March 15, 2015

A Shifting Of The Triangle Must Now Take Place

A  Shifting  Of  The  Triangle  Must  Now  Take  Place

from  Principles  of  Creative  Triangles  and Cycles

Uranda   July 27, 1946  3 p.m.  Sunrise Ranch

We have been considering the Sabbath rest in the Lord. With respect to certain focalizations in the Body, we have been considering today certain of the beginnings of the new cycles of activity being born from within that Sabbath rest in the Lord. As we rest in the Lord we find that many things do begin to open up. We begin to see possibilities that can very easily come into the form of reality on earth. I mention that merely as an indication of that which is to be, because already from within that rest in the Lord, we see the beginning of that new cycle which the Lord hath ordained. 

This afternoon I would like to consider with you, in the beginning of our service at least, certain principles of reality in connection with creative triangles and cycles.  You have recognized for some time, in a theoretical, intellectual sense at least, and perhaps to some degree in realization, the great triangle which provides the creative base upon which this world was brought forth, the focalization which permitted that which we behold. We have recognized Orion and the Pleiades, with our sun as the apex in this solar system, as the cosmic base of the creative activity which found expression here. 

We have considered this same principle in relationship to specific phases of manifestation, but now I would like to draw your attention to a creative triangle that is of immediate importance in connection with that which has been, and certain shiftings of the triangle with respect to that which shall be. You already have some recognition of the fact that in order to establish a negative point of polarity in the earth a commission was given to the Lord of the Sacred Three by which the positive point of polarity natural to his position was to a very high degree relinquished insofar as function was concerned, in order to establish for the world, in the world, a negative point of polarity. 

Since this situation in the world is of cosmic importance, and since in all the cosmos there is interest in the outworking here being made manifest and since all cooperation possible has been provided from out of the cosmos, and since this world is a part of the solar system, and since we recognize that this process is essentially a process of creation, although we sometimes speak of it as recreation, an examination of the factors involved shows that the creative triangle had to be established according to laws and principles that would let the highest degree of this cosmic force be utilized in the accomplishment of the essential purpose. Therefore a creative triangle was set up recently—that is, about the beginning of this century—for a specific purpose. 

One point of the triangle was established in the Sun; one point of the triangle was established in the LORD of Lords in the Inner Planes; the third point of the triangle was established in the outer world in the Lord of the Sacred Three, to provide the manifestation of the negative polarity to the positive polarity, that the creative field might be established, cycles set up, results achieved according to the conditions of the world as they now are.  That is the basis upon which we have been operating, the basis by means of which the One Christ Body was focalized and brought forth to the degree that you see it manifest in the womb of the world's darkness. 

I have spoken of the birth of the Body. In a sense it is the birth of the Body; in another sense it is simply the entrance of life into the Body while it still remains in the womb with respect to the events yet to come. In any case it is recognized that the negative point of polarity that was arbitrarily established is properly contained, focalized, in the Body itself, which is in season to become the Head of the expanded expression of the Kingdom on earth.  That triangle in the creative cycles has worked effectively. The time is approaching when a shifting in the triangle must take place. 

The new manifestation of the triangle must be a shifting to contain the creative triangle within the Whole Holy World—one point established in the LORD of Lords, one point in the Lord of the Sacred Three, and one point in the One Christ Body made manifest. This means that the sphere of negative function which has been focalized heretofore in the Lord of the Sacred Three will be relinquished as rapidly as possible to the Body. It also means that two points of the triangle will then manifest in the Negative Triune World, one point remaining in the Inner Planes, focalized in the LORD of Lords. This provides a means by which the cycles of the expression of control with respect to the outer planes becomes more compact, as it were, more definitely brought into the field of control with respect to the Negative Triune World. 

In this shifting of the triangle, which must be permitted to manifest in the comparatively near future, we shall be permitted to have in manifestation, insofar as this activity is directly concerned, the absolute positive and the absolute negative in this outer world. Now of course there is the positive center of control in the Inner Planes, which is never overlooked, and to which the negative point of polarity must respond in order to make the triangle a reality. Nevertheless we are coming to the point where in this outer world the absolute positive and the absolute negative shall manifest for the purposes of the Kingdom. In a very real sense, vibrationally speaking, this means the coming of heaven into the world. 

