Sex — The Spirit of the New Earth
Special Session on Sunrise Ranch
Martin Cecil
April 17, 1978
Our concern as angels is to let the authority and
government of God be reestablished on earth. It is already established in
heaven. If it is to be reestablished on earth there must be angels present in
heaven and on earth. We ourselves have this clear-cut opportunity because we
have a physical form, we are on earth, and we begin to have a consciousness of
angelic expression, what we call spiritual expression. It is through spiritual
expression as it really is that the authority and government of God is
reestablished in the consciousness of mankind. Being reestablished there, those
who are functioning from the standpoint of the consciousness of mankind, the
way it is now, find themselves under the necessity either of responding and
accepting the authority and government of God or of resisting it and being
dealt with accordingly. Now this isn't an arbitrary imposition on anyone. It is
a matter of individual choice as to what occurs. Our sole concern is that the
authority and government of God should be present. How people are going to
react to it is their own business. It makes utterly no difference to us which
way they react because our total concern is with maintaining the authority and
the government of God in place. That occurs because of the keeping of the first
great commandment.
When mention is made of the Lamb in the Book of
Revelation—taking the book and going to work, in other words, to open the seals
so that the book can be read and what is inside can come out—all the elders,
the four beasts, all the angels that were present, fell down and worshiped. Here
we see the attitude of angels toward the One who provides a focus point in the
heaven and toward the One who sits upon the throne. It is one of love, of
yieldedness, of worship, of thankfulness. While angelically speaking there is a
very positive stance taken in extending the authority and government of God on
earth, the attitude toward those who are higher in the design of being is
always one of humility and love and worship and thankfulness. So we are here to
have these two attitudes which are natural to the angel. In the heaven we fall
down and worship and we are delighted to do so, but in the earth we are
responsible for maintaining the authority and government of God.
This authority and government when extended in
spiritual expression permits what is described as the opening of the seals in
the body of mankind. Now there is nothing very mysterious about this. What has
seemed to be mysterious is the fact that nobody has been able to do it. It
hasn't been possible for the human mind to accomplish what is needful. In a
general sense there has been a recognition of the need for changes in human
nature for instance; at least this is the way it is looked at. Human nature is
causing a lot of trouble, therefore it seems as though some changes should be
brought to pass. We have various methods and techniques, scientific so-called,
which are supposed to permit some changes to be worked out in this regard. We
ourselves as angels recognize the futility of any such undertaking because it
is not a matter of changing human nature; it's a matter of letting human nature
be dissolved. And human nature is dissolved when the angelic nature is present
and in expression.
This relates to the seven spirits before
the throne of God. We have been considering in a specific sense the spirit of
the new earth, which is the first one in the process by which the seals are
loosed. The loosing of the seals is made evident by the fact that the spirit
pertaining to that seal is released—is in expression. The influence which is to
loose the particular seal in the body of mankind must be in expression in those
who are making possible the action of the Lamb who
opens the seals. It
is our expression of spirit in all its aspects that permits all the seals to be
opened. Now we take them one by one to give some consideration as to how this
happens, and to the extent to which we are participating in the process.
The first seal, as it is called, relates to the
physical level particularly, and in the individual physical body this relates
to the gonads, or the field which is describable as physical sex. We are not so
much concerned with physical sex at the moment as with the spirit by which the
right experience in that regard may be known. Most people are less concerned
about that than they are about trying to find out what the right expression of
physical sex would be—in other words, the usual approach puts the cart before
the horse. It is the spirit which creates the seal in the first place and which
finds release by reason of that creation.
So we are concerned with the release of the spirit
of the new earth in our living. This does certainly relate to the area of
physical sex, and in order that there might be the evidence of the release of
this spirit will relate to the level of physical sex. In recent years there
have been some changes working out in the consciousness of people with respect
to physical sex. Things have been freed up in the consciousness of human beings
to a much greater extent in recent years in this area. This gives evidence of
the fact that there is at least some movement of the creative expression of the
spirit of the new earth. It is having this effect. It may look as though things
are sort of getting out of control, but there are structures being dissolved,
structures which have been a part of human nature, and in the dissolution of
any structures in human nature it is to that extent a dissolution of human
nature. It would appear that there is far more license, shall we say, in the
field of physical sex now than there was even a few short years ago.
