September 09, 2015

One Voice


One  Voice

Martin  Exeter   June 15, 1986 a.m.

If it is the one voice in expression it is the voice of the King through His body, His mind and His heart.

As individual human beings we have no body or mind or heart that is rightly separate from that.

We are with one accord in one place as we share one spirit, one heart, one mind and one body. The one tone of life sounds throughout. We are one. I speak to all of you who hear my voice. There is one voice, a voice which springs forth from one spirit through one heart, one mind and one body. Present among this gathering today are many who have heard this voice and share in the articulation of it. This is the only way that the voice may be known. Long ago the Master, when He was on earth, stated that His sheep heard His voice, but there were many who did not hear His voice because they were not His sheep. This same voice resounds in the earth today, amplified in living expression as the Word is spoken by one spirit through one heart, one mind and one body. Those who may be referred to as His sheep hear that voice. Those who are not His sheep do not hear that voice. Let us not imagine that everybody should hear that voice.

Those who are referred to as His sheep are those who have ears to hear, in other words whose living experience brings them into position to hear that voice. Perhaps initially hearing that voice there may be the expectation of getting something because of it the expectation of being blessed somehow—and this is something that certainly does occur. But if that is all that is experienced there will come a time when the one who thought he or she heard that voice proves that he or she didn't. The only way to know the voice is to participate in the sounding of the tone of it and in the articulation of the words of it. This of course is not the fact for anyone immediately.

Human beings have an immense amount of stuff with which they are filled, interfering with the processes of learning—learning to be mature men and women who do not require feeding constantly but are in position to participate in the sounding of that voice, the same voice as had first been heard and, being heard, interpreted. The interpretations are not the voice; they are interpretations. And this is what happens with people to start with: Even though the voice may be there, and there may be the idea that one is hearing the voice, what is heard is garbled, to say the least, by the state of consciousness of the individual concerned. It is only when there is a realization that one doesn’t need to be constantly fed by the sustenance that is supposed to be provided by this voice, that one may participate in the same process that made available the sustenance in the first place. So over a number of years human beings, giving evidence of much sluggishness, learn a little and participate in unison with that one voice.

There is a differentiation—each individual has his own aspect of that voice to sound—but there is no conflict between the differentiations. This is a unique condition insofar as human experience is concerned, because in all the voices that sound—the raucous voices of antispirit that sound throughout the world, the raucous voices of human nature—there is always conflict, always argument, always self-righteous thought that, as it might be put: “I’m right; everybody else is wrong.” The voice out of the heaven of spirit is a unified voice, even though it is differentiated in marvelously unique ways. But that differentiation never introduces conflict; it simply enhances the resonance of the voice and provides what is needful in the outpouring of a blessing of sufficient magnitude as to encompass the whole field of the responsibility of man. We have shared somewhat in this process, but we were kind of slow on the uptake.

So there is this heaven of spirit. There is also the heaven of antispirit. As there is participation in the sounding of this voice, the heaven of spirit is unveiled step by step. At the same time the heaven of antispirit is unveiled. The heaven of spirit and the heaven of antispirit may be said to be in the same place, and there is an unveiling. The voice speaks and commands obedience. There are those who might say, “Well that’s an imposition.” No, it commands obedience, but there is a choice here. One may accept or one may reject. Presumably most of us have found ourselves compelled to accept in some measure, but also it is discovered that there are those who imagined they were accepting but find out later that they were rejecting. It proves itself out.

Those who reject—and at the moment that would include the vast majority of the population of the earth—become aware increasingly of what is being unveiled in the heaven of antispirit, and of course becoming aware of this most do not appreciate it—there is such a terrible condition. But in the heaven of antispirit there is a vast variety of possibilities to align oneself with pro or con. And with great enthusiasm most people do this. We can observe it happening all around us, but I suspect in that observation is also the awareness, if we are alert to it, of what is happening within ourselves of the same nature. Do you still find yourself aligning yourself with this approach or that approach that is offered in the human world?

The suggestion, or maybe it was a command, appeared in the Book of Revelation: “Come out of her, my people.” Stop doing that. This is the habit of human nature, firmly entrenched over many thousands of years, and everyone, at least to start with finds themselves stuck with it. Because it is the popular way to go, it is assumed that one must align oneself with this or align oneself with that in order to be active in presumably doing something worthwhile, doing something good. Then of course someone else who aligns himself with something else must be doing something bad. So we have all these crisscross alignments based in concepts of good and evil into which human beings have been pouring themselves with enthusiasm for ages. But now something is happening to call a halt to this fatal procedure. Enough is enough—and twenty thousand years, or whatever the length of time is, seems to be quite enough. Come out of her, my people!

There is one voice. There is one tone of life which has been brought to focus and that focus is expanding, and the sound of the voice reverberates with greater impact as day succeeds day. It is the voice of authority. It is the voice of command, commanding obedience: Accept or reject. And so it is. Where there is acceptance there is obedience, there is alignment with this one voice, there is alignment with this one tone of life, and consequently there is alignment with one spirit. The universal spirit it might be called, or the spirit of the living God, and consequent upon this there is one heart and one mind and one body. This is occurring within the range of our own experience.