You have already experienced that coming of heaven individually and collectively to a high degree, on the basis of the triangle now in operation; but whether it is immediately clear or not as to the reasons, that triangle now in operation is not suited to the completion of the work. It is a means by which the expression of heaven has been projected into the earth, but it cannot be the means of actually bringing heaven into the earth. In this move, where the two points of polarity of immediate importance with respect to the setting up of the Kingdom are in the world, it becomes something that is operating in the Negative Triune World; that is, from the standpoint of the Cosmos, from the standpoint of the center of our Solar World, from the standpoint of this Whole Holy World.  There we have a very great and important distinction. 

You have, during this period of the past up to the present, recognized that positive point of polarity in the world and accepted and responded to it, else you could not be here; but it has been at the same time the manifestation for you of the absolute negative to the point of polarity in the triangle established in the LORD of Lords. You recognize that to be true, don't you? Then we see that only one corner of the triangle has been and is actually in outer manifestation. This shift in the triangle, which is to take place in its appointed season as you continue to function in a manner that will let it be so, will not immediately change to any great or appreciable degree that which you see in the outer world. Because of your viewpoint, because of your recognition already established, the change in function from the standpoint of one triangle to the other will not make a great deal of difference, because you have come on the basis of the fundamental facts of the potential of that triangle as you have harmonized around the one manifest point. 

As the Body assumes responsibility with respect to the negative point of the triangle, and that responsibility is conveyed or relinquished by the Lord of the Sacred Three and he is permitted to establish his function on the basis of the absolute positive in the outer world, the spread there in a vibrational sense will not essentially change that which you already recognize; but you will find, as you function correctly in your places and we continue to operate, that there will begin to appear a very great change with respect to the manifestation and expression of power in an absolute sense, controlled. And the other corner of our triangle will be established in the LORD of Lords. 

Since He is in fact near at hand with respect to what we are doing, we are bringing the triangle down now, as it were, in the near future, in size to something that extends from the seen to the Inner Planes, and from these two points there is a focalization here to one point in the outer planes; therefore, comparatively speaking, it is a very small triangle. By reason of Unit response, we know that the LORD of Lords is near at hand; He is not far away. You know that I am not far away. You know that you are near unto Him and you are near unto me. It simply means that with respect to the points of outer control, we have the positive and the negative in the field out here, setting the vibrations with respect to the inner point of the triangle, so that we do not have to work simply on the basis of control from the Inner Planes. 

In a sense you have not felt that all of the control was in the Inner Planes; in other words your outer recognition with respect to your consciousness has seen two things in one point. Now that point must elongate, so to speak, and make a line, so that there is a positive and negative recognition in the outer—not two things at one point. To the degree that this fundamental shift in the cosmic outworking here in the world is seen, recognized and realized, the reasons for it are felt and known by the Body; so, when the time comes, recognition of that shift is in consciousness and function is made manifest accordingly on the basis of this comparatively small, compact triangle. 

Therefore we shall have for the time being what we may call a limited field of creative function. Actually our field has been small in one sense, although it has been spread out into the world considerably. In a vibrational sense we have had to depend upon this large triangle. To the degree that the negative point of the triangle comes into its place, functioning consciously and effectively in that place, it will permit a tremendous increase in the manifestation of the power of God on earth. It is in fact the coming of heaven into the earth vibrationally speaking, in a way that lets that vibrational fact which is polarized in form in the outer world, be the means by which heaven may manifest in the whole earth. 

I do not necessarily expect you to fully comprehend all of this, but I feel that you have a considerable grasp of its significance. Various points will come clear as we go along, but I should like to pause here now for such comments as you may feel to be in order from within your own heart. 

Richard Thompson  It would be true to say that heaven must be an absolute positive, and that there could not be a complete coming down of heaven into earth until there was established in the outer world the absolute positive.

Uranda  That is right. In other words, as long as the positive and negative poles in the triangle were not in the world in the absolute sense, heaven and earth could not become one. When we have that established in the outer in fact—not something hoped for, not something we tried to achieve—then in a vibrational sense heaven has come into the earth, and the manifestation of that must appear as these creative cycles between these two points of polarity are maintained.

