Spring Equinox
Uranda 1938
Not long ago one of the wide awake Young Explorers asked about the time of Jesus’ birth. Jesus was not born on December 25th, even though we celebrate His birth on that day. There is no exact record of just what day of the week Jesus was born on, nor of the month. However, we know that He was born in the Spring, and not at the beginning of Winter. In the Third Sacred School we accept the 7th of March as the birth date of Jesus, in the year 4 B.C.
I would mention that Jesus came in the early part of the great Universal Water Age [310,464 years] and He was born 384 years after the beginning of the Universal Water Age. An Ordinary Water Age [2,156 years] ended in 1768 A.D., just 270 years ago, and the Ordinary Air Age began at that time. Air is the symbol of Spirit, just as Water is the symbol of Truth. So now we are in the Spirit Age, or the Ordinary Air Age of turning to the Spiritual Life, just as Jesus came in the Truth Age, or the Ordinary Age when Truth was given to man.