July 17, 2016

Intercession And Response To The LORD Of Lords



Response  to  the  LORD  of  Lords

Uranda   January 23, 1949

Every expression in thought or word or act, every feeling current, whether it finds outer form immediately or not, is either of the Healing Current, helping to restore that attunement with God that will let God restore the soul of the whole, or it is an action or function or feeling or thought which gathers the filth of the self-active mind and rubs it into the wounds, to irritate and inflame.

Our Master was, and is, called the Great Physician. Inasmuch as you, here gathered, have aspired to let yourselves be transformed, that you may be Members of His Body on earth, it behooves you to be filled with the Spirit and attitude of the Great Physician, that the Mind of the Great Physician may be in you, and that the actions of the Great Physician may find expression through you, and the miracles of the Great Physician may be accomplished because you live.

The action of the Lord Who is our Shepherd is, "He restoreth my soul," and the Master said, "He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad." Either we so function that we let Him work through us in restoring the soul of each one, and finally the whole, or we are against Him, and we scatter abroad—one or the other with every thought and word, every feeling and act, without a single exceptionone or the other.

The action of the Great Physician is, "He restoreth my soul." Let it be so, made manifest in each and every one of you, not only within the sound of my voice, but all who Respond to the Spirit of the Living Word that is spoken IN the Christ. Aum-en.

There is one point I might make here. Technically, according to the pattern of the actual working of the Cosmic Plan, I am not supposed to have to be, at any time, an Intercessor for anyone. There is necessity, with respect to the fulfillment of the Cosmic Plan, that the One Christ Body shall be so perfectly functioning in the Spirit and attitude of Intercession that there shall never, at any time, be any necessity that I should have to feel it incumbent upon me to intercede for any person within the Unit, or out of the Unit. Until that is an accomplished fact, so that you can be trusted with the work of Intercession, I cannot do that which I must do in my place if we are to share truly in the Victory of our KING.

There is another point on which I might comment. As an individual becomes a Member, potentially or in fact, he is supposed to have advanced to a degree where he is automatically letting the Spirit of his own Lord express through him to a considerable degree. Therefore, to whatever degree there is an actuality of attunement with the Lord within, the consciousness of the individual is supposed to cease giving thought or concern to the Lord within. He is supposed to give conscious thought and attunement to the LORD of Lords, because that is what the Father within each one is doing, and until the human consciousness ceases giving thought to Response to the Father within, the human being is not functioning in oneness with his Father within. This does not deny the steps by which we have come to this point of realization and understanding. There had to be a realization of the Father within, and Response thereto, to begin to open the way, but the moment the individual is functioning in the realization of the Father within, then the individual ceases to be concerned about Response to the Father within, because the Father within is concerned about Response to the LORD of Lords; and it is only in oneness of function on the basis of Response to the LORD of Lords that the Unit can become a Reality, so that the soul may be restored in the sense of the One Christ Body in factand that must be restored with respect to the whole Unit, and that restoration means the manifestation of the Spirit of the Living Christ through the Unit, which can be achieved only on a basis of individual and collective Response to the Lord of Lords, not with lip service, but in fact.

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