There have been various structures built up in
different parts of the world, usually related to the religious concepts but
fundamentally based in the apparent sociological needs and then supported by
religious views. In Christendom the idea of monogamy is a basic structure. It's
mostly a theory, because the actual experience has been otherwise insofar as
people have been concerned. There have been those who have tried to tow the
straight and narrow path as they saw it in this regard, and heretofore, in days
gone by, the failure of the theory or the concept was kept under cover, so to
speak. It wasn't admitted for the most part, but everybody knew it was there.
Now it's come out into the open and this structure has begun to give way. This
is not the only structure, relative to physical sex, present in the world.
There are other structures giving way in other places, but obviously this is
necessary if what the spirit would create is to be brought forth. There must be
material available sufficiently free of the ancient taboos and structures to be
able to move into the true design.
Now all this is
happening. We see the effects around us. We may have had some experience of
those effects in our own lives, but those effects are consequent upon a cause.
It could be said that the cause is the self-centered desires of human beings,
but in fact that is an effect too, isn't it? We are concerned with the true
cause, and the true cause centers in this particular spirit relative to the
first seal, the spirit of the new earth. Because there has been some increasing
intensity of radiation of this spirit in heaven on earth, by reason of angels
incarnate, it has had an impact in the consciousness of mankind and the
structures begin to disintegrate. We see the effect. In the disintegration of
those structures there is maybe a
release of the self-centered human desires of people, but this is not why the structures
have been dissolving—because those desires were there right along.
They were previously held in check, but now it is
all beginning to come out into the open and we see that this is part of the creative
process occurring. It does not disturb us. We may watch what is happening and
we may watch the effects with equanimity, provided that we remain identified
with the cause. If we get involved with the effects then we find ourselves in
various kinds of difficulty. But if we stay centered in cause, in the
expression of the true spirit which relates to the first seal, the first level,
then we may play our part in letting the unfoldment continue which eventually
permits the emergence of fitting forms to clothe the true spirit. The true spirit
creates its own forms. So we are concerned primarily with the expression of
this spirit in our living.
The expression of the spirit of the new earth is a
part of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit would include all seven spirits. But
in moving forward in this cycle we let them come to focus in turn and we start
at the beginning—with the first one. If it is a part of the Holy Spirit the
intent is a creative one, of course. The release or radiation of the spirit is
to create, to bring forth, what is true to that spirit. We are here as angels
to let something be brought into the world that heretofore has not been
present, and this comes to focus in our consciousness, at the moment, as the
spirit of the new earth. What has been present has been the absence of the
spirit of the new earth, the spirit of decay. The spirit of decay tends to be a
rather boring thing. This is why human beings are all the time trying to drum
up excitement, because participating in the experience of the spirit of decay
is deadly dull—deadly is
the word. The falling-apart process is meaningless repetition.
We can begin to see this in relationship to
physical sex. While for a few years it seems to be something fresh
and new with young people, after a while, particularly in what is called
marriage, it tends to become a meaningless repetition. It does so because of
the spirit with which those concerned are attuned, the spirit of decay. Things
are gradually running down, so to speak, and in that running-down process people
tend to become disturbed too. Various crises arise in the lives of human beings
because of this running-down process. People feel that they are running down
and yet they don't want to—they want to prove that they are still men and
women. Well if we are attuned and aligned with the spirit of decay, we're
running down; we might as well admit it. But that is not what we are here for
as angels. Angels certainly aren't running down, and when there is spiritual
expression we begin to find a release which is ever new.
This release relates, at one level at least, to
physical sex, although to very much more than physical sex. Here I would
emphasize the fact that if we are considering the first seal, this is only
one-seventh of the whole spirit, and physical sex therefore is only one-seventh
of the whole of life experience. It has tended to become the whole thing to so
many people. Of course, I do not know that one can exactly say that each level
is the same size, so to speak, but we can see a proportion here which cuts
physical sex down to size. It has its value. It is useful. Of course in the
usual human approach, something that has been particularly emphasized in
Christianity for instance, physical sex is good if it is used for procreation—this
is the more orthodox view—but is bad if it is used for any other reason. There
is a structure in human consciousness in this regard which makes people feel
guilty with respect to physical sex. They are going to have it anyway but they
feel guilty about it.