We may at times have taken issue with this one voice, saying in effect: “I don’t agree.” What is not being agreed with, if there is non-agreement, is a mental and emotional interpretation of what it is that is being articulated by the one voice. On this basis people are in conflict with themselves; they are not agreeing with themselves. They are not agreeing with the interpretation they themselves have made, and not agreeing in this fashion excludes what it is that the one voice is actually proclaiming. But those who hear that voice, while there may be those moments of disturbance, cannot help but come into alignment with that voice step by step. It is happening. It will happen. By the same token the exact reverse is true also.

This one voice has always been present for human beings to hear. Some have sensed it and there have been occasions when some have heard it because there was someone present to articulate it. But in these days the articulation of this one voice becomes inescapable. It may be interpreted this way and that; it may be agreed with or disagreed with on this basis. That doesn’t really mean very much either way because the agreement or disagreement is with the interpretation that the person has made of what was being articulated. The only way to know what the one voice is is to be aligned with it, to be the means by which the articulation occurs—instead of going off on these half-cocked tangents?

We are here to let this voice sound with ever-increasing volume on earth. This is the way. This is the truth. This is the life. I am this—said individually in daily living and consequently said in the voice of the King through His body, His mind and His heart, because His spirit is present and in action. Surely those of us who have heard this voice and have shared in the expression of it know the truth of these things. Those who have not, do not know and cannot know. And so the voice commands obedience: Put away childish things. There is so much yet of human nature, the antispirit, claiming obedience to itself and engendering in human consciousness likes and dislikes, wants and anti-wants.

Do these wants, these personal likes and dislikes, hold sway in any of us? I have heard certain ones at times say, finding themselves in a particular situation: “This isn’t natural to me.” What a person is really saying is: “I don’t like it!” Who cares? What does the creative process say? What does the spirit say unto the churches? Those who have set aside their personal likes and dislikes in order to permit the creative process to work in their own experience and their own field of responsibility exhibit some maturity, but undoubtedly if they stopped to allow entrance into themselves of the antispirit could find that they were doing things that were not natural to them. I know I certainly could have taken this attitude along the way, being required to do all kinds of things, whatever was necessary to be done. From the human-nature standpoint one can always say: “This really isn't my cup of tea.” Who cares whether it is your cup of tea or not? If it is the thing to be done, do it! That’s all. And do it with a good grace, happily. Enjoy doing it.

Did you ever consider that one chooses as to whether one enjoys doing something or doesn't enjoy doing something? One chooses the enjoyment, or lack of it, for oneself. One can always enjoy what is being done if one chooses to enjoy it. But if the event is dictating to you as to what your attitude is going to be, then you are subject to antispirit and there will be this that you like and there will be this that you don’t like. Right? That is the way it is.

So we come again into alignment with the voice, and our voice is that voice. I do what I am here to do. There are many people who have looked at what occurred in the life of Jesus and said, “Well I don't want any of that.” Of course not; human nature doesn’t like it. But it didn’t deter the One who trod that path at all because He wasn't concerned with His own likes and dislikes. He did something that I am sure no one else could have done. He was the one to do it. But we each have our own thing to do. Do we look at what we have to do in the light of: “Am I going to like this or am I not going to like this? Is this going to bring me into a state where I am going to be crucified? Oh I don’t like that; I won’t go that way.” Here is human nature, here is the antispirit in control, telling people what to do. And on that basis of course most people imagine that they are exercising free will. They are not at all! They are under the thumb of the antispirit which has various allures, sometimes: "Well it would be nice to go this way; I would like that.”

Sometimes direction is compelled by pain, pleasure and pain; they are two sides of the same coin. If we can be pushed around by pleasure we certainly will be pushed around by pain, and vice versa. What do we do? That is always the question, and the answer is easy: We sound the voice on earth without equivocation. Nothing personal. What is articulated by the voice has been articulated many, many times, because the truth is true. The voice doesn’t change what it says. It speaks the truth, that’s all. But human consciousness interprets what is said, and according to the state of the human consciousness so will the interpretation be. It only begins to be something of reality, the truth only begins to be known, when one is articulating that voice for oneself and one isn’t hanging on the supposed wisdom coming to one’s ears from someplace else. One either learns, or else.

I am most thankful that we have a body with a mind and a heart yielded ever increasingly to spirit and consequently sharing in the creative process and the articulation of the one voice. For myself I have no interest in anything else. How is it with you? Having no interest in anything else one suddenly enters an experience that is full of expansiveness, of delight of fulfilment, of satisfaction. The fulfilment is doing what one is here to do, not something else. I see people going off in this direction, that direction, trying to satisfy themselves: self-service, that is called. Of course very often it is given a nice spiritual slant. But there is one voice, differentiated in marvelous ways when there are those to do it. And all those ways carry the spirit of oneness, of real agreement; not an intellectual idea or an emotional feeling but the fact of spirit emerging through a yielded body, mind and heart into vibrant spiritual expression on earth.

I thank God that this is so, for those who have heard this voice, this one voice, and have aligned themselves with that voice in the articulation of the word of love and truth and life.

No one ever speaks merely for himself. If it is the one voice in expression it is the voice of the King through His body, His mind and His heart. As individual human beings we have no body or mind or heart that is rightly separate from that. It is good to share the beauty, the stability, the power of the creative process brought to focus in action on earth in these particular days. Changes come thick and fast and will continue to do so, not because of the manipulations of antispirit individually or collectively but because of the creative power of the living God brought to focus in the sounding of His voice on earth. So we continue as one in our momentary living, both as individuals and as one body, that the earth may be filled with the glory of God and the sound of His voice.

© Emissaries of Divine Light