there a willingness to let things move within the range of the operation of the government of heaven? We have some experience of this. Let it work here, in this. The heavenly government is the only chance—and that isn’t a chance; it’s a sure thing. Let it move freely. We are discovering how it moves freely, much more so than has been in the past. There is a greater willingness on the part of all to find the way it works. Spirit is on the move because it has a little space. Perhaps we have been instrumental in providing a little space and so it moves, something begins to happen. Let it be whatever it is. We find that there is the essential control present because the truth is present; and a new thing is in the process of taking place. It’s not the same as what has happened before.
Now something begins to move. Is there anything greater, or could there be any experience more successful, than allowing this to occur all the way through to its fulfilment? For those with true vision there is a recognition that there is nothing greater possible. It is majestic and it is grand. And we have the opportunity of letting it happen because we have some awareness of it and some experience of it already, which is not true of most of the population of the earth.
I have a sense of responsibility because of all this.
The responsibility is that I won’t let the LORD down, for one thing;
and for another thing, we’ll not withdraw the Way, the Truth and the Life
from the population of the world, either by quitting or by falling down on the job.
We share the wonder and the glory and the beauty of something absolutely transcendent. We begin to sense the coming. We either know it’s coming or we don’t. We stand together in one spirit, differentiating that spirit individually because individually we take responsibility for our own differentiation of it, something that nobody else could do. I have mine to differentiate, you have yours, but we’re all on a par in that regard.
When there is the government of heaven on earth absolutely, when that facility is there, the way it has been is no longer in effect and human beings are quite incapable thereafter of producing the sort of world which they have produced heretofore. The power is gone. With a little perceptiveness one can recognize that it is in the process of going, and it goes just to the extent that there is a focus of absoluteness present on earth of sufficient dimensions to provide what is necessary for the whole body of mankind. This would seem to emphasize the fact of largeness of vision, largeness of understanding, largeness of capability. That largeness comes in the only way it can come, by reason of the truth in expression in the immediate circumstance. Such a simple little thing. But now there are those who are awakening to this. They have largeness of vision as to the meaning and effectiveness and value of what they are now doing as related to the whole. They do not become myopic, but what they are doing is a window into the whole. Is what you do a window into the universal whole? To what extent?
Those who are absolute on earth are the angels of God. They know what they are about. They understand what is happening. They are quite capable of handling it. It requires a pure heart and obedient mind to do it. And so we share the process by which this happens in the Core of Things. Heaven on earth known again because the ordinances of heaven are being set in the earth. When that is factually the case nobody can stop it, nobody can resist it, nobody can make it some other way, because all the power and ability that human beings thought they had heretofore simply evaporates. It’s not there anymore.
How grand and glorious it is to share this responsibility, incomprehensible to the impure heart and the disobedient mind but becoming increasingly comprehensible to our own purifying hearts, and minds accepting obedience to the ordinances of heaven. This is the way it is. This is the way it works. This is what we’re here to do. So let’s do it!
© emissaries of divine light