Each Is Trusted
With the Name and Life of the King
Martin Exeter September 6, 1987 am
This is the first Sunday morning service since the conclusion of Central Council here on Sunrise Ranch. Those who came for this Council brought with them substance which was resonant with the radiance of the Supreme One whom we identify as the King. They also brought with them some dissonant substance, as is usual with human beings. This was brought, both resonance and dissonance, before the throne of the King, that the substance might be purified and brought into alignment with His spirit of love and of truth and life. This has occurred at Central Councils all down through the years. Presumably, as there has been continued development of this body, the substance that has been brought is more resonant than dissonant. There is nothing wrong with the dissonant substance, provided that those who bring it are willing to allow it to be clarified and re-attuned so that it becomes resonant. This always has been done, to varying degrees, on each occasion of Central Council. This was particularly so by reason of what occurred during this recent time. There is, of course, plenty of dissonant substance in the world; so that needs to be represented somehow, that a door may be opened for change. Heretofore human beings have been a little reluctant to allow this to happen.
We have all had plenty of opportunity to know about the King and His developing body. Quite a few assumed that knowing about gave the license to judge what was happening, and all too often to enter into accusation. But as dissonant substance is relinquished—it is only dissonant because human beings hold it that way—as soon as it is relinquished, it easily moves into the resonant category. As long as human beings hold onto it in their attitudes of judgment and accusation it remains dissonant. The knowing, as compared to the knowing about, is only experienced as those concerned allow the resonant substance in themselves to be dominant. Then the knowing begins to appear. The knowing about may be a step in the right direction, but if a person retains the position of an observer he can never know. He may consider himself to be wise in knowing about—he knows all about it—but he doesn't know. There is a great distinction here.
We have noted the fact that all of us, all human beings on the face of the earth, start out by being included in the classification of thieves. This is the condition of human nature in the human state. Sometimes there are those who begin to recognize that there is present, however it is viewed, a God, a Supreme One, even a King. If there is such recognition, then there is presumably also the idea that we should rather naturally trust Him. Trust comes because of love. There is another way of looking at trust. The King trusts. He trusts human beings with His Name and with His Life. It is quite obvious that, while many people have been debating as to whether they should trust the King or not, He has consistently trusted all human beings with His Name and with His Life. We are familiar with the Name, which each one of us claims as his or her own: I am. We have a certain awareness at least of the potential of life, but it has been assumed that the life that human beings know belongs to themselves to do with as they choose. In fact there has developed a belief that God, whoever He is, entrusted human beings with life in the expectation that they would use it in good ways. That is a lie. Certainly He trusted human beings with life: we still exist. But He trusted human beings to acknowledge the fact that it was His Life, so that that Life might be used the way it was designed to be used. It has not been used that way, because human beings have all claimed the life for themselves and, in doing so, of course became thieves, criminals, and have received the consequences of the criminal life—or I suppose we should call it existence, because it isn't life—and in various ways they have brought upon themselves troubles, tribulations. Actually the ultimate trouble—at least human beings think of it that way—is called death. All because of theft.
The Name has been stolen; the Life has been stolen. This is the human state as we know it. This is what most people insist on. There might be an inclination to say, “As an individual I am a free agent. I can do as I please.” That may seem to be true, but one has to accept the consequences of so doing. This most people are not inclined to do. They don't like the consequences most of the time, and certainly the usual frame of mind is one of accusation and blame directed at someone else. Ultimately of course it is directed at the King, always because the life has been stolen. “I am going to do as I please. Of course, I please to do good things!” Unfortunately the good things that one person does turn out to be bad for somebody else. Good and bad get thoroughly mixed up in this human state, because human beings were not designed to determine what is good and what is bad. This is considered to be the highest understanding of man: he can choose! He can choose to be good, or he can choose to be bad. Unfortunately, as we have seen and experienced, all too often what you think is good turns out to be bad, and perhaps what you thought was bad might have turned out to be good. It doesn't make much difference anyway, because this is the way of the thief, the thief who justifies himself in his thievery by claiming that he has been trusted with life to do with as he or she pleases.
The King trusted human beings with His Life, but it is still His Life. It doesn't belong to any human being. Neither has His Name, used by human beings in the state which has come to pass, been used as His Name. Each individual says, “No, it is my name. I am a person, I am important. God has given me a mind to think with, so that I can figure out what is going to be good and what is going to be bad.” These are all lies that have been well swallowed and digested in human experience, but it doesn't change them at all from being lies, because the Name and the Life are the King's.
Substance, of whatever nature, whether physical substance, mental substance, emotional substance, any kind of substance, is quite willing—it was created that way, after all—to resonate with the Life Radiance of the King and to be obedient to His Command. This is the case in actual fact, although I suppose human beings would say it can't be proven, with respect to all the substance in the universe, except the substance that has been stolen by human beings. If we see this to be so we would immediately be aware of the enormity of the crime that has been committed. It is a crime that requires the death sentence, and the death sentence has been in effect ever since the crime was committed. It has been so consistently in effect, because of the consistency of the thievery, that it is taken for granted. It is the one sure thing. Of course it is sure: if I assume an identity which is not the identity of the King I have stolen His identity, because I was trusted with His identity, with His Name, which is I am. I was trusted with that, as each one who lives on the face of the earth has been.