We may see that this level is the one level that is
left in human experience where there is the remaining creative ability to bring
forth living forms. This is the only area that is left in present human
experience. From the standpoint of the true state of man, every level was
included in the creative process. It wasn't just based in the matter of
procreation. All the forms that are present, or were present, on earth, man in
his true state was responsible for. It is said of Adam that the animals passed
by in front of him and he named them all one by one. This is an indication of
the fact that he had responsibility for the animals, not only for caring for
them after they were there but for letting them be there in the first place. So
the scope of creative responsibility in the hands of true man as an expression
of the Lord God was vast. Now it has dwindled down. He plays around in various
fields of genetics, and so on, trying to do this and that with respect to
plants and animals, breeding and all this, but his direct ability to create
forms of life has been lost. It has all been lost but for this one point
relative to his own kind, procreation. He may still bring forth forms of life
there. Because of this, and of this whole area of physical sex, he
has a starting point in the cycle of restoration—because it is the opening of
the first seal in the expression of that spirit that permits something to begin
to happen with respect to all the other levels.
There is an ascending process which allows for the
opening of the other seals, based of course in the expression of the particular
spirits which are related to those seals, but it springs from this first one.
There has been some consciousness of this fact in the minds of human beings in
various ways. The idea of the kundalini and so on—something ascends—has some
relatedness to the real process, but it starts with the first level and then
moves up. So we are considering the first level and beginning to associate
ourselves with some of the angelic view with respect to it.
We see here a focus available to us for
creativeness. It is not properly available to the uses of the human mind and
the human heart. This level has been governed and controlled pretty well by the
human mind and the human heart. The human mind has brought in the rules and
regulations with respect to it that were supposed to keep people in line so
that everything didn't get all out of hand, and the human heart was considered
to be the basis for participation in this level of physical sex. Of course this
is all a false approach because it leaves the human mind and the human heart in
control of things. However, it has been valuable over the years in maintaining
some sort of a control, so that everything didn't get out of hand. Now things
seem to be getting a little bit out of hand but we recognize that this is all
right because there is a control present in fact, the control for which we are
responsible, in the expression of right spirit, the spirit of the new earth specifically
in this instance.
We begin to see as angels that everything that
comes to our hand is to be used for the achievement of the purposes of the
whole. We do not have any desire, rightly, to extract anything for our own
personal, private use. The most personal and private place in human experience
relates to physical sex and, generally speaking, it's the most reluctantly surrendered to right use because the individual
wants to have his say in the matter. But fundamentally, until this area is
yielded to angelic use, the use of the Archangel to be exact, the use of the
Lamb for the opening of the seals, we remain subject to human nature and we are
not in position to participate in the creative process. Perhaps in speaking of
these things along this line this morning it is the first time we have really
approached it from this standpoint, that there isn't anything which comes
within the range of our possible action here on earth, at any level, that is
not rightly used with respect to the whole; and if it is not used with respect
to the whole it is wrongly used, no matter how anyone may conform to their
concept what is conceived to be the good thing to do.
So physical sex has one purpose and one purpose
only, and that is a means of extending something in blessing in the creative
current into the consciousness of mankind. How this is going to be done needs
to come within the range of our awareness. If we have structures already
established in consciousness as to how the operation of sex should be carried
forward, and on what basis, and with whom, we absolutely prevent anything
worthwhile happening. We multiply confusion. Only as those structures are
dissolved so that we do not have any arbitrary views in the matter is it
possible. As the spirit of the new earth continues to find expression in our
living we become aware of what it is that permits the right use of physical
sex. Physical sex is for the use of the Archangel, for the creative purposes of
God, that and that alone. It isn't a personal, private thing for one’s use as a
human being. Looking at it from the angelic standpoint, we begin to see, as we
were considering yesterday in the services, that there are certain
configurations. We were thinking of it in terms of groups of people, which
properly are used from the angelic standpoint for the release of the creative
expression of spirit. By the same token there are certain configurations with
respect to individuals. Those configurations are based in the pattern of angel
to angel, not in the pattern of human to human.
