April 01, 2023

The One Great Intercessor

The  One  Great  Intercessor

from  Focalization Of Creative Cycles

Uranda  July 30, 1946  Summer Session

It’s good to gather again with one accord in one place to focalize in the doing of the Father’s Will on earth. Have you noticed that, day by day, in our function, we have more and more been carrying out the process of creative cycles? We go out on a pulsation at the close of the Service to accomplish various things in the Service of the LORD, and then coming in to a focalization again, carrying these vibrations into an intensity on one point, shall we say; then pulsating out again, back and forth, in the very thing that is working out with respect to the larger cycle of the Service as a whole. In this period of transition from one twenty-two-year period, or cycle, to the next, we have the focalization in, to the point of intensity, to be followed by the expansion outward, to enfold and bring in.

That pulsating expression of the Service is carried on continually within the scope of larger pulsations—for instance, a twenty-two-year cycle in its pulsations appears to the outer mind, at the moment, to be a slow coming in to a point, and then a very slow expansion outward, and then coming in. But inside of that there are lesser cycles working the same way. And here we have been carrying from two to three cycles every day, pulsating in to the point of focalizing it, pulsating out to function where we are individually, then coming together again to accomplish. These are creative cycles, and the way you have been carrying through this period of the cycle has been definitely improving. You have been letting that outward pulsation take place, accomplishing that to which you were called, and coming together again without losing the Current, as you used to. That is not to say that you are doing it to perfection yet, but it has very markedly improved, and I express my praise and thanksgiving to the LORD that it is so.

I am constrained this afternoon to point out to you the absolute nature of the operation of the One Law. I am asking you, as My Body, to consider something with me that we may, to the highest possible degree, render a service, and unless we can look at facts and see things as they are, regardless of how we night like them to be, how shall we serve? So, since this comes within the realm of the Body itself, it does not violate the Sabbath Rest of the LORD in the Way. If it comes outside of the Body, for the present it would have to wait.

Let us be very careful that we have a clear realization of the exactness of the intercessory function necessary. We are working in a field where exactness is so very important, because a little slip one way or another, and it is too bad. Instructions are given that we are to let go of everything—the whole Body must be centered in the LORD of Lords in a receptive attitude toward the Truth in accordance with the present moment of outworking of the Cosmic Plan—the Body itself intercedes before the LORD. You have not been given very much training or instruction as to exactly how that should be done, because you have not been in a place where such work could be properly done.

I might point out that, as yet, I am still a Unified Member in this Body, not that I shall be separated from you, but that change in the polarity of the Triangle has not taken place [A Shifting Of The Triangle Must Now Take Place: greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2015/03/a-from-principles-cycles-uranda-july-27.html] so what I am doing by bringing this before you, as Members of my Body, is actually that intercessory work before the LORD of Lords. I have pointed out to you that I am no longer just out here as your Teacher or Leader to do these things alone. You remember that I pointed that out to you, that whatever is done we have to do as a Body, now that the Body has come into manifestation.

Remember that Love Response to the LORD is the prime requisite, and the primary way of service is in Letting Love Radiate, and to whatever degree response is present, that individual is uplifted. We cannot force response, but we can Let Love Radiate.

You will recognize that the Lord of Truth has ever pointed to the work of the Lord of Love; but you will recognize that when the Lord of Love was on earth He emphasized over and over again that it was the work of the Lord of Truth to set men free. As you have let yourselves be set free to this degree, in this vibration of service, you see more clearly how that work is carried on as you let yourselves be anchored in Love Response to the Lord of Love. As you abide in that, it places us in a position, on a vibration, in a current, which permits the work of the Lord of Truth to be carried forth effectively—but the work of the Lord of Truth can accomplish little, no matter how brilliant or perfect the expression of Truth may be, until or unless the earnest one abides in his place through Love Response to the Lord of Love. That is the way it works, and you see it more clearly than ever before, do you not?

