November 17, 2022

Revelation Three—The Seven Heads Of The Beast

Revelation  Three

Martin Cecil  December 6, 1956

The  Seven  Heads  Of  The  Beast

We have seen how widespread the influence of the dragon's control on earth is extended. All human beings, in greater or lesser degree, have been governed by the patterns of control which have been established by that which is symbolized by the dragon through what is spoken of as the beast rising up out of the sea and the beast out of the earth—this latter was also referred to as the false prophet. This second beast related to that which is made manifest in the outer sense in relationship to the patterns established in the world whereby human beings continue to live and function. That which is established in the pneumaplasmic realm reproduces itself in the physical levels of being, so it is not surprising that we find indication in relationship to this latter beast of his instruction to make an image of the first beast. The beast out of the sea relates to that control pattern which is established through the pneumaplasmic levels in relationship to human beings, through their emotions; and that which is established in the pneumaplasmic levels of being reproduces itself in the physical levels. []

The beast out of the sea had seven heads. The dragon must substitute spirits for the Christ Spirit if human beings are going to be kept under his control. We have the Seven Spirits Before The Throne of God which would allow the Divine Control to operate in human lives if those Spirits were accepted; so, in order to prevent this from taking place, opposite spirits are provided for human beings to accept instead of the Christ Spirit. The Seventh Spirit before the Throne of God is the Spirit of Love, the centering of the Christ Spirit. The opposite, of course, is the spirit of hate. The Spirit of Love includes within itself all the other Spirits: the Spirit of Love is characterized by Truth and Life. We remember the First Great Commandment which our Master emphasized, and we recognize that in the keeping of that First Commandment it becomes possible to fulfil the Second Commandment. We become aware of the keeping of the First Great Commandment in relationship to ourselves by reason of our conscious love, one for another. The evidence of love for God appears in the individual's attitude toward his neighbor—your feeling of love one for another.

We remember how our Master emphasized this shortly before His departure—“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another.” What is the fact of the matter? What is it that is made manifest in you? What is your feeling and your attitude toward your brother and your sister? There must be that vibrancy of love, one for another, if the control of this centering of the Christ Spirit has been accepted. If it has not been accepted, then of course the experience of the fulfilment of the second commandment cannot be known. The dragon has certainly provided a substitute in relationship to Love which has been accepted by the children of men. You may say you do not actually hate anyone, but there are degrees of hate. There is a very great deal of hate in the world, and those who indulge in hate are convinced that they are justified in so doing. The acceptance of hate, or any ill spirit, reveals a lack of trust in God. The Law works. “As ye sow, so also shall ye reap.” If some human beings are sowing ill things, one way or another they are, for sure, going to reap the results. If those who are suffering by reason of that ill sowing, sow ill things too on the basis of hate, then they also are going to reap the results of their sowing, and the harvest of evil is multiplied.

Our Master indicated that the correct attitude was to love your enemies. Many have considered such an idea as being mushy sentimentalism, but none of the instructions our Master gave were of that nature. They were supremely practical. Nothing is gained by sowing ill seeds, because the harvest will come. So, regardless of apparent justification, two wrongs never make a right. The dragon offers hate, and he has certainly been very successful through the beast in calling forth human response thereto. Multitudes and multitudes of human beings are governed by hate, and when you consider the situation in the world, the things that are going on, when you look at Russia, for instance, what do you feel? Such things are not so very far away from us. When people do ill things here in our immediate environment, what is your feeling toward them? If it is something that actually comes up against you, what is it that you feel? Could there be any element of the spirit of hate still accepted by you? Love—"Love your enemies.” Oh, we do not approve of wrong things; we do not condone them in any sense. We must face ill things with the power of God working through us, with God's Love working through us, but not hate, not any of the lesser currents of feeling that relate to hate.

