June 21, 2019

The Pulsing Rhythms Of Being

Summer  Solstice

Look to the Light

It seemed we were alone

in the dark night struggle,

abandoned and opposed

by forces unseen.

You know the ending

in your heart of hearts,

you know who saved us,

the strength always present

when we look to the light.

The rhythm of salvation

drums deep in the earth

echoing across the night sky

to the laughter of stars.

We are leaving

a sleep long and troubled.

Thorn hedges dissolve

and the well of life's water

flows out in a spring.

It is morning

and we are awake.

Don Hynes


The  Pulsing  Rhythms  Of  Being

from  Servers In Our Master's Harvest Field

Uranda   May 2, 1954  Class

Our purpose here is to be, or to learn to be, servers in our Master's harvest field. As servers it is our responsibility to reach a point in understanding, in capacity, where we may help others to accept and to pass through essential periods of cleansing by which there may be a renewing in body and mind and heart. We realize that if we are to reach a point where we can help others be made new we ourselves must first lead the way in the experience of letting the cleansing be a reality and the process of renewing be a fact in form. As we realize the need for this deeper cleansing, that we may by faith be made every whit whole, we are in position to begin to accept and receive that power of God by which such fulfilment may be known. We have in recent meditation considered something of the reality of Father God and of Mother God. To the end that we may allow the manifestation of God on earth we would in all things so yield that each in his or her appointed place, and according to the divine provision of capacity, do that which is needful to the revelation of God on earth, which is to say, the revelation of Father God and the revelation of Mother God.

As we pause to meditate upon these things, our thoughts turn to the basic application of the One Law by which essential building or creating may appear and by which essential cleansing may be maintained, for as we consider the matter, we realize that God provided a means of cleansing and that that means of cleansing was ordained to function in the ideal state. A certain amount of cleansing is essential at every level of being, in heaven above or in earth beneath. If, as in illness, the cleansing process has not been adequate, and there appears to be a special need for cleansing, the functions of this process must in the sense of that which may be observed in form become dominant; and yet in the sense of actual function, in the sense of that which is actually at work in both the visible and invisible realms, this function of cleansing must never be allowed to become dominant. What do I mean by these words? If the evidence in outer form is distorted and failing to function according to the fulness of life, that which is evident is a dominant need for cleansing; but if we try to achieve this cleansing without regard to the dual function of the Law we will fail, and in this mankind has been most successful, most successful in failing, and it is for us to change the tide.

Let us consider the principle—the Principle of Pulsation. We see this principle at work in our bodies, in the respiratory system. We inhale and we exhale. The inhalation of what is presumed to be pure air provides the body with the needed oxygen, and in the exhalation there is the expulsion that allows for a cleansing away of those things which must not be allowed to accumulate in the body. In a perfectly healthy condition this elimination of matter that ought not to be is constant. We see this pulsation at work in breathing; we see it in the heart, the pulsations by which the life fluids, the lifestream, is caused to move in arteries and veins. We see the provision of that which permits the building, and we see the provision of that which permits the cleansing away of refuse. We see this cycle of pulsation in relationship to the alimentary canal; we eat and we allow the elimination of refuse. The Principle of Pulsation. It is needful that we begin to realize that, regardless of the form, whether from the single-celled amoeba or the complex human being, the application of the One Law in relationship to form, here or anywhere, is on the basis of pulsation. If the ebb and the flow ceases at any point there is the cessation of the manifestation of life in the form at that point.

The working of the Law in any form, at any level, is by reason of pulsation. If there is at any point the positive expanding expression and then the negative form fails to respond thereto, at that point there is death. Whether in the amoeba, in the nucleus, or in the sun, in the solar system, there is the expanding expression of the positive element in radiation in the release of the positive forces of being. But those forces of being do not become power, in the sense of the living of life in form, until there is the response thereto in the negative aspect of the form. It is this pulsation between the positive aspect and the negative aspect that provides the current of life. If there be the positive outflowing and then an inadequate, weak, uncertain response in return, there is weakness, there is illness, and the life forces do not manifest as power in living. Anything which inhibits the response pattern to the positive pulsations inhibits the expression of life in the form. The forms through which the pulsing rhythms move extend from the single cell to the solar system and on beyond, and we are in between.