William Oshanek  Uranda, from the standpoint of these negative and positive points of the triangle out in the outer world, heretofore, in order to establish the Christ Body, the Lord of the Sacred Three had to assume a negative aspect of function. As you are permitted to resume your own function as absolute positive of the Body, this elongated negative point is created, but at the same time you would be focalizing in the outer world the positive and negative points of the polarity of the three outer planes into the Inner Planes. From the standpoint of your own personal function there would be changes purely in the sense of being more positive as a Head, but you would still remain in the Body.

Uranda  I should still, in a sense, be a part of the Body. I wanted to give you a picture of the fundamental changes coming into manifestation. It will be a change because, in the first place, you have recognized that, regardless of wavering or uncertainties or questionings or struggles, my focalization here has maintained the absolute negative focalization for you to the LORD of Lords. That has been held here as a projection, as it were, around which certain individuals were drawn and, revolving around it, they became a part of it.

The first manifestation of the incarnation in this vibrational sense was of the Lord of the Sacred Three, and not of the Lord of the Sacred Seven; but as the Lord of the Sacred Three is permitted to relinquish that field of function with respect to the negative aspect to the Body, and to move out of it and away from it, so to speak, then the direct vibration of the other angle of the triangle, of the Lord of the Sacred Seven, incarnates in the Body and it becomes a dual incarnation in a sense; in other words from these two points there is an apex where these two points meet, and the negative aspect is at that point. Then we have something that, as the coordination is maintained in the negative aspect, so that it does not waver, is not pulled this way or that by anything that happens in the world, permits absolute control in the outer and in the inner, and with two currents focalized and meeting at the point of the positive, something is bound to happen.

First, you are in the Sabbath rest of the Lord, learning, simply to be that Body, with the positive point of reality, so to speak, incarnate in it in the closer sense. Then when it has become that Body, so that it is sufficiently stable, sufficiently unified in the fire, sufficiently established in the truth, so that there could be a withdrawal—that is the way it will work out. While this will be a withdrawal in one sense, to make way for something else, the focalization of the spirit incarnate in that Body still remains absolute. That also permits in a real or new degree the coming of the Spirit of Love into the Body, incarnating in the Body manifest in the positive and negative aspects to make the complete union. It must be one, but it is with respect to that that we find these focalizations outworking.  When it is seen that this outworking is simply a natural reversal of that which the Great Master worked out when He was on earth, and you function accordingly, it will all become clear and be absolute.

He said: "Before the Spirit of Truth can come to you, I must go to my Father." He had to withdraw from the body that He had been forming in order to let the new incarnation in that body appear. That group did not hold together to let the incarnation take place. Now, the manifest point of this positive control has formed something of which you are the parts. Just as the fulness of the Spirit of Truth could not come to them until He had withdrawn from the body, so the fulness of the Spirit of Love cannot come into this Body until the manifest expression here withdraws from the Body; but because the manifest expression thus assumed properly belongs on earth, that focalization does not have to go to the Inner Planes. The focalization that belongs in the Inner Planes is in the Inner Planes, so this withdrawal that must come in season is not the withdrawal of separation, but it must be a real withdrawal with respect to vibrations and focalizations involved.

That will permit the outpouring of the Spirit of Love in a new sense and on a new basis—not through the Spirit of Truth, but a direct expression from the LORD of Lords into that Body, on a vibration of focalization at an apex with the Spirit of Truth. Then these two radiations, blending, fusing, at one point in the Body, provide the outpouring of the holy spirit in the greater sense, toward which we are moving and which the LORD of Lords had set so that it could have been made manifest at that time. The manifestation of the Lord of the Sacred Three was there, but the Body did not stay steady and the parts of the Body started running before the Lord. At that time this same process working the other way could have come into manifestation. That was why I told you that in 70 A.D. the Master's prophecies could have been fulfilled.

Now we find that all the principles are exactly the same, and it is simple, because the Lord of the Sacred Seven is in the Inner Planes and the Lord of the Sacred Three is manifest and he has control of the outer manifestation of the Body. To the degree that the Body manifests properly, he can withdraw from the Body without leaving the Body, in a way that will let the Lord of Love come into you, just as the Master promised that the Spirit of Truth would come into them. As they functioned properly they began to feel that current, but they scattered under the pressure of it, started going this way and that, started functioning according to human concepts instead of remaining focalized and letting that current work according to the triangle, because the triangle that was being set up then is just the same as the one that is to be set up in the near future, but now we are setting it up again on a different basis.