Then we have the Spirit of the Womb.  And what do we have as an opposite here? The spirit of barrenness, emptiness, desolation, aloneness. Human beings feel empty, and as long as the dragon can keep people feeling empty, and turned toward that which he offers to fill that emptiness, he has them under his control, because that which he offers to fill that emptiness never does and never will, although human beings are always imagining that somehow they are going to find something that will fill it. So much is offered to human beings in order to delude them for a little time, so many methods of escape, that they do not have this sense of desolation. The spirit of barrenness, emptiness. No matter what human beings do, how they attempt to bring forth, it all comes to nothing, and that void remains, and human beings are governed by the dragon. Our Master spoke, quoting from Daniel, of the abomination of desolation, human beings rushing hither and yon seeking to find something which will obliterate, at least temporarily, that awful feeling of desolation. The Spirit of the Womb, which is the Sixth of the Seven Spirits before the Throne of God, is prevented from being known, for the Spirit of the Womb is the means by which the things of God's Love may be conceived, to grow and develop in that which has been the empty place in human beings, the place of desolation. That place should be filled with something, but it can only rightly be filled with that which comes from God. Human beings, trying to get away from it, trying to obliterate it, trying to escape from that feeling of desolation, can never do so as long as they live. How is it changed? Through that which is conceived by the Holy Ghost and allowed to grow to fill the womb, that the things of God may be brought forth. As long as human beings can be deluded into imagining that that which the devil offers is adequate to bring satisfaction, the Spirit of the Womb can never be known, and human beings remain under the control of the dragon.

The Fifth Spirit is the Spirit of Life. The opposite of that is the spirit of death and all the things that lead to death, and it is these things which are used so extensively by the dragon to establish and maintain the control of fear. We have so many diseases in the world, engendering fear in human beings, maintaining the control of the devil and maintaining the ill things which the efforts put forward are designed to eliminate; the spirit of fear, relating to the spirit of death.

The Fourth Spirit is the Spirit of Purification. [] The opposite to that would be the spirit of defilement. And what does that engender in human beings? The spirit of shame, the basic ill spirit which keeps human beings bound in subjection to the devil. “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” The Spirit of Purification, and the spirit of defilement. As long as human beings can be caused to feel impure, so that shame is engendered, the dragon is content. This has been one of the strongholds of the dragon's power over human beings, establishing patterns of concept which keep human beings subject to the spirit of shame, thereby maintaining the prison walls. The awareness of the sense of shame is essential to its clearing. Those who have no shame in this fallen world, no sense of shame whatsoever, are those who have committed the unpardonable sin. There must be an awareness of shame if it is to be cast out, if it is to be cleared. When there is purity of heart the apparent reason for shame is removed. Can the devil, according to the measure of your purity of heart, bring to bear upon you concepts and ideas emanating from the human pattern, so that you are caused to feel shame by reason of those human concepts and ideas? There are so many patterns of regulation established by fallen man according to his own ideas as to how life should be lived that are the cause of the sense of shame in so many. We have it on the basis of conscience, something that is humanly established, something that is not the true design, and yet human beings are caused to feel shame by reason of it.

Can you, as a part of this Unit for instance, by reason of judgments that may be brought to bear in relationship to the pattern as it is established, be caused to feel ashamed? That has happened over and over again in the past where various human judgments that were brought to bear in relationship to our Program were accepted and agreed with on a basis of a sense of shame. Do the judgments of the world call forth any agreement in you? The sense of shame is the strongest hold that the devil has over human beings, whether they realize it or not. When you are properly centered in God so that your heart is purified, then no one can convince you of sin. The world cannot generate in you a sense of shame because you do not conform with the world pattern. If you find yourself, in word or in action, conforming to a pattern in the world that you know basically is not right, why are you doing it? Is it because you are ashamed of that which is right, and you would not like to display it before others, you would not like to do that which is right because of the possible reaction by others in the world? We avoid as far as possible putting any stumbling blocks before anyone; but what is our motivation in such function? Is it because we are ashamed of that which we know to be right, and therefore we conform and excuse ourselves by saying we do not wish to have the appearance of evil? There needs to be honesty in examining these things. We have, on various occasions, considered the matter of being an Emissary. Are any of you ashamed of it? It has sometimes appeared as though there was shame in that regard. Are you ashamed of being something different? If you are not different to the world, of what possible value could you be to the world? Do you have the courage of your convictions? Or are you sometimes ashamed of your convictions? Shame—has it all been cleared from you? Are you true to the Spirit of Purification?