Only when such proper configurations put in an
appearance does there begin to be something that is not a meaningless
repetition. I’m thinking of this—it applies in any area of living—particularly
in relationship to physical sex, where after a little it becomes humdrum and
people are inclined to look over the fence for greener pastures. They feel they
have lost something that was originally experienced and perhaps some other
arrangement with someone else will revitalize it. But of course all that is
simply looking at it from a human viewpoint, the viewpoint of human nature,
which has absolutely nothing to do with what is required from the standpoint of
the angel. When the angel is on hand, and there are proper associations between
angels, whether in the larger groups or on a one to one basis, then there is
participation in a moving creative current which has never moved before; it's
never come to focus in this
particular creative focus before. There is something ever changing in this
regard. So relative to physical sex or anything else, there is always something
I'm speaking to you as angels and I am assured that
you will not translate what I am saying as humans, because if you do you will
get it all balled up—there will be a mess. It is only when we can begin to
approach these things on a clear basis as angels that we really know what we
are talking about. But you may see, possibly theoretically at the moment for
the most part, that in the achievement of certain creative purposes physical sex
is used as a means for that creation and it requires right use; in other words
it requires the right angels to be present if anything is to be creatively
achieved as it should be, and there are definite configurations in this regard
for definite and specific purposes.
Those purposes not only relate to the angels
concerned but relate to the human aspect too, because it is by reason of the
fact of the human aspect that there may be a reaching into the mass
consciousness of mankind. So what is present in the human aspect is also taken
into account. It is part of the picture which must be seen in order to know
what creatively can be achieved. It is not as though it is merely a matter of
angels in heaven. It is a matter of angels in heaven on earth and the earth has
a particular condition with which we are now presumably dealing. We are dealing
with a state that is present on earth and our connections with that state are
through our own physical forms and the consciousness that is present in those
physical forms.
What I would wish to emphasize this morning is that
this is a field of creative service, and it is not a field for mere private
satisfaction. If a person attempts to use it for private satisfaction, which is
what is true of most people, then, as I say, it becomes flat after a while; but
if it is used as it should be used then here is something ever new because it
is ever vitalized and animated by the particular spirit which is in expression
in this case—the spirit of the new earth, which permits a keen awareness of the
fact that there is nothing in the world as it now is which gives evidence of
the new earth. There are those things which give evidence of a creative
movement which in season may allow the forms of the new earth to appear, and
obviously we have to move through that period of time in order to reach the
point where those forms have appeared. Let us not suppose that when those forms
have appeared that that is that, because they are living forms and the
characteristic of a living form is momentary change.
So we are concerned with this matter. We begin to
see that physical sex relates very specifically to a creative process with
which we are concerned, a creative process reaching into the whole, reaching
into the whole on the basis of the understanding and vision of the angel. Never
again can we try to isolate physical sex for our own personal satisfaction. After
a while it doesn't become very satisfactory anymore anyhow. It isn't a personal
matter, and if we can begin to see that this seemingly very personal matter
from the human standpoint, is not personal at all then we might almost say that
we have it made, because everything else we may consider is less personal. So
we start at this core point, and we have had the opportunity of considering it this
morning in this particular way.
This seal not only relates to physical sex; it
relates to physical function of every kind. This morning again there was
consideration of matters pertaining to physical health. Of course all these
things are included in the operation of the spirit of the new earth. We need to
have a balanced view, as was emphasized, the balanced view which recognizes the
unique factors that are always present—in other words you can't establish
routines, because there is always something in there that is unique. There is a
need, as was emphasized, of a greater sensing of rhythms. There are rhythms
related to this matter of physical sex, and there are rhythms related to every
aspect of living, and we need to be sensitive to those rhythms if we are to
move wisely with them and let them be used to creative advantage. This is the
reason for the presence of the angel. The angel has his hand on all these
rhythms and they may be combined in various ways so as to permit the greatest
possible effectiveness in our creative responsibilities.
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