Anyone who is born into this world is trusted with the Name of the King, and thus far virtually everyone has betrayed that trust—denied the King and betrayed the trust, and assumed a self-preoccupied human identity, which is the identity of the thief and characterized by accusation. Human beings individually are accusers, accusers of their brethren. Is there anyone here who can deny that in relationship to his own experience? Everyone who is born into this world was born into the state of an accuser—ready, willing, delighted at times, to accuse other people. This has been the state.
But substance resonates naturally with the Radiance of the King. It does so throughout the whole universe. The only place where it is not permitted to do so is in the hearts and the minds of human beings who claim it as their own. The individual claims an identity, self-centered, self-preoccupied. Oh, there are some good people who imagine that they are somehow unselfish or selfless, but the self of human experience is a stolen self, a self-created self. Some people are proud of that: there are self-made men—women, these days, too. “I am a self-made man!” Are you? Could anyone mouth such a lie and imagine it to be true? We stole what we could of the substance which belongs to the King and used it according to our own desires and devices. That is the fact of the matter. A little honesty will reveal it to be true. Our concern, surely, has been to repent of our thievery and to return our identity and our life to the One to whom it belongs. Human beings still imagine that, on the basis of theft, they will be able to produce something satisfactory in the world, but it gets more and more unlikely even from the distorted human view. Actually it is impossible.
We are aware of our responsibility to the King. When that becomes all-consuming we may become trustworthy again. The King certainly hasn't been able to trust human beings. Look at what they have done to the planet, let alone to themselves. Yet it appears that most are determined to persist in this destruction—self-destruction and destruction of all for which they are responsible in the Name of the King. Each one carries the Name of the King: I am. Each one bears the Life of the King. We come again to the opportunity for repentance, that that Name and that Life may be restored to the King. It is restored to the King by reason of His Body. We have a certain awareness of this in our own experience. There is a Body. It is a spiritual Body, which has brought some flesh along with it, but it is His Body.
No one can possibly know for him- or herself the Name of the King as it really is, or the Life of the King as that really is, outside of His Body. The only opportunity any individual has to know the truth of identity, and of life, is present as long as one has a body—only because of that. When the body ceases to exist, the opportunity of the experience of life is gone. And there is only One Life to experience, and that is the Life of the King. There is a meaningless existence which human beings have known, trying desperately to make it have meaning when it doesn't. All kinds of ways have been devised to make it seem as though human existence has meaning, but as long as it is life stolen from the King it has no meaning and therefore must pass away. Individually it does. Life can only be known in the Body of the King, and true identity can only be known in the Body of the King. How else can it be known? Can an observer, standing outside, know what it is? No, of course not. One must have the identity oneself, one must experience the life oneself. It is the only way it could be known. You may see somebody else—we all observe each other, I suppose—but the reality of life and the reality of identity is locked up in oneself.
Only as the Body of the King takes form, because there is resonant substance available to give it form and there are human beings who are sufficiently relaxed and willing to allow the resonant substance in themselves to come into that Body, can the Body take form. It has taken form to this extent on that basis. But of course there are always the continuing factors of what one might call holdout: “I will give a certain proportion of myself, my substance of flesh, my substance of whatever, into the body; but I am going to maintain a majority interest in my own substance.” There are those who say, “Oh well, it is good to tithe, ten percent. Ten percent of the gross! Ah! That is really something.” But that means that ninety percent still belongs to me, belongs to the accuser. We come again in humility, repentant humility, to the King, acknowledging that one has been an arrogant thief. When that is done, that opens the door for the experience of the True Name and the One Life. There are not five billion separate pieces of life enshrined in human flesh. It is One Life. There isn't any other. And I am: that is the Name of the King. I am the Way and the Truth and the Life.
Because there has been present on earth, brought to a particular focus, the Spirit of the King, that radiance has been available, and substance has resonated to it—substance, for the most part and of particular concern, in human beings. There is a lot more substance beyond human beings. But human beings were created to carry the Name of the King and to reveal His Life, not to steal it in order to separate themselves from the King and claim possession of the earth. That has been done, and the earth goes to wrack and ruin because it is taken out of the true design and control of the King. Loving the King, we bring it all back to Him. We can't bring the earth back to Him without bringing ourselves. Once we bring ourselves we can bring the earth. But if we fail in this regard, as human beings have all done down through the ages, the earth is condemned, as are all human beings.
We share the responsibility because we have a certain knowing. Oh yes, we have known about all sorts of things. But there is a certain knowing present. This was very evident during the Central Council. The resonance was very full. Little pieces of dissonance put in an appearance now and then, but it was quickly recognized as to what it was and relinquished, so that the substance which had been held in a dissonant pattern could come into a resonant pattern. Everything can be cleared in this way easily, no big deal. The big deal is trying to keep it out. Then the person will inevitably go through hell one way or another.