There is a great lesson to be learned by those who are wise, in the fact that humanity after twenty thousand years of the fallen state still suffers as it does. The positive pulsations in radiation from God the Center have been rhythmic and certain in all their cycles, large and small, through all these centuries, through all the millennia, but God, with all of His power, could not force humanity to receive and respond adequately. There has been some receiving and a little response or the body of mankind would have perished from the face of the earth, but it has been inadequate receiving, an inadequate response. In desperation human beings would let a little more of the response appear, do a little more receiving, and then again become self-sufficient, self-satisfied, arrogant, self-willed and self-active at a level which was not more than a tenth of what could have been, and in season must be. Man accepted a level, above which he has refused thus far to move, because he has not accepted the pulsing rhythms of being in the working of the Law through his own form, and he has contented himself with barely existing instead of opening to that which is, and permitting himself to know the resurrection and the life by which he might share the full strong rhythms of the heartbeat of the Body of God.

YouTube Audio

We realize that the response factor in the Body of God, in the Being of God, belongs to Mother God; the positive radiation factor belongs to Father God; and the pulsations between provide the field of being, the field of living, the field of attainment, achievement, fulfilment, the realm of creation. We realize that we cannot comprehend that which we do not allow to manifest within ourselves in some way. We cannot comprehend anything of any level which is not allowed expression through ourselves. It must appear through form on earth. We have as the body of humanity had that uneasiness, that insecurity, that restlessness, which gave evidence of the absence of Mother God. We have perceived something of the pulsing, positive expression of Being from God but we have allowed so little of the vigorous response thereto to appear in our lives that we could not see or know here on earth that which would have given this realm of creation the spirit and the nature of home, the true expression and manifestation of Mother God. If we are to share in the full, free rhythms of life, we must let the cleansing take place without allowing this dominant need to become the dominant factor in consciousness, for that is where human beings fail.

You who have functioned as servers know full well how it is that human beings allow their consciousness to be so filled with their aches and their pains, their needs and their difficulties, the things they think they do not have, that they have no means of allowing the positive expression of being, which they cannot yet see, have true control in their lives. There is in the sense of the form, the outer evidence, the dominant need for the healing, for the cleansing, for the correction of the ill conditions, but if that dominant need is permitted to become the dominant aspect in consciousness, the healing, the cleansing, cannot take place. This that is the dominant need in the outer form must be relinquished to the control point in an attitude of trust and faith, so that even though it is there, as far as the consciousness of the individual is concerned it becomes a secondary factor. The need for the centering in God, the need for the fulfilment of the whole, the need for rising above all personal and petty limitations, must become the dominant factor in consciousness, otherwise the human capacities of being are not permitted to share and make manifest in form, where they can be perceived, seen and known and experienced, the positive pulsations of God Being by which this need may be cleared. To convince human beings of this one point is the most difficult thing in our whole ministry. The human vision sees the need, is centered there, and the human consciousness becomes so filled with that that it is not aware, and has no means of becoming aware, of anything else. So the ill condition continues and worsens until the form is lost. But recognizing the need for cleansing, or healing, or growth, or development, or fulfilment, for all the things which we recognize as being necessary, seeing them and acknowledging the need, we must let them become completely and utterly secondary.