The Third Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Blessing. And the opposite is the spirit of falsehood, the spirit of cursing. We know that the world—all the people in it—has been deceived by the dragon. We trust that we are beginning to come out from under the shroud of deception so that we might see and know the Truth. What is it that keeps human beings from acknowledging self-deception? What maintains prejudice? The spirit of pride, for one thing. Human beings insist upon maintaining their own states of self-delusion because they are unwilling to admit that they may have been deceived. To think of having lived thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty years, and to have been in a state of self-delusion all that period of time, is too much for the pride of most human beings. They will fight and struggle desperately to avoid being convinced that they have been deceived, and their lives are a curse. They know not what it means to experience the reality of freedom.

The Second Spirit is the Spirit of the Single Eye. The opposite would be the spirit of double-mindedness. “For a double minded man is unstable in all his ways. Let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord,” So he does not receive anything from the Lord, and consequently the devil has the opportunity of displaying his wares most effectively. Here, in relationship to this particular spirit, we have that which is closest to the original point of the fall, the eating of the forbidden fruit, judgments between good and evil, double-mindedness. Anyone who is not at least on the way to being centered in God is two-faced. The Spirit of the Single Eye, one-pointed centering in God—the individual who does not have that one-pointed centering in God is wide open to the influence and the control of the dragon. He can be impelled this way and that way by what he conceives for the moment to be good or what he conceives to be bad, for himself.

Finally, the First Spirit, the Spirit of the New Earth. And the opposite to that is the spirit of the old earth which is that of decay. Human beings know not the New Earth; everything is decaying. Consequently there seems to be the necessity to try to hold on to all the things that are passing away, and we have the spirit of greed, selfishness, governing the lives of the children of men. Of course, the devil makes all his offerings seem so reasonable. In the world, under the control of the beast out of the earth, it seems as though you cannot buy or sell, you cannot live life, without accepting the controls which are offered by the devil. A halo of righteousness is placed upon so many things that are merely the devil's offering of that which is of the good classification. How firmly the dragon's control still operates on earth! These spirits are the means by which it is extended into the lives of human beings, nullifying and keeping out the Spirits of the Living Christ. Can we accept the Seven Spirits Before the Throne of God as our control, completely and absolutely? The Spirit of the New Earth. The Spirit of the Single Eye, absolute centering, absolute dedication. The Spirit of Truth and Blessing. The Spirit of Purification. The Spirit of Life. The Spirit of the Womb. The Spirit of Love, in which all the Spirits Before the Throne of God are centered. If any of the spirits of the beast work in you, the Spirit of Love is reduced. The extent of the working of the Spirit of Love in you, one toward another, will be an inverse revelation of the extent of the working of the spirits of the beast in you.

Let us share in acknowledging the Seven Spirits Before the Throne of the One True God, [] refusing under any circumstances to acknowledge or accept the control of the seven spirits before the throne of the false god. The same principles operate in relationship to the patterns that are established. We can choose one or the other. But when we do choose the Seven Spirits Before the Throne of the Lord our God, then we are in position to play our part in the process by which the dragon is cast out of Heaven in relationship to ourselves, so that the control passes into the hands of the LORD and consequently there is a point established on earth where His control is working and where the dragon has no authority whatsoever.

That is the victory, not only for those who share in letting it be so in the immediate focalization of this Ministry but for all the children of men who will share, accepting it in the days to come. Unless it is established here in our Program, insofar as we are concerned it is not established anywhere, and it must be established somewhere on earth if it is to be known in the world of mankind. Let us meditate upon these things, that we may recognize more clearly the influences which are exerted through the heads of the beast in relationship to ourselves, so that we are true to the right Spirits and consequently share the victory, to the Glory of God and to the blessing of all who will respond. God Bless you, each one, as you acknowledge in your lives the absolute supremacy and dominion of the Seven Spirits Before the Throne of the Lord our God.

© emissaries of divine light