July 09, 2015

Ample  Seeds  Have  Been  Sown

Martin Cecil   July 29, 1977  Class


I am sure that all of you could find areas where you may still imagine that you need more information, but that is not the point at all, because the one who needs the information is the one who is passing away. You have been provided with an abundance of starting points, as they have been called—seeds in other words.

Some emphasis was placed by one or two on the fact that they did not know anything. I beg to differ. You know all that you need to know. Don’t deny it, ever. I understand what the attitude is from the standpoint of the human mind, because it has been suggested to you that you should forget your concepts and your ideas about the truth, that you may find the spirit of truth in you in expression. As long as you imagine you can get along quite well with the information you have about the truth then you are in a sad situation—you will not get very far.

But if you realize that  the seeds have all been planted—well do not deny the seeds; let them have some good soil and the right atmosphere so they can grow. And that right soil and atmosphere is the quality of your living and the way you live—that is, in the expression of the spirit of God which activates what is necessary in the moment to provide in form, in expression, what is fitting, what is required, something that has never been expressed before. You do not have any information for that. And on that basis you may say, well, you know nothing—but on the basis of your momentary experience you know everything because you know everything you need to know in that moment. Never deny that.

Now let me amplify it a little. There may be occasions when you find yourself in a situation where for the moment you do not know what to do or what to say because it is a foggy situation. If you find yourself in a fog, as you may do in the smog of the cities on occasion you may be in a fog that is fairly thick and you cannot see very far—it becomes a problem to drive. You do not know exactly where you are; you may follow the curve or you may follow the white line, but you can still function, can't you? If you are walking along the sidewalks and somebody suddenly looms out of the fog in front of you, you avoid that person, but you cannot function in a fog as though there was no fog. You will not drive down the highway, I trust, at the maximum speed in a fog. You slow down—you adjust for the conditions.

You will find yourselves in situations where there is a fog, where there is no clarity insofar as the people are concerned—it is a foggy situation and you do not see therefore everything as clearly as you would if it was not a foggy situation. Now some people when they find themselves in that condition start condemning themselves: “Well I attended Class. I did all these things. I have been associated with the ministry so long. I should be able to see clearly how to handle this.” You see clearly enough in the fog and you handle it on the basis of the fact that it is a foggy situation, not as though it was brilliantly clear, and when you are handling something in a foggy situation you approach it with caution. You are able, as something comes right to you, to see what it is and to do something about it. But very often where there is a fog you see all sorts of things a little way off that you cannot tell, really, what they are. Are you going to blame yourself because you cannot tell what they are? Let the fog lift and you will see what they are.

But if the fog is there, act on the basis of the fact that the fog is there! Simple! You will approach things cautiously with much greater care where there is not the clarity present than you would if it was clear, and you don't judge yourself or start saying, “Well I don't know what to do.” You know what to do in a fog just as much as you know what to do when it is clear. The only thing is you are pretending that the situation should be some other way than it is. Stop all the pretense and the foolish imagination and handle things the way they are, not the way you would like them to be. And if the fact is that we cannot see very much in a fog, it is not because our eyes are at fault, is it? It is simply because the atmosphere is of such a nature that we cannot penetrate it very well with our seeing mechanism. So it is in all kinds of circumstances. Let’s accept things as they are and handle them as they are.

When everything is clear and there is not too much traffic we can travel along at a good clip and get from here to there quite speedily, and that’s fine if the circumstances are that way. But if they are not that way, then we don’t get there quite so quick, that’s all. Let us not imagine that because we can drive from here to Denver in an hour and fifteen minutes when the weather is clear, that if there is a snowstorm along the way we are going to make the same time. We are not! It wouldn’t be right, would it? We would have an accident probably, so we had better slow down, and if it takes us two hours, what’s the difference?

So you will find situations where there is a certain amount of clarity and these things can be handled quite expeditiously, but then you run into something else where there is a foggy condition and it is going to take much longer. Are you going to say, “Well last week I handled something of this nature very easily and now I seem to be taking all this time. I must be slipping”? As time goes on you will find circumstances presented to you that are commensurate with your ability to handle them, and most people do not take that into account either. The Lord is very merciful and thoughtful, and when a person first starts to move fairly easy, things are presented. And maybe the person comes through with flying colors. “Isn't that wonderful! Now I am really a server.” But then something else comes up and is presented that requires a little more application. The individual says, “Oh I was going along so smoothly, so wonderfully, and now look at this. Again, I must be slipping.” What ridiculous judgments are accepted into a person’s consciousness about these sorts of things. Can't we live in the moment and handle what is in the moment as it may be handled in the moment? And it won't be the way we handled something last week nor will it be the way we will handle something next week. It is the way we handle it now, and then it is gone—and we are fresh and new, resilient, capable, in each moment as it arises.

You have starting points. Seeds have been sown—ample seeds have been sown. You may say, “Well you were not very specific in this area. I wanted to hear more about that or the other thing.” Why? So that you could think in your human ego that you were wise and capable. “Oh,” you say, “I did not have that in mind. I just wanted to be able to function rightly.” It is the same thing! It is the same old human ego wanting to function rightly. I am not interested in your human ego functioning rightly. I do not know what that would be anyway. Do you? Let that pass away.

There is something new emerging here, an angel who is going to take charge of you as you have thought yourself to be in the external sense. So as charge is taken, you find that what you thought yourself to be has been dissipated to that extent and what has taken charge is what you are, because that is what you are expressing. And you are what you express, fundamentally, not what you eat, by the way. It is not what you take into your belly; it is what comes out of you that gives you value and meaning and gives you a sense of self. Most people try to gain a sense of self by stuffing themselves and they may have the experience of a big, bloated condition, whether physical or mental, but it is not the truth, not what the individual really is. What  you really are is what is expressed by you out of your heavenly heredity and when it is expressed you know that; that is what you are. If it is not expressed you do not know it and no amount of information will cause you to know it.

It is necessary that there should be the seeds planted in the garden so that they may grow. And that has been done in a concentrated way. It will continue to be done later, as well, but not in quite the same way. And these seeds germinate and spring forth in the moment and you know what is needful in the moment. This is true as you abide in the tone of life; and as you abide in the tone of life, the design of life becomes apparent and you know what you need to know in the moment, as if by magic.

You are not depending anymore upon the information which was seemingly usable by your human ego in times past. There are those who have been functioning on this basis, accumulating more and more information so that they could be more and more effective, supposedly, in their living who suddenly begin to find that what used to work does not work anymore. And they are left desolate until they say, “Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.” Blessed is the one of heavenly heredity who finds expression. Then you begin to know the truth, the truth of yourself amongst other things, but you are not self-centered, you are not peering around to see if you can see yourself somehow. You can’t. There is no way by which you can see yourself. Anything that you can see is not you. People are very busy building images of various sorts. We do not need to build any of those. All we need to do is to be ourselves in expression; that is all that is necessary.

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