Now if we deny the need when it is present and try to function from the standpoint of the positive God Being we will fail. We must acknowledge this need. If by reason of human pride we shut our eyes to it, if by reason of concepts of human self-sufficiency we deem ourselves to be sufficient and adequate and we say, “I am not going to let all of these needs bother me; I am going to function from the standpoint of positive God,” what happens? The same old thing that has worked out in human history in various forms over and over again. We have accomplished nothing. We have not risen above the ceiling under which man has been struggling with his ten percent or less of fulfilment. We must see these needs, we must face them, we must accept them, we must acknowledge them. If we try to deny them or imagine that they are not present, or refuse to face them by reason of human pride, we fail. We must face them, we must acknowledge them, we must recognize them, but having done so, we must let them take the secondary position, not the dominant position. Having so acknowledged, we must then set these needs aside, as it were, and let our whole consciousness become centered in that which is dominant—not even our personal need for salvation. If the sense of a personal need of salvation remains dominant, that person remains damned. We must face the need, we must acknowledge it, accept it, we must not in any sense deny it, but having reached that point, we must then take the next step and let our concern for development, progress, personal fulfilment in any way, shape or form, with respect to salvation or fulfilment in any degree or realm, become completely secondary, completely so in relationship to our centering and response for the benefit of the whole, for the fulfilment in any place or time or way by reason of the positive radiation from God, from center, from core, from nucleus, from whatever we wish to say that represents the positive elements of being in action. Then the human mind will not be trying to direct and control the uses of the positive outflow; for as long as the mind, seeing the need, attempts to control and use the positive outflow, for good causes surely, that person is defeated by his own function.

You say, “I accept the positive current from God"; but you want to determine how it shall be used, what shall be fulfilled in yourself or in another, when and how; and you will fail. This is the breakdown; for human beings have been through the centuries refusing to let the will of God be done in earth as it is in heaven. Having acknowledged the need on earth and seen the condition for what it is, faced the issues honestly and squarely, we then yield to the positive outflow, unconcerned as to whether the fulfilment comes in someone over there, in the clearing of that condition first, in whatever manner whatsoever, through whom, when or how--not demanding one thing for ourselves, not requiring one speck from the standpoint of position or fulfilment or healing, not requiring anything for ourselves but actually rejoicing, in a completely selfless joy, in the response and the outworking, the fulfilment, the manifestation out here, anywhere, at any time, under any circumstances, through any person. If when there begins to be a fulfilment in some person over here we rejoice, then we share; but if we say, “Such and such a person is being put ahead. Such and such a person is receiving such a blessing. I ought to have that blessing. I am hurt,” on the basis of human reaction and pride we stiffen up and cease yielding to the positive power. Then the breach gets wider and wider and wider, and that person who is suffering from human pride becomes more and more meaningless, until he either wakes up and responds anew or passes from the scene of things.

These pulsations are here and we have to learn to recognize and work on the basis of the pulsations. When there is the responding inflow to God the human being tends to remain rigid, unresponsive, and he says in that condition, “I want to feel the positive power of God. I am trying so hard to feel the positive power of God and I can't feel it,” and he passes by the inflowing. And then the cycle of God, the season of God for the outflowing from God comes, and he has this positive pattern—he has failed to yield in the pulsation—and he is pushed a little further away, and a little further away. Two positives repel each other. And the cycle works and the cleansing continues. If we insist on the right to be foreign objects in the body of the amoeba we will be pushed right out sooner or later. This pulsation, whether its rhythm is one second or one year, depending upon the cycle, is beside the point. That pulsing rhythm is there, in some places moving at a very high rate, in others a long, slow pulsation. We might say it takes twenty-four hours for the double cycle of the pulsation to work out in relationship to the tides of the sea. There is the stronger one and the lesser one every twelve hours, but the full cycle, the double pulsation, twenty-four hours. Now if man became rambunctious and said, “These tides ought to run every twenty-four minutes. I don't see why God didn't make them run every twenty-four minutes. I want it that way,” we would say, “How foolish can man be?” The tide is here, this is the rhythm, let us work with it. That is what is meant by working with the Law, that is to say working in and with the pulsations of the Law; not according to the seasons and the times of man's self-determination, but according to the seasons and the times and the cycles of the pulsation as God has already established it.