Then it was the withdrawal of the Lord of the Sacred Seven, to permit this focalization. This time it is the withdrawal of the Lord of the Sacred Three from the point, without actually leaving the Body. This permits a manifestation of the positive and negative aspects on earth, so that the negative aspect will contain this union of the Spirits—the Spirit of Love and the Spirit of Truth centered at one point in the One Christ Body on earth.

The Lord of the Sacred Seven was the only One who could do the job then. It had to be Him because of many factors, some of which you may recognize, some perhaps not. He had to work primarily on His own current to build that which was the expression of the Spirit of Love. He used the Truth—the Truth was there—just as you have seen the Spirit of Truth in operation in manifest form, using the current of Love. They were not separate; but He was building it on His current, which was the only one He could build it on, and that did not emphasize to human minds the point of the truth. He made the form clear enough, but because of directions of response and attention, while it could have, and should have, worked out—I am not offering them any excuse—but you see how it is clearer to us than it was to them.

Then it was built on the primary current of the Spirit of Love; now it is built on the primary current of the Spirit of Truth, which makes it have a more stable form. If they had held steady, the spirit, the form in the truth, would have been there. As we approach this point of the greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the focalizations are firmer. You have been able to come from the standpoint of the Spirit of Truth, which has emphasized every conceivable angle of truth that your minds could possibly bring up, or demand an answer to, no matter what field you moved into. The Great Master did not do that; it was not necessary. The power of His personality and love was enough, and you have felt that when you have come close to the current. You start in with your questionings and when you get in there they are gone. Working all around His personality He gave the principles, He conveyed the ideas, He did not fall down on His job; but it simply did not take hold on the same basis. There could not be, in the sphere of those responding to Him, the questioning that has been possible and permissible in this development.

Richard Thompson  As far as this Body is concerned there is absolute acceptance of the Spirit of Truth, and that Spirit of Truth is manifest, and he is not going to retire from manifestation.  He will still be here to direct, shape and control, up to the point where that absolute negative response to the LORD of Lords is thoroughly established.

Uranda  That point is very good, because then the One who builded it had to withdraw, and they did not accept the focalization with respect to the Lord of the Sacred Three. This time it is the Lord of the Sacred Three who has builded on a basis that does not require his withdrawal. It could not be established that way then, under the circumstances. Now the control is more easily recognized with respect to the Truth than it was then.

The spiritual approach is not the most difficult of achievement actually, but it is the most difficult for human beings to accept. It would have been so much easier for humanity to come in on that current than to come in on this current, because the necessities of acceptance have become more stringent. At the time of the First Sacred School it was still easier for the world, but more difficult from the divine standpoint. Then it became more difficult both ways, and here we have this outworking.

Consider this fact. I said that the LORD of Lords was the only One who could have come through with respect to the mental. Suppose the Lord of Truth had attempted to come through on the mental. There would have been no way of focalizing the Spirit of Love in that level to let the job be done. The Lord of Truth was able to function in the mental realm, but he would have had to get enough of the current of the LORD of Lords—i.e., His Spirit of Love into that form at that level—to allow fusion to take place. Working through his point, humanity would not have accepted it. Now, coming in at the spiritual expression level, and demanding expression at that level or not at all, we function at the level of Love where it is made manifest naturally in the world. The Spirit of Truth coming into that level—it is a reversal again of the same principle; that is, utilizing the same principles—we see the same plan in operation.

Joe Wilson  With reference to the Great Master's ministry, as I understand it, it was necessary for Him to withdraw to the Inner Planes in order to set up the triangle that was needed. Why did He have to withdraw? Why could He not have stayed?

Uranda  I am glad you asked that. He is the Lord of the Sacred Seven, the LORD of Lords of the One Christ Body, and the Head of the Whole Holy World. The only place where He could establish a focalization of the triangle and hold it effectively with respect to absolute control would be in His place, which means in the Inner Planes, at the level of His natural dominion; otherwise His dominion, that which is really His kingdom, would be above Him. That which is of the kingdom of the Lord of Truth would be below Him, but His kingdom would be above Him. That meant that He had to return to the place of focalization at the head of His kingdom in order to have the whole Inner Realm of God Beings working with Him, to have the absolute control with respect to that point of the triangle, so that there could be this manifestation in respect to the Negative Triune World.

