September 28, 2020

Time Travel

Time  Travel

Alan Hammond   August 22, 1999  in the Blue Book

The human consciousness is a most wonderful instrument of divine action—for one thing, it’s multi-dimensional. It can function in various ranges of vibratory substance. For example, there are the stratums of time and space, of thought, of feeling, and of quality. However, because it now has less fine substance available, there are many aspects of divine technology which should operate through this consciousness which are now incomprehensible to it. One remnant experience is what we call “feelings”, but because of this lack of fine substance, those hints of creative arenas are no longer meaningful to the outer human mind. The most dominant range of vibration to human consciousness now is probably the dimension of time and space. However, this currently is an unbalanced experience. The most dominant awareness should be that of True Identity. This is a qualitative factor, so that’s why we tend to emphasize the necessity of reintroducing more vividly the sense of Divine Identity. This is the starting point for the restoration to a balanced consciousness.

I thought this morning it might be of some value to explore the use of consciousness in the realm of time and space. It is possible, after all, to time travel in consciousness. We can quite easily go into the past or the future, and from an Angelic point of view there are reasons to go into the past or future from time to time. For example, there are, for some people, events in their past experience which they had interpreted as destructive. That interpretation may have remained with them in the ongoing cycles of their lives, and we know that so-called destructive events in a person’s past can certainly mar the experience of life now. So, identified as the Creator, we can go back into the past, revisit such an event, and change it in consciousness. We could probably all think of such happenings in our own lives. But I ask you, “Did not that experience eventually cause a greater expression of Divine character in you? Didn’t you need to mature to overcome the effects of such an event?” Sometimes people look at destructive interactions with their parents, for example, and blame their parents for their present misery. But we can go back to that interaction and see now that our parents were psychologically damaged goods themselves, and we can understand why they behaved the way they did, and forgive them. Or in retrospect we may discover that our interpretation of circumstances was very incomplete or inaccurate in our then immature minds.

In any case, if we have trouble changing our experience of the past in the ways I’ve just described, surely that event back there was part of the life process which has brought us to today and our awareness of True Identity, to whatever degree, and to the quality of that Identity and of our purpose of expressing this quality in every moment? That is a tremendous position to be in on Earth. So we look back to uncomfortable events and realize they were not as destructive as we may have thought. We are thankful for them, actually, because they brought us to where we are now. So we’ve just visited the past, and if we need to, we can do it again and continue to change our false interpretations.

We can also travel into the future. Let’s do that. Let’s go to our deathbeds, assuming we’ll be in bed! But anyway, let’s visit our last gasp! Surely at that moment we wish to look back upon our lives on Earth and have it have been a glorious cycle of experience and Divine achievement? So there in the future we’re looking back to today, which is in the past as far as that future point is concerned. We’re looking back to August 22, 1999. And here we are, and what do we do? We intensify our awareness of our Divine Identity, and we intensify our aspiration to give expression to the wonderful Being that we are. So we’re coming out of the future into the present. That’s a form of time travel, and that too was a creative journey.

Let’s take a different look at time and space. There is a specific relationship between time and space—they’re two aspects of this dimension which most people find dominant. There are heavenly bodies moving through space. Without this there would be no time. Time is perceived and measured because heavenly bodies—planets, moons, and so on—move through space. That creates the experience of time. For example, the rotation of the Earth measures days, the movement of the moon around the Earth creates months, and the Earth traveling around the Sun creates years—so you can see that space and time are two aspects of this dimension.

And here’s an interesting thing. We have radiation coming towards the Earth from everywhere else—that is our future. The radiation coming towards us contains factors which constitute the future for this Earth, but you’ll notice it’s in the past. When we look at the light traveling to us from other places, we know that actually that light originated in the past. Anyway, what is coming towards us is our future. Once it reaches us, and leaves us, going out beyond—it’s then in our past. Once it’s leaving us it’s in our past, and it will be the future for whatever it’s moving towards. Incidentally, as the radiation leaves the Earth and moves out, it obviously mixes with and therefore modifies the radiation coming towards us, so that our past affects our future. And actually the radiation coming towards us meets the radiation that is leaving us, so the future is also modifying the past.

Now all this may seem rather meaningless to this point, but it isn’t. One obvious fact here is that just out beyond us is a mixture of the past and the future. And whereas we can see it most easily in this planetary sense, it is also true for us as individuals. When we express something it is immediately in our past, but it is in our world’s future. And when anybody expresses something in the world, that is in our future and their past. And the same principle of the mixing of past and future radiation goes on all around us individually.

This may seem to be getting us nowhere, but it actually brings us to the point. And the point is: The significance of where I AM, here and now. Outside of this point where I AM, is a mixture of future and past vibratory factors. This is why we emphasize the matter of coming into perfect expression of True Identity—I AM, because who I AM is the undimensional Identity, the Eternal Presence. The starting point for all real experience is the true, qualitative Identity. Here is, you might say, the truth back of man’s desire to travel in space and travel in time. The greatest journey in time is to come into the present moment. And the greatest journey in space is to actually be where the physical body is. Most people are not in that state. They think they are. If you ask someone if they are present, here and now, they would say, “Well of course I am.” But it is virtually never the True Identity that is present. The identity answering is invariably a mish-mash, psychically speaking, of  “I was”, and “I will be”, which we don’t have time to analyze now, but that identity is a mixture of  “I was”, riddled with guilt and regret, or “I will be”, full of dissatisfaction and fear.