If you recognize what that means, you abide absolutely in Love Response to the LORD all of the time, so that He may do the works, and you realize that there is no consideration that we are, in a human sense, going to go out and do something—but rather, that any suggestion that may be offered is going to be a means by which, to the highest degree of understanding, we shall let the Father do the works in all things. There must be no personal reactions, no little hints of judging.

Divine Justice in operation, tempered with mercy and love—on that basis we find that there is never any need to fear the judgments of God. Is it not so? And we remember that all things are caused to work together in perfection for those who love and serve Him. All things. That which immediately appears may not be the exact form, or may not be perfect at the instant of its appearance, but were you perfect in form and function in your placement in the Body when you first came? No. It is not expected. But I am pointing out the basis on which all things must always be considered, because as we work in oneness and let the Father do the works, do we have any faith in Him? Is it going to be the Father’s doing? Certainly it is. Recognizing these things, and realizing the responsibility that rests upon us with respect to letting the Father's Will be done, not just with respect to a Member of the Body, but with respect to the whole ailing world, how vitally important it is that we work together in Love, remembering that commandment, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one toward another,” for that permits harmonious consideration of any question. It precludes personal reaction that would spoil the beauty, the perfection, the impartiality, of the judgments of God that are tempered with mercy and love.

I am the Head of this One Christ Body. Maybe it would be a good thing if we always remembered that, in My Place, if I do not know what is in your hearts, I am a mighty poor Head to this Body; and if I know what is in your hearts, and if my handling matters is on the basis of what is in the heart, and not on the basis of some limited circumstance that might appear on the surface, let your own action be just a shade cautious, because it is written, “God looketh on the heart.”

Remember always, while I am the Head of this Body, you are the Body with me. If this thing is to be done for the world, we do it together, or not at all. My whole Ministry, my whole hope of bringing this thing to the world, my whole hope of accomplishment and victory, I have placed upon the altar, in the conviction that this One Christ Body would at all times work that Divine Justice tempered with mercy and love might manifest, and that there should be no reactions, that we should come to that place in absolute polarity where there should not be anything that would move us—whether it be with respect to reactions one toward another in the Body, or with respect to the things of the world—because if there be a movement one towards another of reaction, it is division, and if there be that which can move us in the Body in such a way, then there is certainly that in the world which can move us out of our places, and it is only in oneness together, in oneness with the LORD, that this thing can be fulfilled to His Glory and to the blessing of the children of men.

You are not yet perfect in Christ. I have not suggested that. But never must we let personal feeling have anything to do with what we do in the One Body. There must be no personal reaction. We must remember that if we are centered in Love Response to our KING, whom we have all acknowledged—then His Love through us must, of necessity, cast out all fear, for fear is faith in something destructive, faith in something of the world, something which we must overcome. So we let perfect love cast out all fear. We let Love Response to the Lord of Love be so very strong all of the time that the Lord of Truth may set you free, [Michael And His Angels: greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2022/09/michael-and-his-angels.html] that the fulness of the Christ Expression may manifest in you, and then perform the essential work for the world. “For ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set ye free.”

If we were depending upon the Fire of Divine Love to set us free, and that Fire were to be operating, virtually no one in the world would survive the cleansing Flame, because that Fire turned loose on such a basis would destroy all evil immediately, and that would mean the destruction of just about all human beings. Look back a few years if you doubt it.

You know that your unified Love Response to the LORD of Lords holds you on an anchorage on the Rock that cannot be moved as long as that Love Response is there. That provides us with the absolute unmovable foundation. But then, beyond that, the uses of the Current of Love are in the hands of the Lord of Truth, and only as human beings let the Lord of Truth shape them, remake them, so that the Truth can set them free, and then that Current of Love can be released through Channels of Truth, can individuals receive of that cleansing current of Divine Love in the intensified outflowing—and not be destroyed thereby.