While He was on this earth for a time, one of the focal God Beings who normally functions in the Sun came to the Inner Planes of this Whole Holy World, and in conjunction with the Lord of the Sacred Five—these two God Beings—filled that place. If the triangle had been established in them it would have had to work, insofar as the Whole Holy World is concerned, from the point of the fifth plane and not from the point of the seventh plane. In that case the LORD of Lords would have actually had to relinquish His place in the Whole Holy World completely and channel it to some other God Being, which in the very nature of the structure could not be. This would have necessitated a shift in the whole Cosmos, just to satisfy the whims of man. It is not going to work that way.

Joe Wilson   I suppose the same explanation would apply to the withdrawal of the Lord of the Sacred Three in setting up another point in the triangle?

Uranda  Yes, that is exactly the point, because from the standpoint of the cosmic setup the GOD of Gods does not propose to make a shift through the whole Cosmos just because human beings are stubborn. I suppose if He were so petitioned by God Beings, He might consider such a matter, but the God Beings would not think, under any circumstance, of proposing such a thing.  It would make the GOD of all Gods become negative to all humanity. I am glad it has come out like this and I surely appreciate that question, because through it there has come a definitely clear realization as to exactly why it has to be so, and I do not care whether humanity is saved or not, it is going to be so. If humanity is not saved it is not God's fault.

William Oshanek  I would like to state at this point that it becomes clear to us that the presently constituted members of the Christ Body have a great deal for which to be thankful, because we have not had to contend with great difficulties and disadvantages as did the Lord's servants and prophets in past ages. We have been born into this time toward which all prophets have looked with longing and anticipation, and now we see the fruitage of all the unceasing toil of those whom the Lord called to work out a means by which man could be saved from self-destruction. Therefore we should never disparage any of those who have contributed in any way toward this final outworking. Not one of us can help but have a feeling of elation that, at last we have reached a point of the climax of this greatest drama of the ages, in which we are privileged to take an important role and carry to a successful conclusion the work which the Great Master started.

Uranda  I praise the Lord for your expression, William. All those back through the line have had something to do with it, and we recognize that it is not any special credit to us that we are here and have that privilege, because there were many back along the way who longed to see this day.  There was one who was promised twice, according to Biblical record, that he would see it, and the Lord keeps His promises.

I think at a time like this there is a spiritual communion on a higher level than ever before. You see and feel things that you have not seen and felt before in the same way. You have been sensing these things, you have been, as it were, beholding in a glass darkly, but now you see face to face. We have been moving from glory unto glory under the blessings of our King, but there are still greater glories yet, still greater wonders yet—it has only started. If you could keep in your minds that we have just begun to reach the point of beginning; actually, all that we have done so far is to simply begin to get into position to do something.

You can see why I have not tried to do the things until the machinery for doing them was set up. As the Lord draws you to the point where you can see these things and know them, not just because I say so but because you find the words ringing to the depths of your being, because you know that it is true, you recognize the responsibility, the privilege, and above all, the fact that in the human sense, just as what you have beheld is impossible, so is that which is yet to be, impossible of accomplishment in human strength. All that I have unfolded before with respect to the Master's ministry, and with respect to what you have seen in my ministry—I have talked about various phases of it before—but you know that no human mind could see, detect, shape or mold that which is coming into manifestation, all these years of work coming to a point where you have seen it today. It is taking form and begins to shape in its place. That could not be humanly achieved—to recognize these triangles as they were back there, how they related to what the Master said He had to do, how it is bound up with what is taking place now. These things are not human achievements, and you know it. Just so, things ahead of us cannot be human achievements. Do you see any possible excuse for any questioning or doubt as we move forward, letting the Lord's will be done?

© emissaries of divine light

1 comment:

Lucille said...

I very much appreciate the opportunity of reading this particular transcript; there was much to take in, to absorb, because Uranda described clearly in detail what has worked out according to a Cosmic Plan since the Master's time on earth to the present---all that unfolded, transpired, over those many years to what we have now. I took the time to read this a few times because of a deep love in my heart for the spirit of Uranda's words, for all that he conveyed---of great importance was the shift of the Triangle that was to take place, and deeply thankful I am for Martin's Spirit. Thank you, David, for sharing another of Uranda's Spirit and words.