October 28, 2020

One Nation Under God

One  Nation  Under  God

YouTube  Video

 Martin Cecil   December 7, 1980 

Into Thy presence, O Lord, we come with singing, and into Thy courts with praise. Then we are silent before Thee, that Thy temple may be prepared for Thy coming. So may Thy Word be spoken on earth in this hour. Thy Word is the bread of life by which Thy people are nourished. Thy Word is the security of life by which Thy people are sustained. Thy Word is the creative power of life by which Thy will is done. Thus the Lord speaks to the faithful ones out of the whirlwind and says:

Who are these arrogant imbeciles who darken counsel by words without knowledge? Put away the foolishness. Accept the responsibilities of manhood and womanhood, that my Word may be heard, demanding of thee, that thou mayest answer: Where art thou when I now relay the foundations of the earth? Answer me. Who laid the measures thereof now, if thou knowest, or who has stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the heavenly foundations fastened or who laid the cornerstone of truth thereof; when the morning stars sing together, and all the sons of God shout for joy?

The creative forces of God work in their sequence to bring forth according to His will. We assemble, that we may indeed be with one accord in one place, knowing agreement in God. In the quietness of that agreement, in the stillness, serenity and peace of the heaven, the spirit of God moves as the whirlwind moves. Out of that movement springs the Word of God spoken on earth.

Water is the name given to the first force, when the spirit of God moves upon the face of the waters. Out of this movement springs the Word of God which says to the faithful ones of the earth, “Where art thou?” This Word is spoken through those who know the truth in their living. We acknowledge our responsibility in this. “Where art thou as I lay the foundations of the earth, the new earth?”

I speak these words for myself. You rightly speak them for yourselves. I cannot speak them for you, only for myself. You cannot speak them for any other, just for yourself. In this hour this morning as I speak these words you speak these words, silently withal, but they are your words just as surely as they are mine, spoken to all the world but heard in the hearts of those who are faithful to the Lord: “Where are you as I lay the foundations of the earth?” These foundations are established in the new heaven. Because of the new heaven, the new earth takes form. We share the responsibility for the new heaven in this hour, and in every hour, as the Word of truth is spoken in living on earth.

Out of the whirlwind comes the Word. Out of the air of spirit, by reason of the water of truth, comes the Word which establishes the earth, the earth under heaven. The foundations of the earth are laid; the earth takes form. It only takes form because those foundations are laid. Individually we speak the Word, “I lay those foundations in my living.” That is where we are, doing what we are here to do. And so the earth, which is a new earth, takes form. It takes form, revealing that the morning stars do sing together in oneness, in purity of tone, and the sons and daughters of God shout for joy in their living. There is no experience more joyful to human beings than that of living. Dying is a sorrowful experience. The Word of God is spoken on earth, being revealed in this fashion. The kingdom comes. The power of creative action by spirit is known and the glory shines round about.

We rightly bring all this to focus in agreement that it may be so established, not only in this hour but in each succeeding hour as we move in the cycles of the whirlwind to let God's will be done. There is a saying in the human world that if you sow the wind you reap the whirlwind. Humanity as a whole, which is composed of individuals, reaps the whirlwind. We do not see the whirlwind as being merely destructive but as being the source for the creative fulfilment of God's will. Associating ourselves with that movement of the whirlwind, behold, all things are made new.

It is indeed arrogant imbecility for human beings to try to lead the world with any expectation of a creative fulfilment. Yet there are vast numbers of people doing this, or attempting it. God is forgotten, regardless of such claims of the lips as there may be. In the forming of the United States of America the attitude of those who were responsible at the time was that there should be one nation under God. This view is enshrined in the constitution of the United States. It seems that in such instances nobody dares use the word; it might create an uproar. While, as I say, the words may not necessarily mean very much if used, the fact of being under God is absolutely essential to the reality of a nation. Where else on the face of the earth is there even lip service paid to this? There is no true nation except under God.

Of course using words to this effect does not necessarily mean very much, but still the absence of those words certainly indicates the state of human consciousness. How to build a nation, ignoring God? It is quite impossible. No wonder there is wrangling. Those who wrangle are not wrangling about God but about themselves, trying to take this portion of the earth by force for human purposes. And there is a question of course as to how this shall be done. Nobody can agree. Of course not, how could they? This is continuing evidence of movement away from God. “Let us have a nation without God” is what is fundamentally being said. This is true the world around.

We ourselves are concerned with the nation of God on earth, calling it the kingdom: a nation under God, a great nation consequently, a nation not only capable of superseding all humanly constructed nations—the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ—but of providing the government of God for the children of men and, by reason of the children of men, for the whole creative field for which they are responsible. This comes with certainty as there is present on earth, within the body of mankind and the consciousness of mankind, the Word of God spoken. The Word of God spoken does not necessarily tell human beings about God. What words could possibly be used in any case? Theologians have been struggling with this for ages and have darkened counsel by words without knowledge. It is that God should be present on earth, in action on earth, the reality of Jehovah. In this hour we accept the responsibility for this individually or we remain, with countless others, arrogant imbeciles. The Word is spoken in this hour, let it be spoken in all the hours to come, by me. This is my Word. I trust it is yours also.

None can stand against God. When God is present the reality is present, the truth is present, the creative power is present, because I am present; and again I speak for each one. None can stand against it. The question is asked, because the creative cycle is in motion; it is asked of human beings everywhere: Where are you? Where do you stand? What is the quality of your living? I will demand of thee and answer thou me. Where do you stand as the foundations of the new earth are laid? Trying to sustain the old earth, to keep it around a little longer? Or wholly occupied with establishing the foundations of the new?—spiritual foundations, largely invisible foundations, the foundations of character, of the quality of living, seeking nothing but concerned alone to bring the living Word of truth into the earth in momentary living, the action of God. This action doesn't conform to the concepts of men as to how God would act.

Those who think anything about God are inclined to imagine that He comes with a great thunder, arrayed with lightning, to lay something on human beings. No, He comes quietly. Human beings make the noise. There is silence in heaven for the space of half an hour, enough time to establish what is needful. It doesn't require years and years. Thirty minutes should be enough, when there are those who speak the Word of God on earth, not merely in what is said. We all say something day by day. I have not noticed that anyone has yet taken a vow of silence. So what is said may be included in the Word of God, what is thought also, what is felt, what is accepted into experience. Human beings are accustomed to accepting trash, garbage. They think nothing of it. Everybody stinks, so nobody notices it! “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” They shall be God in action on earth.

So this stable foundation is established, is laid, and the earth takes new form. The old form dissolves, disintegrates, falls away, so that the new form may appear on the true foundation, the foundation of the Word of God. To the extent that we have no other gods before this One, it is done. It cannot be prevented from being done. Arrogant imbeciles do not realize this, which is really fortunate. It is better that they shouldn't. It leaves God with a free hand, when He has a hand to use on earth. But in all our ways we may proclaim the truth of God, not by speaking those words over and over—who knows what they mean?—but by being God in action on earth. That is humility, because man was so designed. To accept that design is to be humble; to reject it is to be arrogant.

We share an understanding of these things. Let it be more than an understanding. Let us stand with God, one nation under God, that the truth may be made known, the foundation truly laid, and the earth restored. Here is our unified purpose, the sole reason for our presence on earth in human form. The human form with its consciousness is of little moment except as it allows the revelation of God in action on earth—the revelation of the one I Am. Here is our service this morning, not to congratulate ourselves on our understanding but to let the kingdom come and God's will be done in earth because we have let it be established in the heaven of our living, giving glory to God always in the highest.

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