The greatest accomplishment of space and time travel is to come out of the undimensional levels of Being into the dimension of time and space here and now. And the only way one can successfully arrive here and now is by the balanced presence of I AM—the undimensional reality. Then when we are where our physical bodies are, in space, we begin to correctly administer the other vibratory factors coming to and leaving us. Only an undimensional Identity can handle the complex material of time and space. Most people are not physically where their physical bodies are. Often they want to be somewhere else, or they’re trying to populate where they are with people that aren’t there, or get rid of people and things that are there, and so on and so forth. They are not actually the Angelic Identity present where their physical body is. So the greatest journey is into True Identity—and then, we find ourselves where I AM in true position in the dimension of time and space. There is an absolute time, which is the same throughout the whole cosmos, and that is now. In the cosmic now, radiation is emerging out of the undimensional levels of Being simultaneously everywhere. And that simultaneous radiation is coordinated as it starts moving through the dimension of time and space, so that the cosmic action is in fact one action. Now that’s a vast organization, and let’s remember that our lives are part of this. As we are present in the here and now in True Identity, we are coordinated with the single action which is emerging through the whole cosmos in each moment.

Another aspect of this subject relates to memory. What is memory?  Memory is the impression of a moment registered in atomic substance. I suppose that’s how digital memory is emerging in the computer world—that is a crude copy of a divine technology. Anyway, an atom receives the vibratory impulse of the moment, and that imprint constitutes memory. In the human consciousness there is this storage of atomic substance then, which contains the memories of the moments of our lives. But in the fallen state these memories become crystallized—especially the highly charged destructive ones (as they were interpreted then anyway.) Those impressions are crystallized—petrified one might say, by intense emotion at the time. In the individual case, the healing of memory relates to the bathing of these atoms in the Tone, by the spirit of the Creator. We already touched on this process when we traveled into the past. But when the healing radiation of Spirit is allowed to touch the crystallized atomic memory, it dissolves that impression, and the dissolution of that pattern begins to cause the memories and the feelings related to them to dissolve. That is healing. This core pattern of healing within the individual can obviously affect that person’s whole world. You can see how, in this way, that memory patterns tend to be the DNA of a person’s world. So as we let the distorted, destructive memories be changed through radiation from the present, we find those memories dissolve and come no more to mind. It is as if they never were.

This is a microcosmic or holographic example of what is true also of the Archangelic Consciousness, Body, and experience. Mankind’s consciousness has become crystallized, and distorted in a crystallized state. As a result, of course, everything that human consciousness looks at is distorted and crystallized. The view of the cosmos has become a crystallized thing, and everything is not at all what it appears to be. We, as focalizations of the Archangelic Spirit—I AM THAT I AM—are responsible for a much bigger task than merely healing our own individual psyches. This consideration this morning is part of the process of awakening to this larger responsibility as the Archangel—I AM THAT I AM—relative to the Archangelic distorted memory and the subsequent distorted Archangelic Body and its function in the universal design. That seems a very large task. However, there’s only one vast Spirit and we are part of it. And such a consideration as this morning’s is part of the generation of finer substance in which we may become aware of a larger Self, and our larger responsibility in the Whole.

So we’re present undimensionally, looking into this dimension of time and space, seeing how we can, through the human consciousness we have, move around much more flexibly than the outer consciousness was previously aware of. We can move into the past and the future—releasing creative radiation into the past, which brings healing there—or into the future, sending forth radiant lines of force which influence the movement of, shall we call them particles, or the circumstances of the future. But we can only do this as we are, in expression, the Creator. This surely is a great adventure. And we realize now more than ever that we are not bodies, minds and hearts with a Spirit. We are Spirit with a body, a mind, and a heart. Our dominant experience is of the glorious quality of our own Beingness. That’s not an egotistical claim because it’s true of everybody—and everything else too. This is who we are. And our radiant action at whatever level, as fitting in the moment, is what we are eternally about.

We are redefining ourselves, redefining mankind, and redefining man’s experience on Earth—not making it up but letting it emerge naturally out of the undimensional, letting it shine into the dimensional and reveal itself in those levels of substance. This is a wonderful, magical activity. It’s not a matter of trying to do something—it’s a matter of letting the reality of our Beings shine into the lower levels of substance—some of which we’re aware, some of which we’re not aware (speaking of the outer mind now.) We know that the effect of that shining is to create heaven in those levels.

We’ve already healed many distorted memories of the past, so they don’t come to mind anymore. And this frees us, frees up the substance of consciousness from crystallization so that our Spirit, emerging out of the undimensional, moment by moment, can clothe itself exactly through fine and pliable substance as it wishes to now, no longer distorted by crystallizations of the past. This is not merely an exercise of self-improvement for our own benefit. We are an integral part of a bigger design. So if something creative is happening in us, it’s happening in the larger design also, and that’s our joy. We’re not living for ourselves, we’re living in and for the Whole, moment by moment.