If we try to change it we may say, “Oh I am trying to apply the One Law,” but it will amount to nothing. You are not going to change the pulsing seasons of God's ordaining. We either accept that and work with it or we fail, struggle as the human being may—and we have twenty thousand years back of us, six or seven thousand years of recorded history full of the evidence that it does not pay to ignore the One Law. But in what way do we ignore the One Law? We ignore it in the patterns of its manifestation through the pulsing cycles of its expression. Work with the Law. Do not try to set the Law up yourself as if you were God. That is what caused the fall in the first place. You are going to be positive, you are going to use the One Law, you are going to initiate the positive pulsations and expect the negative response to appear? You are going to do it? You are going to be as God? It will not work.

The pulsations are already established. They are already here with respect to every little cycle and every big one. All we have to do is to perceive them and coordinate with them and then we are working with the Law. But if we ignore those pulsations and try to establish our own rhythms we are trying to be as God and we will surely fail. But if we will accept the pulsations that are, little or large, and work with them, then we will be sharing in and with God the expression of God Being, and the proper cycle of response to the positive radiation of Father God will appear through us and we will begin to know Mother God. And knowing Mother God, we will begin to be at home on earth where God has placed us.

So it is that the Kingdom comes. So it is that all fulfilments are possible. Anything that disregards these already established pulsations, which is to say, the control factors, the Kingdom factors—the Kingdom of heaven that is at hand is what? The pulsing rhythms of the operation of the Law in all the cycles of being and creation all around us. We conform with them and we know what it is to share God's creative work. We ignore them, and seek to establish our own, and we fail. It is the Law, and no man can alter or change it. Man can reject it and refuse to work with it and destroy himself. Each must make his own choice. But these pulsing rhythms of being are present everywhere, and we have the responsibility of receiving from God the positive radiation, of responding thereto, and doing what?—and giving it back to God. When children play ball—two little ones playing toss, shall we say—one throws the ball and the other is supposed to return it. If the one who receives it takes it and walks off with it, no ball game. God tosses the ball to you. You receive it and don't toss it back, you walk off with it; you are going to do something, something big; but no ball game, just like that. Or perhaps God tosses it to you and you don't even catch it; you just let it go on by, you ignore it, and you say, “When is God going to throw me the ball? I will stand here. I will be patient. I will keep my eyes shut so I never see God throw it, but I will wait.”

We must be alert. We must begin to perceive, to sense, to feel and to know the pulsations from God and to work with them. That is the secret of life, the secret of fulfilment, and as we feel it coming from God, filling us, do we say, “Well now I am beginning to feel something. I am surely going to have to use this”? What are you going to do with it? Like self-active Peter did so long ago, go out and start using? Or are you going to hold steady and let it fill your being and thrill your being, until you cannot contain it any longer and give it back to God, and then let it come? It begins to appear and fills, becomes higher and higher, until you are filled, and then it goes over the top and back to God. Over and over again, in every little cycle, in every big one, you receive; but you cannot respond in the sense of true expression the minute you begin to receive. You have to let yourself be filled, and then there is the overflow. And what do you do with it? You try to use it here? You try to do that with it? Or do you give it back to God, let it flow back?—receiving and respondingWhat is responding? Responding is just receiving on an open, yielded pattern until, being filled, you reach the absolute limit of your capacity to receive and you give it back to God—the ebb and the flow, the pulsing working of the Law. And you accept the cycles. You do not try to change them, and you work with them. You do not cut yourself off by human pride or self-activity.

You let the will of God be done in earth as it is in heaven, and you acknowledge the reality that “Thine is the kingdom.” Well where is the Kingdom? Your body, your whole being, with all of its capacities. And “Thine is the power” that fills the Kingdom until it can contain no more. And then, “Thine is the glory,” the wonder and the beauty of the return of that to God. And you have become a part of the ebb and the flow, the pulsation of Life, and in it all things work together to perfection, because those who are in it love and serve the Lord.

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