The invitation is to come Home. Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, all the substance. It might prove that the tithe that brings oneself totally is a good deal less than ten percent of what is available in that regard in humanity as a whole. I suspect that it would be very rich if ten percent of humanity were willing to bring their tithes into the storehouse—bring themselves, with all of their substance, all of it! Ten percent of humanity. The question is—Could we be included in that ten percent? It will prove itself out.
We can trust the King, even though He hasn't been able to trust us; and, trusting Him, we come into position where He can trust us. When He can, there is the tithe, the tithe of humanity. And so, restoring identity and life, held separate for so long, back to the King, the King is present and may say, in effective ways on earth because He has a body on earth, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” Then all the rebelliousness, the denial, the betrayal, that has gone on over the millennia can be swept away; and all that is present, all the substance that is present in this planet, on the surface of this planet, and in all the living forms, is brought again to the King. Why? Because, individually speaking, you and I say, “I bring it. I don't expect anybody else to bring it, because I am solely responsible myself for what I bring. And I find that when I do this, others bring what they will also.”
I rejoice in this hour to take a very easy and honest look at the way things are. It is easy and honest for those who have restored, returned, themselves and their lives to the King. It doesn't make any sense to anybody else; but I suppose there is a little twilight zone in between where it makes a little sense, not all that much. All that is of no consequence whatsoever. The truth is true, and it proves itself out. I certainly am very confident of that. I have been watching it for a long time, and it has done it consistently, day in and day out. I have watched the substance coming Home, and I have watched the faithful ones who bring it Home, and I have watched those also who struggle not to bring it Home. But it will all come Home in the end, whether it brings the human being along with it or not. Let us rejoice to play the essential part in the fulfillment of the purposes of the King in His creative ways in effect now.
I would like to give the opportunity for Jim Miller in Calgary to say a word to us from that location.
Jim Miller — Martin, in this day, such as never before, we are coming to know factually the King. This, to me, is the highest honor affordable to anyone. I find, as I come closer factually, that the image of the King changes, for it is a wonderful thing. It is a love that is present in form that has not been available as it has been available to me. This brings with it the unique responsibility. I would in this moment that there would be no dissonant factors at all present, or let them yield, that resonant substance of the King may fill not only my form but make it available for all those who are here with me in this part of the kingdom. We are seeing actually that the whole process of the restoration is very easy. It is with me, it is with us.
For years, even in this body, we have tried to do good things for the King. We have tried to bring the tithes into the kingdom. But we have forgotten, actually, that the King wants us. We must bring ourselves. What we thought was so difficult is such a delight. I know that in fact being with the King has been being with you at Central Council. Words cannot describe the privilege of being there and hearing directly the message. And I heard it very clearly. So in this day we move with reverence and joy, and because we move ourselves in that, the world that we see is transformed, is changed; there is beauty everywhere. Has it always been there, or are we just seeing it now? Whatever, it is here now. I am reminded of words that perhaps go across the sky in this day: “Whose life is it, anyway?” It is the King's, and we wouldn't have it any other way. Such freeing words.
And so, Martin, I send this back to you with the love of all of us here. This is in fact a glorious day to know that the resonant substance is here with you and with the King because of that. Thank you.
Lord Exeter — The resonant substance which you bring, Jim, is received easily and naturally and shared by all who have come to know the King because they have accepted His name as their own, His life as their own. I rejoice with all those in Calgary who share your spirit, Jim. The way is easy, the burden light. I would also like to give John Gray an opportunity to say something from Glen Ivy.

John Gray — The resonant quality of Central Council is being shared by a Southwest grouping this weekend. Interestingly, this matter of resonance and dissonance was represented by the very nature, technologically speaking, of our phone connection this morning. It has been rather noisy. But despite all the hissing and roaring in the background, your voice came through very clearly, at times requiring special care to stay in attunement with it but nevertheless ever present. Here is an apt symbol, I think. The dissonant factors yet remaining may be allowed to diminish into insignificance when there is attunement with the Spirit of the King. We have loved being with you here in this hour as you have given such clear voice to His Spirit. We bring ourselves, and the worlds of our responsibility come along. They rush, in fact, where there is no more denial, no more betrayal, but simply open minds, open hearts, and open hands through which all substance returns to the Living One, our Lord and King. Thank you, Martin.
Lord Exeter — Your words, John, and the spirit of them, bring close not only you personally, but those who are with you in the Chapel at Glen Ivy. We, all together, are responsible, this morning particularly, for providing a focus of radiant expression, because of the presence of resonant substance, for the whole of the Body of our King. He has a Body on earth. There are the tithes that have been brought into this storehouse. There are also those who yet observe. The invitation, the radiant invitation, is strong, that all the substance might come home. There is indeed a magnetic attraction. I would that this substance bring along with it all those in whom it is contained. But the substance will come home.
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