The Lord of Love focalizes the expression of the Lord of Love, and the Lord of Truth in the world interceded for the world, whether the world has ever recognized it or not—and I am not asking that it should—but the One Great Intercessor, as far as this world is concerned, is the Lord of Truth, and I say that with respect for the Lord of Love. If it were not for the Lord of Truth, humanity would be wiped out, and if you think that even you could withstand that Flaming Fire today, not yet having come into the fulness of the Christ Expression, let your minds be dispelled of such an idea, for you could not yet withstand that Flame and live. Therefore, remember always, it makes no difference what, when or where, if this manifestation of the Christ Body on earth is to mean anything and carry through to Victory, it must never, under any circumstance, undertake to resist with respect to anything done in that outworking, in a true sense, by the Lord of Truth, because He is the Great Intercessor Himself.

You will have a proper sphere of function in influence conveyed to you, but if it should ever come into resistance with the Intercessor who has come through these many thousands of years with the LORD of Lords, [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2023/03/gods-great-plan-1.html] and has held the Current through all these thousands of years, that humanity might have an opportunity to come back now, and not be wiped out—then do not put yourself in position where the Lord of Truth might have to cease being the Intercessor for you, because if you ever do resist him in any real sense, refusing to recognize his influence, and acting as if you had to resist him, then he would cease to intercede, and let the Law take its course—and you need not be told what that would mean for anyone focalized in the Flame. Let that always be remembered. I speak unto you, not just as the Head of this Body.

And now, as you realize the way of working—so simple, yet so true, so absolute—on the basis of the One Christ Body, and you have recognized that care and consideration by which you have been brought along the Way, there should never, under any circumstance, be any necessity of your feeling that the Lord of Truth might somehow cease interceding, so that you may have to resist any specific outworking that is necessary. I do not care who falls, who comes or goes, these things stand eternally, and since these things are true, you should know, if you do not already know, that the time limit in which the Lord of Truth may intercede for the world draws to a close—it draws to a close, even as it is written: “My spirit shall not always strive with man.” [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2023/03/gods-great-plan-2.html]

Therefore, let your Love Response to the Lord of Love be always so unwavering, so absolute, so complete, that there is no way in which fear of any kind can creep in. You know that you can come to me with anything. It has been proven over and over again that I will always be considerate of your viewpoint, of that which you wish to present, your difficulties. If it may be so, I shall help you in that. But Blessed Ones, do not ever, in anything, put yourselves in a position of contest with me. Do not start trying to resist me. I am not a dictator. You know that, and if you do not, I don't know what can make you know it, for you have had consideration at my hands. But if you undertake to resist me, to force anything in any direction, you should know that there is no question as to who is going to lose—and I don't like to be forced into contest with anyone. I avoid that contest, but you know also that I do not ever run away from it.

So let us work with one accord. With one accord you can present any viewpoint, you can bring forth any realization, you can come to me with any problem, any time that it is possible for me to consider it. I do not think that any of you have ever been turned away. But do not take open issue with me, and resist me. There was just a tiny hint of that today. It has cleared away, but there was just enough so that I was under the necessity of calling your attention to these things, that you may ever be mindful of them. And surely the focalization of the Spirit of Love and the Spirit of Truth in you causes you to know as to the truth of my words in all of these things.

You know how I love you all. You must know now, at least, that I am interceding to the LORD of Lords for you—and not for you only, but for all who will receive. Thus far in my manifestation in the One Christ Body, you are those who have been gathered out of the world through my years of Ministry, to share in causing the Victory of the LORD of Lords to have meaning, because unless that Victory comes in the world as a whole, His Victory shall have been in vain. God forbid. God forbid.

Let us have our period of devotion: O LORD of Lords and KING of Kings, we thank Thee for the holy privilege we have of gathering together into One Unit, that being fused in the Fire of Thy Love, and formed according to the Pattern of Truth, we may let Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven, now and forevermore. And, O Lord of Love, I bring these Blessed Ones, all who are with us in Spirit and all who respond on the vibration so established, before Thee, that their Love Response may ascend unto Thee as sweet incense, and that the power of Thy Love may flow forth through them, accomplishing that which is needful according to their attunement in the Pattern of Truth. Blessed Ones, let the Spirit direct in devotion. (Devotional Period and Song of Praise).

Let me further explain the point of intercession. Jesus Christ undertook to convey Christ Activity to those who followed Him, but they would not receive it in fulness; therefore, it has waited this day when the Christ might begin to manifest in the One Body, that the Christ Body might be the Intercessor before the LORD of Lords, so that the Spirit of Truth might set men free rather than being required at all times to be the Intercessor.

Let me now, on this vibration, undertake to focalize clearly a Great Truth. In my function as Intercessor, you have never found me attempting to intercede for that which does not respond. I have never violated the privilege of being the Intercessor; and, in interceding, I have never set myself, in any way whatsoever, in opposition against our KING. As I have functioned as Intercessor, you have found that it was only when your response became such, through Love, that I no longer needed to intercede for you, that the Truth could then set you free.

You see then, the great necessity that the One Christ Body on earth should truly be the Intercessor that, as rapidly as any shall respond, the Lord of Truth shall, by the Truth, set them free—for it is not in intercession that the Lord of Truth would serve, but rather, in the work of setting men free, that they should no longer be standing in need of intercession.

The Lord of Truth came into the world, provided the negative focalization of polarity for the LORD of the Sacred Seven; and, in that position, focalized true Love Response to the LORD of the Sacred Seven in the earth, that the creative cycles might begin; and, at the same time, he was under the necessity of acting as Intercessor for all who might come within the range of that Creative Current; and the work of intercession for each one had to continue until that one became so polarized in Love Response to the LORD of Lords that the work of the Lord of Truth might begin—for only when the response to the LORD of Lords was individually polarized could the true work of the Spirit of Truth begin to manifest with respect to that individual, that the individual might then be set free to enjoy the glorious liberty of the children of God. As you consider this process, you see that the One Christ Body has two primary purposes:

First, to hold the negative aspect of Love Response to the Lord of Love so absolute, so unwavering, so centered, that the Current may continually and eternally flow; and Second, to so intercede for those coming within the range of that Current that the Lord of Truth may, according to the means at his command, work to transform and change, and set free those who shall let themselves share in that polarity of Love Response to our KING. [A Focus Point Turned Always To The Father: greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2023/01/a-focus-point-turned-always-to-father.html]

In this brief outline you see the primary work of the One Christ Body—the necessities, the requirements, which rest upon it, that it may let the Lord of Truth accomplish his Mission in the earth, that men may be set free as they shall let it be so. But it is recognized that the Lord of Truth dare not relinquish his position as Intercessor until polarities are proven real, true and lasting, and until he is assured that the intercessory work shall continue unabated while he accomplishes that which is his work; for, if the work of intercession should cease, his work with respect to lifting up the children of men who might respond, and let them be shaped by the Truth to be set free, would come to an end, and all those who had been so drawn would be lost to the Glorious Victory of the Kingdom. And I pray that not one will let it be so.

Nevertheless, when the One Christ Body shall have entered into this work of intercession, it shall see the Lord of Truth working with the Sword of Truth, without respect to persons, that all who respond not shall be cut off that they may fall away, and that all who respond may be uplifted and set free. If any should undertake to resist the work of the Sword of Truth in the earth, as they see individuals or companies or nations resist under that Sword, then those who resist, instead of interceding, would likewise fall under the Sword and under the Fire. I pray that the work of intercession shall never be hindered, and that the work of the Sword of Truth may accomplish that which is necessary. In this you see more clearly the work to which the One Christ Body is called on earth. [We Are Not In The Old World Any More: greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2022/09/we-are-not-in-old-world-any-more.html]

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